Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2313 Outsiders (Part 2)

"It's really strange!"

Noah looked at the video content on the light and shadow screen with a smile. On it were hopping kangaroos, wearing metal protective clothing, with laser blades and launchers on their arms, and there were also flying mechas.

Just after 8 o'clock in the evening, the section chiefs and secretaries of the 12 departments and the presidents of the seven major associations gathered together to look at the impact document that the 10th department had just parsed from the mecha Jamie was riding in.

The encrypted information of this kind of mecha was not difficult. With the help of AI, it was completely analyzed in just a few hours. Noah stood up and explained directly.

The information encryption technology of the Kangaroo Kingdom is based on the information encryption used by humans two hundred years ago. There are very few changes. Such technology seems to be a bit backward in Noah. According to preliminary video analysis, It can be known that the technological level of this intelligent kangaroo group is not too high.

"It's true, you can just handle this kind of thing on your own, there's no need to hold a meeting of section chiefs."

Mo Xiaolan muttered boringly, and Noah smiled and took out a translucent glass container with a small piece of slightly glowing light blue object inside. The section chiefs and secretaries present looked at it in confusion. .

"Their technological level seems to have formed a system, but this system is a bit old. It is just because of some accident or the inevitability of geographical location. They have inherited this technology from human society. There have been changes in the system, with new technologies that we don't know about. This crystal-like stone was mined from the seabed. It has the same energy radiation method as the crystal of God, but its essence is different. ."

When he said this, the section chiefs and secretaries present looked at Noah with serious expressions. Locke sighed. Although he had thought that there might be other civilizations in the outside world, the dark film that Bright City put out a hundred years ago The coordinate ball has not responded at all in these hundred years.

Locke glanced at Michelle, who had a hint of excitement in her eyes from beginning to end.

"Where's the kid?"

Nia muttered, and Noah said with a smile.

"Jean is taking him."

Noah continued.

"The location of the kangaroo country can definitely be AS in the past. As shown in the preliminary information you have seen, based on the information disclosed by the child named Jamie, we estimate that there may be nearly 10 million humans on this land. However, these humans have lost their basic logical common sense, do not have any rights, and belong to the lowest class of slaves."

"It's so magical."

Mo Xiaolan muttered. This seemed unbelievable to everyone. In this world shrouded in darkness, there is such a country where humans are completely enslaved by animals like kangaroos. The kangaroo society looks similar to Brilliant City. , but there are differences. It should be a country with a centralized system, but it does not have a currency system. It implements class ownership, and the things each class can do and the materials they have are different.

"This thing can really talk? I don't believe it."

Niya looked at the jumping kangaroo in the video and found it a bit funny. After all, she couldn't imagine that animals in movies and TV shows suddenly became intelligent and began to speak.

"According to the gods' decision on the spot, the plan to go out to obtain resources has to be temporarily slowed down because they have to join the investigation plan."

All the section chiefs and secretaries in the room looked at Noah, and he said with a smile.

"Deguna, Gu Yi, and Teacher Witte will go to this country."

"Wouldn't it be better to just wipe out these things and build a second city?"

Tianhen muttered, and Hope frowned slightly.

"Then I'll leave this task to you. As long as we can open up the road to AS, I think you can take the lead."

As Mo Xiaolan said, Tianhen laughed and Locke coughed.

"Stop making such silly jokes. There is only one reason for calling everyone here today."

Locke stood up. Everyone present, including the congressmen, knew very well why they were summoned for such a thing. The power of Bright City has now been fully handed over to the administrative department and the congressmen.

"Should we be flattered then?"

Niya muttered, and Ye Chunwang on the side smiled helplessly.

"What interests me most is their grain compression technology and how it is done."

Noah took out another translucent container, which contained several pieces of food the size of a fingernail. Such a small piece of food weighed about 300 grams. Noah had already asked Huashen to perform a gastric juice dissolution and absorption reaction, and obtained The data is stunning.

This kind of food has many layers of structure and will be slowly digested and absorbed in the gastric juice. It can supply the energy needs of a 60KG person for a day.

"Everyone is going to be busy next. Not only do you have to take care of things in the city, I propose to remove some elites from various subjects and form an external research group to absorb and summarize everything in the outside world in order to solve the problem in the future. Various external things, and according to the representatives of this external research group, the gods agreed that Secretary Le Xiao is very suitable."

As soon as Noah finished speaking, Niya burst out laughing, patted the table and said.

"It's really suitable for that little hamster to come in contact and communicate with those aliens, hahaha. She does have this potential."

King Xue clapped his hands and said.

"Indeed, it's a very good proposal. We can see a lot of things from her actions, or the means and methods to solve problems."

Wu Qun nodded. What Le Xiao had done at the bottom level recently really shocked Wu Qun. He didn't expect that many of such difficult problems would be solved easily.

Coupled with the fact that diplomatic relations with Asgard will soon begin, Noah concluded that Asgard may be aware of the existence of this kangaroo country and even the existence of other civilizations. Perhaps Asgard has already established relations with other civilizations. connect.

The problems existing within Brilliant City have been alleviated due to the steady progress of the resolution. As for the rioters, their origins are already known. They are no longer in a foggy and confusing stage. Alpha has begun to put the finishing touches on it. Already working.

The world may no longer seem stable to everyone. Soon, with the success of two huge proposals in Brilliant City, the entire world will begin to change.

"We can no longer stick to the form, we must make certain changes in essence. In order to prepare for the storm that may come at any time, we must integrate everything as soon as possible."

Noah's words made everyone present understand that in just half a year, Bright City has undergone earth-shaking changes. We must seize the opportunities contained in such changes and solve most of the problems in one fell swoop, so that the city can develop more rapidly. , can we avoid the worst consequences of the mechanization era.

"Today I'm just going to explain it first, and then I hope you can prepare the list of recommended personnel for each subject and association as soon as possible, and submit it to Section 10 as soon as possible."

Noah said and looked at Locke, who nodded and announced that the meeting was over.


Jamie watched in disbelief as the light in front of him changed little by little, and then turned into a real thing. He touched it with his hands in surprise, completely unable to believe what he saw. Gene lying on the side was lying at the window, sobbing silently. While smoking, he planned to take care of the child for a while. For some reason, Gene felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity when he saw the child for the first time.

Gene asked Jamie many things, and it was certain that Jamie had been a slave in the kangaroo country from birth until he was 14 years old. As for his painful experiences, Gene did not ask too much about Jamie. Gene was a little interested in Freddo, who had been mentioned many times.

"What kind of fellow is he? That kangaroo called Freddo."

Jamie swallowed, looked at Gene seriously, and then looked around.

"What Jean and we said should not be known to others. I promised Tasia."

Gene smiled. He took Jamie to his home. Lexiao might come back from time to time. Gene thought it was a good thing to let Lexiao have more contact with this child.

"Tell me, I have some impression of Tasia's name. It was her help that brought you here."

Jamie nodded and said.

"I almost died. If I hadn't been lucky enough to meet Tasia, I would have died on the way, but I succeeded. Fredo is a good kangaroo. He taught me a lot and told me I have many things going on."

At the mention of Fredo, Jamie couldn't help but feel sad again. Gene smiled gently and looked at the sunshine by the window. Jamie lowered his head and remained silent, seeming to be thinking about something.

"So what exactly does Tasia want you to convey to me? Jamie."

Jamie hummed, wiped the tears that overflowed from the corners of his eyes, then looked at Jean seriously and said.

"Mr. Jean, I've seen you several times."

Gene stared at Jamie suspiciously, and Jamie said that when he fell asleep, it seemed like he was dreaming, but it didn’t seem like he was dreaming. He had seen Gene many times somewhere, but the Gene he saw was different from the one he saw now. It's completely different. There are many flame-like lines on Jean's cheeks.

Gene's expression became serious. He looked at the sun. He probably had a certain concept in his mind, but now was not the time to discuss these issues.

"Let's talk about it first."

Gene thought for a moment and then said.

"Mr. Jean, Tasia asked me to convey to you that before you make any decision, you should carefully consider those weak people."

Gene was a little surprised, but then nodded.

"I'll keep that in mind Jamie."

Jamie leaned over with a smile, looked at the cigarette in Gene's hand, stretched his nose and sniffed, and then coughed.

"Fredo often smokes this kind of thing, but what he smokes is called a cigar. Do you have any here?"

Gene nodded and explained a little to Jamie. Jamie listened carefully, with a longing light in his eyes. At this time, after thinking for a moment, Gene looked at Jamie seriously and said.

"Jamie, there's one thing you have to know, but the decision is yours."

Gene thought about what Jamie had just said and what Tasia had asked him to convey. He originally planned to wait for Huashen to thoroughly check Jamie’s body in a few days before taking Jamie to inject the life-span vaccine and give him a life-span vaccine. The identity of a citizen of Bright City.

"You tell me Gene, you can do anything you want me to do."

Gene was a little surprised.

"I'm not going to ask you to do anything Jamie."

Jamie shook his head anxiously.

"I can do anything. I just hope I can do something that makes everyone happy and useful to everyone, so that you can help me."

Gene laughed.

"We humans here all need to take a vaccine. This vaccine can extend your life. Do you want to take the shot?"


Jamie didn't think much about it. He was now very eager to learn everything in this human country, and then ask the humans here for help to return to that land, because this was Fredo's wish, and the humans on that land needed it. Only with help from humans can we escape from the current predicament.

"Perhaps for a long period of time, we currently do not have the ability to organize any decent expedition team. After all, the world has been closed for too long. You should have seen the outside world."

Jamie nodded.

"I can wait, no matter how long it takes. Shouldn't I be injected with something that can extend my life? I can do that."

Gene smiled happily. Looking at this child, he always felt a little incredible, like a blank sheet of paper, but also like the rising sun.

"Your stomach has developed diseases due to eating cold food all year round."

Jamie looked at Gene in confusion. Gene pressed Jamie's abdomen. He grinned slightly. It was indeed painful to press the abdomen.

"Many people there feel pain. Is this a disease?"

Gene nodded. With the current medical conditions in Brilliant City, Jamie could be cured. What he needed was to adapt.

"Come on, I'll take you for a walk on the street."

Jamie nodded excitedly. When he came over, he was carried by Gene. He saw a lot of people in the city, and these people looked very good-looking. Jamie also got a set of stylish ones with patterns on them. The clothes, he had never worn this kind of clothes before, felt good to the touch, unlike the clothes they wore before, which felt rough and abraded the skin.

Gene took a look at the situation in the room, then took out the phone and pressed the number 001301.


Le Xiao's excited voice came from the phone.

"Where are you?"

"I will be staying at home for a while recently. Let me inform you first and why there is so much wine at home."

Le Xiao said with a smile.

"I'm really going to die. I rely on this drink every day to survive. Let's have a good drink. I'll be back tonight."

Gene hummed.

"This is a communication tool, Gene."

Gene nodded.

"Is there anything else you haven't told us Jamie."

After Jamie thought for a moment, he hesitated for a while and then took out a pair of sunglasses.

"This is Kou Kou, it's AI."

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