Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2533 Go to the highest place

five days later

There were almost no people in Jade's neighborhood, and many people left the neighborhood directly because the entire area exuded a strong smell of gunpowder.

Many people don't quite understand that the calm and kind-hearted Jed would actually do such a thing. Many people are rumored to be influenced by outsiders who claim to be scientists.

In the eyes of many people in the city, Jed is the best person in the city who can handle things. However, some people also explained the reason. The guys in the Jed area joined forces with people outside to want to Get Jed, so Jed strikes first.

Most people who are sane know that there is nothing wrong with Jed doing this, but the balance in the entire city will be completely broken. What happened six months ago is still vivid in the minds of many people who were lucky enough to survive.

Although Jed and his group have repeatedly stated that they will leave the city as soon as possible, it is obvious that they are still preparing something, and the group who killed more than half of them before will definitely not be able to swallow this breath.

It is very likely that the two sides will go to war. Half a year ago, Jed tried every means to stop the chaos in the city. Everyone began to spend half a year in peace, but he did not expect that Jed would break his own. Set rules.

Just 9 o'clock in the morning

Witte is screening some seeds in the planting field. The screening can be completed today. He has made many simple vacuum jars to save seeds. Seeds are the hope of future mankind.

"Mr. Witte, why did you suddenly ask to leave that day? Obviously if we delay for a while, it may be too late for your research."

Werther said with a smile after a moment of silence.

"Why, I felt the danger, so I thought it would be better to leave early."

Jade said with a hum.

"Have you ever experienced anything like this before?"

"Many times."

During the few days that Jed spent with these eight people, he gradually fell in love with them. They were all very smart, could do a lot of things, and knew a lot of things. The most important thing was that they had no problem with doing things. Not the slightest hesitation.

"You have been through a lot before, traveling through mountains and rivers to get here."

Werther said and Jade nodded.

"We paid a very high price to come to this place because the virus spread so fast."

Jed still clearly remembered that in order to come to this city, he went through countless things that made him miserable. He finally came to this city and had fierce conflicts with the original people of the city.

Then it immediately evolved into a battlefield, but people kept coming every day. Although I don’t know whether it was someone who announced that this place had not been attacked by the virus, or whether it was driven by human instinct to survive, the number of people who came to this land became more and more... More and more are coming.

Everyone wants to find a safe haven here, but obviously, everything here is not enough to feed everyone, and the elimination of survival started a few months ago.

There are not enough medical supplies here, and many people have died of the disease in the past few months. In particular, some patients with serious infectious diseases have to be expelled from the city to prevent the outbreak of infectious diseases.

"Mr. Witte, how do you think we humans can continue to survive?"

"First form a small society, with a maximum of 300 people. Such a small society has a clearer division of labor and is less likely to collapse due to certain things. As long as 300 people have some farmland, it is not a problem to survive."

Jade nodded, smiled helplessly, and then said.

"Actually, I am a little disappointed with human society. Perhaps it is because this disaster happened so suddenly that the essence of everything was exposed."

Werther smiled and said.

"Maybe Mr. Jade, I used to be the same. In the age of ignorance, I was always full of passion. I thought it was easy to break everything as long as I worked hard. Only when I got older did I realize I wanted to break something. It’s incredibly difficult.”

Jade laughed.

"You look very young."

Werther smiled.

"We have participated in some research projects. Although you look at us like this, we are actually over 50 years old."

Jed looked at Werther in disbelief, when one of his subordinates ran over in a panic.

"No, they're here, threatening to ask us to hand you over, otherwise they will launch a full-scale attack."

Werther did not expect that at such an important juncture, the opponent would attack.

Jade stood up directly and quickly gathered some of you. They carefully came to the vicinity of the dilapidated cafe. Sure enough, they could see some figures, but this time they were very cautious and did not rush over directly.

"What do you want? I have already said that we will leave as soon as possible. After we leave, everything here will be yours."

"Jade, stop pretending. You are obviously preparing. You want to wait for us to attack and then catch them all."

Angry voices came from the loudspeaker on the opposite side, and there were more and more people around. The subordinates had already identified them as people from some gangs in other areas. They had united and planned to take action.

Jade didn't expect them to be so fast. Once they started to attack now, they would definitely not be able to withstand it.

"I don't know who encouraged you to do this, but you'd better think carefully. If you want to be tough, we are not vegetarians. Don't let the guy who encouraged you suddenly stab you in the back."

Jed shouted loudly. He knew that these words might have some effect, but now he still had to think of other methods. The other party was determined to take action. Jed began to lead his men to retreat. The only places they could retreat to now were some machining workshops.

Deguna and the others said that once the enemy launches an attack, they should not hesitate to retreat to the processing workshop. As long as they retreat there, those who are attacking will stop.

Because there is a lot of food in the processing workshop, and food is what most people depend on for survival, they have to consider the gains and losses before attacking.

The original plan was to leave tonight, but now it seemed that there was no longer any delay. Someone had already opened fire. Jed was forced to let his men fight back. Soon Jed and 30 people evacuated to a processing workshop. There was a lot of processed food placed, and they began to disperse, occupying some favorable positions to prepare for the enemy's attack.

Sure enough, as Deguna said, many people from other gangs stopped moving forward after seeing Jade and the others entering some processing plants, as if they were discussing something.

Jed had already agreed with his men that as long as they lasted until night, they would retreat directly to the planting area and get into the vehicles prepared outside, and they could leave the city.

Some necessities have been put on the car, and the only thing that has not been completely processed is the seeds. Now Werther and the others are still working hard to process them and take away as many seeds as possible.

At this time, the opponent began to make tentative attacks, but soon such attacks came to an abrupt end.

Jed was very anxious. He just hoped that time would pass faster. However, soon some people came over and Jed could only continue to fire, and the other party also started to fire back.

The worst case scenario has come. The other party cleverly found their location through such exploratory attacks, and then began to surround and defeat them. Some of his subordinates have been killed. Jed was very angry, but now he only Only if you can continue to endure it.

The only way now was to continue retreating to the back. After retreating to a processing workshop again, Jed tapped the number of people. There were 4 less people. The others were very angry.

"Stop it, everyone. The only thing we can do now is to leave this city, find a place suitable for a small number of humans to survive, and continue to live."

The movement began to stop. Sure enough, the other party's goal was food. Some vehicles drove in directly. Jade watched them continue to carry food. This was their ultimate goal. As long as they got the food, they would most likely not attack in advance. .

Nowadays, food is extremely scarce for many gangs. This is probably the reason why they attacked in advance, in order to prevent Jed and the others from taking away too much food.

Jade only felt that what they did was too ridiculous. They would do such a thing just for a little bit of food. So what should they do after eating the food?

Witte has already said that the planting areas here are dying, and the planting areas of other gangs are probably the same.

Time passed by, and finally Werther ran over.

"We can leave Mr. Jed."

Jed nodded and led the people under him to evacuate. Throughout the day, they had basically emptied all the food in the processing plants, and many gangs came.

After passing through the planting area, more than a dozen vehicles have already started. After Jed and his men got into some vehicles, the convoy began to start. Now they are going to a place higher than here, because the place above There is more sunshine, and Jade said that there should be no humans setting foot there yet.

Ellie and the others were sure based on the air currents and some grass and leaves flowing down the river that the situation above was at least better than here.

Jade looked back at the small city behind him again. He was a little reluctant, but at the same time a little sad. Everything in the past six months seemed like a dream.

"I thought what I could do was become the leader of a city and lead everyone to survive."

"Having this heart is enough."

Werther comforted.

At this time, next to the planting field, a leader of the gang next door to Jed yelled angrily.

"This is different from what was promised."

However, as soon as the leader finished speaking, someone opened fire, and he was beaten to a pulp in an instant. The shooter was one of the leader's subordinates. The other subordinates were not unhappy at this time. On the contrary, He laughed happily.

"Mr. Hillman, this will be ours from now on, right?"

The guy named Hillman laughed and nodded.

"From today on, you will manage the planting land. You only need to pay some food every month."

The man looked a little gloomy. His name was Alan Hillman. He had crossed the mountains with Jed Angus and the others and came here all the way to avoid the virus.

Allen knows very well that if a city wants peace, it only needs one doctrine, and that is realism. Allen has long become the actual controller of the city.

Allen will not directly control these poor and weak forces, large and small, but will cross-control each other, allowing these gangs to occupy each other's shares in the same form. Even Allen's own gang has given them to other gangs. shares, so that no one suffers a loss, but instead unites more closely.

It's just that in such a city, there is an alien, Jed Angus. Everything he does seems to Allen to be meaningless. The reason why the person who manages the planting land on his side will join the guy next door. Gangs are there for a reason.

Things like people, once they are not under strong control, can easily become corrupted, and Allen excluded Jed and the two gangs on his arm from the beginning, because he knew very well that instead of forcing them to collapse, let them The most ideal thing to do is to collapse yourself. After all, you can maximize your profits without paying any casualties. This is what Allen has always admired most.

Now that the city has completely become Allen's thing, he has no idea what to do next. If the city wants to survive, it must integrate manpower and material resources to the maximum extent, so that the whole city can take on a new look.

"Listen carefully, gather all the technical personnel together tomorrow. We must make a food shelter before the sun disappears, otherwise all of us will be ruined. Gather the men who are in good health, they will become The city’s labor force, and women need to provide some services for free.”

After Allen finished speaking, many people cheered. This is also Allen's most ideal social structure in the apocalypse. It doesn't need to be complicated, it just needs to be able to allow the human group to survive, and the control that I feel is very necessary. of.

In order to better control these gangs, Allen has already been in contact with the second and third figures of the gangs, and intentionally or unintentionally encouraged them to do something. As long as the leaders of these gangs have the slightest delusion, Allen will definitely Let them die from gunshots from behind.

Allen looked at the lights in the darkness in the distance. They should be Jed and the others. He was a little helpless. Jed's approach was too gentle and was not suitable for such an apocalypse, where human society and civilization had already collapsed. , only power is the foundation to consolidate everything.

There is no need for one-person-one-vote democracy, only strong people with strong control and skills. Allen has known the essence since he set foot on this land, so he did it from the beginning, and now he has succeeded.

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