There was a strong pungent smell in the air, and Monica was not used to it. Not far away was an abandoned city. This was the first time in her life that she saw a city where humans once lived.

Many houses have almost completely turned dark, and a small part of them can still see their original appearance. It is already 9 o'clock in the morning. Monica did not come down that night, but walked for a while and found a shelter from the wind. Place to sleep.

This was still on the outskirts of the city. Monica walked to the side of a road and looked at some dismantled cars and skeletons that had been integrated with the ground.

This was the first time Monica had seen these things, and her mother had never told her anything about what she saw. In the past, when Monica was a child, she had asked her mother many things about their journey after the apocalypse, but her mother had never mentioned it.

Monica has also watched some doomsday-themed movies and TV series, which are movies and TV series from human society in the past. She has always felt that they are exactly the same as those in those movies and TV series.

But now Monica doesn't think so. Everything in front of her looks creepy. She doesn't know what human energy was in the past. When she was sensible, although life was more difficult and she experienced heavy snow, for Monica This seems like nothing.

Childhood memories kept resurfacing, and Monica remembered her mother's sad profile, which was the look her mother always showed every time she asked about the doomsday situation.

So Monica asked less and less frequently. Although she was still a little confused, she knew that her mother would be sad when she asked.

After Monica continued walking for a while, she saw a dilapidated house. After walking over, she saw many corpses, which had hardened and turned black and could only be identified by their shape.

The tragic scene in front of me was probably that it was hit by artillery shells, and then the house collapsed. The people in the house must have died at that time.

Monica continued to walk forward, paying attention to everything around her. Her perception was very strong, and the gods had specially trained her in this aspect.

Soon Monica arrived at the entrance to the city. The sight in front of her made her extremely shocked. The whole street was full of corpses. This was something Monica could not imagine. She couldn't help but cover her mouth.

After arriving on the street, Monica felt a chill running down her spine. In addition to corpses, most of the surrounding houses were damaged to varying degrees. It was obvious that they were fighting over something, or that a massacre had occurred.

There was silence all around, except for the whining sound of the wind blowing from time to time, like some kind of whimpering.

Monica looked around. She had to find traces of activity before she could confirm something. Although she still doubted whether what Jade said was true, because Monica didn't see anything new now. traces of activity.

Monica continued walking along the street. She looked around. At this time, Monica saw a house. When he walked in, he found that the house was full of broken things, and many things had signs of being demolished. .

"Can such a world really survive?"

Monica couldn't help but become suspicious, because she had never thought about the end of the world, maybe it existed, but it only existed in her own fantasy. She couldn't imagine how humans could survive at that time.

Soon Monica came to the end of a street. There were some collapsed houses in front of her. Monica felt something and she ran over. Sure enough, she saw the collapsed place. There were some signs of activity, and it was very new, unlike the surrounding ones. Some environments seem out of place.

It was the trace of a car. Monica continued walking along the trace. She was already on high alert. As long as there was the slightest sign of trouble, Monica would immediately launch an attack.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps on Monica's left side, and in an instant Monica leaned over and jumped over.


With a loud noise, Monica's fist directly smashed through a wall, and the powerful red particles destroyed the front wall in an instant.

"Stop it Monica."


Monica deflected her fist, and in front of her was a horrified elite mutant from the Special Investigation Bureau.

"Deputy Director, you almost killed me."

Only then did Monica see clearly that it was Kramer leading three elite mutants.

"Why did you just come here? You obviously left before us."

Monica looked at the tired people and smiled helplessly.

"I was so sleepy halfway through that I fell asleep for a few hours."

Then Kramer took Monica to the end of the car's track on the ruins. The car disappeared on a road. The road was obviously dilapidated. If a car with such a deep indentation drove past, it would definitely leave traces.

"We have searched many places in the south. Except for the relatively new traces here, there are no new traces elsewhere. Maybe they have been here before, but they did not have a stronghold here."

Monica took out a cigarette, lit it and took a puff. Three subordinates were also looking around.

"Keep walking. I think we will get the results today. If there are no traces in other areas, we will go back, so that Jade guy can feel more at ease."

After Kramer finished speaking, he looked at Monica's expression. She looked a little dull, and there was something wrong in her eyes.

"What's wrong Monica?"

Only then did Monica remember that Kramer was someone who had experienced the apocalypse and survived all the way. After all, he was almost 50.

"Can you tell me? How did you get here all the way before? It was so miserable after all. It's really hard for you to survive..."

"It's lucky."

Kramer laughed helplessly, and several other team members also came over with interest. They were already in this grassland when they began to remember.

"Actually, it's nothing. I'm really lucky."

Kramer looked at the four people helplessly. They all wanted to hear a story, and then Kramer pointed to a house not far away.

"Let's go over there and I'll tell you a little bit."

After a while, Kramer lit a cigarette, and he showed a somewhat unspeakable expression. Monica noticed that his expression was the same as her mother's.

"Where do I start? By the way, I won't talk about my past."

Kramer lowered his head and fell into a brief silence, with a trace of sadness in his eyes, and then he began to speak.

Kramer originally took his fiancée to travel to a small tropical country in the southern part of State Y.

When the disaster happened, no one realized what happened, and the upper echelons of the country didn't know either. Because the country was too small, everyone could only see the colorful sky after the blazing white light in the sky.

In just 48 hours, riots broke out in the small country where Kramer and his family were located. He took his fiancée to hide in a small mountain village to escape the war, but soon everyone in their mountain village discovered that this was no longer the case. War is so simple.

The food in the village began to dry up. In desperation, Kramer took his fiancée on the road after staying for less than a month. Kramer fell silent when he said this.

"Did something unpleasant happen?"

Monica asked, and Kramer said after thinking for a moment.

"It's nothing. On our way to escape, we were kidnapped by a group of people. Then, my fiancée was taken away and tortured every day. I thought about committing suicide countless times, but in the end I didn't."

Monica swallowed, and the other three looked at Kramer comfortingly, and Kramer laughed.

"It's been almost 30 years and I've never mentioned this to anyone."

After being patient for a month, Kramer finally found an opportunity to rescue his fiancée, who had been tortured and had mental problems, from the gang. He ran away with his wife.

However, on the way to escape, they would often be accompanied by hunger. Kramer knew very well that they had to find a shelter. Later, Kramer and the others heard that they could see the sun if they walked to higher places.

As long as there is sunshine, he can survive. Kramer fled with his fiancée, who was in a very unstable mental condition, and passed through many big cities.

It's basically the same everywhere. Various gangs are constantly fighting with each other, and killings for food can often be seen.

People are the biggest threat, so Kramer and his fiancée would avoid people along the way, but his fiancée still died.

Under long-term mental and physical torture, Kramer went out to look for food one day. When he came back, his wife had disappeared. Kramer last saw her under a tall building. She had fallen to pieces. Vague.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned it."

Monica said and Kramer shook his head.

"It's nothing. Some things are actually better to be spoken out. When I came here, I thought of many things in the past."

Kramer knew very well that what he saw before him was only a very small part of their escape journey in the past.

Kramer originally thought about dying with his wife, but the appearance of a woman saved him. She also escaped alone like Kramer. Under the woman's persuasion, Kramer agreed to go on the road with the woman.

The two experienced countless hardships and obstacles and finally arrived on this plateau. However, at that time they entered a relatively stable city, but everything in the city made them very clear that they had to go to a higher place. OK.

After living in the city for a while and collecting some supplies and seeds, the two left. Their departure was correct because the city broke out in a war not long after they left.

"This is the city we came to in the end. We should have arrived here earlier than God."

Monica hummed, took out a cigarette and handed one to Kramer. At this time, Kramer seemed to be missing something.

"This is probably the happiest period of my life."

Kramer and the woman fell in love. Because of the mutual help and encouragement along the way, the two settled down in this city. They just hoped to be more stable.

Among the gangs in the city at that time, the Hillman family was the strongest, followed by the Angus family. Many gangs were running the city, and everything was fine at first.

But as people kept coming in, Kramer and the woman didn't know what to do, because there were more and more people and more and more disputes.

Until one day, the Angus family had a war with some other gangs. Kramer originally thought that the Angus family was doomed, but what he didn't expect was that eight scientists appeared among them, and with their help , the Angus family won the war and successfully left the city.

Kramer regretted not following them away, and some people who seemed to understand followed them.

"I made the wrong choice. If I had taken my wife away and caught up with the gods, maybe she wouldn't have died."

Kramer said as Monica raised her hand.


Kramer hummed, and Monica had actually heard of what happened next. Kramer married another woman on the grassland. Unfortunately, the woman died, and she also died in a dispute. In the end, Kramer Then he killed many people in a rage.

"Then what exactly did you see?"

Monica asked, Kramer hesitated for a while and then said.

"Maliciousness, all I saw along the way here is malice. Human beings who should be united to tide over difficulties have all unleashed malice for themselves. Such malice continues to spread with the migration of human beings. Everyone That’s when the era of self-danger began.”

Monica sighed and patted Kramer on the shoulder.

"Let's go. If we can finish this early, I'll have a nice drink with you when I get back."

The five people started to move towards the center of the city. They were carefully checking all the traces along the way, but after half an hour, nothing was found. Monica suggested that everyone should be separated so that they could explore a larger area.

In the end, Kramer asked everyone to keep a distance of at least 30 meters. After all, if there is a problem, they can rescue each other.

"Really, that old man Jade is probably confused. It's impossible for him to live."

Monica said boringly, and then lit a cigarette. The moment the fire lit up, Monica caught a glimpse of something in the corner of her eyes. She immediately looked to the left, and there was a figure in the distance. Standing on the tall building, Monica suddenly shouted.

"Are you Alan?"

Monica ejected in an instant, but soon the man in front of her disappeared. Monica jumped directly to the rooftop of the building, making a clicking sound, and the ground beneath her feet cracked.

"Be careful ma'am, most of the houses here are very old."

A gentle voice came, and Monica raised her fists, but soon she saw the man in front of her raising his hands.

"I'm not here to fight you, I just want to talk to you. I am Alan Hillman."

Monica smiled and was about to shout, but then Alan spoke.

"You really want to know why I did this, right? If you want to know, I can tell you clearly what I saw and what I saw in humans!"

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