Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2499 Ghost Game 5 (Part 2)

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Le Xiao got up from the bed. She yawned. After being stunned for a while, Le Xiao hurriedly got up. She was very happy that Xiao came to the first floor. The hall on the first floor was in full swing, and the number of directors increased again. .

Some council officers were lying on their chairs and fell asleep, including Alpha.

"Sister Alpha."

Le Xiao walked over. Alpha held a cigarette in his mouth and looked at the information on the light and shadow screen solemnly. Le Xiao asked.

"Did you find it?"

Alfa shook his head.

"Do you have any ideas?"

Le Xiao thought for a while and said.

"Isn't Suli involved in something?"

Alpha nodded. Basically, he still couldn't find any clues. It was certain that Su Li was indeed involved in something.

Otherwise, it is impossible not to contact him directly. Maybe Su Li has been imprisoned. If Su Li is not found again, I am afraid things will be in trouble.

Alpha has issued an order for Section 5 to conduct undercover investigations and report any suspicious points noticed on the street immediately.

Some information continues to come from various places. Now, 489 vacant houses have been found. No one has moved in within a few months after renting. Section 5 has checked them one by one.

At this time, Mo Xiaolan came down from upstairs, and Lillian pushed her out. The two of them had just gone to sleep for a while.

"How's the situation?"

Mo Xiaolan asked, Alpha shook his head.

"There is no real breakthrough."

After Le Xiao sat down, he looked at a timely report on the progress of the incident investigation that Wu Lei had compiled. Wu Lei had fallen asleep on the chair. Le Xiao carefully sat next to him and started reading.

Then he took a look at the real-time survey of vacant houses next to him. 230 vacant houses had been investigated and confirmed. The reasons why the houses were rented but no one was staying were all kinds of strange. Among them, 13 cases were suspected of crimes.

At this time, the owner of one of the houses was arrested. He was suspected of assaulting women in this house, luring the women in, making them unconscious, and then committing crimes.

Le Xiao swallowed. Sure enough, there are still hidden crimes hidden underground in this city that have not been discovered. Even though Niya has thoroughly investigated many things, and with the previous wave of surrenders, there are still so many hidden things. crime.

The current problem must be to thoroughly investigate these empty houses. People from Section 5 are equipped with equipment to identify DNA information and will conduct a comprehensive inspection of the house in order to determine who is in the house.

Alpha has handed over the affairs of the General Affairs Section to Michelle and Latis. She is now personally directing the case and must find Su Li.

At this moment, a director stood up and exclaimed.

"Lord Alpha, Suli's trace has been found."

For a moment everyone in the room smiled with joy, and Alpha immediately shouted.

"Accept the scene."

Soon on a large light and shadow screen, in a room, some people from Section 5 were holding equipment, and a person from Section 5 bowed and said.

"Master Manager, we found the remaining DNA information of Su Li."

Soon the person from Section 5 started talking. Su Li's DNA tissue was found near the door, and these DNA tissues had only fallen off from Su Li's body in the past few hours.

The owner of the house told the camera that this house was rented by a man named Qiao Zheng half a year ago. Soon a director found this man's identity information. He had retired from a financial company at the age of 91. Retiring.

The landlord told everyone that when Qiao Zheng came to rent a house, he said that because he had to go to the hospital frequently for treatment, sometimes it was too late and he didn't want to go home and wanted to rent a cheap house to sleep.

Qiao Zheng's medical records were found. He suffered a soft tissue injury and needed to go to the hospital for physical therapy and rehabilitation.

Another light and shadow screen appeared. Some people from Section 2 and Section 5 had arrived at Qiao Zheng's home and broke in directly. It was an apartment building in District 56 on the middle floor.

The furniture display inside was very ordinary. The people in Section 5 took the equipment and started to check around, while the people in Section 2 took the equipment and started looking around for some hidden compartments and the like.

Alpha looked at the situation in front of him and Mo Xiaolan said.

"Why did Su Li go to that apartment? I'm afraid she was induced by AI Eddie to do something there. And why is there no surveillance video about Su Li? I'm afraid it has been replaced or deleted by AI Eddie."

Alpha looked at the staff rummaging around in the room and said directly.

"Don't miss any corner, find out all the people who have visited this room, and call them all for questioning."

Soon some people's information appeared. Mo Xiaolan laughed after reading a few people's information, and then she laughed.

"found it."

After Mo Xiaolan finished speaking, Alpha nodded. These people who went to visit Qiao Zheng had almost nothing to do with him in life, and their careers had nothing to do with him.

Soon, a restaurant owner named Noi on the list caught the attention of Mo Xiaolan and Alpha, and the two directly asked people from Section 2 and Section 5 to visit him.

After a while, a light and shadow screen appeared again. People from Section 2 and Section 5 had already arrived at Noi's restaurant. It was not yet dinner time, and there were very few people in the restaurant. The waiters in the restaurant looked at it in shock. A bunch of people came in.

Boss Noi was soon called out, and Alpha signaled a team leader to open the video connection.

When Noi saw Alfa and Mo Xiaolan, he was shocked at first, and then said hurriedly.

"Two adults, what do you want from me?"

Noi lowered his head. He was in shock at this moment. Things might be too busy for him. He had been involved in the black market business for so many years, working as an errand boy, doing odd jobs, and as a temporary killer.

"According to your information, you are a mutant. Why did you go to Qiao Zheng's home?"

Mo Xiaolan asked.

Noi said with a confused look on his face.

"I don't know him. Maybe I went with friends some time, I don't remember."

Alpha stared at the man in front of him, and more information about him was passed on. Noi went from being poor and working as a security guard somewhere, to opening a restaurant, making a lot of money, and now living a very stable life.

Mo Xiaolan looked at the revenue of Noi's restaurant carefully and felt something was wrong. She immediately ordered the personnel of Section 5 present to search Noi's store.

Noi was terrified inside at this moment. He knew very well that if anything fishy was discovered, he would be doomed.

But soon Noy felt relieved because nothing was found. Then the officers left Noy's shop. Some officers from Section 2 hiding on the street nearby had already focused on Noy. They would be responsible for monitoring Noy. Every move.

Soon some people who had visited Qiao Zheng's home were found. They all said they didn't know Qiao Zheng and they might have been to this kind of place before.

Section 4 is still analyzing the age of the DNA tissue in Qiao Zheng's family. Although the time cannot be accurate to the day, it is still within a month or two.

"They're all lying."

After Mo Xiaolan finished speaking, everyone in the room thought so, because if these people had no connection with Qiao Zheng, it would be impossible for them to appear in Qiao Zheng's home, and people who have a good relationship with Qiao Zheng, although There is but it can only be regarded as an ordinary relationship.

Some people from the companies where Qiao Zheng worked before are already being questioned, and there will be news soon.

Soon a message from an employee of the financial company who had been working for 50 years was sent. He did not know Qiao Zheng and had never seen this person in the company.

Several people in charge of the company were already being questioned, and Alpha stared at the people in charge in front of him angrily.

"What is going on with this Qiao Zheng? If you can't explain it clearly today, you don't have to go back. Until you can explain it, I will turn your company over."

Soon Section 7 found out that the company was suspected of tax evasion, as well as some suspicions of loan sharking, and a more detailed investigation was underway.

Several people in charge looked at the employment information. Qiao Zheng's information said that Qiao Zheng was just an ordinary clerk responsible for sorting out some company information and provided some information.

Mo Xiaolan chuckled.

"Ordinary clerk? Why do almost no old employees in your company know him? What are you hiding? Since you refuse to tell me, I will send people from Section 2 to your home. Let's take a good look."

Mo Xiaolan gritted his teeth and looked at these people. They were still silent. Qiao Zheng had disappeared. Qiao Zheng could not be found anywhere in the city. He was still shopping last night, and there were specific videos.

Soon, a large company found Qiao Zheng's employment information for 10 years.

This material sales company was established more than 20 years ago by two brothers from the bottom. In just 20 years, it has become very large because of its high quality and low price, and it relies on quantity to win.

This company is near the headquarters of Section 5. Alpha called Niya directly and explained the situation.

"You lead the team to investigate in person."

"Sister, the two brothers in this company seem to be quite nice people and have a good reputation in the local area. What's going on?"

Alpha said.

"Hurry up Niya, if we don't find Suli today, she may be in danger."

11:20 in the morning.

In the lobby of a large sales company named Kangle, many people looked at Niya in fear. Niya walked in with a cigarette in her mouth and a coat, followed by a lot of people from the 2nd, 4th, 5th and 7th departments. people.

"Call your boss down."

The receptionist girl at the front desk was completely frightened and could not move, so Niya walked over and said.

"Miss, we just came here to inquire about something. Now you can do your own business and don't worry about us."

A large number of reporters have appeared at the door. Many reporters have reported on this matter. It seems to be another shocking case.

Soon the two heads of the company, brothers Zhao Cheng and Zhao Ming, came down. They still looked strong because both brothers were mutants.

Zhao Cheng asked.

"Lord Niya, what is going on? Why did you come here in person?"

Niya said.

"A man named Qiao Zheng once worked in your company for ten years, at the beginning of the 20 years of your company's development. I need his specific work situation and the people who know him."

For a moment, the two brothers looked solemn, and Zhao Cheng hurriedly asked his secretary to find information quickly.

After a while, Niya sat in the hall, crossed her legs, and looked through Qiao Zheng's information. She was also an ordinary clerk.

"What a coincidence. How could a person who worked in another financial company work in your company? Moreover, we checked his account information and found that no salary from your company has been credited to his account. There is no tax record in Section 7 that Joe is working in your company. Please explain why. If the explanation is not clear, you can start to stop work today and I will turn this building over. "

The two brothers stared at each other, and the younger brother Zhao Ming explained.

"That's right, because Qiao is an external employee of a working group of our company, so it should be that person who negotiated money and other matters with Qiao Zheng in private, and has nothing to do with our company."

Soon, the director of the third business department who had hired Qiao Zheng from outside came over. The result was exactly what the director said, and he settled directly and privately with Qiao Zheng.

"Ms. Niya, this is indeed a bit illegal, but we were cooperating with him in business at the time, and you also know that it was Mr. Qiao Zheng who requested it and did not want to pay taxes. If not, we would not be able to cooperate, and neither would you."

Niya blew out a puff of smoke and laughed.

"Do you think I'm a fool? Well, stop making up stories and tell me why Xia Qiao works in your company and what she has done for you. I'm not one of those young people. If you fool me, I will believe it. According to me I know you two brothers are not clean."

After Niya finished speaking, the two brothers looked embarrassed. There had been many serial disgusting murders at the bottom. The murderer has not been found so far. It is definitely a mutant.

Niya also witnessed those cases back then. In the investigation report of Section 2, some people were definitely eliminated in these cases. There were many gang members from those years. After Niya became the section chief, she began to frantically think of ways to clean up the gangs. White everything about yourself.

Everyone in the hall fell silent, and Niya stood up directly and asked.

"It's better to tell the truth."

After Niya finished speaking, the two brothers still lowered their heads. In an instant, Niya suddenly moved forward and punched her brother Zhao Cheng directly on the cheek. There was a clicking sound, and red scabs appeared on Zhao Cheng's face. , Niya's fist did not hit, but stopped on Zhao Cheng's face. He looked at Niya in shock.

"I told you a long time ago, don't lie to me. Your information clearly shows that you are a D-class mutant. Why can you use red scabs? Regarding the annual mutant testing, you must have used inhibitors. Why hide that you at least It’s a matter of Class A mutants, let’s make it clear.”

Niya looked at the two brothers angrily. They were sweating profusely. Niya gave the order and the two brothers were arrested directly. They did not dare to resist. After all, in front of Niya, let alone two S-class Even a hundred mutants would not be Niya's opponent.

Niya smiled after connecting with the case investigation headquarters.

"Sister, did you see that, although it's a bit against the rules, at least we caught something."

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