There is a desperate chill in the air, and the night time is always difficult for many people to adapt to. Even if there is sufficient water and electricity, such nights are difficult for many people.

Jed stood quietly outside in the cold, with a group of heavily armed people behind him. He looked solemnly, looking at a lit tavern outside a cave, where many people were laughing.

Jin Ming was following Jade. It had been half a year since he last went back. Sure enough, things turned out as Jade expected. Zhang Yang and the others wanted to be independent.

Zhang Yang and his group are not many, only three to four hundred people, but once they really launch an armed revolution, many nearby caves will follow suit, and everything that happened in that small city will happen again.

Conflicts have begun to arise. Although laws and regulations have a certain effect, for many people who work in caves every day, they are supporting other people with their labor, and other people's contributions are too little, and they can still sit still. Command them from a high position.

This idea has spread in many caves, and people living in the town are also complaining because the recent food distribution has been much less. Jed has sent people to secretly investigate. Someone has done something about it, just to publicize them. Made by a gang.

Jed knew what they were doing in private. Originally, Jed wanted to have a good talk with Zhang Yang and the others, but after learning that Zhang Yang was planning an armed revolution, Jed had already made up his mind to get rid of Zhang Yang.

Tonight, Jed has brought 500 security personnel. They are fully armed and have received a large amount of weapons and ammunition from the warehouse. There is bound to be a bloody conflict tonight.

Such conflicts are unavoidable. Recently, Jed and the others are discussing some currency systems, establishing a currency based on the town, and then allowing people in each town to trade freely.

Such a system is to allow everyone to carry out their work purposefully. As long as currency circulates, all towns can slowly be connected together. Everyone can use currency to buy some food and use their own work to earn wages.

If such aimless sharing continues, the entire human society will face another major disaster, so currency is indispensable.

The original circulation of each town has to be determined based on many things, so this is a relatively long work.

Only the monetary system can stabilize the current chaos. Not only Jed's town, but also riots of varying degrees occurred in every town. In some towns, large-scale bloody conflicts even occurred.

As long as money can circulate in the town, all these problems can be solved.

Lack of pursuit is the biggest problem in human society. Now some people are working passively, because no matter what, life is like this now, without any pursuit.

Jade signaled for the security team to disperse, and then prepared to launch a raid. According to intelligence, they had secretly obtained a lot of weapons from the weapons factory and were equipping them.

Jed brought out the elite of these security teams. They trained every day and had shooting training.

At this time Jin Ming came closer.

"Do you really want to take action, Mayor?"

Jade nodded, then thought about it and said.

"Go in and talk to Zhang Yang and see his attitude. This is your last chance, but don't."

"I will not reveal that you have surrounded them."

Jin Ming ran quickly. After a while, he came to the door of the tavern. This tavern was where Jin Ming and the others gathered. There were more than 200 people inside, drinking and chatting. Many people looked very happy. Zhang Yang was already a little drunk. .

"Why are you here, Lao Jin? Come over quickly and have a drink."

Zhang Yang shouted, and Jin Ming looked around with a solemn expression after passing by.

"can we talk?"

Jin Ming's expression suddenly changed.

"Did Jade ask you to come?"

Jin Ming shook his head.

"No, I'm just here as a friend."

The two came to a room on the second floor of the tavern. The voices of men and women came from many other rooms from time to time. Zhang Yang relied on some women and successfully won over many people.

"Why do you want to play too?"

Jin Ming shook his head.

"What on earth are you going to do? Jade has noticed you."

Zhang Yang put away his smile, then sat down on a small bed and took out a cigarette to light.

"If a monetary system is introduced, it will be even more difficult for those at the bottom."

Jin Ming didn't have much research on this aspect, so it was difficult for him to answer, Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Can you still bear it? What are Jade and the others doing recently? Are you blind?"

Jin Ming also knew that Jade and the others now have everyone's information, and then began to divide it and assign some people's work in more detail, but this is understandable, because it is such an era.

"This is not a shared ownership at all, we are all working hard to make the Angus family great."

"But if we want to continue to develop, we need someone to lead it."

Zhang Yang blew out smoke rings disapprovingly.

"Leader? He is not a qualified leader. Many of the things he does are based on the people of his family."

Jin Ming naturally knew this.

"You know, if currency is issued, the labor force at the bottom will definitely become the cheapest, and there will also be a tax system, and money will circulate in the town, making everyone more motivated, but in the end the money circulating will only return In the hands of the Angus family, other people contributed their labor, and production created value. What they got in the end was just a little bit of useless paper."

"But if you don't do this, many people will become more and more dissatisfied, so..."

Zhang Yang burst out laughing.

"This shows that all the systems promulgated by Jed are problematic. Anyway, I can't eat from such a big pot. Many of them have devoted their labor, but they still have to wait for the distribution of the food they grew. How can there be any in the world? That’s the truth.”

Jin Ming asked tentatively.

"what do you want to do?"

"Just get away from Jed and the others and go to a place with thousands of people like Allen and the others. I don't want to be so tired anymore. What do I get in exchange for working so hard every day? Nothing, right?"

Jin Ming fell silent and continued to persuade.

"If you really do this, you will have a conflict with Jade and the others."

Zhang Yang put out his cigarette butt and patted Jin Ming on the shoulder.

"Lao Jin, you'd better think clearly. This kind of social structure has no future."

Jin Ming didn't say anything else. He knew that Zhang Yang could no longer look back, but he still explained everything.

"Why don't you have a nice talk with Jade."

"I have nothing to talk about with him anymore, and I am not qualified to talk to him."

Then Jin Ming left. He returned to Jade and told Jade what happened. Jade raised his head and couldn't calm down.

Jade's only thought now is to put this matter to rest as soon as possible while Zhang Yang and the others maintain their foundation.

Soon, under Jed's order, the security team began to approach the pub.


As gunshots rang out, the security team soon rushed to the outside of the pub, raising their guns and shouting loudly.

"Please all of you lie down with your hands on your head, now we suspect you are planning a riot."

There was no resistance, the situation was exactly as Jed thought. The originally laughing and joking tavern fell silent. Jed led people in, and each person walked out of the tavern with his hands raised under the threat of gunpoint.

At this time, Zhang Yang ran down in a panic, and Jade watched him run over.

"What's wrong, Mayor, what are you doing?"

Jade glanced at Zhang Yang and said coldly.

"Take them away. Then conduct a comprehensive search here and in the cave."

Many people were awakened. Sure enough, a large number of weapons and ammunition were found in the cellar of the tavern, and weapons were also found in some places in the cave.

The key figures were all arrested without exception, and Zhang Yang roared angrily.

"Jade, you bastard, we followed you all the way through life and death, is this how you treat us in the end?"

Jed ignored him and directly used the radio to tell everyone in the town that Zhang Yang planned to be independent, as well as concealing weapons and preparing to start riots. Such crimes were punishable by death.

Early the next morning, when it was just getting dark, many people in the town gathered around the gallows in the middle of the town. More than 30 people had their hands and feet tied, and Zhang Yang's face turned pale.

"Jade, I beg you, for the sake of what we have done for you."

"It's not for me, right? Zhang Yang."

Jade said expressionlessly.

"The same applies to all of you. In order to survive, we can only unite. But now, as in the past, you want independence for your own benefit. I have said many times that you can talk about any issues."

Zhang Yang roared angrily again.

"Talk? Can we talk? Now the entire town belongs to your Angus family. You control everything and decide everything. After our hard work,"

After Jed signaled, the pedal under Zhang Yang's feet disappeared immediately. He stared at Jed in pain and ferocity. The other people were also hung up one by one. Many people struggled, and soon more than 30 people were executed directly.

"I know that everyone has a lot of dissatisfaction now. The beginning of any era is difficult. In the future, we will soon launch a currency system so that we can conduct various transactions with other towns through currency, and everyone's work will also be Being able to measure its value in monetary terms.”

Jade did not explain too much. When he knew that Zhang Yang and the others started planning a few months ago, his mentality had completely changed. After all, the current situation must not allow riots and dissatisfaction, even if it is a dictatorship. Let everything develop and enter a stable stage.

Jade knew very well that other people were doing the same thing, and the town next to them, managed by Su Kang, was also the same. A few days ago, a group of people were directly executed. Everyone was dissatisfied, but some people chose to put it into practice. Action, and those who take action are bound to cause problems.

The best way to solve the problem is to directly eliminate the person who caused the problem. This will serve as a great warning to others.

Jin Ming stood quietly in the crowd. He saw the uneasiness on many people's faces. He knew very well that concentrating all power could indeed accomplish a lot. Now that the town is developing rapidly under Jed's leadership, perhaps in the future, for them It is the best of times for mankind, but Jin Ming feels that the worst of times will also come.

Everything that is best on this grassland will be controlled by the upper class, and the most obvious changes in class will begin.

This era is as sad as human society in the past.

Jed stared at the dead Zhang Yang quietly. He and the other people in the town were doing one thing now, the accumulation of primitive capital. This was indispensable for long-term development. Someone must sacrifice for the accumulation of primitive capital. , otherwise human society will not be able to develop.

It is difficult, but not impossible, to return to past levels of human society.

Soon Jed returned to the house and started to contact people in other towns. The mayors of all towns will bring their people to Jed's side after a while. Everyone will start discussing and then establish a complete currency system. Come, and then rely on this monetary system to clean up the current chaos.

Jade knows very well that many of the chaos in the town have something to do with Allen. Allen has set a good shelter template. Many people will become more and more dissatisfied when they see it, and want to develop into Allen and the others. Such structure.

But this is impossible with such a huge population, and Allen is still doing some small tricks secretly, which Jed knows very well.

The method of profiting by provoking some disputes is very effective in such an era.

After a while, I watched the people around me disperse. Many people were whispering, all with some fear.

Jed returned to his home, right next to the hospital. He sat tiredly on a chair, and his youngest son ran over with water. He was just 10 years old and already very sensible.

“Dad, why can’t we all enjoy everything together?”

Jade said with a smile.

"Because everyone is not fair from birth. If someone has to lead human society forward, then someone will inevitably become a stepping stone for human society."

The sky was completely dark, and Allen quietly looked at the lights on the grassland. Now the lights were almost connected. Outside the fortress, a drug transaction was going on.

In Allen's fortress, the most output is weapons and ammunition, and what they lack most is medicine.

This was the first decision Allen made after learning the technology. As long as there is a steady stream of weapons delivered to the grassland, problems will always occur on the grassland, and they can rely on the problems that occur. Very good of living.

Allen is very clear about the problems happening everywhere. Once humans fall into fear, in order to protect themselves, the first thing they think of is weapons.

"It's really strikingly similar, history! One day war will start again."

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