"Are you OK."

Chris looked at her daughter lying a little tired on the soft bed, the pot was bubbling, and a movie was playing on the screen on the wall.

Monica had been feeling dizzy for no reason recently. Mother and daughter were very lucky to be chosen. Chrissy originally planned to marry someone from the family, but in the end she gave up.

She could only continue to live a marginalized life as hard as ever, earning a little money by running around small towns. However, perhaps it was God's favor. Kris still clearly remembered that a year ago, she went to the streets as usual, and immediately Bian was told that he had been chosen by God.

This sudden joy made Chris unbelievable. In fact, Chris had always had a question. She really hoped that Gene could tell her why she was chosen.

It's just that it's difficult to have the opportunity to talk directly to God. The town outside the base is now half-constructed, and such an ultra-modern life is beyond their imagination.

In God's Town, there is no distinction between high and low, everyone is only divided into positions. Her daughter can get a good education. Chris is still ready to do some statistical work, and only needs to work 8 hours a day.

Like most people in the town, after work every day, they would go back to their small room and enjoy their private time. Chris still remembers that before the disaster struck, she had just stepped out of the society and had to work more than 10 hours a day. , even eating needs to be done within 15 minutes.

The high-paced life in modern cities makes Chris completely out of breath. Her daughter often pulls her, hoping that Chris will tell her about the past, but Chris doesn't know where to start, or not quite. Happy to recall.

People will grow up only after experiencing real hardships. The same is true for Chris. The past days are unbearable to look back on.

As well as the scenes of escaping from trouble along the way, Chris is not willing to think about it.

In the past, Chrissy was physically and mentally exhausted due to the high pressure at work every day and the interpersonal problems in the company. At that time, she was infected with many bad things, and she was almost finished.

It was her husband who pulled Kris back from the abyss. She still remembers the feeling of regaining the light, but it was only short-lived. Just when Kris thought her life would be on the right track, the end came. .

Chris and her husband were like most people who fled all the way. They had no destination. Their only idea was to find a place with water and land to live, avoiding big cities.

Because if you want to survive in the big city, you must become more brutal and cruel than others.

The couple went through countless hardships along the way, and finally bathed in light again on this grassland. Although they experienced several hardships, everything got better.

Chris looked at the steaming mist in the pot. She missed her husband again. He protected her along the way and gave her the best of everything. However, her husband had already become ill from overwork. In the first few days after the child was born, He died within a year.

Chris had thoughts of suicide countless times, but she held back in the end because she was able to survive until now because of her daughter Monica.

"Monica, mom is talking to you."

Monica lay on the bed and opened her eyes tiredly.

"Mom, I'm a little tired."

Chris put down the kitchen utensils in her hands, walked over, and found that Monica had a fever.

"Let's go to the base."

After Chris hurriedly turned off the power, she went out with her daughter in her arms. She was surrounded by identical two-story metal cabins, with bedrooms and activity rooms above, and kitchens and living rooms below. They were only less than 40 square meters. But it is very good for everyone who lives in it.

All facilities in the small house are complete, and many facilities are fully automated.

Chris greeted people along the way. Nearly one-third of the people still live in the base. Construction is still going on outside every day. Large machines are just outside this metal town.

Soon Kris arrived at the gate of the base. After scanning her identity, the door opened and Kris hurried in.

The daughter in her arms was very hot and had fallen into a coma.

Soon Chris brought her daughter to the consultation room. There was no one inside, but Tang Rao came over after a while.

"Put me down and take a look."

"Master Tang Rao, she has not been in good spirits these days. She falls asleep every day when she comes back from school."

Tang Rao checked Monica's condition, and then immediately took cooling measures. Monica's fever had to be brought down first. She asked Chrissy to take some ice packs and put them on Monica's creaks and feet. In the nest, he took off Monica's clothes.

Half an hour later, the temperature dropped. Tang Rao was checking Monica's blood, and she felt something was wrong.

"Wait here and watch her. I have to wake up Ellie."

Tang Rao was a little unsure, because some of Monica's blood values ​​were very high, especially the hypersensitive protein, which was 10 times beyond the normal range. It was clear that the girl might die directly, but she just had a fever.

The blood test did not show any virus or bacterial invasion, so Tang Rao suspected that the girl's genes were mutating.

Tang Rao knocked on the door of the room, and it took a long time for Allie to open the door. With panic in his eyes, Tang Rao looked angrily at Gene, who was lying on the bed and smoking.

"You said you should come back and take a rest, so it turned out to be"


After Ellie came out, the two called Werther, and soon the three of them came to the infirmary.

Monica's body temperature was as high as 40 degrees and the temperature did not come down. Soon Monica started infusion and drank some antipyretics. Looking at Chris's worried look, Ellie comforted her.

"It's okay, it's just a minor illness. Just go outside and wait."

Chrissy nodded, and after she came, Werther's expression turned slightly serious.

"Let's test her genes directly. If you move quickly, we should be able to observe the process of her genetic mutation."

After hesitating for a moment, Ellie began to prepare. A genetic tester made of mimicry was taken out, and soon the three of them began to check Monica's genes.

"As expected"

Ellie stared blankly at Monica's genetic structure. The genes in her body were mutating. No one knew whether the mutation was good or bad. If she were an adult, there might not be any problems at all. question, but Monica is only a child and her body is not fully developed yet.

This is what Ellie is most worried about, because the genes are not fully developed and it is unknown what will happen to her body if a genetic mutation occurs.

"This is something we have considered from the beginning. If something bad happens, we can only stop here, if this girl dies unfortunately. She is the first mutant who has made a contribution to the people on this land. ."

As Tang Rao said, Ellie's eyes widened in shock. At this moment, she felt how foolish their previous decisions were. When problems really arise, they cannot control them, even if they have been called "god".

"Her heart rate and breathing are starting to slow down, and we have to figure something out."

Werther said, and the three of them hurriedly started to rob. However, Monica's vital signs continued to disappear, and the sudden and unexplained deterioration caught the three of them off guard.

In the long history of mankind, such scenes have been staged countless times. Facing the unknown, human beings can only watch life disappear and are helpless.

Ellie was pressing Monica's chest and performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Monica's heartbeat was disappearing and her breathing was beginning to fail.

"Hold on, hold on."

Ellie shouted almost crying. Werther was still preparing the medicine, and Tang Rao was still checking the current status of various indicators in Monica's body. Then Werther took a small syringe and injected it into Monica.

"It's up to her whether she survives."

Time passed by, and Monica's vital signs were still there, but her breathing and heartbeat were very slow, not like a human being at all. What Werther had just injected into Monica was an inhibitor, which is the only one they have found so far. The only way to make the cells of the eight of them inactive and no longer add value.

But this situation is not very optimistic. The time for the inhibitor to fail is one hour, and the time their cells can survive is incalculable.

"We have to find a way in this hour."

The three people continued to work. Many people were outside the infirmary and saw three gods rescuing a little girl. Many people didn't know what was wrong, but it seemed that the little girl was very serious.

Chris covered her mouth. She didn't cry out. The only thing she could do now was to pray, because her daughter was being rescued by doctors with the best medical conditions and superb medical skills. If she still couldn't survive, she could only be blamed. His life is bad.

At this time, Gene and the other four people also came over. They all realized that the treatment was not simple. If it was just an ordinary disease, any one of the three of them could handle it directly. There would be no problem with the operation, but The situation looks complicated now.

Li Chu immediately thought of genetic alienation, and then Jean decisively drew the curtain and asked everyone to disperse. Jean held Chris's waist and comforted her.

"Don't worry, the medical technology of the three of them is very good. Even in the world, it is top-notch. I can guarantee this."

Chris couldn't hold it back anymore and cried. Gene continued to comfort her, and the other four people entered the medical room.

"Is it really an alienated gene?"

Although Li Chu only had some understanding of medicine, he knew what the values ​​​​on the icon represented. The girl named Monica's gene had mutated, and cancer cells had appeared in her body.

This situation is unbelievable, and the girl will most likely die directly.

"Is there anything I can do?"

Rose said, and Ellie seemed to think of something, and she said immediately.

"Increase the density of oxygen entering this child's body."

Immediately, Rose followed Ellie's request and directly used her power to control the oxygen in the air and slowly input it into Monica's body.

Time passed by, and the medical room was silent. Li Chu and the others did not leave, because they were the ones who made the move, and the consequences of this move were now in front of their eyes. No matter good or bad, they could only watch. .

"There's no time left."

Witte said, holding another inhibitor. This inhibitor will not only inhibit their cells, but also greatly hinder human cell production. This is a double-edged sword. The one at the beginning is a gamble. And this one could very well kill the girl.

But if you still can't find any way at the last moment, you can only continue to gamble once and extend the time.

"I found it. There are mutations in these genes. If these genes in humans change, they will indeed cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in humans."

Ellie immediately shouted, and both Werther and Tang Rao came over. The three of them began to discuss enthusiastically. Soon Allie determined the method, and Werter immediately started to prepare the medicine. After the medicine was prepared, he fed it directly to Mo Nika.

Ellie looked at Monica's vital indicators with a solemn expression. Gradually, her breathing and heartbeat began to recover, which meant that the medicine had taken effect.

Tang Rao also breathed a sigh of relief, took out a cigarette and walked out. When she saw Jean who was still comforting the woman, she smiled at Jean and nodded.

"never mind."

As soon as Gene finished speaking, Chris burst into tears of joy. Soon she entered the medical room and saw that her daughter was awake and could still speak, but was in a bad mental state.

"What exactly is wrong with Monica, my lords?"

Tang Rao said just as Aili was about to speak.

"It's a genetic mutation. We suspect it may be related to the current blackening of the planet and some abnormal substances released from asteroids in the air. These substances are rewriting your daughter's genes. It's like what happened after we suffered an impact mutated."

Chris was a little surprised.

"Don't worry, this is a good thing. Although she won't become like us, she may become a mutant, so she will have to stay here for the next few days. We will further treat and observe her."

"thanks, thanks!"

Chris didn't say anything else, and then the eight people left the medical room, leaving the mother and daughter alone.

Looking at the many suspicious people outside, Tang Rao announced what he had just said again and told everyone that if they had inexplicable fatigue and fever, don't hold on and come to the medical room as soon as possible.

Gene leaned against the wall next to the medical room, and Ellie looked at the ground sadly.

"Didn't she survive?"

"It's just temporary."

Ellie pressed her forehead in pain.

"I don't know what will happen to the genes in your body."

Gene hugged Ellie comfortingly.

"No matter what happens, we have no choice now, and once Pandora's box is opened, it cannot be closed."

Ellie covered her face in sadness, and Gene gently held her in his arms.

"It's okay. No matter what difficulties there are, we, too, and humans too, must rely on ourselves."

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