Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2500 Ghost Game 5 (Part 2)

There was a noise, and Su Li woke up. She felt a little thirsty. There was a little glimmer of light in a gap above, and she could barely see clearly. There were a lot of sundries in this warehouse. Su Li got up and identified them. , many of them are old products that have been eliminated.

Some were completely damaged, and the entire warehouse was filled with an unpleasant musty smell. Suli tried to crawl to a place with light. She felt that this should be a basement somewhere.

After trying for a while, Su Li gave up. At such a height, the footings would not work because many things were broken, and they were at least 3 meters away from the light.

It was obvious that the sundries in the warehouse were of no use. Su Li didn't know what would happen. She picked up some water and drank some, and ate some dry food. It was hard to swallow.

Su Li sighed. She didn't know what happened to Lu Xian. The business department should have started investigating her disappearance. After all, she had been missing for almost a day now.

Su Li didn't know when those people would come over. Although she could hear the sound, it was only a little bit. This place should be a basement in a certain alley. There are many such basements in the city.

Su Li tried to shout, but soon her throat went dry and no one could hear her because it was a bit noisy outside. Su Li rummaged through the waste, trying to find something useful. If she could If something could be squeezed out of that gap, it might help.

After a while, Su Li gave up and became increasingly hungry. She ate big mouthfuls of dry food. This was the first time in her life that Su Li had tried such hard-to-eat food. It should be something fermented and air-dried. There was only a little bit of sweetness and saltiness when eating, and it was very uncomfortable to chew.

After a while, Su Li was full, and more than half of the dry food was left. Su Li tried to fumble at the door. The door was at least ten centimeters thick, made of metal, and had been locked.

Su Li walked to the corner and wanted to try to see if she could find anything. At this moment, a strange smell made Su Li feel a little uncomfortable. She couldn't see clearly because the light in the corner was too dark.

Su Li touched a hard object, and soon Su Li discovered a lot of things. She began to take these unknown objects to the middle light, and there was a round object among them.

, Suli was suddenly shocked, and she screamed in horror. These things were human bones. There was a clear clicking sound, and Suli kicked these bones away.

Among them was a skull. Su Li looked at the corner, sweating all over her body. She knew very well that the current situation was very bad. This warehouse was used to store corpses.

Su Li covered her mouth, but soon realized that her hand had touched those bones, and she couldn't help spitting it out. It took a while for Su Li to relax.

At this moment, the iron door creaked open, and Su Li saw the light coming in. She was very uncomfortable with seeing the light suddenly because she had been in the dark for a long time, and then Su Li closed her eyes.


There was a noise, and Suli felt something being pushed in, and then the door was closed. Just as Suli was about to speak, a disgusting smell of blood filled the air.

Su Li realized what it was. She squatted down, looked at the dying Lu Xian, and then asked hurriedly.

"Are you OK?"

Lu Xian opened his eyes and then said.

"Is it okay for you to try being tortured?"

Su Li looked around and saw that there were no medical supplies here. Su Li helped Lu Xian to a brighter place and looked at the shocking injuries on Lu Xian's body. Although the bleeding on both knees had stopped, the knees were already damaged. His legs were out of shape, unable to walk, and Lu Xian kept sweating.

Su Li pulled off her shawl and wiped it for him. Lu Xian laughed helplessly.

"If I had listened to you and surrendered, how did the person who told me where I was know about my existence?"

Su Li shook her head. She didn't know what was going on. Although Su Li hesitated at first because she was afraid that it might be a scam, the other party clearly told many things that only Su Li knew.

Su Li smiled helplessly.

"Maybe it really is a ghost."

Lu Xian was very uncomfortable, with pain all over his body. He had been tortured for three hours, but Lu Xian never said where the things were.

Then Lu Xian said.

"Listen up, Su Li. As long as you know the location of the things, when they take you there at 0 o'clock, you can definitely run away as long as you have a clear head."

Then Lu Xian came close to Su Li's ear and whispered something to her. Su Li listened carefully. She felt uncomfortable inside at this moment.

After a while, Su Li remembered the place clearly. Lu Xian leaned on Su Li's leg tiredly. Su Li looked at the man she once loved most, but now he looked like this. She felt uncomfortable. For a moment, Su Li remembered All the sweet things in the past, this sealed memory, are now clearly presented in front of my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I should have been firmer and got you back."

Su Li said in a low voice. The tears finally couldn't be restrained and fell on Lu Xian's face. He smiled.

"It's okay. The past has passed. No matter how you think about it, everything has become a foregone conclusion. I want to sleep for a while and remember Su Li. As long as you follow what I said, you will definitely be able to run. Just run. Go to the street and you’ll be saved.”

Su Li nodded. There was a hidden escape hatch where Lu Xian had hidden the money laundering books for so many years. He only needed to escape without them paying attention.

"So what do you do?"

Su Li asked.

Lu Xian shook his head.

"As long as I get the thing, I will die. As for you, they should let you go. After all, if something happens to you, all the secrets in this city will be dug up. Those guys behind the scenes are impossible That’s what it does.”

Su Li asked.

"Who is this guy behind the scenes?"

Lu Xian said after being silent for a while.

"Do you know the Recreation Company?"

Lu Xian asked, Su Li nodded.

"The two Zhao brothers have cooperated with us before and once came to our house to attend a banquet. Are they the people behind the scenes?"

Su Li was a little stunned, Lu Xia nodded and smiled.

"These two people are just one of the members of this group. In the past, many gang members spontaneously organized themselves and used black market middlemen to launder their assets. You should know that in May of that year, What did Nia Angus, the section chief, do at the bottom?"

Su Li nodded, of course she knew better than anyone else. Many things Niya did had been reported. She frantically launched attacks against the gang members again and again, without giving them any chance to breathe.

And more than 20 years ago, when Niya became the chief of Section 5, the entire low-level gang members at that time should be afraid.

But after Niya came to power, she did not deal with them all of a sudden. Instead, she dealt with them slowly. Some people were arrested, and some began to do serious business.

Because the involvement between gang members and the bottom is too complicated, once they are touched, many people at the bottom will have big problems.

Therefore, Niya has been restraining the gang members for so many years. As long as they are doing legal business, they will not cause trouble for them for the time being. If they dare to commit crimes, they will be punished.

"At that time, there were many gangs that made a lot of money. They joined forces and formed a group called the Advancement Society."

Su Li immediately understood when she heard it. There was indeed a group of businessmen in the city called the Advancement Association. Su Li had been invited to attend their group's dinners many times.

"They are all people who used bloody violence, fraud and other methods to make a lot of money at the bottom, and then laundered their way to the middle level and became businessmen. Everyone's hands are full of blood."

Su Li's face was solemn. This group of people did seem quite rude at times. Su Li just thought they were businessmen who climbed up from the bottom and didn't care.

"As one of the middlemen of the Advancement Association, I have been helping them launder their assets over the years, but I left some materials so that we can live in peace in the next 20 years. They are not planning to get rid of me, but mutually beneficial."

Su Li nodded.

"When did you start helping them?"

"After I left the Su family, I actually tried to run a business several times, but every time I was prevented from operating normally by the gang members. I had no choice but to think about how to make money from those people. Later I did it. Walking among some gang members, helping them deal with some property and financial issues, and then helping some gang members launder their assets."

Su Li was a little stunned and then said.

"You earned the money in the basement, right?"

Lu Xian smiled helplessly.

"The money I earned is more than 100 million. There are more than 30 warehouses like this in the city, many of which are used to store banknotes. But I didn't expect that the banknotes would suddenly be banned by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and virtual currencies would be launched, or Say it was driven by the Hillman family.”

Su Li certainly knew that the reason why the Hillman family vigorously promoted virtual currency at that time was because their family planned to use virtual currency to bring down the Angus family.

Lu Xian fell asleep at this time, Su Li also felt sleepy, and soon she fell asleep too.


Niya chewed her cigarette and looked at the two brothers who had put on collars and handcuffs, and she said happily.

"You guys are really fast. I was just about to track you down when you ran away."

Niya stared angrily at the two people who confessed the matter. The two brothers planned to commute their sentences. Next to them were a lot of directors, all of whom had solemn expressions. What they didn't expect was that the people in the Advancement Association were all from the bottom. Gang members, they have done a lot of charity in recent years, and they are a huge business force among the middle-level people in the city.

There are currently 238 registered members, ranging from small to large businessmen, with 309 companies. This is an extremely serious problem for today's cities.

"What should I do, sister?"

Nia asked looking at Alpha.

Alpha in the video had a cold expression at this moment, and then said directly.

"Send them both to Section 2. I want to know everything."

The two brothers stood up hurriedly in fear, and Zhao Cheng shouted hurriedly.

"Master Alpha, we have answered so many questions, can't we get a reduced sentence?"

Alpha said coldly.

"Go and make peace with the dead man."

The two brothers were clamped up in fear, Zhao Ming yelled in panic, Niya suddenly moved forward and punched him directly in the abdomen, and then Zhao Ming fainted.

"Crying, if you dare to do it, just like a man, take it bravely."

Nia looked at the two brothers being taken away angrily, she looked at Alpha and asked.

"Sister, what should I do?"

Alpha also knew that if so many companies investigated at the same time, many people would be affected, but Alpha quickly said.

"Investigate this matter thoroughly, and arrest all relevant personnel even if we dig deep into the ground."

Niya waved her hands and said.


Then Niya immediately looked at the more than 30 directors present and said.

"Listen clearly, arrest everyone in the Forward Association and their associates. If you dare to resist, execute them on the spot if they cannot be arrested."

Niya's order shocked all the directors present, and one of the directors asked.

"Lord Niya, why don't we issue an announcement first, so that a sudden arrest may cause chaos."

Nia looked at Alpha on the screen and smiled.

"Give us 2 hours first. We will prepare for the arrest and mobilize 10,000 people from Section 3 to assist us in our work. Let that girl make the announcement. Sister, hurry up and find a way to find Su Li. I think something is wrong. Once we start making arrests, Suli's life may be in danger. You have to think about this clearly."

Alpha hesitated for a while and then said.

"You should prepare first. Section 2 will continue to investigate along this line. First, arrest the people who have been to Lu Xian's house before. Then we should be able to know Su Li's whereabouts."

Niya nodded.

"When will it be released?"

Alpha said.

"We will wait until we know Su Li's specific whereabouts and rescue her. Let Li Ang and Jewell assist you."

Niya nodded.


At this time, many people on the first floor of Section 13 had serious expressions. They did not expect that such a huge crime was hidden in the city.

Le Xiao was a little stunned, Alpha said.

"You first think carefully about how to explain this to the people."

Le Xiao nodded awkwardly and she muttered.

"Why is it me again?"

Wu Lei said with a smile.

"Who else could it be if not you?"

Mo Xiaolan quickly organized the arrests. These people who had been to Lu Xian's house were most likely mutants. Their purpose of going there should be to trade with Lu Xian.

"The on-site arrest will be broadcast simultaneously later. Su Li must be rescued before the people who advance to the meeting have any reaction."

After Mo Xiaolan finished speaking, Alpha nodded.

"Indeed, if you push the opponent to a certain level, the opponent may be defeated."

Le Xiao swallowed. She didn't know what would happen next, but she was sure that the situation was getting worse and worse, involving such a huge thing. Le Xiao was now thinking about a question, what exactly was AI Eddie going to do?

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