At 12 o'clock at noon, Jed was still sleeping, but some of his men had already gotten up, and many of them began to move according to what Gene and the others said last night.

Many of them couldn't bear it anymore because the people in the planting team went too far and even ate the food inside and outside, which made them even more intolerable.

However, many people are still panicking. After all, once a fight breaks out, the gang members next door are not vegetarians. Although Deguna has already said that they should not panic. They only need to suppress the crowd after the fight starts. Just leave it to them.

At this time, Jean and Deguna were checking bullets and firearms. Both of them were holding semi-automatic rifles with a maximum range of 500 meters and an effective range of within 300 meters. This was enough for the two of them and could be used as Sniper rifle use.

Li Chu and others are nervously making some explosives. As long as the panicked crowd is suppressed, the group next door can have up to 100 people. If they get rid of thirty or forty people, it will basically be no problem at all, including the group next door. The lines have all been calculated.

To make explosives, you only need to use radio signals to detonate them. Just use a mobile phone to make a simple detonator. Some discarded mobile phones are completely sufficient.

Jean and Deguna got up at 10 o'clock this morning to look for suitable sniper positions. They had already selected two angle positions that could cover a large area. This way, they could respond back and forth. As long as the enemy panicked, they would be able to Solved.

The position and concealment of this kind of sniper are very important. Before they are completely discovered by the enemy, they can kill at least thirty or forty people, or even more. If the enemy is smarter, they should retreat, and if they swarm them madly, They have no future.

The explosives are mainly set near the sniper route of Jean and Deguna. If they rush over, Jean and the others only need to detonate them appropriately. The explosives are placed in some wooden boxes, which are filled with With some metals and stones, the explosion can have very amazing lethality at the moment.

There are still two hours left. Jade has already said that the trial will start after 2 noon. Deguna and Jean have completed the debugging of their respective firearms.

"Be careful yourself."

Deguna said, throwing away the cigarette butt in her hand, Jean smiled and nodded.

"The same to you."

Soon Jean will arrive at a six-story building diagonally behind the cafe. This place is very suitable for sniping, because the sun will make the building look particularly dazzling at noon.

Gene quickly went upstairs and began to assemble some mats and metal plates that Jed's men had brought over. He started to take some protective measures from the third floor. In a bathroom on the third floor, this small window The height is just right and you can have a panoramic view of the front of the cafe.

As time passed, the streets became lively, and many people from the planting team came over. Gene watched through the sniper goggles. Some of them carried weapons, but no one from the working team came over.

Because Jade informed them early in the morning to go to the factory area and continue working, and they would be given an answer, but many people still looked uneasy.

Sure enough, after one night, the attitude of the planting team changed. They actually directly asked Jade to select some women to accompany them every day, so that they could continue to work normally.

Jade looked at the bald man in front of him. He used to be quite gentle, but he didn't expect that he would now turn into such a foul-mouthed, profit-minded guy. The same goes for some other people.

Jade doesn’t understand why such stupid fights always happen in human society. It is obvious that everyone can live a good life as long as they work together, but there are always people who want to get something for nothing, and there are always people who want to take more. No one wants to Suffer.

Jed had explained the situation to many people sincerely from the beginning, but many people still longed for human society to recover, but it was obvious that their wishes were obscured by the growing dark clouds.

Many people began to hesitate, gradually became depressed, and then became even more irritable, and now it is developing more and more in the direction that Jed least wants to see.

"Mr. Jade, we just asked them to accompany us. After all, we have worked hard all day, and they have the obligation to serve us."

Jade laughed, the comment was extremely comical.

The reason why humans are called human beings is because they have rationality and sensibility. These remarks turn humans into beasts. If humans continue like this, they will surely perish. In the past, many beasts suffered tragic deaths due to the deterioration of their living environment. gradually disappeared after competition.

"This is like a beast, as I said."

Jed's words made many people in the planting team laugh. They were talking about some disgusting things. Jed couldn't stand it anymore. Last night, Gene said something, once human beings become corrupted, the only way is to You can only let them close their eyes, especially in this environment. If you let them go, they will do it again.

In fact, Jed was struggling internally. He knew everyone in the neighborhood, and everything about everyone living together in this neighborhood was still vivid in his mind. The first two months were really good.

It has obviously stabilized now, but this kind of thing still happens. At this time, the leader of the gang next door came with people. They did not come, but scattered in other places, chatting and waiting, but they took Holding the weapon, he looked like he was showing off his power.

It was certain that they were demonstrating and cheering for the planted men. Jade ignored them. They were still 300 meters away, out of the sniper range of Jean Deguna and the others.

Jed had already taken precautions at the counter in the cafe, which led directly to the basement. If a fight broke out later, Jed and his men would only need to take the opportunity to enter the basement and emerge from the street on the other side to start suppressing them.

There is no longer any reason to argue with these people who voluntarily fall and are controlled by desire. Now Jade just wants to start quickly.

Time passed by, Jed's men were all set up, and Jean and the others said they could start at any time. At this time, the gang members came over wearing weapons. The leader looked at Jed with a smile. Virtue.

"Mr. Jed, we are just here to see the fun. After all, even people in our district say you are the most fair."

Jed smiled politely, but he retreated to the cafe and then opened the door. Many people were confused because Li Nanren was gone.

Just 2 o'clock

Many people started shouting because the protagonists of the trial were not there, so Jade shouted again.

"Can't we sit down and talk calmly?"

"Mr. Jade, that kid kills people first, do you want to protect him?"

The leader muttered, and the kindness on Jed's face disappeared and was replaced by anger. He stood at the door. The signal was that Jed walked into the cafe. He looked at the threshold under his feet, still struggling in his heart. Once he stepped in, Go to Jean and they'll hit the ground running.

"Do you really want to do this?"

Jade asked again, and immediately there were angry shouts. Jade walked directly into the coffee shop. The men around him suddenly took out their guns, and the leader had already thought that something was wrong, but at this moment A gunshot rang out, and the leader was shot through the head just as he was about to lie down to cover himself.


Suddenly gunfire broke out, Jed and his men hid behind the counter, gunshots were everywhere outside, and soon Jed led people into the basement.

"You guys from X."

A man with an automatic rifle fired at the cafe while everyone else was running away. At this time, a bullet shot directly through his head.

Many gang members began to find some hidden places and were watching the cafe. Suddenly starting a war was something they did not dare to think about.

At this time, someone discovered that a clock tower directly opposite the cafe was a sniper point. Many gang members moved over one after another and planned to kill the other party's snipers first. However, as soon as a man ran a few steps, he was suddenly shot from behind. The bullet in the back penetrated the body.

"There's one in the back too."

Several gang cadres immediately issued instructions for everyone to calm down and pay attention to the snipers behind the cafe, and directly used firepower to suppress them. However, it was obvious that although they found the place, they could not see clearly due to the dazzling sunlight. Many people also raised their guns and shot at the small building.

After suppressing the firepower of the small building, a leader immediately summoned more than a dozen of his men, climbed to the roof and started shooting wildly at the clock tower.

Although ammunition is scarce here, more than a dozen of them have been killed now, and they must risk their lives. As long as Jed and his group are killed, this place will belong to them.

Bang bang

Bullets continued to hit the big clock dial of the bell tower. Deguna was behind a bunker, and several wooden boards were added to it. This was to prevent stray bullets from hurting himself. The opponent's fire suppression prevented him from firing for the time being. , but you can get started soon.

Originally, Jean and Deguna were allowed to control the explosives themselves, but in the end Li Chu got a few probes and connected the locations near the two people to the small local area network he built himself.

"It's close, be ready."

Li Chu's voice came from the short-range communicator next to her, and Deguna raised her gun again.

At this time, the leader had led his people to the entrance of an alley less than 50 meters away from the bell tower. Because this place was relatively hidden and did not face the clock face, but just when they rushed out of the alley, a person on one side The wooden box exploded.

The little boss who was still in front only felt a roar, and then immediately after a heat wave, a stream of heat suddenly appeared on his neck. Many people started to cry. At this time, the sniper rifle on the clock tower opened fire again, and the small building behind the cafe The sniper rifle is also firing.

The straight-line distance between the angular positions of Deguna and Jean was about 300 to 320 meters, which was also accurately calculated by the two.

The reaction speed of these people is not slow, the combat is very clear, and the cooperation is okay, but in Deguna's eyes, they are just a group of rookies, because they did not realize that two long-range snipers protected by explosives, In such a street battle without large-scale heavy weapons, the lethality is so powerful.

The two small bosses who were still alive were panicking at this time. There were less than 30 of their men hiding in the building. The other people were either responsible for suppressing fire or looking for snipers, while they stared at the cafe.

"How about we retreat?"

At this time, there was another loud noise outside. Next to the cafe, six people had become bloody and bloody after the explosion. Although some people did not die immediately, they would gradually die from excessive blood loss.

Immediately, another small leader rushed out with his people, and they began to face it head-on. The suppressed fire had already broken the surface of the small building into a sieve. Their speed was very fast. This leader knew very well that when they were detouring, There must still be those explosives on the road.

Gene was holding a cigarette in the bathroom and squinting at the group. The glass had been shattered a lot and the reflective effect was useless now. Gene blew out a puff of smoke.

"Now it's your turn."

There were very few explosives on Jean's side, only three, but there were 20 on Deguna's side. It was impossible for them to enter the bell tower.

Jed and many of his subordinates had already entered the designated location that Jean and the others had said in the chaos. Soon, as expected, some guys slowly passed by. They did not shoot, but waited for the last person to pass. Jed looked at a group of people. The subordinate on the side nodded.

Bang bang

Gunshots rang out, and in an instant some people on the tail were shot and fell to the ground. The leader immediately asked his men to disperse and look for bunkers. At this time, the sniper rifle rang out again. Jean changed his face and started in an attic room. Snipe.

In just one meeting, the little boss looked at the seven or eight corpses on the street. He felt fear because he felt that the guy he met was not simple. Although he found a hiding place, he was sure that Jed and his group had set up a trap. Being ambushed, they didn't have such strong combat effectiveness in the past.

"Give them the final blow."

At this time, Li Chu, who was more than 100 meters away, was holding a telescope and saw the location of more than 20 people. Next to him was a simple ejection device. Gu Yi adjusted the angle and force. There were more than ten trays with a package It contains black stuff. This is a chemical substance with a very low ignition point and a very fast burning speed. It can release deadly poisonous smoke in an instant.

Deguna made some simple ignition devices with matches. As soon as the items hit the ground, they would be ignited, and smoke would immediately emit. If they were inhaled, they would most likely be poisoned and make them dizzy immediately.

"I didn't expect you to come here in person."

Li Chu smiled and said, and Gu Yi hummed. They were responsible for cleaning up Jean's side, but now Witte and Tang Rao had gone to Deguna's side and knew how to control explosives.

The situation in the neighborhood is very chaotic. Many people have fled. Some members of the planting team are still planning to find Jed with the gang members and kill him.

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