Jed's town was crowded with people. Jed stood in the square with a cane and looked at the crowds of people around him. Jed was 50 years old and had gray spots on both sides of his forehead.

Jed's health has not been good recently, and he also knows that he is getting old. Many young people in the family are now independent. Jed's town is among the more than 200 towns, and it is the best in all aspects of construction.

Jed's management is also extremely strict, especially the education of their own family members. Many people want to take the initiative to move to Jed's town because it is the most developed and fairer and freer than other towns.

As long as you don't break the law in the town, basically the people here are wealthy, and Jed does not have everything firmly under control like the mayors of other small towns.

The area of ​​the town has doubled. This is due to Jed leasing some of the businesses controlled by the family to many large and small businessmen, which has driven the overall economic development of the town.

Over the years, Jade has come to realize that sharing-based development is the best and is far more long-term than predatory development.

The Angus family now has hundreds of people, making it a relatively large family on the grassland. In the future, Jed wants to continue to expand the town and increase wages for some people in the town.

Today is the day when the gods come. The gods will select nearly 1,000 people to build a town near their base.

Gene had informed him of this news a few months ago. Many people were very much looking forward to it, as it meant that they would be chosen by God. This meant that their future lives would certainly not be too boring.

People kept asking about conditions and qualifications, but Jade didn't know because Gene didn't explain it when he came.

It's already 2 o'clock at noon, and the gods haven't been seen yet. Many people are waiting anxiously. More and more people are starting to talk, and many people are even beginning to question whether this is fake news.

"It's Lord Jean."

Someone exclaimed, and everyone looked in the direction of the sound.

A ray of light blue light stood out under the gray sky, and Gene jumped step by step from the distant roof.

"Lord Jean."

Jade bowed slightly. More than 10 years have passed, but Gene's appearance has not changed at all.

"It's time to start."

Jed nodded, then turned on the loudspeaker and began to tell the people around him that it was time to start. Many people cheered, but more people were confused because they didn't know who Gene would choose.

At this time, Gene spoke.

"In the past few days, please live your life as usual, no matter what you do. I will announce the list of candidates in a few days."

Jade also looked at Jean in confusion, and at this moment, Jean's figure disappeared little by little in the sun. He smiled gently, and many people exclaimed.

Soon Jed received news that the gods were going to other towns. The selection method was the same as Jean's, which was to let everyone live a normal life, and then the gods disappeared.

This kind of thing left many people completely confused. However, Gene did not go far. Instead, he looked at the people who had dispersed. He hid nearby and watched the people here.

It is helpless to use this method, because if you contact people, they will definitely show their best side as much as possible, so errors will inevitably occur in the selection.

Everyone has their own set of selection criteria, and the same goes for Gene. He silently stared at the people who were discussing in the town. At this time, Gene saw a couple discussing with a sad look on their faces.

"I guess it's already been decided, let's not join in the fun and go back."

The wife said, and the husband nodded. It was obvious that the couple were not from this town. There were too many people gathered in Jed's town today because everyone wanted to be selected.

Gene felt that there was something special about this couple, so he followed them. Soon the couple arrived at a food shop. After sitting down, they only ordered one piece of food, and then they shared the food. They looked very loving and sweet. , the husband ate less and let his wife eat most of it.

Although the wife felt sorry, the husband said he was not too hungry. After the two got up, the husband took his wife to a candy store and bought some candies, saying that he would take them back to his two children at home.

Gene immediately found the information of the two people, and then chose two people. He began to observe the others. The only criterion for Gene's selection was kindness.

As long as this standard is met, Jean will choose immediately. He will not look at the birth and abilities of these people. These are not what Jean wants to choose.

As for how the other guys will choose, Gene has no idea.

At this time, Gene saw another little boy who was only thirteen or fourteen years old. He kept shouting on the street that he could be a tour guide for people outside for free because he knew everything about the town.

However, many people didn't believe it, but finally one person believed it. The boy took him to the place where the man wanted to buy something, and told the man the pros and cons, the price difference, etc. The man was very satisfied and bought what he needed.

At this time the man gave the boy some money, but the boy refused.

"Sir, the reason why I help you is because I have seen many people in the town having difficulty buying things these days. As locals, Mr. Angus always says to help people in need. , it will make the town a better place.”

Gene smiled and found the boy's information and chose the boy.

“What would anyone else do!”


Li Chu quietly observed some people. He had already selected quite a few people. He mainly chose them based on the meticulousness of their work. Li Chu was in a shop and watched a helper carefully sorting out the goods and starting work. Be meticulous.

Li Chu immediately found the helper's information and chose him. In Li Chu's opinion, there is nothing better than seriousness. After all, seriousness is the only criterion that determines the height of the superstructure. If the people at the bottom are not serious, There is no way to build a superstructure.

"I hope the other guys will consider this a little bit, otherwise it feels like there will be a big problem with our plan."

Li Chu didn't want their plan to build a highly developed technology town to go wrong.

This group of people who grew up in the town will be the core group of science and technology for mankind in the future. Jean and the others will take turns teaching some knowledge to the people in this town. At about the same time, they will go to various towns to teach others.

Spreading knowledge layer by layer is the foundation for building a strong human society.

At this time, in a nearby town, Gu Yi was also selecting people among the crowd. His selection criteria were people with strong curiosity, which is the biggest driving force for scientific development, especially some children. Gu Yi had already selected Many children.

If these children are selected, their parents who are biologically related to them can also go there. Although there will be more people, Gu Yi plans to do his best to let more people enter the base to study.

So this time Gu Yicai decided to only choose children, and adults were not included in his consideration.

"I feel like there will be too many problems with the people we choose to go back this time."


Deguna, who has already selected more than 10 people, has just entered a small town. She has only one selection criterion, and that is people who can speak out when encountering unreasonable things. Unfortunately, there are many unreasonable things along the way. , many people can only choose to remain silent, especially when some poor people meet rich people, this unreasonableness is completely covered up.

"I've already said that if you don't buy it, you can get out."

There was a dispute outside a store. A man was holding a piece of machinery and kept saying it was defective and asked the store to return it. However, the store's attitude was very arrogant and a fight was about to begin. Fortunately, the security team came over, but it was obvious that the security team He was also standing on the shop side.

The man argued with reason, and then he was thrown into the prison. The people around him were watching everything in front of them numbly. Deguna decisively chose the man who was thrown into the prison.

The reason why Deguna made this choice is because a group with a certain number must be irrational. If there are no such people in this group, it will not work.

"It's really difficult to handle. It looks like I have to observe it for a long time."

Looking at the number of people selected, there were only 13 people. Deguna was very helpless, because most people would choose to remain silent when encountering unreasonable things.

Time passed by, and at 4 o'clock, Rose yawned and looked at the sky in the distance. She had made all choices.

Rose doesn't have any standards and will choose whoever suits her eyes, so she has chosen 100 people in advance, 50 men and 50 women.

As for whether they had family members or not, Rose didn't care.

Because in Rose's mind, it doesn't matter what kind of person she chooses, as long as her hands and feet are sound, because things like people are difficult to control.

5 o'clock

Ellie also completed her selection. She looked at the list in her hand and looked at each household. She only had one criterion for selection: whether these people needed help. This was Ellie's original intention in choosing, so she quickly completed the selection. , as long as she met those in need of help, Ellie would choose without hesitation.

But the quota of 100 people who chose Ellie has been used up. Ellie is a little depressed, but everyone must abide by such regulations, so Ellie plans to go back first, after all, the quota has been used up.

Ellie glanced at the family in the small house again, and she said regretfully.

"Sorry, I can't help you."

Near 6 o'clock, Werther also completed his selection. The criteria for Werther's selection were basically to see whether the person was motivated.

This can be seen from many details of life. Werther will not even look at some lazy people, but Werther will choose those who handle work and life well.

The reason why I chose this is because Witt is such a person. Although he has been working on the front line of research all year round, he will never take his work home, let alone worry about his family while working. very clear.

Such people live relatively self-disciplined lives, which is also Werther's standard.

"I don't know what happened to the others."

Werther came to a deserted place. Now only Jean, Deguna and Tang Rao have not completed their choices, and everyone else has already completed their choices.

After the selection was over, Witte planned to go back. Although they were not as fast as Jean, they could now return to the base very quickly after a long period of jumping training.

"What on earth is Deguna doing?"

Seeing that Deguna has only selected 19 people so far, Witte was a little helpless. Gene has already selected more than 80 people, and it is almost over. They are all walking around in more than 200 towns, and in each town Everyone is selected.

Tang Rao has only selected more than 30 people now, and the progress is very slow.

7 o'clock

The sky had completely darkened, and Tang Rao stood in a tavern. She looked around at the faces.

Tang Rao shook her head helplessly and walked out of the tavern. After scanning around, there was no one she wanted. Tang Rao only had one criterion for selection, handsome or beautiful.

Tang Rao has currently selected more than 30 people, all of whom are handsome and beautiful. Soon Tang Rao came to a theater. As soon as she entered, she saw several handsome boys and beauties. After directly finding their information, she chose them.

Tang Rao wandered around like this until 11 o'clock in the evening. He only selected 56 people. He could only continue to look for the rest tomorrow. After all, there were still many small towns that he had not been to.

Looking at the database, it was found that only he and Deguna had not completed the selection. Deguna had only selected 31 people, which was even slower than him.

"What exactly are that guy's standards?"

Early the next morning, as the lists were announced in each town, many people were stunned, and the selected people were even more at a loss.

The chosen people will be provided with food and water in the town, and they need to set off immediately to the base where the gods are located.

Many people can't figure out how some people are selected, because in the eyes of many people, it is impossible for them to be selected.

And no one knows what the standards of the gods are.

I thought it was an unofficial quota, but this choice was beyond everyone's expectation. No one from the family was selected, which made many people in the family feel a little annoyed.

Some people happily packed some things, took the food with their families and started on the road, because they had all heard that the gods had technology that was enviable by everyone.

However, there were still some shortcomings in the announced list. Many people asked each other what the selected people did yesterday. Many people also looked confused because they did not do anything special.

Finally, at 7 pm, the people chosen by the gods ended. This selection made many people angry because those chosen had nothing in common.

Jed looked at the list of these people quietly. Only 12 people in their town were selected. These people were completely unknown to them and had nothing in common.

"Hey, what exactly is the standard?"

Jed actually hoped that someone from his family would be chosen, but in the end no one was chosen.

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