Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2583 Settling in the base

"When will the gods come out?"

Under the majestic mountains, many people are waiting. The first people who came here have been waiting for 5 days. Others are coming one after another. Many people can't wait and can only go back to a small town more than ten kilometers away. town and back again.

People are still arriving one after another. They are all people chosen by the gods. Many people are very excited. They can't wait to know what the gods want them to do.

At this time, the gate of the base on the long slope slowly opened. Many people exclaimed and stood up and walked over. Jean walked out of the gate, followed by seven other people. Many people came out at this moment. They were extremely excited, and some people knelt on the ground.

"You don't need to kneel down, you just need to be in awe of us."

Li Chu shouted, and many people stood up. Watching the eight gods coming down, many people cheered. People who came here in the past few days were discussing that a better life was about to come in the future, because of their number There are only more than 1,000 people, and the area nearby is very large. Living here will definitely be much better than in other towns.

"Listen, starting from today, we will take turns teaching you something. All you need to do is live here according to our requirements."

The cheers grew louder and louder, and Ellie's face next to Gene was solemn.

They had discussed everything in the past few days, and the most difficult thing for Ellie to accept was that they planned to mix the cells of eight people into food and give them to these people. This was tantamount to using human beings for alienation experiments.

Ellie shuddered when she thought about the embryonic experimental research they conducted on elite humans in the past.

"It's okay, our original intention is not for war or plunder, but to enable them to withstand a more harsh future."

Werther comforted and Ellie nodded.

"Now you can come with us and live in the base temporarily. Everyone can receive a set of clothes and a set of bedding."

In the past few days, Jean and the others have renovated some places outside the farmland and made space in some warehouses. More than 1,000 people consume a lot of supplies every day, so some storage rooms filled with canned food will soon be empty. Lose.

"People who come in first clean themselves and then change into clothes. Old clothes can be put directly into the disposal port."

Jean said, and everyone began to come up slowly. Jean had said early in the morning that they would only need to carry four or five days of rations, and there was no need to bring anything else.

It was just 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and many people were already hungry. Soon, under the guidance of Gu Yi and Rose, the men walked to the left and the women to the right. Everyone had 10 minutes to take a shower, and the two sides were already separated. Twenty bathhouses were built, and although there were more than 1,000 people, it only took a maximum of two hours to complete.

What Jean and the others made for these people was a kind of man-made fiber clothing that was very light in weight and could withstand the cold without getting too hot.

Many people exclaimed. It was impossible for them to take a bath. Many people could only wipe their bodies with hot towels. Most of them had not taken a bath for more than ten years.

The dirt on their bodies has accumulated very thickly, so the bathroom also has a microwave oscillation function, which can separate the dirt on their skin under the action of water. There are some sounds on both sides. These are the sounds of AI. It will guide these people on what to do.

Soon the first group of people who had taken a bath came out. Men wore light blue clothes and women wore orange clothes. This was also to clearly distinguish men and women. After taking a bath, many people felt as if they had been reborn. generally.

The AI's beep continued to sound, and the people who came out followed the passage and entered the base. Many people immediately screamed, but the AI ​​immediately asked them to be quiet.

It can be seen that many people cannot suppress their inner joy because they see a variety of vegetables and fruits grown in the fields. These were common foods for humans in the past, but now they only exist in memories, especially Some fruits like apples and grapes make many people salivate.

More and more people came out, and the exclamations continued. The people inside had received bedding, and began to follow the AI ​​prompts. They went to some places, spread out bedding, and then received name and identity tags. Around the farmland, a piece of Boards separated small spaces, which were just right for placing bedding.

The same is true in the warehouse. This is where they rest and sleep. There are curtains outside each small grid. This is very good for many people. The key is the mechanical equipment in the base that dazzles them. This is what they Completely unimaginable.

Even the cooking is done by robots, and some robots can be seen busy in the kitchen. Gene and the others returned to the extended table they had built outside the central control room, and waited for everyone to come in and explain the situation to them. Then let them start eating.

Some boxes were constantly being moved out by crawler-shaped robots and placed next to the canteen, along with some drinks.

Finally, at 6:20, everyone stood neatly beside the farmland, and men and women were separated.

"Everyone can have a good rest these days. The nearby AI prompts will teach you about the situation in the base. Except for some places where you can't go, you can go to other places. In the future, we will assign corresponding tasks according to your identity numbers and teach you. Give me some knowledge, and in two months, you will have to start building your own town."

After Deguna finished speaking, cheers broke out.

"We only have one request in this base: obey orders and don't cause trouble. If you have any problems, you can come to us to solve them. If anyone disobeys and causes a dispute, he will immediately lose the right to stay."

Many people nodded unconsciously. There were almost all young people here and some middle-aged people in their thirties and forties. The old people couldn't see it, because in that land, the old people without labor are the most useless.

Even relatives are of no use. Many ordinary elderly people do not receive effective medical treatment and care at all, and only death is waiting for them.

"Okay, everyone can eat. Everyone has a meal, a can, and some fruits and vegetables. Everyone who wants to drink can get a bottle. Please line up."

Everyone was so excited that they walked around the farmland and walked outside the canteen. The machine was loading metal plates with steaming food. The aroma of the food made many people cry with excitement.

After the cans are taken out, they are heated in a machine, then placed on a dinner plate, and a robotic arm opens the cans.

"It's meat."

Someone screamed, many people screamed, and soon more than 1,000 people gathered together with their own plates, all of them were family units or people who came together on the road.

Many people got drinks, which was a very happy day for them.

Some people are gobbling it down, while others are chewing it slowly, especially the canned meat. Many people will eat it in exchange. For people who have not eaten meat for more than ten years, this canned meat is the ultimate delicacy.

Because Jean and the others also grew various spices, the taste of the dishes was very good, which was completely different from what most people ate on the grassland. There were only two flavors on the grassland, sweet and salty.

Some people were wiping their tears while eating. Ellie, Werther and Tang Rao started to get ready. They planned to wait until they had eaten and drank enough before they started seeing doctors and prescribing medicines. Many of them seemed to have health problems and they had to be treated first. They slowly recuperate their bodies, and when they are almost familiar with it and their bodies have recovered a bit, they can start working again.

Soon someone finished eating first, and many women were queuing up with their children. Outside the infirmary, Tang Rao and Ai Li examined everyone's health in detail, while Werther prepared medicines for them based on the diagnosis results, and told you How to eat.

All this will be recorded by AI, and if there is an error in taking medication, AI will remind you.

The AI ​​developed by Li Chu is evolving every day, relying on continuous observation and learning of everything about humans. Such AI will make many things in the future extremely labor-saving.

Many people who had eaten began to receive some daily necessities under the prompts of the AI. Some people were already drunk. They were lying in the compartments, smiling happily.

Everything in the base is complete, they can take a bath once a week, and have rest time, and many physical tasks can be introduced with some mechanical equipment, and some people started to wander around.

The AI ​​would continue to tell them something, and many people listened attentively. Jean and the others began to count everyone's body information and asked them to eat cells from eight people, mainly to see how the cells would behave in their bodies. What kind of reaction occurs.

After everything is stable, Jean and the others plan to put a large number of cells into human water to allow more mutants to appear.

After all, no matter how much humanity develops, it will not be able to restore even half of its past level of civilization at this stage, let alone develop heavy machinery. Therefore, the best option is to let some mutant labor appear, so as to speed up the construction of human society.

After eating and drinking, many people went to pick some fruits to eat. Many people felt the unprecedented warmth in this base. Although there were houses outside, the temperature was still very low at night.

Because some people can't afford heating equipment at all, and the water they drink will have some peculiar smell. It's already 10 o'clock in the evening, and Tang Rao is still operating on a woman. This woman's illness is already very serious, but she doesn't I just know that she will definitely die if she delays it any longer.

Ellie is still seeing people, and Werther is helping people with some physical examinations. The progress is very slow. It is estimated that it will take a week to complete the physical examinations for everyone.

At this time, Gene and four other people were sitting in the office, looking at some children's information. There were 213 children under the age of 15. Gene planned to separate these children according to their intelligence, and then use different methods to teach them. .

After all, everyone has a different degree of acceptance of knowledge. Intelligence division is the best way, and the same goes for adults. But we have to start with children. Tomorrow, Gene and the others will start to create an intelligence test question for adults and children. Let’s test together.

Many of the children seemed uneducated, so they could only be tested with some graphics, and the adults were from different countries, so they could only be tested with things that most people know.

There are also a few of these people who are technicians. Gene will temporarily let them stay with him to learn some mechanical knowledge.

"Let's do this for now."

Li Chu stood up as he spoke. On a screen made of light and shadow materials, there was a large design drawing. They had completed the design of the town near the base.

The town uses an all-metal movable model instead of traditional civil construction. This is done to facilitate future experiments in various aspects, because Jean and the others don't know how bad the future will be, so the house It must become a refuge for humans.

But ordinary houses will have problems due to the relationship between temperature and wind and sand. This kind of metal house is different. Jean and the others plan to see the various physical signs of humans after living in this kind of metal house for a period of time.

If all goes well, a large number of such metal houses can be built in the future. They can be built in one piece and can be produced and spliced ​​directly by machinery without the need for manpower. They can be used directly after completion.

The most important thing is that metal can be recycled and reused, and it is much stronger than civil wood.

Moreover, many convenient mechanical equipment can be added to this kind of metal house. The overall design is by Jean and Deguna. They try to make this kind of house as convenient as possible, and it also has certain entertainment functions.

"None of us can predict what the future will look like, but what is certain is that humans must find a way to establish a stable shelter during this period."

Li Chu said, and everyone else nodded. Now the research on controllable nuclear fusion has just taken its basic shape. It is still unknown whether it will succeed in the future. If it succeeds, mankind will become prosperous again.

"There's one more thing I think it's necessary to pay attention to."

Gu Yi stood up and said, he glanced at the people who were still making noise outside.

"Tell them in advance, they may have physical changes next."

Deguna said, and the others looked solemn. This was a lie they had concocted early on.

"Do you really want to say that? They were allowed to come to the base because they had physical abnormalities and might become mutants. They were selected for this reason."

Gene thought for a moment and then nodded.

"That's all I can say now, and then slowly let out such rumors. Let most people slowly and subtly accept this reality. Until a large number of mutants appear, it will not cause too many people Shock."

Rose laughed.

"Anyway, I don't think it's a good thing, lies."

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