Currency began to circulate, and many people were very happy every day, because they could buy some items with money in their hands.

Every town has established the same currency system to facilitate development and transactions. The entire grassland has become lively. Many people are enthusiastic every day and full of hope for the future.

Although the sun has disappeared for some time.

All towns have established corresponding departments to manage everything around them. After long-term statistics and measurements, except for some public facilities that belong to the town, all other houses are privately owned.

The issue of distribution was over, and for nearly a year civil servants in every town were running around negotiating on all fronts.

Because many people lived upstairs and downstairs, we had to negotiate with them about ownership rights. Although many people wanted to occupy more, they compromised in the end.

This distribution method is relatively fair to many people. This is also a plan established by the gods when they were still leading the construction.

The result was just as the gods said. After this system was established, there were far fewer disputes.

The people in the cave are assigned corresponding fields, and the crops they produce belong to them, but the price of the crops must be stable within a controllable range and cannot raise prices without authorization.

Many factories in the town are publicly owned, and part of the output is owned by the town, and part is used as workers' wages. Taxes are only collected according to the working population, and there are certain standards.

Everything has returned to its most primitive state, and the prices of the items produced have been priced in detail.

The currency is a kind of metal called brilliant coins. The gods made a coin minting machine early on and used a metal with a relatively large output to mint coins.

This coin minting process is very complex in order to prevent counterfeiting. Although the mint is not large, 10 people from each town are involved, and the mint is monitored, and everything is in place.

The currency has denominations of 1 cent, 5 cents, 10 cents, 20 cents, 50 cents and 1 yuan. The prices of all things and workers' wages will be automatically adjusted under the control of an AI financial system established in the town. Not even the mayor has any authority to modify it.

After this was announced, many people agreed very much. If there is any problem, you can contact the gods directly. The gods will come out of the mountains and deal with the problem.

Coins began to circulate, and many people were going to and from the town to do business and earn a little profit from them. Many people were full of fighting spirit in their work every day, and would not spend every day in a haze like before.

"Uncle, the prices in Mining Town are a bit high now."

Darak had just returned from a small town in the mountains. They were mainly short of food. Darak was going to negotiate this time and needed to purchase some metals, but the prices there were now very high.

"What did Mayor Eberron say?"

"He said there is no way to control it now because production has increased, demand has increased, and supply exceeds demand. AI automatically adjusts the value range."

Jade thought for a moment and said.

"I'll call him later to discuss it directly."

"Go and rest, you are tired."

Darak shook his head with a smile.

"Uncle, I'm not tired. I have to go see Miss Zhang Wei."

Jed patted his nephew on the shoulder. He liked that girl very much. The two had been in love for a while and were about to get married.

Jade continued to look at the computer screen. This was sent by the gods. The network was still being set up steadily. Now the network has become much better, but there is no open civilian network for the time being. People who have phones can only communicate over medium and long distances. .

Not only equipment such as computers, but also some medical equipment, the gods have also sent over. Now people's lives have stabilized. There are no major problems except that it is cooler at night.

Jed has already started organizing people to build a 20-meter-high wind-blocking wall on the north side, which will keep the temperature higher at night.

It's just that manpower is currently scarce. Many people are working in factories, others are working in their own fields, and some are making some goods for sale.

It won't take long for this place to become developed. Roads are currently being built between various towns. Once the highways are connected, development will be even more rapid.

The construction on the grassland is not over yet, but is still going on, from the east and west sides to the north. Many people who do not want to become townspeople have gathered together, planning to open up wasteland and build a town.

All towns can obtain corresponding technologies, because this was decided by the gods before they left. Hiding technology is not allowed. Technology is shared. Every town has complete technology for the construction of technical facilities. You can find it in every town.

In the beginning, many leaders were actually dissatisfied, but gradually they discovered that this would develop very quickly, and the grassland now is completely different from a few years ago.

In the past, they seemed to be in the farming age, or even worse than the farming age, but now they have entered a modern society.

Some big screens have been built in the town for everyone to watch movies. From 8 o'clock to 0 o'clock every night, two to three movies will be played. Those are movies from storage devices provided by some people.

There is also a screen on weekends that plays some TV series. This is the best entertainment for people nowadays. At least 20,000 to 30,000 people come to watch each screening.

You can listen to music in some places. Next, Jade plans to organize some people and engage in some sports activities, so that the entertainment in the town will be richer.

Jed is just 38 years old now, and he feels that his future life will be very exciting, because they are making history, creating a human history from scratch.

The past history of mankind has been completely cut off due to disasters. Now they are creating a history for post-apocalyptic mankind from scratch.

But some unpleasant things happened recently, and it also happened in Jade's town. Because of the dispute, someone took out a weapon and injured the other party.

It is obvious that ordinary people have been banned from holding weapons, but many people have obtained weapons, and they cannot tell where the weapons come from, because the time and place of each transaction are different, and everyone who comes here is wearing a weapon. He was wearing a black hood, so he couldn't see clearly.

Jed suspected that it was Allen and the others who sold these weapons. Allen and the others were the only ones not included in the currency system, but they have now begun to trade with the people below and obtained a certain amount of currency.

This kind of thing can only be turned a blind eye, but Jed has discussed with others that Alan's behavior must be stopped at the appropriate time and included in the monetary system.

Jed has discussed this issue with Allen many times. He said that they don't need a monetary system with such a small number of people. Indeed, Allen and his friends only have more than 1,000 people. They have no shortage of food and clothing, and they are very rich.

Jed and other people in the town have begun to secretly send people to investigate the weapons. The production technology of those weapons seems to be very new, and many of them seem to have evolved slowly.

Because it looks like some of them are experimental weapons, because each batch of weapons is different.

At this time, a phone call came and Jade picked it up. It was Su Kang.

"We have a problem here. Please send 500 people to help."

"what happened?"

Jed quickly understood the situation. It turned out that there was a fight between two groups, which triggered a series of problems and many people made a fuss. Now Su Kang and his people have gone to other places and are in several towns. Talking business with people, while some other people are in important job positions, so there is a shortage of staff.

Jed immediately told the security chief that he planned to go and see for himself. It seemed like it was no small matter.

Soon Jed and his people got into the car and arrived at Su Kang's town. Many people were watching the excitement on the street. Some people had been arrested. The whole town was in chaos. Jed's people were very confused. Get your weapons and start evacuating the crowd.

When Jed came to the square in the middle of the town, he saw bloodstains all over the ground. There were many corpses lying on the ground, nearly hundreds of them. Such a conflict was not a small problem.

Jed soon figured out the reason. It was because there was a problem between the two factions. The problem became a bit difficult to reconcile. As soon as Su Kang left, they started fighting, then destroyed some facilities, and both sides died. Many people were attracted, including the security guards in their town.

"how so?"

Jade asked, looking at a young man not far away. He was Alan's nephew Nick.

"Come here and let's talk."

Jade called Su Kang into the office and asked as soon as he entered.

"Have you investigated Nick?"

Su Kang immediately laughed.

"That kid is impossible, don't think too much."

Jade didn't think too much and spoke immediately.

"He is Alan's nephew."

Su Kang immediately spoke.

"It has absolutely nothing to do with him. I can guarantee with my personality that he has completely severed ties with Allen. He is really good and completely different from Allen."

"It's up to you. I'm just saying this. By the time something goes wrong, it will be too late."

Su Kang laughed.

"I know, but have you ever thought about one thing? Such a serious problem has already occurred. If I continue to make random guesses, the situation will become even worse."

"How many people are there in your family?"

Su Kang smiled.

"There are only 30 people left."

"Placing them in key positions can stabilize everything."

Su Kang hesitated for a while and then nodded.

"Indeed, I should do this now. After all, the people on both sides were led by my former confidants. Now they have done such a thing. If I remain indifferent, the peace of the town will be destroyed."

Su Kang had visited Jed's town. Jed's town was now very stable and such things would never happen.

"I really should reflect."

Jed patted him on the shoulder.

"I'll lend you the person first, and then let them have a meal when you're done."


The relationship between the two was not very good before, but now they like to talk, and some previous misunderstandings have been resolved.

"Have you ever interrogated how they got their weapons?"

"Some of them were obtained from the warehouse, and some were purchased from others."

The situation is the same as in Jade's town. Two of Su Kang's confidants also said that they found some mysterious people and bought a lot of ammunition. Both parties are now in the cell, and Su Kang doesn't know how to deal with them yet.


Jade smiled and said.

"Just execute the relevant people who planned the conflict directly, and release the others after reeducation through labor. Or just expel them directly."

Su Kang's face was solemn, and he hesitated.

"Those two people followed me."

"No matter how long they've been following you, if you don't deal with them, someone else will, at some point, ignore your orders."

Su Kang scratched his head in annoyance, and after a while he nodded. Indeed, what Jade said was correct.

"I see."

"Don't hesitate, execute those people now in front of everyone. I have done this before. There have been no major problems here for more than a year."

After Su Kang nodded, he quickly had more than 20 people arrested brought out. The two Su Kang's confidants seemed to realize what Su Kang wanted to do, and they began to argue.

It doesn't matter what is right or wrong. From Su Kang's point of view, if they are not dealt with now, more people will definitely disobey his orders in the future, which will cause immeasurable trouble to the rule of the entire town.

Looking at Su Kang's sad look, Jade said with a smile.

"Everyone who makes history must eventually pick up the butcher's knife. Only by consolidating rights can we develop. This truth will never change. This is the repetitive history of our humanity."

This sentence made Su Kang sigh.

"If anyone else can do it, I"

"You can say this to me, but don't say it to others in private. Do you understand? It is extremely difficult to gather centripetal force and cohesion. Once the power changes, I think you have seen some of what will happen. A TV show or a movie.”

Su Kang hummed.


Jed looked at many people starting to disperse around him. He knew very well that every town was becoming clan-based. This was the most stable approach, because everyone knew what would happen when power changed.

Jed was about to go back, when he saw Nick running up with an angry look on his face.

"Brother Su Kang, why do you do this?"

Su Kang looked at the angry Nick and then said.

"They violated the town's laws, so they must be executed."

"They have been following you for a long time, why."

Before Nick could finish his words, he was interrupted by Jed.

"Young man, if you don't understand, don't stay here. Go back to your uncle."

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