Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2311 The Call of the Mountain (Part 2)

Jamie stared dumbfounded at the small cave that appeared in front of him. The man named Werther had just made it with some power that he couldn't understand, and a machine that turned from an image into a real thing, making bursts of roars. Then soon Jamie felt warmth.

After a while, it became hot in the cave. Jamie took off his coat. The tears on his face had not yet dried. Alpha looked at the boy's expression. It was obvious that he had experienced a very painful thing. Alpha called up a small machine. instrument.

"I've never seen anything so convenient."

Jamie watched excitedly, but he still didn’t know a few words. Although Fredo taught Jamie a lot along the way, Jamie’s tears couldn’t stop falling when he thought of Fredo. Alpha heated the water. Then I got Jamie a drink.

"What happened before?"

Jamie said thank you with a sad expression.

"My friends are all dead."

Alpha patted Jamie's shoulder comfortingly. The boy's body exuded the aura that Alpha had felt before, and she began to examine Jamie's body.

"Are you a doctor?"

Alpha shook his head.

"It can only be counted as half. You will understand after you live in the city for a while."

Witte was still looking at the mecha driven over by Jamie outside. There was a small hole in the bottom, which was definitely burned through by some kind of high-energy substance that was too hot.

The mecha looked a little old, but that was only in Wit's eyes. Wit checked some of the damaged lines and found that it was very strange, because it was completely different from the mechanical layout of Brilliant City. This kind of mechanical layout had never been seen before.

It seems that there are many joint parts that cannot transmit smoothly at all. If such a machine is to be moved, there will definitely be many problems. Bright City also has individual manned mechas, which are smaller than this one, but these mechas are not yet equipped. to 3 subjects.

Witte has sent back a message, asking Section 10 to quickly bring several people from the research team, as well as several other gods, and let them come together. This thing is very strange, and this area must be investigated in detail. OK.

But the most critical thing now is that this child named Jamie comes from another remaining human civilization. After returning, he has to figure out what is going on in that country where kangaroos rule humans.

Speaking of that country, Witte knew it was AU, the clown who used to be a lackey in O and M states. Only their country had the largest population of kangaroos in the world.

These groups once developed to the point where AU had to use massacre to exterminate these kangaroos. Unexpectedly, kangaroos actually possessed intelligence. This is not impossible in terms of biological changes, but it is very difficult to happen. This probability is about the same as the destruction of these planets. The probability is equally low, but it still happens.

The civilization that mankind had built over thousands of years was destroyed in just a few minutes. Humanity was forced into a desperate situation. With the situation of the planet at that time, it was difficult for civilization to exist elsewhere because of the annihilation virus. It is so rampant that it has almost caused the death of large swaths of human beings.

It is almost impossible for the few remaining humans to survive in the increasingly cold climate, but there may be exceptions. Unless someone can make complete preparations before the sun disappears completely, humans can continue to survive in the darkness. .

But everything will be unexpected. Witte jumped into the mechanical warehouse. After sitting down, it was obvious that he was not used to it. Because of the size and height, it was not meant for people to ride on. It still looked like some original screens. The material of this screen was also very Weird, Witte thought that it might be the three-state mixture of solid, gas, and liquid surrounding the planet that X had said.

Such a discovery is very good for Brilliant City, which currently has mature system technology, because Witte instinctively felt that this mecha can survive even in the universe, because of the hardness of the mecha and the surgical The design, etc., made Witt feel that this thing was not only designed to be on land and ocean, but also in space.

Especially a mecha that can span such a long distance and come all the way here during a dangerous creature-like attack must be quite excellent in terms of performance. You can only ask this kid.

Werther walked into the cave and looked at Jamie, who was still crying, sitting opposite him.

"What are the kangaroos like?"

Jamie said.

"They are very smart and understand everything about humans. We humans are just their slaves. Moreover, they are very strong and can kill us easily."

Alpha smiled.

"Of course it's definitely not as powerful as you."

Jamie began to talk about the place where he was born. When he heard that the kangaroos had completely understood the resistance of humans, they adopted a strategy of using humans as slaves and not teaching humans any knowledge.

"Really smart."

Werther sighed.

"If you really want to completely destroy a race and make it a slave forever, depriving this race of everything is the best way. Even if someone has the consciousness of resistance, there is a lack of knowledge and even self-awareness. If it is not comprehensive, such resistance is often powerless.”

"I hope you can help the people there. You are humans too, right."

Jamie looked at the two people with some fear. In fact, he was still a little scared in his heart, because it is impossible for humans to have such power. Although the two people in front of him were kind, they were afraid because Fredo said that no matter what they do, , we must keep an eye out.

"This matter can only be discussed later. We also have many problems now."

Werther explained directly, Jamie lowered his head, but still nodded.

"As long as we find humans, there should be tens of thousands of you."

Alpha smiled.

"The total population of our Brilliant City is almost 50 million."

Jamie looked at Alpha suspiciously and stretched out his finger.

"How much is it? I don't know how to calculate it."

Werther smiled helplessly, and Alpha did the same. They didn't expect that this child would be so confused even with the most basic concepts of numbers.

"I don't know how much 50 million is. I only know numbers within 10. The largest one is ten thousand, I guess. I don't quite remember."

"Tell me how they treat humans."

Alpha asked, Jamie pressed his head, as if falling into extremely painful memories.

In that land, anyone who dares to resist the kangaroos will be taken away by the kangaroos immediately until the person completely surrenders. If the person still does not surrender, they will perform brain surgery on him.

Werther realized it immediately.

"Is it both sides?"

Werther pointed to his head.

"Yes, the people on both sides who have undergone surgery will become dull and obedient, but no matter how much they shout or ask, there is no response."

"Prefrontal lobotomy. Once a human being has this removed, he will become like a walking zombie."

Alpha explained to Jamie about the problems that this operation would cause. At this time, Jamie's tears fell again, because after Imogen was rescued, she became what Alpha said, she became She had to stay still, Jamie could only take her with him.

Now Jamie knows that this is what happened. Imogen is already equivalent to death and will never respond to anything again. Jamie is now completely collapsed.

Along the way, no matter how much Jamie shouted, Imogen remained blank and could not say a word.

"why why!"

Looking at Jamie Alpha, he smiled helplessly.

"We can help, but we can only help you after we understand what your country is like."

Jamie wiped away tears and kept nodding. The experience along the way was too unforgettable for Jamie, and Jamie was able to get here because of the help of one person.

"Anyone else alive?"

Jamie nodded.

"She is as powerful as you. She wears tattered clothes and her skin is exposed to the air. She wanders alone in the wilderness. She said that she was also looking for Brilliant City, but she heard the call on the coast, so she We have to go to the coast first. She sent me to a place relatively close to here before leaving alone."

Alpha was surprised.

"What's her name?"


Witte smiled helplessly. He thought it was because of this mecha that the boy was able to cross such a long distance from a place full of monsters to the vicinity of Brilliant City. He didn't expect that there were still humans wandering in the wilderness. It must be a mutant, but maybe it's a mutation that Werther and the others don't know about.

"Tasia said that a very important person in her past told her to go to the lighthouse on the beach after she woke up, so she went there."

"Then who is that person?"

Jamie shook his head.

"She didn't say it because she said this man had said that his existence must never be revealed."

"You're quite brave."

Alpha said, Jamie is just 15 years old. At this age, he dares to cross the unknown sea and come here alone.

Jamie shook his head.

"Imogen always calls me a coward, I'm too weak."

Jamie continued to talk about many things. When he came here, he relied on the mecha to travel through the sea, avoiding many monsters before crossing the sea little by little. Most of the time, he walked along some land. Detour through the place.

When approaching the Brilliant City, Jamie was accidentally surrounded by monsters. As a result, he could only drive the mecha and rush out of the monsters. He escaped as fast as possible, and then the mecha crashed into the mountain range. .

Jamie thought he was doomed. He climbed to a high place to look, but couldn't see anything. Jamie thought that Brilliant City might have suffered something and perished long ago, because the metal piece with the coordinates was more than 100 years ago. Just picked it up.

"Because we had been throwing these metal pieces out for more than 20 years at that time, but there was no response after so many years. We concluded that maybe humans have become extinct."

Jamie nodded. He had completely given up hope for a time, because it was impossible for Jamie to climb up to the peak here without the help of mechanical equipment. Even if he climbed up, it would still be because of the existence of barriers. It is impossible to see the light of Brilliant City.

However, such a long distance, and there are a large number of metal particles in the air, will completely interfere with communication, so radio is not possible, and quantum communication must be used.

Obviously these kangaroos have not mastered quantum communication technology.

"That man named Fredo has helped you a lot."

Alpha said and Jamie shook his head.

"He is not a human, but a kangaroo. He is an anomaly among kangaroos. He is always helping others. He once led some to resist, but failed in the end."

Werther smiled.

"The world is not black and white. Where there is oppression, there will be resistance, and there are also people in the oppressed group who will turn to help the oppressed group."

Jamie listened with only a half-understanding, and then Alpha casually asked Jamie about some technological things, but Jamie basically didn’t know anything about it. This child’s lack of many basic knowledge is extremely serious.

"Does your mecha have an image recording function?"

Jamie looked at Werther in confusion.

"Can there be records of what happened before on the small screen?"

Jamie nodded immediately with understanding.

"Aside from kangaroos, do you have anything else?"

Alpha asked and Jamie said.

"There are also those undead blue monsters on the volcano. They are blue-blooded people. They have been fighting against the five legions of kangaroos for years. They are very powerful. I heard that kangaroos are most afraid of them."

Alpha and Werther can only understand a lot of what Jamie said. They still have to look at the situation of the mecha in detail and the video recorded by the mecha. Only with these things, combined with what Jamie said, can we have a clear understanding of that country. what happened.

"Have you heard anything else or seen other civilizations on the way here?"

Jamie shook his head and said.

"But I heard Fredo tell me that there is actually a kingdom of humans behind the darkness above our heads, and the kangaroos have established contact with them."

For a moment, Witte's expression changed suddenly, and Alpha also realized that it was the Skyland Space Country. Unexpectedly, they had already made contact with the Kangaroo Country.

"If you're tired, have a good sleep. I won't be here for a few hours."

Jamie hummed, he was really sleepy, curled up on the ground, and fell asleep soon after lying down.

"This child has experienced too many things. Let's teach him some things from the basics when we get back."

Werther said and Alpha nodded.

"Mr. Witte, do you think these kangaroos might become our enemies in the future?"

Witte thought for a while and then nodded.

"I'm afraid their technological capabilities are no worse than ours. This is what worries me."

At this time, a bright light appeared in the distance. It was a take-off and landing aircraft flying at low altitude. After a while, the two people saw clearly that it was the take-off and landing aircraft of Section 10.

"Why did you come here?"

Noah took Guoguo directly off the lift. As soon as he saw the mecha, he rushed over excitedly and looked around.

"What a great discovery, what a great discovery, hahaha."

Guoguo walked into the cave and glanced at the little boy curled up on the ground.

"Is this the child?"

Alpha hummed, and Guoguo walked over. She wanted to wake him up, but she still held back.

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