Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2205 This is not a reason (Part 2)

Clone Frye sat quietly in front of the light and shadow screen, watching Le Xiao's TV speech that had just ended. Many channels were doing special programs.

Frye still agrees with part of Le Xiao's point of view, because she has seen the root cause, but Frye knows the deeper root cause, because he has all the memories of Frye's body. Although he does not remember some things particularly clearly, he probably knows this. The origin of the city.

After the crisis broke out in the world at that time, most people who wanted to escape the virus and the world's abnormal climate had the only way out to the highest peak in the world.

People of different cultures and races gathered on this land, and eventually formed a large and small complex of forces. Their only purpose was to survive, so this land was called the Arena in the past.

At that time, the gods spent all their energy on the base in the mountains, which is where the Congress is now. They planned to preserve many of mankind's past scientific and technological achievements and build an ecosystem.

It's a pity that in this arena, a fight for survival has already begun. Such a fight was something the gods did not expect. Although they have given some cutting-edge technologies to many gangs, I hope they will slowly Wait and let peace develop.

However, as the time of sunlight becomes shorter and shorter, the sunlight becomes weaker and weaker. When the whole land falls into darkness, the real war comes. It is different from the small fights in the past. If you want to continue to live, You must kill the other party.

When the darkness lasted for ten years, this land became a cemetery, and countless people fought in the darkness. When they learned about the base in the mountain, many people wanted to seek shelter, and those who were protected by the gods They are the first generation of Brilliant City, and now only Ye Chunwang and Hawke are still alive.

The first students of the gods had mastered many things, but the land could not bear it any longer, and everyone gathered at the top of the mountain.

Even the big forces who were willing to guarantee peace were the same. In the end, the sun rose and the war ended instantly.

There were only a few places where there were wars, and the eight largest forces also accepted the integration of the gods. Those large and small forces also began to move closer to the center, and a city began to rise from the ground.

This is a city that starts from scratch without culture and without roots. In order for the human race to continue to survive, the gods can only establish systems, laws, and order.

Eventually, cities were formed, and many people began to no longer have to suffer from hunger and cold. Cities were also developing in full swing. However, human beings themselves would always have problems in such periods.

Because everyone is greedy, greed prompted mankind to continue to divide during this dark period in Brilliant City, and finally the upper, middle and lower levels were formed. This is also the inevitable result of the development of a society.

However, the gods are also powerless against such differentiation. If it is contained or the resources are divided equally, it will be the greatest injustice to human society. The least capable people will be the bottom producers, and the capable people will be the coordinators. The most capable person, as the controller.

Human beings have never been able to escape from this vicious circle, so the gods only hope that human beings can restore their past technological level, and then completely transform human beings so that human beings can continue better.

Everything today is still under the control of the gods, but this way of allowing humans to survive is too cruel, but it is necessary. It is precisely because of the efforts of humans over the past century that the Brilliant City can exist, and humans can It can break through many past limits of human science.

All of this was achieved in exchange for human suffering, but clone Frye did not agree with it at all. This method would create creators who were a group of rebels, but at the same time they were also a group of failed rebels.

In the eyes of clone Frye, this is the case for the creators. Even if they have the means to fight against Xingke, they still cannot change their nature as losers because they lost from the beginning.

Clone Fry once thought, are they really doing this to change the city?

It's a pity that Frye can be sure of one thing during his conversations with them during this period. How the city has become has nothing to do with them. They just want to smash everything, start everything over, and distribute resources again. But the price was the overall collapse of stable and prosperous human society, and countless people died and were displaced.

This planet has run out of time, and humans are no longer allowed to start over again. Clone Frye knows this, and he suddenly remembered these things a few days ago.

Although I don't know why, clone Fry knows far more than Fry.

These things will appear in clone Frye's memory every day after he wakes up, as if they are some kind of guidance.

From the perspective of clone Frye, most of the creators just want to put an end to the anger of the past, because they don’t know what it will be like to break everything and start over again. They have not considered any consequences. Therefore, their position cannot stand at all.

Many people in the news are criticizing the creators' actions, and public opinion has begun to change. Le Xiao's speech has made many people who are still hesitant make up their mind.

Nowadays, many people in the city are scolding the creators for what they have done. This is natural, because the people who instigated everything in the city in the past have never achieved anything. Instead, they were the Hillman family.

From the perspective of clone Frye, if the Hillman family really takes a dominant position in the city, they do have a chance to change the city, but it is a pity that there is only one Eddie.

Although most of what the Hillman family did in the city in the past were crimes, they were more in line with the standards of the gods. In an integrated human society, everyone would be placed in a corresponding position.

During the years when the Hillman family controlled the city, the economy of Brilliant City was the most stable. Because they could control the flow of the economy, even though the gods knew what the Hillman family was doing secretly, they did not stop it.

Although there are other factors, in the view of clone Frye, an integrated human society is the only way for mankind in the future. If you don't want to become a cold machine, you must position yourself correctly.

But obviously this is impossible, because human beings are born with a desire to improve. No one is willing to fall down, and no one is willing to fail repeatedly.

dong dong dong

There was a knock on the office door, Lolita walked in, and Frye smiled gently.

"Our plan seems to have failed, doesn't it?"

Lolita did not deny that instead of killing the shadow, their clone soldiers were exposed in advance. Now it will be unprecedentedly difficult for them to obtain the raw materials for cloning.

In the past, some materials were collected little by little, because if the quantity was large, those who had the raw materials would not sell them. After all, they were not fools. They knew that if these controlled raw materials caused any problems, they would not be able to bear the consequences. Walk along.

"We will gather the cadres in a few days. We must start the deanship as soon as possible. If we delay it any longer, we will be in big trouble."

Clone Fry nodded and said.

"It's okay, Lolita. The plan will go smoothly. When we complete everything, we will be able to end the chain of misery."

Lolita nodded, and after the two talked some more, Lolita left, and clone Frye showed a cold smile.

The clone Frye is very clear that if he wants to survive now, he must make a choice. The difficulty in obtaining raw materials for cloning means that the survival of him and Lolita is subject to unknown threats.

Such a threat is foreseeable, and if Lolita and Jielin weren't for the sake of the stability of the creators, they would have already taken care of the clone of themselves. The most important thing is the meeting in a few days. If he still doesn't If you agree to start the plan, you may be doomed.

However, as the plan begins, Lolita and Jie Lin will gradually eliminate themselves. The clone Frye really wants to live, but there is a certain risk in dealing with the business department. He is not a human being, but a human clone. body, maybe even if they promised themselves, they would bury themselves together after the matter was over.

Not everything can be secure by making a deal with Xingke. The clone Frye had to find a way to get the best of both worlds. At this time, he thought of a person, Huashen. Maybe he could talk to Huashen first, as long as Huashen could nod and agree. If so, clone Frye would make a deal with the Business Department.

"Victory Libra!"

Clone Frye stood up and looked at the patients in the yard. He laughed. He was not Frye, but himself, a clone Frye with self-awareness, so there was no need for him to complete Frye's work. Whatever he thinks in his heart has nothing to do with him.

The people who make clone Fry feel most uneasy are Archimi and Marcus. These two people are very likely to abandon these madmen. What is cruel is the obsession of these madmen. I am afraid that they will not care about them until they die. If it cannot be completed, it will eventually be buried and nothing will be left.

Clone Fry felt a little sad when he thought of this, and he smiled helplessly.

“The best time to fix everything is over.”


Alpha carried the food and entered the room. Lexiao was still sleeping soundly, but after a while she woke up to the aroma of the food. She touched her belly and immediately leaned over, still devouring it. .

"The speech this morning was a success."

"Sister Alpha, what I said is the truth. As long as it is the truth, I think everyone can accept it. We must catch the criminals."

Alpha snorted. Apart from Tang Ye, there were two other people arrested last night, but they were just like Tang Ye. They didn't have any flaws, so they had to be released in the end.

They had completely failed the whole thing, without any reason to argue. Looking at Alpha's serious expression, Le Xiao said hurriedly.

"Sister Alpha, isn't the criminal alive? How about I go talk to him again?"

Alpha smiled and shook his head, lit a cigarette and stood up.

"After you finish eating, take a rest and go to the office at 2 o'clock."

Le Xiao hummed, feeling that Alpha was a little impatient at this time, so she said hurriedly.

"Sister Alpha, I think."

Le Xiao swallowed the food with difficulty, then beat her chest, picked up the soup, took a sip and continued.

"I always feel like everyone is a little scared."

Alpha paused.

"What are you afraid of?"

"Those rioters, you may not know what these lunatics will do one day, and everyone will be extremely busy. Everyone is afraid of causing problems, does not want to cause problems, and is even less willing to see the riots they cause, so there is a lot of pressure. , I’m sorry, I don’t know what to say, I always feel that everyone is too nervous.”

Alpha smiled sadly.

"It's true that all of us are a little too nervous. Maybe it would be better to relax a little bit."

Watching Alpha leave, Le Xiao continued to eat a few mouthfuls, but at this time she was thinking about a problem. Everyone was so anxious. Anxiety can bring helplessness and fear. Le Xiao knew this deeply. It was like this when she was expelled before. .

Every time Lexiao felt very scared and restless, because what to do with the money for tomorrow’s meal? Even if there was some left, what would happen the day after tomorrow? She was so anxious. After that, she entered some companies for internships, but she was afraid of showing up. Problems caused the work that was originally good to become problematic, and finally he was fired, and the cycle repeats.

Le Xiao became very angry when she thought of this and murmured to herself.

"We are not robots, how can we not make mistakes?"

2:09 p.m.

"You just have to listen to me."

Mo Xiaolan looked at Zhang Mo on the hospital bed. He had now been moved to the ground. Several elite members of Department R and 2 would watch him 24 hours a day.

"You saw it last night. I didn't want to persuade you to confess everything, because the days are still long. No matter when you confess, I will definitely pry your mouth open before you die!"

Mo Xiaolan looked at Zhang Mo with his hand on his chin. After experiencing some things last night, Zhang Mo's expression had changed very obviously, and he seemed to be thinking about something.

Mo Xiaolan just looked at Zhang Mo. She knew better than anyone else that in the future, they would need to face tests again and again, because the rioters would definitely attack, and they would not let Xingke find out everything about them. Then he was forced to take action again.

Mo Xiaolan considered the other party's point of view. If it were her, she would also take action in advance and create as many incidents as possible, which was completely different from the previous petty fights.

"The city should enter an era of all-out war, right!"

Zhang Mo glanced at Mo Xiaolan, but did not answer, and his expression did not change.

"Before you explain everything, they will launch an attack. Well, think about it clearly. If a war breaks out and we come into contact with the rioters, you won't need to explain anything anymore!"

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