Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2240 Crime and Punishment 7 (Part 1)

"That's okay."

Le Xiao blinked her sour eyes and looked at Michelle in front of her. It was already 9:50, and there were still 10 minutes left for Le Xiao to give a televised speech to give a systematic and comprehensive explanation of last night's situation.

Le Xiao didn't go to bed until after 5 o'clock in the morning. She got up just after sleeping for more than 2 hours. Such a big thing happened as soon as she got up, which caught Le Xiao off guard.

"How about we resolve the CBV building issue first and then make an announcement."

Michelle froze and glanced at Le Xiao, then she was still repairing some details.

"Have a quick look, everything is going normally."

Le Xiao hummed, and after Michelle stood up, Wu Lei yawned next to her.

"Isn't it a problem? Lady Niya."

Le Xiao looked at the picture on the CBV main channel. Niya was still sitting opposite Zhao Zhen with a calm face, and the two of them were silent.

"I'll leave the logistics to you."

After Michelle left, Le Xiao hurriedly sat down and looked at the places Michelle had revised and marked. Many important places had been carefully marked. Wu Lei pressed his temples. He just wanted to lie down and have a good sleep.

Seeing Le Xiao's nervous look, Wu Lei walked over and put his hands on her shoulders. Le Xiao was startled. Wu Lei pressed gently, and Le Xiao laughed happily.


"Really, if you have time on weekdays, please exercise. Your body is too stiff."

Le Xiao stuck out her tongue and started watching again seriously. Time passed by and many people were already waiting for the TV speech.

But more people are discussing the hijacking of the CBV building. The city’s control of birth control has been criticized many years ago. But now the city is beginning to face the problem of aging, and birth control has begun to be liberalized on a large scale. , however many people are no longer willing to have children.

Because cities have been experiencing problems of one kind or another in recent years, with increasing social pressure and economic conditions that have remained the same for ten years, there are basically not many ways out.

Anxiety spreads throughout the city. Many measures are regarded by many people as nothing more than shock therapy. The city's economy has not improved significantly, with periods of improvement and periods of lag, all in this repeated alternation.

Some people are also accusing the 12th Section of wrong food control measures, and the production capacity of the agricultural base has not increased but has decreased over the years. Many people are criticizing the 12th Section's food production efficiency.

In particular, the production capacity of meat and eggs has hardly changed over the years. It is obvious that more biogenetic factories can be built so that proliferative protein products can meet the needs of the whole city.

Many wrong things in the city are bad in the eyes of most people, especially the construction of agricultural bases in the barrier areas. Most people are opposed to it, because once construction starts, all the resources in the city will only be used. It can be tilted to the lower level, which will cause a very big problem for the middle and upper levels.

The truth about the past subway case that Zhao Zhen just said is insignificant in the eyes of many people. More people just hope that the city can recover as soon as possible, especially many people at the bottom, because many people at the bottom have lost their income during this period. increased.

"Many people only care about what will happen tomorrow, but not what the future will bring!"

Tang Ye quietly looked at some of the comments on the screen on the Internet. They were basically the same, cursing Zhao Zhen and other rioters on one side. He raised his head tiredly.

Behind him is a huge space with a large number of missiles placed. Tang Ye is still adjusting some parameters, striving to accurately launch missiles when a conflict occurs at a greater distance.

Tang Ye knew that there was not much time left for them. Although the AIs were still helping them and constantly sending some intelligence messages back, if the riots really escalated, the AIs might be completely shut down by the business department.

"Aren't you ready to start planning!"

Next to Tang Ye is a new human being with AI12 inside. He is responsible for providing information to Tang Ye, and Tang Ye smiles.

"What about your plan? Didn't you say you were going to start it a long time ago?"

"The success rate of the current plan is still rising, and we will only start planning when it reaches 100 percent."

Tang Ye smiled. He knew very well that AIs would not easily provide help other than intelligence. After all, these guys' idea should be to make a profit. Tang Ye and the others are not stupid. Now they just need to continue to wait quietly. Just when the time is right.

The administrative department is very clear that if martial law is not enforced, the casualties caused by riots will be immeasurable, so they can only block the city and maintain the minimum operation of the city.

"Okay, I'm going to rest."

Tang Ye stood up as he spoke. As soon as he stood up, his sister Tang Xiwen appeared in his mind. He smiled helplessly. Over the years, he had been worthy of his sister and raised her since she was a child. At least he had done his best. It is his brother's responsibility, and he must go all out to make an end to everything in the past.

Tang Ye no longer had such an idea of ​​changing the city. After Zhao Zhen said something, the attitude of these people in the city made people feel desperate.

Now Tang Ye just wanted revenge. He pressed his forehead and smiled helplessly. He changed from an idealist to an avenger. This change made Tang Ye feel a little uncomfortable, but it didn't matter now.

Tang Ye returned to a small room, and the new human standing in front of the light and shadow screen quietly stared at the values ​​​​on the light and shadow screen. He walked slowly over, and was stopped by Tang Ye just as he was about to touch it.

"Don't waste your efforts. If you adjust the values, there will be big problems. Please remember that we are only in a cooperative relationship, not taking advantage."

Tang Ye returned to the room and lay down. He was very tired, but he still looked at everything on the light and shadow screen. He knew very well what would happen to Zhao Zhen in the end. He didn't dare to sleep. Once he fell asleep, maybe he would open his eyes. The matter is over.

10 o'clock sharp

The televised speech meeting of the administrative department began. Tang Ye looked at Le Xiao, the secretary of the 13th department. He had always felt that this secretary was a little special. Her appearance made people suspicious and incredible. But in the past few months, Tang Ye has become more and more interested in this secretary. The secretary became increasingly difficult to understand.

Because in Tang Ye's eyes, Le Xiao, the secretary of Section 13, is different and incompatible with the entire department. This is also the view of most creators towards Le Xiao.

"Good morning everyone, as everyone knows, we discovered the bombs hidden by the rioter Zhao Zhen throughout the city last night, and then conducted a blanket investigation. So far, 124 bombs have been detected!"

Tang Ye snorted coldly. He didn't expect that Zhao Zhen's plan would fall short at the last minute. According to the information fed back by the AIs, Zhao Zhen left the place where the bomb was originally made and moved into the home of the female anchor Taotao.

That night, the AIs had already sent out new humans to notify Zhao Zhen, but the streets were full of business people. The AIs stayed on guard until the morning without finding a chance to enter Taotao's house.

"Sure enough, all it takes is the slightest bit of negligence and everything will fall apart."

Tang Ye laughed. After watching Le Xiao explain the whole incident last night, he stood up and took out a bottle of wine from the cabinet on the side.

The rest of the creators are making preparations. It was right to move the main base away from Frye Mental Hospital a month ago. Now there are still people from the administrative department stationed in Frye Mental Hospital, and there is no way to carry out any work there. Planned.

"That's what happened. I hope citizens don't panic. The city will soon return to stability."

Looking at Le Xiao on the light and shadow screen, Tang Ye laughed.

"It's so fast!"

"When I say this, many people may still feel uneasy because it has already happened. I am really sorry for the tragedies that happened in the past!"

Tang Ye was stunned, put down the wine glass in his hand, looked at Le Xiao and bowed.

"I am very sorry for everything that happened in the past, and I am also very sorry. I was not born at that time. I wish every day that the city would be full of sunshine every day and everyone could laugh! What a pity. It is really a pity that we still have too many problems to deal with and there are still too many things that cannot be achieved, but I just hope that you can give us some time. Times have changed, and the era full of mud in the past has passed. ”

Tang Ye laughed and kept smiling.

"Too many things did happen in the past, and we used lies to cover up many of them. These things did happen, and they did exist. I often lied when I was young, and every time I made a mistake, my mother would Teach me a lesson, so I know what it feels like to cover everything up with lies, it will really hurt! Okay everyone, a big event is happening in the city now. I think everyone knows, Mr. Zhao Zhen! If If you are reading my speech, I hope you will think about it carefully."

Seeing Le Xiao's tired look, she still kept smiling.

"I also know that maybe you won't listen. I don't want to advise you to surrender immediately and give up your current actions. At least don't involve innocent people and create another tragedy. If you want to say something, we can Give you enough time, no matter what it is, until you are satisfied! Okay, everyone’s explanation of the situation last night is over. Please believe us, the city is changing and developing in a good direction. It only needs a little more Time, everything will get better! Let us work together and live each day seriously. If all of us can work hard and live each day seriously, I believe that things will get better in the future."

The televised speech was over. Tang Ye sat down, took a sip of wine and closed his eyes.

Now Tang Ye finally figured out why their plans failed one after another. The conflicts in the city had reached their highest point with the outbreak of harmful food incidents. At this time, Le Xiao left school.

Tang Ye didn't know what the purpose of this woman was, and she would make some unconventional actions one after another, because that was a decision that was impossible to make in the past. The conflicts began to ease.

In one incident after another, many of the things she said eased everything in the city. Once the conflicts and contradictions were eased, it would be too difficult to return to the same tense state as before.

"Did you lose?"

Tang Ye smiled mockingly to himself. He drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, but his mind was very clear.

"It has nothing to do with winning or losing now."


After more than half an hour of explanation, many people in the city fell silent, especially what Le Xiao said that some bombs may still be hidden in the city. This made many people feel scared, because these people who hid bombs Zhao Zhen caught the weak point, so he had to take over Zhao Zhen's bomb.

Some people have been calling on the Internet for those who have really been in contact with the rioters to surrender as soon as possible. Moreover, Le Xiao also said that if you surrender now, you can get a certain degree of reduced sentence, as long as you confess the crimes you committed in the past. .

"I surrendered myself."

A frightened man carried a paper bag and directly found several Section 5 personnel on the street. Everyone looked at the bag in the man's hand in panic.

"Put it on the ground sir and leave."

The man didn't think much about it. After putting it down, several people from Section 5 immediately began to evacuate. A few seconds later, a mechanical ball fell down and put the bomb directly into his stomach. Everyone looked at the mechanical ball that took off. Breathed a sigh of relief.

The bomb did not explode, but Zhao Zhen, who was sitting in the studio at this time, looked at the people's abuse on a light and shadow screen. He was still smiling and seemed to be thinking about something.

"How about Mr. Zhao Zhen, what do you think about it, how about releasing some irrelevant people first? I will stay with you well."

Zhao Zhen stood up and shook his head.

"These are the so-called kind people. Do you remember the Hydra case?"

Niya nodded, and Zhao Zhen laughed.

"Look what they are talking about? I deserve to die? Haha."

Niya lit a cigarette, and Zhao Zhen looked at the screen angrily.

"You don't know anything! You only know whether your life is good or not. You only focus on the things in front of you. You never think about the pain and plight of others. This is the most terrifying thing. The so-called public opinion ."

Niya smiled.

"If you do something right, people will praise you, but if you do something wrong, people will despise you. But many times there is no clear measure of right and wrong, only results!"

Zhao Zhen looked at Niya.

"My final request is to release some of the documents you concealed in the past. If you release them now, I will promise you to release all the hostages."

Niya laughed, but her smile soon froze. She knew very well what Zhao Zhen wanted the business department to announce.

"Why don't you dare?"

"I don't have the final say on this matter alone. You have to give us some time to discuss it, right Mr. Zhao Zhen."

Zhao Zhen hummed.

"Please take care of yourself, Miss Niya. It may take one day or two days. I will wait. I need you to announce everything. Remember, it's everything!"

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