The gentle sunshine shines on the grassland, and the golden ears of wheat are swaying in the wind. The sound of knocking is constant. Many people gather in the newly built town and are busy in some workshops.

In just one year, more than ten small towns have been built on the grassland, and the construction speed of small towns continues to increase. Now many people have returned to their original places of residence and continue to cultivate.

The people who had built the town before had mobilized a lot of manpower to help with the construction. Now everyone sees hope. All the houses on Jed's site have been electrified.

Some electromagnetic equipment is being prepared for installation, and many technicians are working day and night to manufacture electromagnetic equipment. For many people, everything has become simpler now.

After learning the production method from the gods, many people became proficient in it after a while. The houses in the town are all neat wooden and cement structures, with the highest only three floors.

Only next to the reservoir is a large five-story building, which is the hospital. It is currently the only hospital on the grassland. There are more than 100 doctors and more than 50 pharmaceutical personnel in the hospital.

Their daily job is to treat people on the grassland, and now the overall facilities have basically been completed.

Many people are now full of hope for the future. The four major construction projects of electricity, water conservancy, communications and food have been basically completed.

Crops have been successfully grown in many caves. Now the nights are no longer cold, and people in the houses can live well.

There are still many houses under construction, but now the labor force in Jed's territory is very small. Most people have gone to the east or west to participate in the construction. No one has any complaints, because people from the east and west have made great contributions during the construction of the central part. A lot of time and labor.

Everything is equal, and the allocation of houses is completely sufficient to meet everyone's needs. Those pot houses that were previously built on the highway are being demolished bit by bit.

Metal materials are dissolved and used to make other equipment. Various production workshops have appeared on the grassland. Although the output is now average, many basic items that people need in daily life are being produced in an orderly manner.

Every town has a large biogas tank. Biogas is used as an energy source for cooking and cooking, and excrement is an important raw material for biogas.

Peace has arrived in a real sense, and disputes are almost invisible, because now everyone has enough food and clothing. This kind of life is completely different from the past.

The sun's rays are getting weaker and weaker. The crops in the farmland around the town can still produce, but the output has begun to decrease. The harvested food will be stored in the caves, and some will be directly processed into long-term storage. .

Jed was on a balcony in the hospital where sheets and quilts were being dried, quietly watching the busy people in the town with a smile on his face.

"I really didn't expect such a day to come."

Jade was in an accident three months ago. He was seriously injured and underwent surgery. His life was saved, but his legs and feet are now recovering slowly.

The gods also began to establish some systems. The town was used as a unit, and there were no longer any gangs. The mayor was responsible for everything in the town. If all parties had problems, everyone could discuss them.

Moreover, Gene and the others were designing a rechargeable car and motorcycle that would facilitate commuting on the grassland, when a phone call came.

Jade picked up hastily.

"What's wrong, Zhao Jiang?"

The call came from one of his confidants, who went to a place more than 30 kilometers away to help with construction.

"Boss, there's something wrong with us here. Can you please contact Lord Dao Gene and the others?"

Jed was a little confused.

"what happened?"

"The cave collapsed and many people were trapped inside. We have no ability to open the cave."

Jade said with a serious expression.

"Isn't Lady Rose with you?"

"I don't know where she went."

Jed could only tell them not to act rashly, because it might cause a second landslide, which would be very dangerous for the people trapped in the cave.

Jed immediately called people in other towns and asked them to tell them immediately if they encountered God, otherwise they would not be able to rescue him with their strength.

Still feeling uneasy, Jed planned to go back to the radio station and spread the news directly. If the radio station where the gods were located received it, they should contact them.

There is a signal metal tower in every town, and there are also some distances in the outer areas. The signal on the grassland is now very good.

In order to have more materials, Jed and several groups also organized people to go to two deserted cities to retrieve a large amount of resources. Now that there is sufficient power, there are still 3,000 people doing this work.

A lot of scrap copper and iron will be brought back, even some construction materials. The gods can use some methods to restore the materials.

Soon Jed pushed his wheelchair to the elevator. After pressing the elevator, Jed quickly left the hospital. He walked on the criss-crossing straight roads and lay flat when walking.

Although it is only a cement road, it is enough for them now.

There were people saying hello to Jed along the way. He was the mayor here. Jed headed towards the radio station. After arriving soon, Jed asked people to spread the news.

There is no problem with the power supply now. More than 300 people are working at the reservoir to collect water every day. Electricity is continuously generated. It has rained a lot recently, so the water in the reservoir is very sufficient.

Some groundwater is also found in the mountains and forests, and the water is used not only to irrigate the farmland in the caves, but also as drinking water.

The water pipes have been specially treated. In order to prevent the water pipes from freezing, every town now has a fixed water station and washing station. To get water, you need to walk some distance.

The water was all supplied by thick pipes. Jade waited patiently. Radio stations in several towns responded, but no sign of the gods was found. Jade looked towards the mountains.

"They should be in the mines in the mountains now."

At this time, Jed saw the corner of the Allen Fortress in the distance. It was the only place that was incompatible with the prairie town. The fortress had further strengthened its defenses and built more facilities. The number of people was still only more than 1,000. Ai Lun did not absorb some people.

Only the construction behind the fortress was built by Allen and his people. They did not ask anyone outside to speak, and no one was willing to help Allen and his friends.

This grassland has been completely peaceful, but everyone on the grassland is hostile to Allen and the others. Allen and the others have gone too far before, and they often do things like taking advantage of the situation.

During the days of heavy snowfall, many people froze to death, and then Allen led people to bring all the valuable belongings of those who froze to death back to the fortress.

This approach made everyone angry. Jed always felt that Allen would become a trigger on the grassland, so he had discussed it with many leaders, and everyone unanimously decided to be wary of Allen in the future. , I will definitely not have any cooperation with him.

Now when he thinks about Allen asking him to cooperate with him, Jed's teeth itch. Now thinking about it carefully, the reason why Allen came to him and persuaded him to cooperate with him had only one purpose, because Allen's fortress was not enough at that time. Withstand large-scale attacks.

Allen just wants to help him share the pressure. After using others, he throws them away. This is Allen's nature.

Of course, no one wants to see the war break out now. For the sake of peace, everyone has decided to continue building according to the plans of the gods.

The current temperature is about the same as before the heavy snowfall, but after the establishment of towns, the situation is completely different, and many newborns have also arrived. This is the future for humans.

At this time, a subordinate ran over and he said happily.

"Lord Jean just came over with some machines."

Jed immediately asked his men to push him. Soon Jed saw Jean explaining the situation to some people. It was a square machine.

"Lord Jean, there is a problem over there."

As Jade said, Gene lit a cigarette. There were a total of 100 machines, all of which were electromagnetic equipment. They were produced by the robots in Gene's base. Many people happily started to carry them. Gene asked them to directly Distribute it, one to each house.

"I know, I'll take Rose over."

Gene said and turned around and left. In the blink of an eye, he was no longer visible. Jade really wanted to chat with Gene. Nowadays, people on the grassland use honorific titles for the gods, and Jade does the same. There are very few of them anymore. I can say something to others.

In fact, Jade mainly wanted to talk to Gene about Allen's problem, but it seemed impossible.

The gods have made it clear that they will return to the base in the mountains to continue research after a while, and the subsequent construction will be left to the people on the grassland.


Allen sat quietly on the city wall near the mountain forest, looking at some houses being built not far from their city wall. Allen's only worry now is that others will build houses under his city wall, but there is no way to do it. Can't stop it.

Some children were playing games in the yard, and Alan's son was there.

At this time, someone will run up, one of his confidants.

"Boss, what should I do if those doctors don't want to come back?"

Allen put down the tea cup, then smiled and said.

"Let them be."

The men were obviously a little angry. The doctors and their families suddenly left the fortress a few days ago. Unexpectedly, they didn't want to come back.

"How about we."

Allen raised his hands and said.

"I told them to just let them be."

The men were obviously very angry, and Allen smiled.

"There is no need to worry, we will still be in an advantageous position in the future."

Allen glanced at the dim sun in the sky. For them, everything now is just a process. A larger-scale war will definitely break out on this grassland in the future.

During this period of time, Allen has been exploring chemical things, and then making bullets. Many people in the gang have the same idea. As long as they understand the chemical principles of bullets, they can make them, and it is not difficult.

Allen and the others have succeeded. Having bullets is better than anything else. Others in other gangs are also secretly making it, because everyone knows that such peace is just an illusion.

Disputes on this land will be very serious in the future, because the population has begun to grow uncontrollably. Allen strictly requires people in the fortress to pay attention to safety. After all, if the population grows, such scarce resources cannot Available to everyone.

A large-scale dispute will break out on this grassland in less than ten years at most. Allen is fully prepared. This fortress can accommodate 2,000 people. 2,000 people is already the upper limit. Then he only needs to make a large number of them. Just weapons and bullets.

In Allen's eyes, the external criticism of his reputation was nothing, and from the undercover's words, Allen knew that Jade and the others had already agreed to boycott him unanimously.

And this kind of resistance has already begun. Except for some doctors and technicians who have fled, everyone else is building in the fortress. They cannot go outside. Once it passes, their people will be ostracized and want to obtain It is extremely difficult to obtain resources.

But Allen has a way, because Allen knows very well that they will definitely cooperate with him soon, because there is a resource that they are relatively scarce in his territory and mines. As long as he has this thing, Allen will Can be exchanged for more resources.

At this moment, a person appeared on the road in the distance. After Allen stood up and confirmed with a telescope, it was his nephew Nick who came back with his wife and children.

Allen was in a happy mood. After all, although something like that had happened before, he was still his nephew. Allen decided to go down to greet him in person.

Soon Alan arrived at the gate of the fortress. After opening the small door, his nephew Nick also came over.


As soon as Nick came over, he called out. Allen walked over with a smile. The girl next to him also called out. Looking at the newborn child, Allen was about to speak when Nick's mother came out.

"Are you planning to come back and live there?"

Nick shook his head.

"No, uncle, I plan to take my mother over to live with us."

Allen's face stiffened for a moment, and several of his men immediately started to curse, but Allen stopped them, and Nick looked much stronger.

After Alan was silent for a moment, he laughed.

"It's up to you, but the contents inside can't be taken away."

"Well I understand uncle, I just need some clothes."

Soon Nick took his mother to pack things. Allen was furious at this time. He did not expect that his most promising nephew would choose to part ways with him in the end. This was unimaginable to Allen. Soon Nick took his mother After leaving, Allen watched them leave with a twisted smile on his cheeks.

"Okay, just go with it, the future will be very cruel."

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