Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2501 Ghost Game 6 (Part 1)

"found it."

In the temporary case investigation headquarters, a director stood up excitedly. For a moment, everyone looked at him, and Alpha's frown relaxed.

The director immediately explained the situation. The previous man named Noi had just been arrested after resisting, and he had already confessed.

Alpha immediately asked someone to attend the scene, and soon everyone looked at the light and shadow screen. A man was sitting in the interrogation room with a bruised nose and face. He looked frightened. After seeing Alpha, the man lowered his head, with despair in his eyes.

"Where is Sully?"

Alpha asked, and the man shook his head.

"After we kidnapped her last night, we handed him over to Feng Yuan. As for where Feng Yuan will take him, we don't know."

Noi replied feebly. He just wanted to escape, but was surrounded by people from the nearby special management team. Although he had knocked down several people from the special management team, Ye Jiao, the secretary of Section 7 nearby, quickly rushed over. Come and knock down Noi in an instant.

Large-scale arrests have not yet begun, and Alpha has never made a decision, because such a decision means that it will push Suli into danger, and everyone in the entire command headquarters does not know what to do.

If it were a little later, the businessmen of the Advance Society would most likely find out and start destroying evidence on a large scale, and some people might escape sanctions.

Alpha doesn't want this to happen. She will never allow these people who used to make money through crime at the bottom to stand in the sun openly after washing their hands.

There has been too much sorrow in this city, too much bloodshed, and if these people are not brought to justice, then the suffering of this city will be meaningless.

Lexiao sat next to Alpha and saw that the cigarette butts in the ashtray were full, Alpha continued to light. Lexiao stood up and took the ashtray and poured it into the trash can. At this time Alpha asked.

"What do you think, girl?"

After coming back, Le Xiao looked at Alpha with a serious face, and looked at Le Xiao with eyes. For such a heavy decision, no one present dared to speak out. Regardless of Su Li's words, mass arrests were carried out, and everyone who attended the meeting was arrested. Can't run.

But if it continues to be delayed, something will definitely slip through the net. Now the news is strictly blocked. The 1st Section has directly controlled the reporters' reports, and the reports are cut off before they are sent out.

The people at the conference must have some kind of connection. If it were a few hours later, they would definitely find a way to get rid of some evidence. Although Section 2 has started to send people to keep an eye on them, what will they do out of sight? unknown.

Noi was still explaining that the man named Feng Yuan had disappeared several years ago. He had no family or friends, and now he had no idea where he was.

"What kind of person is Feng Yuan?"

Alpha asked and Noi said.

"He is very cruel. Many of the things we did were done by him himself. He had kidnapped and killed some people before."

After Noi finished speaking, Le Xiao swallowed. Now everyone finally understood what AI Eddie wanted to do. Choose one of the two. If you don't start arresting people from the Forward Association, they will definitely notice the anomaly and find out the clues.

Once arrested, Su Li is very likely to encounter something unexpected, because this Feng Yuan is a murderer, and there is no way to know his exact location now.

"I think if I look further, I might be able to find it."

After Lexiao finished speaking, Alpha nodded and then looked at Noi and asked.

"Tell me everything you know if you still want to see the sun."

After Alpha finished speaking, Noi nodded, and the video ended. Alpha looked at the arrests of several other people. They were in the same group as Noi, and they all explained their actions last night. They wanted to get away from Lu Xian. After getting the money laundering account book, Lu Xian didn't say a word, but Su Li said she knew where the things were.

"Let's all share our opinions."

After Alpha finished speaking, no one spoke. Even Ran Zai and Ran Zhiye and Sun remained silent. Everyone knew that if they made a decision now, they could only choose the majority and arrest everyone in the Advancement Association.

Su Li's situation would be extremely dangerous. At this time, Le Xiao stood up and said.

"Waiting here is not an option, let's go find him."

Luo Ziyun looked at Le Xiao doubtfully, and Le Xiao said.

"Transfer all the people from Section 13 back and let's search in those areas. Maybe we can find them."

After Le Xiao finished speaking, Wu Lei thought for a while and nodded.

Le Xiao turned around and walked away. She was very uncomfortable now. She was fine last night. When she passed her mother Su Xin, she looked at her mother who was wiping her tears and Le Xiao said.

"Don't worry, I will definitely find Su Li."

After Le Xiao finished speaking, he went out directly. Luo Ziyun followed Le Xiao. Wu Lei had already called for a takeoff.

"Start looking for Area 51 first."

After Le Xiao finished speaking, the three of them got on the lift. At this time, Ran Zai and Ran Zhi also chased them out, and they got on the lift.

Three minutes later, the lift landed directly on the street. Everyone looked at Le Xiao and the other people from Section 13 with confusion. People from Section 5 came over one after another. Le Xiao looked at the crowd of people and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'm just here to take a look, because there may be some business proposals in the future, so I want to walk around and have a look."

Le Xiao began to walk on the street accompanied by the personnel from Section 5. Of course, the people from Section 5 knew that Le Xiao was not just here for a casual look. They had all received the highest-level order to be on standby within 24 hours. Once the order was issued, , they will act on orders at any time.

Such an order must be sent to every department member before a major accident occurs in the city. All department members will be forced to enter the network of the administrative department and are not allowed to contact anyone.

Several officers also came over, and when they walked into a deserted alley, Le Xiao looked at the officers with solemn faces and said.

"A big problem is about to happen in the city. You must have received the order."

Several officers nodded. The order they received was to prepare for arrest. It was unknown who to arrest, Le Xiao said.

"Someone is being held hostage by vicious gangsters. I'm looking for him now. I hope you can spread out a little and act like you're patrolling or shopping casually. Don't go looking for it deliberately. If you find something suspicious, don't go there deliberately. To conduct a search, just send one or two section officers to investigate."

After Le Xiao finished speaking, the section officers issued instructions to the nearby section officers. As soon as the section officers patrolling the street received the order, they dispersed in groups of two or three and began to walk around casually along the street.

Le Xiao continued walking. She didn't know where to find Su Li. Su Li might be in these districts, but the districts were so big that it was very difficult to find Su Li.

After a while, Le Xiao looked at an old area. There were some old houses in this place. Le Xiao walked over, followed by some department members in twos and threes.

Luo Ziyun looked around. After Le Xiao walked in, many people greeted her. Le Xiao responded with a smile, but her eyes were serious. At this moment, Le Xiao was angry inside.

When she saw what happened to Alpha in the past, Le Xiao just thought why the Hillman family was so bad. Alpha really tried his best, but now Le Xiao somewhat understood why Alpha was so angry.

The city was once played by the Hillman family and applauded. Although they knew it was the Hillman family, they could not do anything. In the end, they could only tolerate it again and again in anger, and this is the current situation.

Knowing that Su Li was kidnapped by vicious criminals, there was nothing they could do. Moreover, those cleared criminals would most likely destroy all evidence. If they wanted to arrest them, there would be no way to arrest them without evidence. If they were forced to If arrested, it will destroy the legal system that the city has finally established.

Wu Lei and Luo Ziyun looked a little helpless when Le Xiao was thinking, because they had never seen Le Xiao with such a heavy expression.

Time passed by, and Le Xiao was still looking around. It was already 5:43, and the sun was about to set.

Those people had already told them that if Lu Xian didn't tell them the location of the ledger, they would meet at 8 o'clock in the evening and start taking action at 0 o'clock, taking Su Li to find the ledger.

There are still more than 2 hours. If the other people do not show up at the agreed time, then Feng Yuan, who hijacked Su Li, will definitely realize that something is wrong, and Su Li will be in danger by then.

"what to do?"

Le Xiao asked. Wu Lei and Luo Ziyun on the side could only lower their heads, and the last ray of the sun disappeared.

There are still two hours left. Although the meeting place is already filled with people from Section 2, Feng Yuan's whereabouts have always been a mystery. No one knows where he lives. Now we can only wait until 8 o'clock.

Time passed by, and Le Xiao came to a bar where Noi had told her to meet, and sat nearby. There were many people from Section 2 on the street.

There are also many people from Section 2 in the bar, and everything looks normal. Noy ​​said that after they meet here, they will go along the alley next to the bar to the place on the roof, and then discuss and wait until it is almost time. Then they will start taking action.

There are already a large number of special team mutants squatting near the roof, and there are many heat-sensing floating robots in the sky. As long as there is a heat source anywhere and it cannot be captured by the image, it can definitely be a mutant.

"It's eight o'clock."

Le Xiao stood up, and at this moment several people who were arrested today came over. They followed the instructions of Section 2 and came here to meet Feng Yuan.

They entered the bar as usual, and half an hour later, they each came out and walked into the alley on the left, but no one followed.

In particular, the man named Feng Yuan never appeared.

Time passed by, and at 9 o'clock in the evening, the operation failed. Section 2 had secretly arrested some people who attended the conference. They said nothing because someone had already discovered the clues.

Le Xiao looked at the busy street. She was still thinking about how to find Su Li. Her mind was empty. At this time, Le Xiao suddenly exclaimed.

"By the way, just mobilize the citizens."

Luo Ziyun next to her looked at Le Xiao doubtfully, and Le Xiao said.

"There is no way now and no time. Even if it is discovered, we must send a message to everyone."

Wu Lei said hurriedly.

"Are you kidding me? Once leaked, the risk will be great."

Le Xiao looked at Wu Lei and said.

"Isn't there nothing we can do?"

Le Xiao said.

"Someone will definitely notice something unusual."

After Le Xiao finished speaking, he thought about what kind of message he wanted to send to the people.

Xiao was so happy that he called Alpha directly. The arrest and sending messages to the citizens must be carried out simultaneously.

According to Noi's explanation, Feng Yuan's method of communicating with them was a short-range communicator and no mobile phone. After all, the control of mobile phones in the city is very strict now.

"Okay, think about what you want to tell the people. I will let Section 5 set up an answering department."

Mo Xiaolan has made arrangements to arrest everyone in the Advancement Association in an instant, and then start a large-scale search.

Happy Xiao sent the edited content to Alpha, and Le Xiao walked directly to the street. Le Xiao firmly believed that although the surveillance could not capture anything, the people's eyes would definitely notice something.

Many people on the street gathered around. They looked at Le Xiao standing alone on the street. Then Le Xiao smiled and looked at the few girls who came over. They looked at Le Xiao with admiration. Many people around him looked at her. Coming closer, everyone praised Le Xiao.

"I want to ask everyone to do me a favor."

As soon as Le Xiao finished speaking, everyone's cell phones rang, and many people picked up their phones one after another.

(Dear citizens, good evening, because an extremely serious kidnapping case occurred. We currently do not know where the vicious criminals who took the hostages are, so I would like to ask everyone to help me. The incident specifically happened at 0:00 last night. In the future, I hope you will think about whether you have noticed any strange places in your daily life, the kind of places that are not easy to detect, but that everyone is suspicious of. This is a photo of the suspect. If you have seen him somewhere before If so, please immediately tell the nearest Section 5 or call 000500105 directly and tell the newly established Special Case Department of Section 5. Please don’t panic and just keep it as usual, because the hostages are likely to be in danger. I hope everyone can do as usual. , please. Please help me find it.)

People in six major districts all received this message at the same time. People on the street looked over and some people hurriedly reminded them.

"stop looking."

Some people continued to lower their heads and started walking. Luo Ziyun and Wu Lei looked at the scene in front of them in shock. Many people dispersed, and some people still took photos with Le Xiao.

In less than a minute, a steady stream of information came in. Some Section 5 personnel on the street were stopped and taken to some places.

Le Xiao raised her head, filled with hope.

"I'll definitely find it."


As soon as Le Xiao finished speaking, smoke and dust came from a place in the distance. For a moment, people on the street looked over. Le Xiao was a little stunned, and soon there was a sound on the radio.

"Citizens please do not panic. We have found the location of the criminal based on the clues provided by the citizens. There was only a small explosion just now. Residents near South 6th Street in District 53 are asked to evacuate in an orderly manner under the guidance of Section 5. Thank you all for your cooperation.”

Alpha's voice came out, and Le Xiao turned around and ran wildly.

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