"I went to see it the other day and things are getting better now."

Jean held a cigarette in his mouth and sat on the edge of the glass in the central control room, looking at the lush farmland below. Deguna's face was solemn. She had now turned into an 18-year-old girl, and she was still acting like a girl. The speed of containment continues to decrease.

Now the clothes Deguna wore before were all too big and baggy. Gu Yi on the side smiled helplessly, and the three of them were waiting for Li Chu to process an AI model.

This optical model requires a lot of calculations, and there can be no mistakes, otherwise the experiment will not be accurate. A good foundation must be laid at the beginning.

Now Gene and the others have been divided into various scientific groups.

Witte and Ellie are in the biological research team, Jean and Deguna are in the mechanical engineering team, and Guyi studies photophysics alone and will conduct various experimental studies with Jean Deguna.

Tang Rao will conduct research in materials science and medical devices, while Rose will take care of farmland and conduct research in biological cultivation.

Li Chu is responsible for research on communications and AI. Everyone performs their own duties and has a clear division of labor. For them, the current stage is just the beginning of technology.

In the past few years, they were just trying to realize the science and technology engraved in their minds in this place. They just started researching it after having a comprehensive discussion a while ago.

The topics studied by the Eight Human Worlds have been statistically integrated in detail. The things they study can complement each other in the future. The most important thing now is the light source.

This is the basis for the growth of all things. Although some artificial lights can be made to achieve certain effects, the energy generated by radiation will be difficult to support the development of human society in the future.

So their current topic is to eventually form a super large artificial solar lamp, and the amount of radiation must be the same as that of the sun in the past. Energy is currently indispensable for them, but fortunately, uranium ore has been discovered somewhere in the mountains. Substances with powerful energy that were used in the past to make weapons and produce energy helped stabilize the wars between the great powers on this planet.

However, it is currently difficult to mine and store it, because if it is accidentally leaked, it will be a disaster for mankind.

Although Jean wanted to search for some nuclear energy in some previous nuclear energy facilities, because when the asteroid fell, almost all countries with nuclear weapons should have launched their nuclear weapons directly at the asteroid.

It's a pity that the asteroid still fell. What made Jean and the others feel strange was that the high-energy radiation that appeared in the air disappeared in just a month or two. They suspected that this might be related to the asteroid.

Jean has planned to go directly to the center of the Pacific Ocean to investigate after studying for a period of time, because their bodies are now out of the category of humans, and there is no problem if they don't eat or drink, and the energy in their bodies is still rising.

Therefore, daily fighting is indispensable. In order to prevent the nearly infinite expansion of energy consumption in the body from becoming unbearable for each of them and eventually causing major problems, fighting is necessary every day.

Now Jean and the others have an idea to realize a controllable nuclear fusion reaction, simulate the process of solar rays radiating to the earth, and then weaken this process to a range that humans can bear.

Such research is not just a whim, but scientists have proposed the concept of controllable nuclear fusion a long time ago, because the environment of this planet is getting worse and worse, and humans want to find the next habitation in the dark universe. On the ground, this technology cannot be jumped away.

There are too many things that need to be studied and they are too complicated, and the entire structure is intricate and very huge.

But now Jean and the others have almost unlimited time. For them, everything will be fine after half a century of research.

Their ultimate goal is to create a human technological civilization on this land so that humans can continue to exist.

This has become the only motivation for the eight people now. The eight people themselves have a strong interest in science. Everything now is a paradise for them, because there are new products every day with research.

"Let's see if the values ​​are correct. If not, I can create several sets of interval values ​​so that the calculations won't be too difficult."

The three people gathered around and confirmed the values ​​that Li Chu had filled in for calculation in the AI. Then, after the three people thought about it, Li Chu established 10 sets of numerical calculation models.

Mathematics is extremely important in scientific research. Among the eight, Li Chu is the best in mathematics. Basically, Li Chu handles many complex and troublesome mathematical problems.

The slightest error in scientific research may lead to the collapse of the experiment. In many studies of the eight people, the experiment failed because something was not accurate enough.

"Jean, I think you'd better run a little earlier."

"I feel there will be some problems if I go alone, so I think it's best for one of you to go with me. Although the speed will be slower, at least the two of you can discuss something."

Jean said, looking at the reluctant expressions on the three people's faces, and then Deguna said.

"It would be better to take Tang Rao with us. She is an expert in materials science. I think it is safest for you two to go together."

Gene thought for a moment and nodded.

Jean planned to set off after completing a phased research project with Deguna. Everything on the grassland was better than Jean and the others expected.

As long as they research technology, they can lead humans to build a fortress-like city that can block everything out and allow humans to revive again.

"Okay, that's it, I have to write other AIs."

Deguna and Jean left first, while Gu Yi sat in front of a computer and looked at some calculated values.

"I said it's actually better if you go along."

Li Chu muttered, and Gu Yi smiled helplessly.

"It's not appropriate for me to go. What should I say to that guy Jean? We can't talk about many things together. It should be very boring along the way."

Li Chu laughed and said with a relaxed expression.

"It's true that I don't get along with that bastard Jean. It's always been like this."

Both of them nodded in unison.

At this time, Gene went back to the place where he lived. There was a sound of running water. It was Ellie taking a bath. Gene sat quietly in the living room and helped Ellie take out some clean clothes.

After a while, Ellie came out of the bathroom, looked at Jean with some differences, then pouted and leaned over.

"You really didn't say anything when you came back. I thought it was someone else?"

There's something different about Gene.

"How is that possible? Who else would come into this house except me?"

Ellie smiled and leaned into Gene's arms.

"By the way, I have to tell you one thing in advance. My plan to go out is to take Tang Rao with me."

Ellie immediately became furious.

"Why don't you take me?"

"It's not professional. Or if you want to go, it's okay. I'll carry Tang Rao on my back and hold you. It'll be fine."

Ellie looked at Jean in shock.

"You don't even want to kill me."

It's not that Ellie doubts that Jean and Tang Rao have anything to do with each other, but that she and Tang Rao have different views on each other, and it's normal for the two of them to quarrel.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to think about it. I still have a lot of research on hand. You go and come back early."

Gene hummed.


In Rose's laboratory on the edge of the farmland, several robots were busy nearby. They were helping Rose add some substances to some vessels, and then used detection rods to detect the reaction conditions and final results in the reaction vessels. Waiting for Rose I'll check it out when I'm done.

Now Rose is studying biological enzymes, which are extremely important substances for plants and are key substances that determine the growth of crops. She will have a discussion with Werther and Ellie on this aspect later in the evening.

Now Rose is living a fulfilling life every day, because she has researched some things, especially the nutrient solution for cultivating organisms.

Now Rose has successfully grown meat through these culture solutions. The meat cells were extracted from cans. The cultured meat tastes good, but there are still some genetic defects.

If you want to make up for this shortcoming, you have to conduct a lot of experimental research. Meat is still very important to humans, and it is impossible to not have a little bit of meat in the future.

This research should be quite long. After overcoming one problem, new problems will appear, which Rose must solve.


Rose looked at the studied substances under the electron microscope. She failed again. She had failed thousands of times. Such an experiment was really annoying, but it had to be done.

Rose only wished for more assistants, but she was alone. Although Jean and the others made some assistant robots according to Rose's request, these robots could not be compared with humans. They were a little stiff and inconsistent. Be careful as you may spoil the experiment.

"You look like you are dissatisfied with the robot I made."

Deguna walked in, and Rose immediately smiled.

"Can it be more humane?"

"It's very difficult to achieve this level of detail. Just be content."

Rose looked at Deguna's body and sighed.

"It's really sad. We were already in our 60s, and now we're back to below 20."

"I'll find a way."

Deguna said that she had recently found some methods based on Ellie and Witte's research on her cells, and now their respective powers have been fully awakened. Everyone's cell structure is different, and the power displayed is different. Also different.

"How's the situation?"

Deguna looked at the contents of the vessel, and Rose frowned slightly.

"Even if we eat this experimental meat, there will be no physical problems, but you are too greedy."

Rose said, and Deguna smiled awkwardly.

"It's not just me."

Deguna said and Rose nodded.

"Don't tell me it's you, I'm so greedy myself, but these meats are for experiments, we'll talk about it in a few days."

"Just get a few more pieces. I really want to eat barbecue."

Rose nodded. After eating this meat, their bodies will produce a rejection reaction. To put it bluntly, this kind of gene product is harmful to the human body.

"Go back to your own research room quickly, I still need to study."

Deguna had no choice but to leave. She planned to stroll around for a while. After walking around the farmland, Deguna came to the outside of Witte's laboratory, where Witte was still conducting research on crop genes.

At present, Witte has developed many kinds of high-yielding crops, but these crops are all harmful to the human body without exception. What shocked Deguna the most was that the crops that originally took half a year to mature only took two months.

This speed is too outrageous, and the harm is obvious. After eating these crops, their bodies will have unbearable reactions. Their current bodies are more like simulating human bodies.

Normally, their bodies are still human, but the extra alienated cells in their bodies are their current bodies.

"How's the situation?"

Deguna asked, and Witte put down what he was holding and looked at the pots of green plants in the laboratory, smiling helplessly.

"This kind of work is really a headache."

"Who is not like that?"

Werther came out and squatted on the ground. Deguna handed him a cigarette, but Werther refused.

There was a crackling sound in the corridor not far away, and the sound of some metal shattering and falling to the ground. The two ran directly over. This was Tang Rao's materials laboratory. She raised her fist angrily and was still smashing some sensitive materials. Just made alloy.

"I quit."

"What will happen if you don't do our follow-up research? You have to do your best in all aspects."

As Deguna said, Tang Rao angrily took out a cigarette and lit one. She had basically not made any breakthroughs in the past month. No wonder she was so irritable. Then Deguna told her to go to the Pacific Ocean with Jean. Tang Rao asked differently about the investigation.

"real or fake?"

Werther said with a smile.

"I think you are the most suitable candidate. You have spent some time with Jean and the others before. Your cooperation with Jean is also very good. At least we have got some things back. We have made a list."

Tang Rao nodded with joy.

"At least it won't be too boring if you go with that guy. He's not like you guys."

All three laughed.

After a while everyone gathered together, and everyone took out a bottle of wine. There were still a lot of supplies here. Everyone planned to discuss Jean and Tang Rao's outing while drinking.

It was obvious that Aili was a little dissatisfied and unwilling, Tang Rao said with a smile.

"Don't worry, although I am interested in Jean, he is not interested in me at all."

Ellie looked at Jean, and the others laughed.

"Anyway, the general direction has been determined now. We just need to keep working hard."

Li Chu said and stood up, holding up the wine bottle, and everyone stood up. Although everything was a bit depressing for them, they were generally happy.

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