The last ray of light from the sun disappeared above Jed's head. He looked at the time quietly. There were people around him. Many people had solemn expressions. Some people started crying, and soon the cries became one.

"2081, March 21, 2:39 noon, 34 seconds."

As Jade said, several craftsmen next to him began to hammer. They were making a memorial to commemorate the day when the sun completely disappeared.

They have been on this grassland for 5 years. The disappearance of the sun is similar to Gene's prediction, more than a year, but fortunately this year has been exciting.

There are no crops in the fields around the town, and a lot of soil has been moved to the caves. The cold air made many people shiver, and many people looked solemn.

The sun finally disappeared on this day, but all the facilities now are good enough for them. They no longer have to worry about the cold. Almost every household has an automatic power generation device. The power supply from the reservoir is only during the day, but at night. If you want to use electricity, you have to generate it yourself.

There are many more facilities in the town, and schools and theaters are two extremely important measures. Now there are performances every night in the theater. The town under Jed's management has 80,000 people and more than 8,000 buildings. This is already A miracle.

Because the gods made many large-scale machines, they directly produced everything needed for the house, and then spliced ​​and poured water where the foundation was laid.

It can take up to one day for a house to be erected. This speed is also for the coming doomsday. The disappearance of the sun is the real doomsday for mankind.

Some people did not choose to live in small towns, but in caves with sufficient electricity because it was warmer than here.

The total number of people living near Jed's current town exceeds 200,000, and there are hundreds of such towns on this prairie. After rough statistics, the population on the prairie has exceeded 3 million.

With the help of the gods, the construction in other places was basically completed before the sun disappeared. Many people still have lingering fears. If they still follow the previous pattern, they will perish when the sun disappears.

Jade looked at the silent people around him, seemingly praying for something. He stood on the stage and spoke with a loudspeaker.

"You don't have to be sad. We are still alive now. I hope that in the future, everyone can cherish every day's life. In the future, we will slowly build some newer entertainment facilities. If everyone works together, we will continue to exist here in the future. On this land, we humans have been like this since ancient times. Although we are small and powerless in the face of natural disasters, the most valuable qualities we humans have are unity and dedication, so I hope everyone can get along well with each other and have a happy life. Any problem can be brought to the town’s tribunal. The law is not a piece of paper. I did make some bad decisions in the past. But starting from today, we have to start a new life.”

Many people applauded, but some were still skeptical, because the houses where Jed's men originally lived were in the middle of the town, close to hospitals and schools.

Jed naturally knows the doubts of these people. Now all the supplies are shared, but everyone needs to take turns to work in the cave. The rationing of supplies is done once a month, and is calculated according to each person.

The gods have accurately calculated how many related facilities and fields each town needs to fully support everyone, so everything is going extremely smoothly now.

Jed organized his former subordinates into a public security management team. There are more than 4,000 people in total. They will be responsible for everything in the town and scheduling work. They also need to work, but the amount of work will be less than that of ordinary townspeople. .

"Everyone can have a nice drink tonight. We should say goodbye to the past."

Jed glanced at the gray-white sky again. The sun had really disappeared. This time it was not a rainy day, but the same as what many of them had experienced in the past. The sky was gray during the day and black at night.

Soon, the people who gathered in the central square headed towards their homes under the illumination of street lights. Jed and the others were very busy at work every day, and had to deal with everything in the town. Jed was also busy in various tasks every day. Running around the processing station.

Jed did not use so-called elections like some towns. He had realized a problem. Such a system had no future. Only centralization of power could achieve great things.

Especially in an era like this, power must be centralized, so their town adopts an appointment system. Even if Jed gets old and can no longer work, he can appoint someone as his successor and continue to manage the town.

Although this approach made many people complain, Jade ignored it and had to carry it out.

Jed's children are all grown up now, and they are fully capable of taking over their positions. They have been assigned to some important positions by Jed. There are now more than 60 people in the Angus family.

Blood ties are probably the only way that Jed can think of to maintain his core power status. Now the town has begun to register marriage status, and some relatives in Jed's family are also planning to marry people in the town.

The situation in many other towns is similar to Jed's. It is inevitable that some families with a numerical advantage control the core power.

Jed and Gene have said this system, and Gene agrees, because only by doing this can the rights continue to be stable without major changes.

The mountains and forests in front of us have almost disappeared. Some people have even gone to live in the mountains and forests, so there are many small towns in the mountains and forests. Now there are two small towns built on the mountains on both sides of Allen. They are commanding and the location is very good. , below is the cave where they planted.

There is no need to worry about electricity now, because there are bacterial batteries, and there are many in every town. However, these things are very dangerous. The gods have repeatedly warned that if any problems occur, the only way is to use ultraviolet lamps to kill them. These bacteria are directly eliminated physically.

For these batteries, the gods personally gathered a group of people to train them on how to manage bacterial batteries. This kind of battery will generate electricity all the time. Although the power generation is smaller, the power generation is stable and can be used for cooking in the town in the afternoon. time, providing stable power.

Jed returned to the office. The leaders of all departments were there, almost all of whom were members of the Angus family. Jed planned to discuss with them the construction of football fields and basketball courts, as well as some entertainment facilities in the city.

This is the most important thing at the moment, because there is no entertainment on the grassland, and most of the time everyone will gather together to miss the past, but this is not possible, and many people are very pessimistic because of this.

Some people even have psychological problems, so normal entertainment activities are necessary.

Currently there are three theaters in the town and two on the other side of the mountain. This is everyone's favorite activity. Many people organize it spontaneously, write scripts and then rehearse and perform.

Although the level is very average, it is not easy to have some entertainment in such an environment.

"Uncle, I don't think we can let the people over there in the farm too much."

At this time, a young man in his early 20s muttered something, and other relatives also talked about it. Jade looked at several foreign confidants, and their eyes were a little uncomfortable at this moment, because in such a meeting They were still speechless.

Although it is said to be a discussion, it is actually just an internal discussion within the Angus family, and they have no actual say.

At this moment, one of his subordinates could no longer bear it. He was responsible for managing crop measurement. He had been following Jed here since the apocalypse. Although he was not from the Angus family, he Very reliable.

"Mayor, I don't think it's necessary."

"Zhang Yang, tell me your opinion."

Jade said, watching everyone in the family look at him in confusion.

"As long as there are no riots, I don't think we should impose too strict controls on them. This will only be counterproductive."

Jade didn't speak, because the people living in the caves recently were complaining about something, especially about food. They felt that they had put in a lot of labor, but they needed to share the food equally with everyone else, so some dissatisfied.

"Okay, how about we gather those dissatisfied people into a cave and let them be self-sufficient?"

Zhang Yang had some differences, but just as he was about to nod, Jed's nephew Darak stood up and said.

"Uncle, if this approach doesn't work, once a precedent is set and others follow suit, then we people living in the town will have to kneel down with them from time to time if we want to eat?"

Darak pointed out the essence of the problem in one sentence, and Jade nodded with joy and satisfaction.

"It is indeed such a publicity, so we cannot set this precedent. The only thing we can do is to call the dissatisfied people over and have a serious and patient conversation with them."

Zhang Yang sat down and agreed. In fact, Jade knew what Zhang Yang wanted to do, because the people under him were also part of the dissatisfaction.

The reason for Zhang Yang's dissatisfaction was that Jade did not reuse the people around him, but reused some people from the Angus family who were completely incompetent. This made Zhang Yang feel a little annoyed.

Of course Jed knows that Zhang Yang is dissatisfied, but Jed is determined not to reuse anyone outside the family. This must be done if power is to be concentrated. Along the way, everyone in his family has done their best and has no selfish intentions towards the family members.

Jed has seen this along the way. The entire Angus family is united and very cohesive. Jed has also tried to let some of his subordinates hold important positions before. Ever since he came to this grassland, , those who followed him were assigned positions, but they caused a lot of trouble.

And every time Jade has a family gathering, he will seriously ask everyone in the family to be strict with themselves, and the family will not cause any big problems.

"Uncle, you can add a little more."

Darak then stood up and said, Jed nodded. He was very satisfied with this nephew. He was young but had many constructive opinions.

"The children in the cave can be given priority to study in school."

"That's totally fine."

After a while, the meeting ended, and everyone began to leave. As soon as they left the office building, Zhang Yang walked to the side unhappily, dragging a fat man with him, who also followed Jade all the way, named Jin Ming.

"Jade doesn't take us seriously now."

"What do you want to do?"

Jin Ming looked at Zhang Yang somewhat differently.

"I think what Darak said later is very good."

Zhang Yang kicked the wall angrily and put his hands in his pockets. He was dissatisfied with Jade's actions because they had to bleed and sweat all the way to get where they are today. Some members of the Angus family were taken care of by them before and hid behind them. The guys now actually have important rights.

Zhang Yang couldn't understand this. Jin Ming patted him on the shoulder and then smiled helplessly.

"Is this how things are? It's very stable now. We eat well and sleep well. Don't think too much. We can be considered a privileged class after all."

Zhang Yang left angrily, and Jin Ming sighed at this time. He was a good old man in Jade's team, and he would take the initiative to mediate any problems. Then Jin Ming returned to the office, and Jade sighed.

"How is it going?"

Jin Ming shook his head.

"Although he didn't say anything, he was very dissatisfied."

"I'm sorry to bother you, Lao Jin, keep an eye on him."

Jin Ming nodded. He was secretly helping Jade find out, because he didn't have any excessive pursuits, as long as he had enough food and clothing to survive.

Jin Ming used to manage a warehouse in a company. He was relatively easy-going and didn't have too many pursuits, so he was willing to be Jade's eyes and ears. Many cadres would talk to him about things.

There were several problems on the road, and Jin Ming understood them first and worked with Jade to solve them.

Therefore, their gang has been able to remain stable and came to this grassland. At that time, including other members of the Angus family, there were only a hundred people, but Jin Ming was indispensable for being able to remain stable until now.

"I'm sorry, Lao Jin, I always let you do this kind of thing."

Jin Ming asked.

"What are you going to do if that guy Zhang Yang does something?"

Jin Ming's expression was serious and his eyes were serious. Jade thought for a moment and said.

"If he really does that, I will not show mercy. If you are dissatisfied, you can speak out, but don't do something secretly. And everything is fine for us now."

Jin Ming nodded.

"How about transferring him to the security department?"

Jade shook his head.

"It's impossible. Only people from the Angus family can hold important positions in this place."

Jin Ming hummed, and he planned to continue asking. After all, things have come to this point, and peace is the best. Many people don't want to go back to those cruel and sad days.

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