Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2207 Monster? (superior)

A strong white light shines on the dilapidated house in front of you, and you can already see a lot of black and red tentacles swimming around. As expected, when exposed to the strong light, these tentacles will smoke and ignite spontaneously, causing a fireless burning phenomenon.

Lilian's guess was correct. Qin Dong walked to the door. The four of them had seen these plants and had actually experienced them in the world outside the barrier.

But how these animals came to the city is a question, and this matter is definitely related to the rioters.

"How about waiting for the people from Section 10 to come over and use special equipment to catch him. After all, this is a very important clue."

Letty reminded, Qin Dong said with a smile.

"Even if people from Section 10 come over, we still have to confirm what is inside."

At this time, Le Xiao, who was outside the stench area, looked at the footage captured by the surveillance camera on the light and shadow screen. The robber was really fast, and he flashed past the camera.

But at this moment Le Xiao was thinking about a question. Is it necessary for an ordinary robber to go to such trouble? She immediately thought that they must know something, but she didn't know it.

The section officials were still talking about the dispatch situation. Just now, the four secretaries had jointly issued a martial law order. Area 118 was about to be blocked. Many lifts had already moved over, and Section 3 had sent reinforcements.

"Master Le Xiao, the video image has been analyzed and the identity of the prisoner has been determined."

Le Xiao hummed, and a section officer from Section 5 brought up the light and shadow screen. Happy Xiao was stunned. Isn't the person above Hu Xue? Hu Youran's missing granddaughter was involved in the accident in the barrier area. girl in.

Le Xiao's head was filled with questions. At this time, a helicopter landed. Xima and Tianhen came over with several people from Section 10. Several mutants from the special forces team were carrying huge equipment.

Le Xiao ran over in a hurry.

"What happened?"

Tianhen glanced at Le Xiao and walked straight towards the stench area. Immediately afterwards, many lifts from Section 3 landed, and Section 3 began to implement a complete blockade of the stench area outside Area 118.

"Why don't you come over?"

Tian Hen glanced at Le Xiao, Xima pulled Le Xiao and nodded.

"You'll know in the past."

Le Xiao hummed and then followed.

Soon a group of people came to the front of the house. Qin Dong had already exited the house. One wall of the house had collapsed. Qin Dong raised his hand with a smile, and most of his sleeve had been eaten away.

"I'm afraid it's a human!"

Qin Dong muttered, and everyone's expressions became solemn. Le Xiao was still completely at a loss. At this time, people from Section 10 began to set up strong light equipment nearby with the help of members from Section 3. , the rustling sound inside became louder, and Le Xiao looked at the dilapidated house in front of her with some fear.

"Could it be."

"It's a ghost!"

Lilian said jokingly, and Le Xiao ran over in surprise and excitement.

"There really are ghosts."

Everyone present looked at Le Xiao in confusion, and Lilian took Le Xiao in her arms.

"Do you really believe it?"

Le Xiao groaned and laughed awkwardly. Lilian took out her mobile phone and opened a light and shadow screen. There were some images on it. She gave the phone to Le Xiao and let her see it by herself.

Time passed by, and people from Section 10 had already set up equipment. This high-density low-light cage could prevent plant-like plants from turning into dust, and could also inhibit the devouring of plant-like plants. What they needed to do later Just find a place, place this kind of low-light cage, and then dismantle the room little by little from the other three directions, and use strong light to force the plants into the low-light cage.

After a while, Le Xiao finally understood what a plant-like thing was. She exclaimed, and there were sounds of strange movements inside. Le Xiao took a few steps back, but Xima held her shoulders down.

"It's no surprise, it's everywhere out there."

Le Xiao swallowed. The equipment was still being set up, but the rustling inside was getting louder and louder.

"We must catch them alive, and there must be no failure."

Tianhen said with a serious expression, because the mutation that occurred on Hu Xue was most likely related to the rioters using plant-like substances to conduct binding experiments on humans, and they had to figure everything out.

"What exactly is inside?"

Le Xiao asked, because if the person captured by the surveillance camera was indeed Hu Xue, then what was her relationship with the plant-like plant?

At this moment, in the corner of the dark room, Hu Xue was curled up and trembling. Surrounded by her were clumps of plants that grew out of her body. She was extremely uncomfortable at this moment. She didn't know what to do. How to explain it, because this is not what she wants, and she knows what will happen if she is caught.

During this period of time, Hu Xue's heart almost collapsed. Today, Hu Xue, who couldn't bear the hunger anymore, had no choice but to take risks. She didn't dare to go back home.

Suddenly, there was a slight tremor in the house. The moment Hu Xue just saw it, a wall shattered and a fierce white light came over. Hu Xue stood up instinctively, turned around and jumped towards another corner.

But Hu Xue stopped for a moment, and light shone through the cracked wall. She turned around and continued to look for the dark corner, but the light deprived Hu Xue of his hiding place.


Hu Xue broke through a wall. The moment he rushed out, Hu Xue heard a heavy snapping sound behind him. Then the whole house collapsed. Hu Xue hit a wall. This wall seemed to be very thick. , Hu Xue punched his fist vigorously, but except for the banging sound, the wall was not broken.

Then a faint light came on, and Hu Xue pressed her head in pain. The black-red tentacles outside her body were slightly glowing with scarlet, and were being burned continuously. They began to retract crazily into Hu Xue's body. She screamed in pain. When I got up, my skin began to feel burned.

"Why don't you have a good talk with her."

Le Xiao looked at Hu Xue struggling painfully in the dim light cage. She was almost no longer human, the skin on her face and hands was peeling off, and some tentacles were still outside Hu Xue's body.

"You go ahead."

Letty said, Le Xiao really walked over, and after getting closer, Le Xiao said with a smile.

"Miss Hu Xue, calm down first."


A ferocious, twisted and burning cheek was slapped in front of Le Xiao. She was so frightened that she was completely stunned and did not dare to move at all. Looking at Hu Xue who was still struggling fiercely, Le Xiao couldn't help but wonder if it was a little too much. .

"How about extinguishing the light first, and then we can talk properly?"

"Once the light goes out, it takes less than a minute for the plant to break out of the cage."

Xima explained, Le Xiao swallowed, but looking at Hu Xue, she had calmed down from the fierce struggle at the beginning. She looked extremely painful. If this continued, Hu Xue might die.

People from Section 10 are observing Hu Xue's physical condition, but it is still unclear why this kind of plant can enter the human body and survive. Judging from Hu Xue's appearance, she has changed from an ordinary person to a speedster. and people with very strong strength, the intensity and speed of this collision have reached the level of A-level mutants.

"How many monsters like this are there?"

Tianhen muttered, and everyone looked serious. If the rioters really cultivated such monsters, then these monsters that can hide in the shadows are a very big threat to the entire city.

Now Qin Dong also knows that those who have disappeared inexplicably may have been eaten by plant-like plants. He has issued an order for local members of Section 5 to install some facilities near the edge of the railway tracks, mainly lights. The dark subway is very likely to become a lurking nest of plant-like plants. Once the number of these plant-like plants increases, it will cause immeasurable harm to the city.

"Her body values ​​have begun to decline. What should I do?"

A person from Section 10 ran over and reported. Tian Heng took a look and realized that Hu Xue would indeed die if she continued like this, but she must not be allowed to escape.

“Lights off, on intermittently.”

The light of the shimmering cage was extinguished. On a light and shadow screen, Hu Xue could be clearly seen inside. She seemed to have regained some energy at this time. Plants began to crawl out of the body in large numbers again and began to move towards the shimmering cage. Crawling around the walls, the lights turned on again, and the tentacles immediately ignited and quickly retracted towards Hu Xue's body.

Le Xiao was frightened to see it, but at this moment Le Xiao felt something strange, there was some buzzing in her ears, Le Xiao pressed her ears.

help me!

Le Xiao heard a voice. She looked at Hu Xue in front of her and asked in surprise.

"Are you talking to me?"

Looking at the dying Hu Xue, Le Xiao thought about countermeasures.

help me!

This time the voice clearly reached Le Xiao's head. Le Xiao was convinced that she had really heard Hu Xue's heartfelt voice. This feeling seemed not to be the first time. Le Xiao had a similar experience a long time ago. I just don’t know when it was, I can’t even remember it.

By the way, that time with Lolita!

Le Xiao remembered that when Quasimodo and the others were trapped, Le Xiao went to the deserted mining area. The first time she saw Lolita, Le Xiao saw the black shadow behind Lolita. , like a ghost, entangled in Lolita's body.

The memory of that time came back completely. Le Xiao remembered that she heard Lolita saying something like "save me" at that time, but Le Xiao was completely focused on the black shadow at that time.

At first, Le Xiao thought it was an illusion and didn't care, but now that she thought about it carefully, Lolita did seem to be possessed by something, which was very scary.

Hu Xue is the same now. She is asking for help. If nothing is done, Hu Xue may die. The lights go out again. Le Xiao hears a burst of crying. She doesn't know what to do.

It can be seen on the light and shadow screen that more plants appeared this time, eating up a large piece of the cage wall in an instant.

There was a banging sound, and Le Xiao came to his senses, and then the lights came on again. This time the light was more intense, burning a large number of tentacles.

Le Xiao also realized that Tianhen wanted to use this method to eliminate these plants, but Hu Xue was even weaker at this time, and Le Xiao realized that if this continued, Hu Xue would definitely die.

"What should I do? What should I do?"

Le Xiao scratched her head at a loss. At this moment, there was a slight slap. Le Xiao turned her head but saw nothing.

"Try talking to her. If it were you, you could definitely do it."


Le Xiao looked around in shock, but could not see the shadow of Ellie. The lights went out again, but now more black and red plants appeared in the darkness than before, as if they wanted to break the barrier in an instant.

"Don't turn on the light."

Le Xiao shouted, Tian Hen's face turned solemn, Le Xiao hurriedly told her discovery, and Letty on the side exhaled a puff of smoke and smiled.

"Idiot, there is no need to find out. Anyone with a clear eye knows that the plant-like thing is consuming her life. The best way to capture her is to make her completely unable to move and the plant-like thing is about to die."

"Let me talk to her."

Le Xiao said hurriedly, and she held Tian Hen's hand.

"What are you going to do?"

There was a loud bang, and then the black and red tentacles broke through the cage. Tianhen looked solemn, and Le Xiao turned around and ran.

"Wait Hu Xue, wait Hu Xue!"

Le Xiao shouted hurriedly, and the lights instantly crossed and blocked Hu Xue's path. She stood in the shadow, with black and red plants flowing around her body.

"You are Hu Xue, right? Hu Youran's granddaughter Hu Xue!"

Le Xiao smiled and ran over. At this time, Hu Xue's head was dizzy. She just wanted to run, but she missed the best opportunity just now. The light had spread over a large area. If she rushed out at this time, she would Dead.

"How did you become like this?"

As soon as Le Xiao spoke, everyone present felt helpless, because this was nonsense. Looking at the situation in front of her, Hu Xue herself didn't know why it would become like this, so she was afraid.

Hu Xue shook her head slightly, her consciousness still a little clear. She knew the person in front of her, Le Xiao, the secretary of Section 13. Their favorite thing to discuss before was Secretary Le Xiao.

"Don't worry, relax, these things are only temporarily entering your body, let's just take it out."

Le Xiao said and approached Hu Xue. At this time, Hu Xue felt that her consciousness was becoming drowsy. However, Hu Xue soon fell into a drowsy state, and she felt that her consciousness was stripped away.

Le Xiao looked at Hu Xue, who was shrugging his head, and turned around with a smile.

"Fell asleep."

Suddenly Hu Xue opened his eyes, and he seemed to be a different person. The violent black-red tentacles instantly swelled and covered Le Xiao. Everyone started to move. Le Xiao just felt a black shadow in the corner of his eyes and turned his head. He opened his mouth wide, and the black and red plant-like plants instantly covered Lexiao and swallowed her whole body.

However, nothing happened. Le Xiao was stunned and looked at the surrounding area that turned into a large area filled with wind and sand. There was a big black stone in the distance. Le Xiao looked around, completely unaware of where he was. What happened What.

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