Chapter 2532 Be prepared

"They brought this all on themselves."

One of Jed's men muttered. Jed felt extremely uncomfortable at this time, because there is no need for such a conflict. As long as everyone can have a good talk and are willing to make changes and concessions, peace can continue. Let’s get along.

The situation outside is still very bad. Jade is now worried that people from other gangs will come over, but Gene said last night that such worries are unnecessary. When the situation is unclear, no one will take action rashly.

Now those who planned to attack Jean were still making preparations in an alley. All Jade and the others needed to do was to continue to contain them, and there was another explosion behind them.

However, Jed was not surprised by the explosion this time, because the people in the planting team had been thoroughly organized and were coming towards them. They seemed determined to join forces with the gang next door to kill them.

Jed immediately ordered his men to prepare to move. They could no longer stay here. If they continued to stay, they would be surrounded.

"Run to the left and lure them over."

Li Chu's voice came over the radio, and Jed immediately started running with his men. From time to time, gunshots were heard from behind. People from the planting team and some gang members had united to surround them.

Under Li Chu's guidance, Jade and the others soon entered a house. Li Chu warned them not to go out.

There was a whooshing sound, and at this moment, black objects in the sky were thrown towards the crowd.

Jade looked at it solemnly. This thing that looked like a water balloon exploded immediately after falling into the crowd, bursting out flames, followed by black smoke and dust. For a while, many people hurriedly covered their mouths and noses, but soon Soon someone screamed in pain and began to vomit.

Black smoke spread in the neighborhood and soon spread to the surrounding areas. Many people who inhaled the smoke had problems without exception. Many people screamed in pain, especially those around the explosives.

This morning I thought I saw Jean and the others making these things, but I didn't expect them to be poisons. Although this approach was understandable, Jade was still a little confused in his heart.

A strong sound of gunfire rang out. As soon as Jed looked over, he saw that a small leader and his men looked like they wanted to retreat. Jed immediately ordered his men on their retreat route to move closer.

At this time, there were more than twenty corpses lying next to the bell tower where Deguna was. This group of people no longer had the courage to approach the bell tower. They suffered several losses. One of the minor leaders also died, and the others were still alive. Everyone is retreating slowly and orderly.

They knew that if they continued to fight, the casualties would only be more severe. Soon many people retreated towards the north block. Many of them looked very frightened and no longer planned to continue fighting.

More than half of the entire gang was dead or injured, and many others were injured to varying degrees. Jed had already led his men to fight back in the neighborhood. Many people in the planting team obediently raised their hands and surrendered.

The situation began to stabilize, and some of the fleeing gang members also fell to the shooting from behind. Jed quietly looked at the corpses all over the street, as well as dozens of people from the planting team kneeling on the ground with their heads in their hands. They all said good things.

"Mr. Angus, please let us go."

The bald leader of the planting team begged. He was injured on his leg and was still bleeding. Many people looked extremely frightened at this moment. They were the culprits who led this incident.

Jed was still hesitating, but at this time, along with a gunshot, Jed saw the guy in front of him had his head blown off and was lying on the ground motionless.

"Who fired the shot?"

Deguna walked over slowly.

"Once there are people who have betrayed, they are not worthy of trust. Even if you use force to make them surrender for a while, they will still betray you."

Jed just wanted to stop it, but at this time his men couldn't bear it anymore. When these people came here in the past, they gave a lot of help, but now they turned against each other, and 9 of Jed's men died.

Bang bang

Gunshots rang out, and after the continuous gunshots, a man fell in a pool of blood. Jade turned his back to them. He said nothing because he couldn't say it out loud. Such a thing was too cruel.

Soon people from the work team came over one after another, and many people cheered, but many people looked very bad at this moment, because the entire neighborhood had completely changed. Jade did not say anything, but directly told Among them, those who are willing to stay will continue to be assigned work. Those who are unwilling can take the food and go to other blocks.

Jean stood quietly on the side of the cafe, and Deguna in front of him laughed.

"We must have been as hesitant as this guy in the past."

Gene snorted. It was precisely because of the hesitation in the past that caused many problems. Now they know very well that if they don't solve the problem, it will be Jade and the others who die in the future if they have a chance.

But the people in the labor team were obviously dissatisfied, because such a large-scale bloody conflict occurred, which they were not happy to see. Some people decided to leave immediately. The gangs in the next block were not completely wiped out. If they teamed up with others If the gang comes to seek revenge, the whole neighborhood will not be safe.

Now what Jed and the others need to do is to integrate the blocks again as soon as possible and then start to allocate some work. Jed hopes that Gene and the others can help.

"This is how people are, Jed. We have seen too many such things along the way. No matter what, conflicts are inevitable. People will definitely have disputes over some things in such an apocalypse."

At this time, many motorcycles were coming from all directions on the block, and gangs from other areas of the city were coming. Soon, a large number of people with weapons arrived in front of the cafe.

"Remember, remember the agreement we made? Anyone who causes problems will get out."

One of the leaders said, and the other leaders also directly echoed. Jade nodded and began to explain the situation, but it was obvious that such a thing was meaningless to other gangs, because their purpose was to make Jade Get out of this area.

Of course Jade has thought about this outcome a long time ago, but now there is nothing he can do about it.

"Give us some time, I will reorganize this neighborhood and then leave with people. Is that okay?"

Jade asked, and the leaders who came over soon nodded.

"Remember Jade, give you guys a month, and then you leave."

Watching the leaders leave one by one, Jade did not intend to stay any longer, because the situation here was already deteriorating. Not only them, but other gangs were also constantly at odds and plotting. If this continues, the city will always remain... One day it will completely collapse.

But the question now is where to go, which Jade has not thought about yet.

"I have a proposal, Jed."

Gene came over and explained to Jed their journey and that they wanted to use the planting land to cultivate some seeds, including improvement, which would take a certain amount of time. Jed nodded and agreed, maybe if he went with these people , can see the future of mankind, and everything today is enough to prove the power of the eight of them.

The neighborhood was extremely quiet that night. Many people even left overnight with their belongings and went to other neighborhoods. As long as they had some food and supplies in their hands, they could survive. This was a top priority for many people.

Because today's situation was beyond everyone's expectation, that gentle Jed would suddenly take action.

Some people in the working group supported Jed's approach, but many people still found it unbelievable that after killing those in the planting group, who would farm the land in the future.

The neighborhood fell into complete silence all night, and there were even very few lights because today's fighting destroyed the electrical facilities in some places.

Early the next morning, Gene and Deguna took people to start repairs, while Witte and Ellie went to the farmland. They needed to see the specific situation in the farmland.

"No way."

Witte looked at the soil samples under the microscope. He had already looked at several soil samples, and Jed on the side was a little surprised.

"Mr. Witte, do you mean that this planting land is no longer viable?"

Vit nodded and spoke.

The content of microorganisms in the soil has dropped sharply, which is a precursor to the death of the land. There is nothing that can be done in this situation, because they did not take good care of the land when they planted it, and the land died little by little due to rough treatment. of.

Witte deduced that within a few months, there would be a large area of ​​production loss in this planting area. Witte also explained a lot of things. Now they want to use the seeds in their hands to cultivate some fresh high-yield crops. As long as they do it You can go to the next suitable place, reclaim a piece of land, and then start planting on a large scale.

All this was a bit incredible to Jed. Everything these eight people said was so orderly, and Jed was willing to leave with them.

Jade thought about it all night last night. It was probably the attitude of many people in the area that gave him the idea of ​​​​leaving because they were too powerful. He had done so much for them and made the neighborhood rich. They wanted a good life and order, but in the end they were treated like this. Almost half of the people in the neighborhood left, and few people stayed. Some of the people who stayed seemed to have other ideas.

Jed decided to help Gene and the others seriously last night, and then left with Gene and the others. After they left, there would definitely be gangs taking over the neighborhood, but Jed didn't care anymore. He saw this matter clearly. Lots of stuff.

At Witte's request, Jed asked his men to find some corresponding things, and then prepared to build a small biological laboratory on the edge of the farmland.

At this time, some people from the work group came over, including Li Nan, who shot and killed someone. Many of them came here to get some food.

"Mr. Jed is sorry, we."

"Don't say anything. You are free to leave here if you want. I won't stop you. Bring them some food."

Jed shouted, but his subordinates were obviously not happy. Jed yelled again, and then his subordinates started to move. Almost all the hundreds of people in the original planting team had run away, and many of them went directly to the next door. neighborhood, with the remaining gang members.

Jed has already asked more than 20 of his subordinates to guard the junction of the two areas. The opponent should not attack for the time being, and may wait until they leave before coming back. Jed knows this. Their combat effectiveness yesterday can be said to be The losses were heavy, both in personnel and in ammunition and weapons.

"By the way, there is one thing I hope you can pay attention to, Mr. Jade."

Li Nan said.

"What's up?"

Li Nan hesitated for a moment and then said.

"They want revenge."

Jade nodded, then asked softly.

"Where did you hear that?"

Li Nan said that a friend in the next district told them personally this morning that they had reached some kind of agreement with some other gangs and that they would most likely attack on a larger scale. They were only in the preparatory stage now.

"Just leave."

Witte said, and Jed was a little surprised. In the afternoon, Jed told Jean and the others about the matter. After thinking about it for a moment, Jean and the others decided to leave directly, taking some things needed for research, and then left directly. They could Just modify some cars and get some chemical batteries.

Deguna and Jean both judged at the same time that it was too dangerous to continue to stay. Now they could only prepare everything in a short period of time and then leave directly in the dark.

Gene and Deguna took Jed's men out of the city. There were many abandoned cars outside the city. They needed at least 10 cars and two trucks, because there were a lot of things that would be needed for subsequent research.

Jed's men totaled 36 people, and including Jean, they had more than 40 people. As for the other people in the area, there was nothing they could do. Many people must have heard the news and then started to evacuate overnight. After all, who I don’t want to get involved in a large-scale firefight again.

"Mr. Jean, does everything we do really make sense?"

Jade asked and Gene shook his head.

"I don't know either. If you hadn't done this before, you would have died."

Jade hummed, they had to get everything ready as quickly as possible, and everyone worked hard.

Witte seemed a little helpless, because he had originally planned to set up a biological laboratory today, but when he heard what Li Nan said, he felt something was wrong.

At this time, in the next block, the gang leaders of other blocks were discussing how to deal with Jed and his group. They had reached an agreement, and soon they would directly take action to kill Jed and his group.

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