Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2206 This is not a reason (Part 2)

"Sir, please show me your identity."

7:23 pm

On the street in District 1, a woman impatiently took out her ID card. The Section 5 staff member in front of her immediately took out a small NDA checker. After confirming her identity, she then confirmed the woman’s identity card. DNA.

The streets are full of people from Section 3 and Section 5 who are being interrogated. Some people have been interrogated more than three times a day. As long as you enter any area, the people from the Section will take the initiative to come over and interrogate you if they think you are suspicious and unfamiliar.

Although many citizens know that such an incident happened last night, so the operations department is under full martial law, but this approach makes many people a little disgusted. After all, those rioters should not launch attacks for the second consecutive night. .

Everything is business as usual. The city has not experienced any bigger problems due to the riots last night. Except for those streets where the accident occurred, which are relatively deserted, other streets are still hot.

The general affairs department is brightly lit, and there are members of the administrative department on the stairs, looking extremely busy.

In a few days, 10 activities at the bottom led by the administrative department will begin. This is too stressful for the administrative department at present. After all, this has just happened.

Alpha sat quietly in the cafeteria, waiting for Niya who was going to pick up the meal. She was so busy that she just had a meal and helped with a lot of things. Lexiao had already gone to the bottom floor because she and several other secretaries were needed to take charge of the bottom floor. some screening work.

"Sister, do you want to eat steak?"

Niya shouted, Alpha looked over, many people looked over, and she nodded slightly.

"It's almost two servings."

Alpha didn't answer. After a while, Nia came over with a bunch of things and wine. After sitting down, she lit a cigarette and handed one to Alpha.

"These bastards!"

Nia cursed with a grin, and Alpha smiled helplessly.

"I will continue to investigate if I catch any of them, if I can't."

"I know, just do what you want."

Niya waved her hands and yawned. After finishing her meal, she had to go back to the headquarters of Section 5. Qin Dong had already gone to the lower level, and there were still some things to deal with within Section 5.

"By the way, sister, I think it's better to arrest them directly in the barrier area. Anyone who can provide clues can enter the city to work. What do you think?"

Alpha exhaled a puff of smoke and said after being silent for a while.

"There is some risk."

Niya also knew that the risk was that the person who provided the clues might be a member of the rioters, and by doing so, he could gain a new identity.

"Forget it then."

The two sisters started to eat. It had been a long time since they had eaten together like this.

"Is this really okay, sister? Those guys really don't care about anything."

Alpha nodded.


Alpha knew that Nia was talking about the gods, and that such a major thing happened last night, but so far, they have not spoken out and are still working within Section 10.

The two of them were eating leisurely, but at this moment the elevator door opened and Wu Lei hurried down.

"Ms. Niya, your Excellency the manager wants you to come up immediately."

Niya looked confused.

"I'm having a meal and I'm not free. Can't you let me have a good meal later?"

Wu Lei looked a little panicked, and Alpha asked directly.

"What happened?"

Wu Lei could only tell the truth. The rioters had just released a video through a certain media, but the video was cut off within a few seconds of being released.

"You can't even have a good meal, those bastards."

Niya started eating quickly, very roughly, and Alpha also speeded up. After a few minutes, the two of them followed Wu Lei upstairs.

Arriving at the section chief's conference room, Locke and Michelle were watching the video, and Leona and Ivy were also there. They looked like they had just eaten, the dishes had not been cleared away, and they were slightly tipsy from the red wine.

"I have already given the video to other section chiefs and secretaries."

Locke said, and several people sat down. Michelle and Locke seemed to have watched it in advance, and Locke called up the video.

"We are creators. In view of everything last night and your attitude this morning, we will launch larger-scale activities, so stay tuned! Another thing I want to say to you is that you have thought about it one day , when you get old? People in this city are suffering from the suffering caused by the extension of life span. We have only one request, let humans return to the past humans, and stop abusing life span vaccines. This is for the entire city's humanity It is a kind of long-term torture, I repeat for the last time, don’t abuse the life-span vaccine again, if you are unwilling to compromise, we will fight to the end until you compromise!”

The video is brief, with Alpha looking at the images around him.

"Have you determined the shooting location?"

Locke nodded.

"The filming location has been found. It seems to have been recorded a long time ago. It was in a hotel room."

"Where's the voice?"

Nia asked, her voice obviously manipulated.

"It has been restored. It is a man's voice, only it cannot be determined."

"Get to work."

Leona muttered helplessly, and Ivy smiled.

Alpha stared at the video with a serious expression, still thinking about something.

"I'll go directly to the site to have a look and tell me the location."

Locke said.

"Section 2 has already conducted a careful investigation. I'm afraid you won't gain anything if you go again."

"Careful? I'm not going to ask the nearby residents if they remember when someone stayed in this hotel room. I have to confirm it with my own eyes. If we can't figure out their purpose, we will continue to Lagging."

Locke hummed, and Niya laughed.

"Sister, have you thought of something?"

Alpha nodded.

"So be it."

At this time, in the Public Security Management Office of District 108 on the lower floor, Le Xiao was watching the content of the video. Lilian next to him was smiling, while Ye Jiao, Leti and Yin Cai had slightly serious expressions.

"Are you ready, girls? This is going to be a tough battle, especially in the event you are leading in the next few days, it is very likely that there will be riots."

Lexiao stood up in fear.

"Or don't do it."

"Don't do it? If you say it, it will throw water out. If you stop it at this time, it will be like pouring cold water on the people who have been looking forward to these activities for so long. We can only take strict precautions."

Everyone was very uncomfortable with such a provocation, and Lilian was even more angry. However, the enemy was in the dark, making it difficult to catch him.

"By the way, there seem to be more missing persons cases recently."

Yincai muttered, and Lillian looked at her suspiciously. She immediately obtained the permission to access the internal information of Section 5 through the permission application, and then immediately transferred the case.

In the past month, there have been twenty-three missing persons cases, most of which occurred in places beyond the reach of surveillance and in dark places.

These missing people are spread across the 21 districts of the city, and they have nothing in common, and they are not under the pressure of debt. They are all ordinary people, and they have no criminal records.

"Qin Dong has already started working on this case, but unfortunately there are still no clues."

At this time, the door to the room opened and Qin Dong walked in.

"Everyone, we just found a shoe belonging to the twenty-first missing person."

Qin Dong immediately brought up the light and shadow screen. It was in a blind corner of the subway. There was a pair of shoes next to the wall. The man entered the subway at around 2 o'clock in the morning five days ago. Due to overtime work, this point had already been reached. There were not many people left. In order to save money, the man did not choose to get a room to rest, but planned to take the last subway home.

Qin Dong and the others have been investigating for more than ten days. Among the missing people is Hu Youran's granddaughter Hu Xue. Her whereabouts are still unknown, so it's probably a bad thing.

Le Xiao looked at the information about the missing person, and suddenly she saw a familiar person. A man who used to be the monitor of her college class was handsome and gentle. Le Xiao had had some fantasies about him before.

"Huh? Why is Zhang Nian missing?"

"do you know him?"

Le Xiao hummed and said something about her college days. She felt quite sorry. She didn't expect to see her classmates disappear. In the past, Le Xiao would occasionally get together with some classmates, but since she became a secretary, she It is difficult to get through the phone at all.

And the most important thing is that Le Xiao doesn't have time to attend parties or anything like that. Tons of work are overwhelming her every day when she opens her eyes.

At this time, the alarm system of the local Section 5 registered a case that had just occurred. It was a robbery on the street. Some things in a store were carried and ran away. People from the Section 5 are currently making arrests.

Qin Dong glanced at the case casually, and Le Xiao became confused.

"Why would anyone snatch food now?"

Everyone present immediately called up the case.

"Let's go and see for ourselves."

The group of people went out directly. Le Xiao looked at them awkwardly and jumped directly to the roof. Yincai stretched out a hand.

"this and that"

"hurry up."

Le Xiao hummed, and jumped directly to the roof with Yincai in his arms. After a while, they arrived at the scene of the crime. A cordon had been set up outside a cake shop. Several team leaders at the scene saw A bunch of secretaries came over and were a little shocked.

"Sir, this is just an ordinary robbery case. I don't know where the prisoner has escaped. He should have gone to the stinky area outside. We are..."

"Pull the people back, never let them enter the stinky area, and mobilize special teams from nearby neighborhoods."

Lilian said, and the team captains immediately began to formulate orders.

Le Xiao's words awakened everyone. Indeed, in this era, there are still people who rob cake shops on the street, directly break the glass, and run away with the cake inside.

Even if you are really hungry, you can go to some nearby clinics to get some food. This is what the clinics are doing recently. The leftover food you eat every day will not be thrown away, but will be given to some nearby restaurants. People in need, and some stores have also started to do this under the guidance of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Instead of throwing away the food that cannot be sold every day and may have to expire or sell it to companies that recycle food waste, it is better to give it to those who have no money to eat. .

Soon several people saw the surveillance camera. This man was very fast and broke the glass with great force. He looked like a mutant. On the way to escape, some mutants from Section 5 patrolling the street chased him, but they still did not pursue him. arrive.

Area 108 is currently full of people from Section 5 and Section 3, but not even such a robber has been caught. This is what everyone finds strange.

Soon a large number of members of the acting department directly blocked the stinky area, and the pursuing mutants from the 5th department clearly saw each other running into the stinking area.

Soon Qin Dong and his party came to the stinking area. The lights were on. Soon they saw traces on a dilapidated street, which confirmed that the prisoner was indeed in the stinking area.

Now just waiting for the people from the special management team to come over, Qin Dong and the other secretaries planned to go in directly in order to avoid unnecessary casualties.

"What should I do with Yincai!"

Le Xiao looked at the sound color in embarrassment. Lilian and Letty were already eager to try. Le Xiao looked panicked, after all, there were so many department staff present.

"You can just be responsible for the dispatch here."

Lexiao swallowed.

"What exactly should be arranged?"

Yincai said with a smile.

"Be confident Le Xiao, you can do it."

A bunch of department officials arrived late, and Le Xiao walked over. The department officials began to report on the blockade situation. Le Xiao put his hands behind his back with a serious expression, and the secretaries had already entered the stench area.

"Still the same."

Leti twisted her nose, and Yincai smiled. She had been familiar with this smell since she was a child. Qin Dong smiled awkwardly, and Lillian on the side made a hissing gesture. She had already discovered the prisoner's footprints, so she should nearby.

"Come out, if you don't plan to come out, we will pass."

Qin Dong shouted seriously, and all four of them heard a strange movement. Immediately, there was a sound, and something seemed to be crawling on the ground. A black shadow flashed in front of the four of them, but the next second the Lilians were already there. Blocking the black shadow, she felt a softness. The black shadow crashed into a house and then stopped moving.

Lilian smelled a strange smell and looked at the torn sleeves.

"Be careful, it doesn't look human!"

Four people surrounded the house. At this time, the people from the special management team also came over. Yincai looked at Lilian's sleeves, as if they were torn in the first place.

"You guys should stand around twenty meters away. Turn your back to here. You are not allowed to look back. Even if you see something, you must keep it secret."

Lilian felt the seriousness of the situation, and hundreds of people from the special team were stunned, but then they followed suit.

"Who goes in first?"

Letty said and lit a cigarette, and Qin Dong volunteered to stand up.

"I'll be ready first, ladies!"

At this time, there were rustling sounds in the house. Lillian already knew what the thing that ate her sleeves was. It was a plant. Lillian immediately told the three of them in a low voice, and the three of them naturally knew it.

"But the plant-like thing inside is probably conscious and ready to be highlighted!"

Lilian said, Yincai and Leti took out their mobile phones.

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