Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2045 The fluttering butterfly 4 (Part 2)

"From today on, you are no longer citizens of Brilliant City. Today is May 3rd. You can come back here on the 1st of next month to receive 30 cans of liquid food and 30 kilograms of water, including some medicines."

A director of Section 3 was standing next to the gate leading to the barrier area from the eastern guard station, reading the regulations to the new batch of deportees below.

People carrying large and small bags were waiting quietly for the door to open. Some people looked very happy, especially those prisoners who chose to be voluntarily deported from the prison. Most of them were serious criminals who basically spent their entire lives in prison. Nowhere in sight.

But not all serious criminals can leave the city immediately. The minimum condition is 10 years of prison life. Most serious criminals will immediately apply to leave the city once they meet the 10-year condition.

Some people have a citizenship level of 0 for more than half a year. If they fail to meet the minimum tax payment standards for 6 consecutive months, they will be expelled. The tax is 15 yuan a month and 90 yuan for 6 months. But some people cannot Pay it out.

Many of them are elderly people who have lost their basic labor force, have no children, and some are sick. Not to mention paying taxes, they can't even afford to buy cheap medicines.

The city doesn't need these people who are living in society waiting to die. They rely on some community benefits and do odd jobs to run errands for others, enjoying the city's resources, but they can't even pay the minimum tax of 90 yuan for six months.

Nearly 3,000 people were expelled this time. Some people were whimpering softly. Finally the door opened and someone started crying. Soon the younger ones took the lead and ran out. They did not feel uncomfortable, but felt much freer.

Someone burst into tears, and the expelled people slowly passed the bridge. Many people walked very slowly, and some people stopped directly on the bridge where the sun was still shining.

Tian Hen quietly led several team captains, waiting for all the expelled people to leave and close the door. Now that Tian Hen has become a section officer, he and Xima have begun to propose a large number of highly constructive suggestions for Section 3. Opinion.

Osman adopted some of these opinions, especially some future plans in the barrier area. Tianhen listed them in great detail, including battles between teams and other issues.

Finally, after the last group of people left, Tianhen ordered the door to be closed. Xima's expression on the side was a little solemn. These people may never come back in their lifetime, or they may die tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

"Is there nothing we can do?"

Xima asked in a low voice, Tianhen smiled and pressed the brim of his hat, looking at the slowly closing door.

"Unless one day, light can shine on that land."

Tianhen said and turned around. Today he will take his subordinates to some companies to discuss the procurement of equipment for the 3rd branch.

Among those deported this time, many are from District 29, nearly 500 people, all of whom are women. They are all engaged in special service industries. They are no longer young. With no source of income, they can only rely on some of the past. They save to live, but their savings will eventually be spent, and they don’t have any skills, let alone no one willing to hire them.

The city does not give many opportunities for slacking off. Once slacking off begins, by the time you come to your senses, the administrative department may have broken in, arrested you, and expelled you directly from the city.

At this moment, there were bursts of noise outside. Xima was a little confused. Just as he was about to open the light and shadow screen to check, Tian Hen held his hand. Tian Hen shook his head. He probably knew what happened.

"Let's go, we have business to do, don't think about it, their lives will be over from the moment they step out and walk onto the Weeping Bridge."

Most of the members of Section 3 who have experienced deportation know what happened outside. Someone climbed directly onto the railing and jumped to end his life. This is what happens every time he is deported.

Just after 9am

Ada and a large number of women from District 29 sat quietly at the door of the 5th Section Public Security Office, holding signs and protesting silently. There were hundreds of people from Section 5 standing aside, and the local section officer had a solemn expression. , officers from other departments came.

Nearly 500 women were arrested here last month and were subsequently deported. Ada protested that such a thing was unfair. Up to now, the law enforcement department has only used the excuse that this is the law and has not directly answered Ada's question. The problem.

Ada once went to the local councilors, but they turned a blind eye to such a thing. It was natural for those women to be expelled.

There are many elderly special service workers in District 29. They can no longer make money or do heavy physical labor. They can only make a living by running errands and doing odd jobs for the young women in the area. Sometimes they also need People help. Ada is about the same age as them, so she can relate to it.

If this continues, these women will be expelled one by one. The protest has been going on for half a month, but it has almost no effect. Even reporters are unwilling to report this matter.

Ada only hopes to find a viable job for the women whose citizenship level has dropped to 0 through protest, but this is obviously extremely difficult, and almost no shops and companies are willing to hire people of this age.

The eastern sun was a bit scorching in the morning, and some people had already fainted because they couldn't hold on. The staff from the nearby 4th Department came over immediately and took the fainted people to a makeshift medical center nearby.

There are less than 200 women still protesting. At the beginning of the protest, there were nearly tens of thousands of women, but as time went by, there were fewer and fewer people.

Ada knows very well that if we cannot fight for the rights of these elderly people, the misery of District 29 will continue in the future, as if a huge cycle will never end.

At this time, in the distance, a lift from Section 5 was coming over here. Many section officers looked at it in confusion, but immediately they realized something was wrong, and they all began to straighten their clothes and stand up straight. The staff who had been staying in the shade came running over immediately.

The lift slowly landed, and Niya roughly opened the cockpit door and walked out. Several officers immediately walked over and bowed.

"Why don't you report it?"

The local officer looked at Niya tremblingly, and for a while many women on the street stood up and cheered happily.

"That's it, Master Niya. We acted in accordance with the law, and there was nothing inappropriate."

Niya lit a cigarette, took a puff and walked towards Ada.

"Let them all disperse, and the leaders of you come in with me."

Ada nodded, and then asked the women sitting quietly behind her to go back first, but at this time there were more and more women on the street, and the elderly women were also coming.

Niya's arrival means that there will definitely be a solution to the matter. Although many people still don't have a good impression of Section 5, they have trust in Niya Angus, the section chief of Section 5.

Soon Ada followed Niya to an office on the first floor. Niya asked the women who followed her to sit wherever they wanted, and ordered the staff to make tea.

"It's like this. The Su family will soon build a food manufacturing factory. They need some workers. The salary is 300 a month, including food and accommodation. They can work until they die. If you want, you can let those with citizen level 0 come over."

Ada stood up excitedly, but at this time Ada was also confused, because the Su family is in the clothing industry, and according to the agreement between the associations, it cannot operate across industries.

"You don't have to worry about this. After all, the salary can only be so much, there is no guarantee, and the work intensity is average. I go to work at 8 a.m. every day, rest from 12 o'clock to 2 p.m., and then do it until 6 p.m."

Ada nodded. This is indeed a very good job. At least it has a stable source of income every month. In this way, the citizen level will reach 1 in only three months. If you can continue to work, you will not be expelled. .

"Another point is that factories also need to be built. They may need to participate in the construction. They don't need to be like normal workers. It can be built anytime."

Ada nodded and Niya continued to add.

"For some technical and heavy physical labor, there will be special mutant workers responsible for it. They only need to be responsible for cleaning the site and running errands and other chores. If possible, you can compile a statistics and it will be done in a few days. Start working somewhere."

Ada bowed again and thanked her. She didn't know what the Su family was going to do, but this thing was very good for them. According to Ada's statistics, there are still nearly 3,000 people in District 29 with a citizen level of 0, and there are still There are more than 4,000 citizens in level 1 to 2.

"Okay, I still have some important things to do, so I'll leave first and take care of the women, Ada."

"Lord Niya, why do you know this place?"

Nia stood up and scratched her head.

"Gene told me."

After Niya walked out, she immediately called the section officer.

"If something like this happens in the future, if you can't handle the people's demands or you don't have enough authority, just report it directly. There will be no next time. Do you hear me clearly?"

The section officer immediately nodded, and Niya looked at some of the section officers outside.

"Also, are they not eating enough or what? They are all lazily and lazily looking like this. I will come to check at any time. If you see this again, get out of here."

After Niya left, the entire District 29 was immersed in a sea of ​​joy. The news spread like wildfire, but many people were confused because they didn't know what the Su family was going to do.

11:03 am

Su Li sat quietly in the office of the Food Association. Yin Xianglin in front of her looked a little serious, and Wu Qun on the side smiled and hugged his wife's shoulders.

"I'm afraid this is inappropriate, Su Li. You want to get involved in the food industry, which is against the agreement between the associations."

"Wu Qun, don't tell me this, kid. I just want to build a factory and make some liquid food. You don't need to worry about other things. It won't be sold, it will only be stored. I have already discussed it with Ange. The Si family has reached an agreement."

Wu Qun looked at Su Li suspiciously, and then asked.

"What exactly do you want to do? If you recruit 10,000 people, your Su family will spend 36 million a year. Although your Su family makes at least 1 billion or more every year, it is not appropriate to spend money to support people like this. Bar."

Su Li put down the teacup.

"I have already submitted this matter to the General Affairs Department, and Section 1 will give me a qualification certificate soon, so you can do your thing, and I will not affect or interfere with your business."

Sully chuckled.

"If the city encounters a food crisis one day, the liquid food I produce can at least help the city survive the crisis. Besides, I won't rush to buy too much food with you. I will collect some of the cheapest food that you don't even need. Food is needed to make liquid food.”

Wu Qun thought for a while and then stood up and nodded.

"It's up to you Su Li, but just pretend that I haven't heard about this matter, if one day your Su family's liquid food appears in the market."

"Wu Qun, your boy has changed really fast in the past few years."

Wu Qun smiled and shook his head.

"It's not that I have changed, but that we have all been changing. Isn't it the same for you, Su Li?"

Su Li turned and left Wu Qun's office, Yin Xianglin said immediately.

"This matter is very dangerous. If Su Li ignores the current verbal agreement and sells liquid food directly, the market resources occupied by the Su family are not small."

Wu Qun hummed.

"Don't worry about what she wants to do for now. Let's wait for a while after her factory is built."

After Su Li left the district authority office in the middle-level District 58, a group of bodyguards followed her. She planned to go shopping in the nearby ring street. When Niya came over yesterday to talk about District 29, Su Li thought By allowing elderly women with citizen level 0 to enter their own clothing factories, this will inevitably cause many problems.

In the end, Su Li thought about it and decided to build a liquid food factory. This thing did not require advanced technology or complicated processes, and the workload was moderate.

The most important thing is that Su Li has often been thinking about something her uncle Su He said in the past, so she directly asked Niya about the address of the factory. As a result, Niya said that their family still has a large piece of land in the north, which is still very suitable for a factory. Suitable for manufacturing liquid food without any industrial wastewater.

Originally, Suli planned to pay some rent to the Angus family every year, but the Angus couple did not intend to take any money from Suli and let him use the land for free.

"I hope it will come in handy one day!"

Su Li doesn't plan to hire too many mutant workers. She just plans to find an acquaintance who helped the Su family design some buildings, come up with a drawing, and then find a dozen or twenty mutants to slowly build it, whether it takes three years or five. Years or even ten years is not a big problem. The key is that those women can have a job and live on.

The food supplied every day can be brought directly from the Su family's planting ground. After all, many times the food is almost rotten and cannot be eaten. And selling it involves many problems, and even a lot of food is not available. You can only use it to make biological nutrients yourself.

"Kill two birds with one stone."

Su Li laughed. Regarding this matter, the result of Su Li's discussion with the General Affairs Department was that the Su family could be given a certain tax exemption limit, which was a very good thing for Su Li.

Su Li picked up the phone and pressed 0005.

"How's it going, girl? Is the matter settled?"

"Already talked to Ada."

Su Li said with a smile.

"Come and have dinner with me."

Niya agreed after a moment of silence. Suli stretched her arms in a good mood, looked at the bright new ring street in the distance, and ran over happily.

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