Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2312 Outsiders (Part 1)

2 o'clock in the afternoon

Jamie woke up and looked at the many foods in front of him. He was a little surprised. Because he had never seen these foods before, as well as the various machines arranged in the entire cave. Jamie was a little at a loss, especially the smiling man in front of him. The man and this little girl who looked to be only six or seven years old made Jamie feel particularly strange.

"Boy, hurry up and eat. Fortunately, I went to the cake shop in the city to buy something for you."

Jamie swallowed and picked up a piece of the rumored cake. He had eaten it before when he and Fredo were in the city. It was really delicious. Jamie picked up a small piece and put it in his mouth. , and soon he started to tremble in astonishment.

The taste spread in Jamie's mouth instantly. Jamie didn't know what it tasted like. It melted in his mouth and was very delicious. He kept saying it was delicious.

Noah looked at the man in front of him with great interest. Section 10 had already put the mecha in the large lift and started studying it on the spot. There were also many people who went to the nearby place under the leadership of several gods. Went to investigate in the mountains.

After Jamie ate, he felt much better. Noah looked at the body values ​​that had been tested in various aspects. Although the child's body was not malnourished, many trace elements were missing in the body, and there was also a very... A strange phenomenon, many substances with signs of artificial synthesis were detected in his body.

These substances are very strange, and we need to thoroughly test Jamie's body after we go back. We can extract the substances from Jamie's body and find out after research.

"You really don't even know this?"

Guoguo looked at the child in front of her in surprise.

"Why are you asking me this? Why would a kid like you come here?"

Guo Guo walked over and raised a finger. Jamie was lifted up by telekinesis. He looked at Guo Guo in astonishment.

"I'm not a child. I became like this just because of the abilities in my body. I'm almost 100 years old."

Jamie was so shocked that he couldn't open his mouth, but he felt very strange, floating in the air like this. Guoguo raised his finger and turned it a few times. Jamie flipped happily in the air.

"Stop it."

After Noah finished speaking, Guoguo put him down, and Noah stretched out his hand and said.

"Welcome to Brilliant City. I will be responsible for everything about you from now on. I am Noah, the section chief of the 10th Science and Technology Management Section of the Business Department of Brilliant City."

Jamie held Noah's hand with joy. Without hesitation, Noah took Jamie outside. As soon as he went out, Jamie immediately felt the biting cold. When he came into the huge metal aircraft in front of him, he felt warm again. Up, everything inside looked awesome on Jamie.

"How about it, do those kangaroos have similar tools?"

"They also have factories like this, with many robots that assemble or produce something like this."

Jamie walked to a mechanical arm and gestured to Noah to explain that a person from Section 10 was recording.

The mecha has been disassembled, and every step has been strictly recorded. Noah looked at the alloy of this mecha, and it looked a little special. He had to go back to the laboratory to conduct specific tests on heating, cooling, strength, etc. Experiment to analyze the atomic structure of alloys.

"How do you control this mecha?"

Noah asked, and Jamie couldn't explain it. He pressed his forehead, and then Noah took the laser transmitter tied to his arm.

"Where is this thing? How is it used?"

Noah had seen this thing when he first came here. This kind of laser transmitter didn't look like anything special. After all, it was already a product of the last era of Brilliant City, or according to the gods, it was more than 200 years ago. There is such a technology.

The key is how to use this weapon. Noah didn't figure it out, but he also tried it on his hand. There are many round objects like suction cups on the inside. These things look like some kind of memory alloy.

"I heard from Fredo that it relies on unique brain wave signals."

Noah became interested and then asked Jamie to put it on. Jamie came to the door of the cabin and easily fired several laser shots at the stone not far away.

"How did you do it? What were you thinking before launching."

Jamie scratched his head.

"I just looked at the rock and thought about hitting it."

Noah laughed, and soon Noah brought a bunch of instruments and began to detect Jamie's brain waves. He used this weapon again, but soon Noah discovered that Jamie's brain waves were It's normal.

"Do mechas also operate in the same way?"

Jamie hummed, and Noah laughed excitedly. As long as this secret is figured out, the day will not be far in the future when humans can control machines without obstacles, because when Jamie operates this weapon, his brain waves are It's normal, and Jamie said that this thing is controlled by special brain waves, which surprised Noah, invisible control waves.

AIs have proposed this idea a long time ago. This kind of wave is something similar to a sixth sense emitted by living things, because in the past, both living things and plants had similar things. These special waves like precognitive induction are very The mysterious waves that establish inductive connections with each other allow humans to predict the short-term future or have a premonition of something happening.

This research is brought out from time to time, but there is never any breakthrough, because there is no direction. This kind of technology that only exists in ideas requires a lot of practice to be applied, and practice also needs to be realistic. reliance.

It is a pity that there is no such reality in the city to rely on, but now there is such a reality. Noah is very much looking forward to relying on these realities to create a special biological control wave, which can completely control the living things. Machines are like human hands and feet. If we can do this, the future era of mankind will be full of light.

At this time Alpha walked in, and Noah smiled and leaned over.

"President, when you get back, tell me carefully what you feel. We must figure this out."

Alpha hummed, Guoguo was telling Jamie something, Alpha said with a smile.

"I'll leave this child to you."

Noah nodded.

"No problem at all, he brings so much value to the table."

Noah looked at the mecha that had been completely disassembled. Indeed, many of the components looked very strange, because they seemed to have no connection in normal mechanical assembly, but this is often the case with technology. Many sciences can be viewed from the perspective of the past. If you look at it, I'm afraid it will be difficult to understand.

As long as you get some of the video recording files of this mecha and take a good look at the combat records, you should be able to figure out something.

Now they are waiting for the gods to come back so that they can return to the city. Alpha looked at the dark world outside, but he did not expect that other civilizations really existed in this world.

It was just past 2 noon, and several gods were quietly looking at the dismantled aircraft. They all knew this type of aircraft very well. It was a strategic reconnaissance aircraft and the latest aircraft of the M country that year. , can hide very secretly in the clouds and avoid many detection methods.

However, no matter how advanced such an aircraft is, it cannot avoid the reconnaissance satellites in the sky, so it is impossible for this aircraft to fly to such a place.

"If the black boxes in the plane still work, maybe we can learn something."

Li Chu looked at the aircraft parts that were being moved into a takeoff and landing machine. Witte snorted, and Deguna looked at the model of the aircraft with some suspicion.

"This kind of aircraft was originally built to pick up some international dignitaries, but it is not certain when exactly he came here. It may have been after the disaster occurred."

Tang Rao immediately dismissed Deguna's idea.

"Can't you see it on the recorder? It was obviously before the disaster happened."

"We don't need to argue about this yet."

Gu Yi sighed helplessly. His expression was extremely complicated at this time, because the child who came over mentioned the huge lighthouse standing on the seaside, and the girl named Tasia who knew Jean wanted to go to that place.

"You really can't remember anything? When you went to look for resources before."

Rose asked, and Gene nodded.

"It's true that my memory seems to have been taken away. I really can't remember it. The only thing I remember is the name of the girl Tasia, and that I may have some kind of agreement with this girl."

The group of people fell silent. Witte looked at some rocks under his feet. These things were obviously not naturally formed. They contained a variety of metal elements that could be used as raw materials if they were refined.

"These things can be used as raw materials to supply the city, because the content of metal elements is much higher than that in those mines, but it is more than 100 kilometers away from the city, but fortunately those quasi-organisms will not enter this area."

Rose said and everyone else nodded. If the sun's rays can expand to the barrier in the future, we can indeed consider establishing a reclamation base nearby and transport the processed raw materials directly to the city.

"That's about it. Let's go back first. We'll come back in a few days."

After the helicopter took off, the seven people quickly returned to where the Alphas were.

"Have you thought of anything?"

Alpha asked and Gene shook his head.

"I want to ask the kid."

Gene walked in and heard a burst of laughter. Guoguo bowed and saluted immediately after seeing Gene.

"Lord Jean."

Jamie looked nervously at the man with white hair and a gentle face in front of him. He noticed that the people around him were respectful after seeing him.

"Are you the boss of this city?"

Jean shook his head.

"I'm just one of the founders of this city. You said you met Tasia, but did she say anything else?"

Jamie scratched his head.

"She said she came from a small city and came all the way after waking up after sleeping for a long time."

Gene looked at Jamie suspiciously.

"Then who is the person who guided Tasia here? Have you ever asked?"

Jamie shook his head.

"I don't know, because Tasia said she couldn't tell, and Freddo said not to pry into other people's privacy."

Gene smiled and nodded, pressing the child's forehead.

Soon the helicopter began to take off, and Jamie looked at the dark outside the window with some excitement.

"What does a city controlled by humans look like?"

"When you go back, call the section chiefs and secretaries, including the councillors. At least let them know that they are the actual managers of the city now."

Gene muttered, and several others agreed.

Jamie changed into a set of clean clothes. After the light directly wrapped his body, the clothes appeared. It was like magic. Jamie looked at it expectantly.

"You have a lot of calluses on your feet."

Gene asked, and Jamie said with a smile.

"We used to lie down on the ground to eat, and that's how the kangaroos fed us."

Gene patted Jamie on the shoulder with relief.

"You are really brave!"

Jamie began to ask questions, and many of the questions he asked made people feel helpless, because Jamie had never received any knowledge and education, and they were just slaves in the farmland of the kangaroos.

It can be seen from Jamie's body that he still retains many of the habits he had as a slave. He would habitually lower his head unconsciously and want to lie down. His sitting posture is also a bit strange. He is always hunched over and always has a look in his eyes. A touch of sadness.

"That's Brilliant City."

Jamie looked at the light in the night sky in the distance in amazement. He couldn't believe that such a bright place actually existed on this devastated and long-dead planet.

Jamie stood on the window, straining to stretch his head and look. Everything in front of him was so shocking that Jamie was shocked, because no matter how bright the lights were in the past, they were not as bright as the huge light in front of him.

Gene slowed down the speed, and the helicopter was flying towards the city. Jamie kept swallowing, and his body was shaking with excitement. He never thought that there would be a day when Fredo's words would continue. Ringing in Jamie's ears, and everything about Imogen.

"It would be nice if they could see that."

Tears flowed from Jamie's eyes again. No one asked anything. Jamie just looked at the growing light, as well as the large number of buildings that could be seen from the bottom up, and the surge around these buildings. people go.

The moment the helicopter entered the city, Jamie's eyes widened. He saw the city and more people. Jamie could see it very clearly.

"When you understand a little bit more, you can go to the streets and have a look."

Gene said, Jamie hummed, he wiped his tears and laughed happily.

"Can you help us? There are still many people there, many of them crawling on the ground in the dark, working day and night."

"If conditions permit, you will tell me something when you return, and I will personally visit your land."

Jamie nodded immediately.

"Thank you, thank you."

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