Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2239 Crime and Punishment 6 (Part 2)

"How's the situation?"

Mo Xiaolan asked, and Noah shook his head seriously.

"You can only look at it from the surface, and there's no way to find a solution without actually going into the underground parking lot that's been filled in."

It is now basically confirmed that in the past, there were eight small spaces in the underground parking lot of the CBV Building, which should have entrances. High-energy substances suspected of explosives have been observed inside.

A past construction record of CBV Company has been retrieved from Section 6. It can be seen that after the abolishment of automobiles, the underground parking garage of the CBV building was renovated. Part of it was filled in and part of it was converted into an underground storage room.

The construction company that was doing the work at that time turned out to be the same construction company that Cools worked for before after being cornered by Jewell, destroying the aircraft and then falling to his death.

Although Mo Xiaolan has checked all records of Coors, including its financial status in recent years, it is certain that Coors, as a professional mobile engineering manager, has not only worked in some large and small construction companies in a short period of time.

Coors also has a very good reputation in the industry because he can always complete some difficult engineering tasks, so he takes on such a fluid order-taking job.

Now it is basically confirmed that after Coors received the project from the engineering company to rebuild the underground garage for CBV, he tampered with it.

After Coors was exposed, Mo Xiaolan ordered a large number of inspections of some of the buildings that Coors had handled. He actually found secret spaces in some buildings, but many of these spaces had been abandoned. In some spaces, There are some daily necessities placed there, which should be used for these rioters to rest and hide.

There are also some scattered items found, but most of them are insignificant. According to the testimonies of people who are familiar with Coors, it is certain that Coors has also taken on some shady projects, which is tantamount to trying to find out. Looking for a needle in a haystack.

Problems have accumulated for too long, and the time for problems to ferment is often too short. Mo Xiaolan tapped the light and shadow screen and couldn't help but ask directly.

"What's going on? It's been 10 minutes since I asked you to investigate. Why hasn't there been any report yet?"

The director on the side quickly took out his phone and contacted the person in charge of the investigation. They said they were stepping up the investigation.

In the video, Niya is still having various conversations with Zhao Zhen. Niya has a loose attitude on many topics. Niya is stalling for time for people outside them, and must find a way to solve the problem.

Although I have thought about using the power of the Yellow God to stabilize the structure of the building, so that even if the bomb at the bottom explodes, the building will not collapse quickly, but there is a problem. If the density of the building continues to increase, it will reach It can completely withstand the impact of high-energy explosives, so the volume will increase, and when the volume increases to a certain extent, the structure of the building will also be unstable.

Or let Rose enter the underground spaces and directly change the mass of the bomb, but it will easily cause an explosion, and I am afraid that once something enters, the bomb will detonate immediately.

Zhao Zhen was not joking, everyone present knew this.

"Please answer me, Chief Niya, don't go back to other topics. Is this fair?"

Niya looked at Zhao Zhen with a smile.

"I'm a little old and my memory is not very good. Could you please say it again?"

Zhao Zhen laughed. He knew that Niya was stalling for time, but no matter what happened today, no matter what the external business department did, Zhao Zhen had arranged everything almost perfectly.

This is what Zhao Zhen spent more than thirty years and entered the CBV building countless times to arrange it bit by bit. Not only the bombs at the bottom, but also some bombs embedded in the walls and fragile parts of the building structure. Even after so many years, they are still able to work normally.

If it cannot work properly, Zhao Zhen will definitely find an opportunity to replace the bomb, so now all the bombs in the CBV building can explode.

"Cities have restricted their population, but why is it that the bottom class is still the same as it was thirty years ago, without much change? Is this fair to the people at the bottom?"

Of course Niya knew it was unfair. Ever since the city began to regulate birth control on the grounds of insufficient resource supply, not only did the lower class not get better, but it worsened year by year.

In order to quell the many problems caused by fertility problems, maternity subsidies had to be provided to families with children. Niya felt that such measures were not good in the past.

The result is exactly what Niya thought. After so many years of strict control, the bottom class has experienced a serious problem of population aging in most areas, and the newly born young people are rushing to the middle and upper classes. Even if they fail, they will not Willing to go back to the bottom.

The people at the bottom still live a life that is completely disconnected from urban development. However, as various problems occur, the economy at the bottom not only does not improve, but continues to decline. In the end, slums even appeared in many areas.

There is only one purpose for doing this, to stabilize everything in the middle level, so that we can continue to consolidate the good economic and technological development of the city. This question is something that Niya clearly cannot answer, after all, it is now in front of the whole city.

"Is it fair?"

Zhao Zhen asked again.

"This is the way the world is. It can only be relatively fair, but there is no absolute fairness."

Zhao Zhen laughed loudly, his voice seemed a bit hysterical.

"Then let's change the question, Chief Niya. According to the city's laws, what should women like Miss Taotao who become pregnant out of wedlock and do not have permission to give birth do?"

Niya took out a pack of cigarettes from her pocket, took one out, bit it, lit it and blew out a puff of smoke.

"According to the law, she can choose to abort the child and accept a certain level of fines and labor punishment, or she can choose to lose her citizenship after giving birth to the child and leave the city for the barrier zone."

"It's obvious at a glance, isn't it, everyone!"

Zhao Zhen became excited again in front of the camera.

"What is Article 30 of the Brilliant City Law?"

"No person or organization has the right to harm innocent lives. If an act that endangers life occurs, all people and organizations have the right to stop it. Anyone who harms life is considered a crime!"

Niya said and Zhao Zhen nodded.

"So is it harmful to life to force a pregnant woman to abort her child?"

Niya didn't answer, but put out the cigarette butt, and then fell silent.

"Can't you answer such a question?"

"Article 178 of the internal management regulations of the practice department, all members of the practice department have the right to prevent crimes. The definition of crime is whether there has been or may be occurred that endangers others, infringes on the rights of others, or violates criminal laws, etc., and Zhao Mr. Zhen, what you want to talk about is the conflict between the laws of Brilliant City and the Birth Law of Brilliant City, but there is no substantive conflict between the two. Fertility management is originally customized because urban resources cannot keep up with population growth. of."

Zhao Zhen clapped his hands.

"Sure enough, are you avoiding this issue? So let's go back to the topic just now. Is this city's decision fair to the people at the bottom?"

"Let me say it again, Mr. Zhao Zhen, fairness is based on relative principles. At least the city can treat everyone equally. No matter the middle or upper class, once they violate the fertility law, they will be punished, and the punishment for the middle and upper class will be more severe. Far above the bottom.”

Zhao Zhen shook his head.

"What about economic strength? Obtaining the right to have children must take into account the family's economic strength. So, can people at the bottom compare with people in the middle and upper classes?"

Nia replied with a serious expression.

"Then this city will no longer exist. What you call fairness is based on the perspective of the weak, rather than looking at the equal rights held by the strong and the weak at the same time."

Zhao Zhen shook his head and just as he was about to speak, Niya spoke again.

"The birth of a child is not easy, and it is not easy for a group of couples to raise a child in the city. They need to face the pressure of life and consider various issues. And if the child is born in a not-so-good place, If you are born in a family, it will be difficult to change your class throughout your life. Please do not use an example to illustrate the problem. Unbalanced resource distribution is a helpless matter. If everyone enjoys the same resource distribution, the same social status, and the same material, then this city would have been doomed long ago.”

"Then let me ask you, Chief Niya, what is the meaning of human existence when you say this?"

Niya showed a smile and glanced at Taotao who lowered his head.

"There are joys and sorrows, joys and sorrows, this is human beings, isn't it? Didn't your wife and son also pass away because of some problems, and your current actions are for revenge, or are you trying to wake up a very small number of people in the city? "

Zhao Zhen showed excited eyes.

"Someone will figure it out."

"No need. Many people are even more awake than you, but so what can you do? Changing everything is not a slogan, let alone an idea, but the efforts of countless generations, moving in the right and positive direction, and constantly moving forward. Talent can change everything. If you just stay where you are and see everything in the city from the pessimistic perspective of the early stages of urban development, then you are totally wrong. Do you have any good questions, people? You Have you listened carefully to the opinions of the people?"

Zhao Zhen put away his smile and his expression froze. Niya smiled, then asked the staff to turn on the air circulator, and then wanted to stay away from Taotao.

"This lady can't hold it anymore. Let her go down below to rest. If you need to use her as an example to explain something, you can call her up at any time."

Zhao Zhen nodded, and Niya walked over, pulled up Taotao who was almost unsteady, and then shouted.

"Is there anyone who can take care of pregnant women?"

Several female staff came over to help Taotao leave. Niya sat down and lit a cigarette.

"You don't. You are just living in the shadow of the past and can't get out of it. You want to expose some things, but the people know many things. Just look at the opinions of the people."

Niya said and immediately ordered people on the street to directly ask some people for their opinions on this matter.

A woman carrying a bag who had just gained the right to travel said to the camera.

"I just hope you can deal with this lunatic quickly and restore calm to the city as soon as possible."

A middle-aged man said angrily.

"My wife was pregnant because she didn't get permission to have children. But in the end she broke the law and aborted the child. She is still unable to have children. We don't have any children now. But there's another thing. You don't usually have children. Are you being tough? Just deal with this lunatic and restore peace to the city."

A young student said.

"Those guys at CBV are full of lies. Now I have learned a lesson, but I still hope to get rid of this lunatic quickly. After all, I haven't hung out with my friends for many days."

Continuous interview scenes came over, and Section 5 on the street directly recorded the videos of these passers-by. Niya just smiled helplessly.

"I heard no Mr. Zhao Zhen."

Zhao Zhen looked at the person on the screen who was still talking to himself without saying a word, and he seemed a little angry.

"Everyone is almost unanimous in their opinions, to return to normal life as soon as possible."

Zhao Zhen still didn't speak. After a while, he just laughed.

“What does an interview like this prove?”

"There is only one thing proven. Life is not impossible, and not everyone has an experience like yours. Many people are enduring it because they know that even if they complain and resist, life will still go on. Maybe It will still be difficult to change in the future, but more people are facing everything positively. Mr. Zhao Zhen, I am very sorry about your wife and children, but I can only stop here and cannot judge who is right and who is wrong!"

Zhao Zhen closed his eyes. He looked a little tired, but soon Zhao Zhen started talking about what the real situation was back then. He spoke in detail. It was clear that Hydera just wanted to play games, but his actions The people in the department made such a decision, which ultimately led to the tragic outcome of the subway case.

Niya just listened silently. She did not speak. Although she already knew what the truth was, she heard many details for the first time.

After a while, Zhao Zhen finished speaking emotionally, stood up and asked.

"So my wife and son need to bear all this for the sake of most people? Yes, you tell me."

Niya said calmly.

"This is the end of it, Mr. Zhao Zhen. I once again express my regrets about your wife and son. We are all only human beings. Even gods cannot be perfect. On the contrary, gods should not be able to control everything in order to be called perfect." Is it a god?"

Zhao Zhen laughed, and his laughter seemed a little miserable. Niya glanced at the time, and it was almost 10 o'clock.

"Mr. Zhao Zhen, please take some time. Our secretary in Section 13 is going to give a televised speech soon. She will give a comprehensive explanation of what happened last night."

Zhao Zhen stopped laughing and smiled coldly.

"It's okay, it's still a long time, Miss Niya!"

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