Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2238 Crime and Punishment 6 (Part 2)


Niya looked at the final numbers. Basically all the areas with people and activities had been checked. The number of bombs finally stopped at 121. Many department officers could be seen sleeping along the streets.

Most of the staff have been working continuously for a week with high intensity. They have hardly had a good rest during the week, and all they eat is liquid food.

It's already 8:13 in the morning. At 10 o'clock, Le Xiao will issue a statement. People from the special management team and the 3rd team are still checking some blind spots and cleaning up the work.

No one knows how many bombs are left. We can only leave it to fate. So far, no problems have occurred in the city. The secretaries of the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th departments have all gathered in the west. Conduct command and dispatch in the factory area.

This is a very important task. Daily necessities must be ensured as soon as possible. In the past few days, few people have come to receive free liquid food. After all, people in the middle and upper classes will hardly touch this kind of food. Although people at the bottom will I eat it often, but because of previous food hazard incidents, many people at the bottom rarely buy liquid food.

The liquid food market is now quite vacated. What worries Niya the most now is the food inventory of the 12th department. Meat, eggs, and milk can be supplied normally every day, but it can only meet about 50% of the city's needs.

This is already the maximum production capacity of 12 subjects. If it is increased further, the genetic food produced will cause harm to humans.

The supply of rice and noodles is okay for the time being, but Ye Chunwang has already said that if the problem lasts for more than three months, a very serious crisis will occur, and if it lasts for more than half a year, the city will completely collapse.

There is another problem that Niya is worried about. In order to ensure the daily production capacity and planting conditions of the food base, all the prisoners in Section 11, except for the LV0 criminals detained at the bottom, have been mobilized.

At this juncture, there must be no problems in the agricultural base, otherwise it will be a devastating blow to the city.

The barrier area is also a problem, because some food needs to be supplied to the barrier area. As Mo Xiaolan said, the city has reached the edge of the cliff.

"Lord Niya, all investigations in Area 87 have been completed."

A member of the special management team ran over, and Niya hummed.

"You can rest now."

Niya said, and a bunch of people bowed and saluted and left. Niya quickly jumped to the roof, lay tiredly on the sun, lit a cigarette, looked at the sky, feeling a little helpless, she held up a With one hand, he blocked the sun and smiled helplessly.

"Did I do it?"

Niya often asks this question. So many problems in the city today have never been solved, all because of the "undead" in the past. Niya has realized something since the collapse of the city.

Niya never thought about days like this. Niya has not had any goals since she was a child, or her goal is her sister. Niya hopes to become as strong and confident as Alpha.

However, this back suddenly collapsed one day. Niya knew very clearly that what she wanted to be was not someone like her sister, and she wanted to change or rewrite whatever she wanted.

What Niya really wants to do is to work hard to live in this city with a group of like-minded friends, and just spend every day happily without thinking about fame and fortune.

But it was obvious that such thoughts were delusional, and there would always be many things coming to her door. Niya closed her eyes and exhaled a puff of smoke. The face of her past boyfriend Sok was still very clear in her memory.

In the past, because of working and talking with Suoke, the two of them also had many similarities, but all of them stayed fifty years ago.

"It's been half a century. I'm almost turning into a grandma."

Niya looked at her calloused hands with a smile, feeling helpless and a little sad.

Time passed minute by minute, Niya slowly closed her eyes, and soon Niya fell asleep, which was a very comfortable sleep.

Didi didi

With a burst of economic contact, Niya opened her eyes. It was just 8:39. After sleeping for more than ten minutes, Niya was awake a lot. She answered Mo Xiaolan's call.

"What's the matter, little lazy boy, I just slept for a while."

"watch the news!"

Niya opened the light and shadow screen in confusion, and soon saw a man and a woman appearing in the studio of CBV's main channel. The man was Zhao Zhen, and the woman was Taotao, the female anchor who had been recuperating due to illness.

Niya opened another light and shadow screen, and one report after another had been submitted, the latest one a minute ago.

"The bastard finally couldn't sit still and hijacked the CBV News Building. There are still more than 4,000 people inside. He said that if the executive branch dared to take any measures to rescue the hostages, he would immediately blow up the building and kill everyone."

Nia immediately stood up.

"As for the conditions, I don't have time to look at them. Is it true or false?"

"It's one hundred percent true. After all, he is the kind of madman who doesn't care about anything."

Niya lit a cigarette, laughed, and then walked slowly to the edge of the rooftop.

"He made a request for you to come over."

"That's exactly what I mean."

Niya said, and Mo Xiaolan continued.

"He asked the whole city to broadcast it. If he didn't do it, he would still detonate the bomb in the building. Section 10 has detected it through physical means. There is something suspected to be high-energy material at the bottom of the CBV building."

Niya exhaled a puff of smoke and laughed easily.

"Just leave this matter to me. No matter what kind of request he makes, just satisfy him. I will find a way."

Niya said and ran quickly. After falling down, she came to the place where she got the food. After opening a can of liquid food and eating it, many staff members looked at Niya in confusion.

"Please cheer me up and continue to investigate the blind spots in the city to prevent all possible problems."

After Niya finished speaking, the staff saluted, and she jumped directly to the roof with a smile. At this time, a phone call came, and it was from her mother.

"Do you really want to go?"

"Of course, since the other party has called his name, I will naturally accompany him to the end."

Violet's voice was a little deep.

"Are you worried about my safety, Mom! Hahaha."

"Really, you kid, at this time, can't you be more serious? Is there any mother in the world who doesn't take care of her child?"

Niya's expression became serious, and she quickly shuttled between high-rise buildings.

"Don't worry, even if it does explode, I will still be able to survive, and I should be able to save one or two people."

"Anyway, just be careful. Your sister has already passed."

Niya hummed and hung up the phone, and soon came to the CBV building. There were more than 4,000 CBV employees inside the 100-story building.

The building was surrounded by the press, and people from other news media were reporting nearby.

Niya quickly fell down, and as soon as she passed, a group of directors gathered around her.

"What are you doing with so many people gathered around here? Let me go in quickly."

Mo Xiaolan walked out from among the directors.

"Determine a strategy first."

Niya walked to Mo Xiaolan and said.

"It's useless even if we discuss it. There's no other way. No matter how smart you are this time, we can't go back to the future."

Niya said, lit a cigarette, and then looked at the people around her.

"If there is an explosion, clean up hazardous materials as soon as possible and evacuate nearby residents first."

The directors nodded and saluted. Niya took off her uniform, carried it behind her, chewed a cigarette and strode up the stairs of CBV. They were all people from CBV, and no one dared to step out because Zhao Zhen I have already said that if anyone dares to step out, a bomb will be detonated immediately.

As soon as Niya entered, a crowd of people gathered around her.

"No need to worry."

Niya said directly after finishing speaking.

"Close all channels."

For a moment, many people panicked. At first, some people wanted to run out, but they were quickly restrained by the administrative department outside, because Zhao Zhen was not joking.

Seeing the gates closing one after another, and the administrative departments outside moving away, Mo Xiaolan had ordered the senior executives of CBV inside to close the passages to the CBV building, and all passages to the outside were closed.

The elevator kept rising, and soon Niya arrived on the 48th floor of the CBV building. As soon as she went out, the corridor was full of people, including the main people in charge of the company. They all looked at Niya with livid faces.

"How did the bomb get into your company?"

Niya exhaled a puff of smoke, and one of the people in charge spoke.

"I've asked the bodyguards to check it. The underground is indeed filled with bombs. They can't be defused. Someone should have secretly put them in when the parking lot was renovated."

Niya scratched her head, then waved her hands.

"What, are you scared?"

Then he laughed and walked into the studio. At this time, cameras were pointed at Zhao Zhen and Taotao. Zhao Zhen was drinking tea comfortably. Hundreds of staff were present. This is CBV's largest studio.

Niya walked over quickly, then directly picked up a chair and sat opposite Zhao Zhen.

"Tell me, if you have any other requests, if I want to send you out of the city, I can send you out in person and guarantee that you will not be arrested. The words came from my mouth. I always keep my word."

Zhao Zhen put down the tea cup in his hand, and then motioned to a female staff member to bring tea. Zhao Zhen had already said that if they wanted to put medicine in the tea, the bomb would explode immediately, because he had a way to make the bomb Exploded directly.

Niya probably knew what the method was, and the AIs should help him detonate the bomb, but Niya didn't say a word. A woman came up with tea tremblingly. She almost fell, but Niya held her up and dragged her with telekinesis. Lived the tea tray.

"Don't panic."

Niya patted the woman comfortingly, then took out a cigarette with her hands on her chin, lit one, and handed it over, and Zhao Zhen took one.

"Tell me, how can the bomb not explode?"

Niya asked with a yawn, her attitude was very relaxed, Zhao Zhen laughed, and Taotao's face turned pale.

What Niya is thinking about now is Pan Hua's case, because Pan Hua once hired a murderer to kill his cheating partner, and according to the investigation, Taotao was also one of Pan Hua's cheating partners.

Zhao Zhen stood up, exhaled a puff of smoke, and then started coughing and wheezing. He pressed his chest and kept coughing and wheezing. Soon his hands turned bright red. Niya looked at Zhao Zhen's condition and was very weak.

"Do you have any incurable disease?"

Zhao Zhen nodded.

"My life is coming to an end, so this will be my last performance in this world."

Niya clapped her hands and teased.

"Then I really appreciate you, Mr. Zhao Zhen, let us watch your wonderful curtain call performance. You can say whatever you want. If possible, release most of the hostages. I will sit here and talk with you. Yes, the camera will not be turned off, I can assure you, there is no need to involve so many people, they are innocent, right?"

Zhao Zhen shook his head.

"It's not that I don't believe what you said, Niya. You may indeed do this, but what about the others? Unfortunately, I can't believe what you said, so I'll wait until the matter is resolved. It won't be too late for all the hostages to leave. After all, I only Want to tell everyone everything.”

Niya hummed. After Zhao Zhen sat down, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then looked at Taotao beside him and pushed her.

"This lady is pregnant, out of wedlock!"

Niya glanced at Taotao and asked.

"is that so!"

Taotao nodded.

"The child is... Pan Hua's."

Niya sighed helplessly.

"Is that true? According to our investigation, you are also one of the people she cheated on."

Taotao wiped away her tears and then looked at Zhao Zhen.

"What exactly are you trying to explain?"

"First of all, I want to clarify a question. Is it true that the city has reached a point where resources are completely unable to satisfy everyone, and then it is necessary to limit the number of births?"

Nia didn't know how to answer the question, but quickly answered.


Zhao Zhen laughed loudly.

"Funny decision-making, weren't you the cause of all this?"

Niya smiled and waved her hands.

"Sorry, don't drag me into this. Although I am the section chief of Section 5, I have only been in the job for 22 years. Besides, I was not a senior executive in the administrative section in the past. I cannot make decisions on such matters. What do you want to explain?"

Zhao Zhen smiled contemptuously.

"So since you are now the section chief of Section 5, should your generation be responsible for all the past crimes committed by the Executive Section?"

Niya smiled and hummed.

"Tell me how to solve it."

Zhao Zhen was not angry at Niya's casual words, but felt very happy.

"You are indeed a good section chief, Miss Niya. The corruption problem within the administrative department has ended since you took office. Such problems rarely occur. The public security problems in the city have also continued since you took office. Things have gotten better. In the past, citizens did not dare to travel at night, but now even at three or four in the morning, they will not encounter any danger when traveling because they can always see the patrolling Section 5 officers."

Niya hummed, and then said jokingly.

"Since I've done such a good job, can I release the hostages first, at least some of them, at least the women and the elderly, how about letting them leave first?"

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