Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2044 The fluttering butterfly 4 (Part 2)


Yincai was wearing a colorful T-shirt, loose wide-leg pants, and a pair of high heels. The tip of her nose was always filled with a faint smell of powder. Yincai was a little uncomfortable for a while. She looked at herself in the mirror and the past. Very different.

"This is the right thing. Now you can go out."

Selina smiled and pulled Yincai away, but at this time Yincai was extremely uncomfortable and almost fell down. She kept stumbling downstairs until Yincai got used to it a little.

Selena took Yincai to some nearby snack streets. Although she had just had lunch, Yincai could only accompany Selena to a snack bar. The streets here were full of tourists, and every shop The business of the small shop is very booming.

Selena made a simple dish of stinky tofu and French fries. When Yincai asked about the price, she was shocked. Two such small items cost 2 yuan each. This was unimaginable to Yincai. 4 One yuan is enough for a low-income family to live on for a day.

"Why, the things here are the best, and it's a tourist area, so the price isn't too high."

Yin Cai hummed, and Selina continued.

"The salary of a set assistant usually starts at RMB 2,000 a month. There are also various living allowances, and food is basically free when on the set."

Yincai smiled immediately after hearing this. This was much better than working exhaustingly all day at the construction site. At the construction site from morning to night, she could only earn 1,500 yuan a month, and she could only take care of her own food.

"Miss Selina, the field assistant is just here to do something."

Selena briefly explained that it was basically recording work and running errands for various departments between sets, including helping to prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner for the crew, etc. After listening to the sound and color, she basically felt at ease because of these She can basically do the work, and it's not too difficult.

"And you have the experience of taking the professional examination four times, which is a relatively good resume. Don't worry, just follow Glenn to the set to work tomorrow morning."

Yincai hummed, and then Selena took Yincai with her to eat and shop along the way. By the time dusk approached, she had spent nearly 200 yuan and bought a lot of things.

After a whole day, Yincai couldn't help but wonder, is it really possible to live in the upper class? Although the salary of 2,000 yuan is not low, if you want to rent a spacious apartment, it will cost at least 300 yuan a month, and the kind that only has a bathroom and A small cubicle in a bedroom costs 100 a month.

Including water and electricity expenses, as well as some daily expenses, the audio and video industry may have to spend 800 yuan a month. The cost of living is much higher than that of the lower class. In the lower class, the audio and video industry can spend up to 100 yuan a month. Other money is fine. Save some money to buy some movies and music, and have some entertainment of your own. The rest of the money is mainly used to study in training classes.

But now Yincai has begun to give up the idea of ​​continuing to apply for the exam in October this year. Four times is her limit. Before coming here, Yincai had already decided not to take the fifth professional exam.

"My house is very empty. You can use it freely. You can choose any of the six rooms."

Yin Cai looked at Selina with some embarrassment.

"It's nothing. Anyway, I need someone to talk to me. If you feel uneasy, just take care of the cleaning, including cooking."

Yincai nodded, she was very grateful to Selena for everything she had done for her.

In the evening, Selena retrieved a large number of purchased movies. The number was unimaginable by Yincai. There were hundreds of TV series and movies in total.

Selena recommended some movies and TV series, and Yincai chose one to watch. At this time, Selena started to dress up and put on makeup. She pointed to the refrigerator and said.

"You can cook your own food inside. If you are too lazy to cook, you can eat outside."

As Selena put down a stack of bills, Yincai was startled and hurriedly collected the hundreds of dollars and gave them back to Selena.

"No, I can just make it myself. I will buy back the ingredients I use to replenish them."

Selena didn't say anything anymore. The makeup lasted for nearly 2 hours. Yin Cai looked at it with some surprise. Selena looked younger, completely different from before. Then Selena put on a black pair. Wearing a sexy evening dress, she carried a small bag and went out.

Yincai found some eggs and planned to make some omelette rice. The ingredients were basically all available, and Yincai picked some vegetables.

After simply making some food, Yincai happily ate and then planned to clean the room. Serena's house was very spacious, and many rooms had not been taken care of for a long time. Yincai found the cleaning tools and started cleaning.

She kept cleaning until about 11 o'clock in the evening. Looking at the tidied room, Yincai picked a room with sundries and simply put a blanket on it. This was already a good night's sleep for her. Well, the situation at the construction site is much worse than here.

It was not until 0:23 that Selena finally came back. As soon as she entered the room, she covered her mouth and vomited. Yincai hurriedly supported Selena.

"It's very dirty, get out of the way."

Yincai didn't dislike anything, but helped Selina change her clothes. After scrubbing them, she took her clothes to the bathroom, got rid of the vomit on them, and put them into her light and shadow bracelet.

Looking at Selena who was lying on the sofa and already asleep, Yincai carried her to the bedroom. After Selena fell asleep, Yincai put a glass of water aside. She also planned to go to bed at 6 o'clock tomorrow. You have to get up and exercise.

This is Yincai's daily living habit now. No matter how late he goes to bed, he will definitely get up at 6 a.m. to exercise.

As soon as Yincai left the room, she heard Selena shouting. She hurriedly opened the door and went in. Selena had already sat up and seemed more awake. She took out the cigarette from the cabinet next to her. , lit it and took a sip.

"Chat with me for a while."

Yincai hummed and moved a chair to sit over. At this time, Yincai noticed that the makeup around Selina's eyes was smudged, and her eyes were a little red, and she looked like she had cried.

"Is there anything untoward, Miss Selina?"

Selina exhaled a puff of smoke softly, her expression slightly helpless.

"Everyone has their moments of dissatisfaction, and you are the same, little girl."

Yincai hummed, she was indeed feeling very sad today, but after arriving at Selena's house, Yincai felt that today's sadness had been swept away.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

Selena shook her head.

"I'm really lucky."

Selena said, Yincai handed over the water glass, Selena took a sip and continued.

"I grew up in a well-off family, and my parents supported my idea of ​​entering the acting world. After that, I went to a good university and entered the world of acting that I dreamed of. There were almost no major setbacks during this period."

Yincai looked at Selena who was a little sad. She didn't know what to say, but Selena was older than herself, and she had experienced far more things than she did. She probably couldn't say anything. , give some pertinent opinions.

Selena continued talking. After she entered the film and television industry, she encountered some disgusting things. Someone wanted to let her accompany her, but Selena refused. Selena later understood what rejection meant. , however, at this moment, when Selena originally felt that the future was difficult, Tina, a young star in the same company who had become popular, died in the explosion.

Originally, the role of the girl next door fell to Selena, but luck once again favored Selena. With this fire-fighting performance, Selena received very high praise, and her path has broadened since then. , also became brighter.

Selena also successfully terminated her contract with the original economic company and joined the Jiang family's group film company, and her career developed rapidly in a short period of time.

Selena took advantage of this good fortune, and everything went smoothly thereafter, becoming a hot star in Brilliant City. There is nothing more joyful than this. Selena did not accept some unspoken rules. It was a clean walk up the road.

Originally, everything should have continued smoothly, but at this moment, God played a big joke on Selena. Because her company was suspected of some problems and was investigated by the police, Selena was not involved. She didn't know about it and didn't participate in some things. However, after leaving this company, no one was willing to hire Selena anymore.

Selena obviously didn't do anything, but she still suffered the deserved infamy from the company. Later, Selena and her agent had no choice but to raise funds to build her own studio, but luck was no longer on Selena's side. Side.

In the following years, Selena kept trying, but no matter how Selena tried, the label of a problematic artist was always attached to Selena.

Nowadays, Selena can only take on some non-protagonist roles and has been reduced to a background in movies and TV series. There is almost no progress in her work. Even her agent Glenn has turned her focus to young actors.

Tonight was originally an extremely important employer's banquet, but it was a pity that Selena missed the opportunity once again.

"This city is a place like this. Once you make a mistake, you may never have another chance."

"Miss Selena, I think you can sue the previous problematic company and get a decent compensation for your career. Your career has indeed suffered difficulties due to the company's problems."

Selena smiled.

"The compensation has been paid a long time ago, but because the information in Section 6 is inaccurate, some of the recorded information is even irresponsible."

Selena continued to take out the wine from the cabinet on the side in distress. Yincai wanted to stop it, but she didn't. She poured a little for herself and listened to Selena talking about the glorious past and the gloomy past. now.

It wasn't until 3 o'clock in the morning that Selina fell asleep completely. After Yincai packed up everything, she sat in the living room and looked at the white tabletop full of lights in a trance.

At this time, Yincai's thoughts were a little messy. It was not difficult for Yincai to understand what Selina said, because she had experienced it more or less herself.

Nowadays, sound and color feel more and more difficult. There is a wall standing in front of you. No matter how hard you try, you can never break this wall. Even if you can see a trace of light from the cracked gap in the wall, the wall is always In front of you.

There are too many unsatisfactory people and things in life. In such a city, it is already very difficult to live. If you want to continue to move forward, it will be even more difficult.

After a while, Yincai fell asleep. In a daze, Yincai dreamed of the orphanage of her childhood. The happiness at that time was still fresh in Yincai's memory, but everyone disappeared one by one.

dong dong dong

Accompanied by a fierce knock on the door, Yincai got up. It was already past 8 o'clock. This was the first time in these years that she had gotten up so late. Even when she was working, the construction site basically started at 7 o'clock.

The person who came was Glenn, who looked at Yincai impatiently.

"I just called, isn't Selena up yet?"

Yincai nodded.

Then Glenn lit a cigarette irritably.

"Come on, follow me."

Soon Yincai started walking with Glenn, and after a while, Glenn brought Yincai to the set. At this time, a slightly fat woman walked over in front of her, and she said begging with red eyes.

"Please Mr. Glenn, don't fire me. My child is sick and my husband was recently laid off."

Yincai looked at the woman in front of her and saw the ID of the field assistant she was wearing. She seemed to understand a little, and Glenn said impatiently.

"We just agreed yesterday. There's nothing we can do about it. This new guy will take your place."

The woman started to cry. She stood there for a moment with Yincai holding the small bag. At this time, a sentence appeared in her mind.

"You're still young."

This is what Gene often said to himself. The woman was still begging, and Glenn looked at her indifferently.

"You are already so old and your hands and feet are not flexible anymore. I will introduce you to other jobs after a while."

At this moment, Yincai walked over and stood in front of Glenn.

"Mr. Glenn, no need."

Glenn was a little stunned at first, but he burst out laughing the next second.

"This Selena guy asked me for a long time before I agreed. This kind of job is not that easy to find."

Yincai shook her head, turned around and slung the small bag over her shoulder, looking up at the sky in the distance.

"Thank you for bringing me here Mr. Glenn."

Yincai turned around again and bowed deeply, then looked at the fat woman.

"Miss, please come on."

Yincai said and was about to leave, but Glenn snorted coldly.

"It seems that the construction site is more suitable for you, little girl, if you let this opportunity go."

Yincai raised her finger and pointed to the sky, then smiled and shook her head.

"I'll climb up next time."

Yincai said and ran quickly. Soon she found a deserted corner, wrote a letter, and returned to Selena's house. Selena hadn't gotten up yet, so she left the keys and the letter. left.

Yincai was very happy all day yesterday, but early this morning, when she saw the fat woman's situation, she really wanted to retreat, but what really made Yincai retreat was her unwillingness.

After arriving at the platform, Yincai glanced back at the film and television area, then took out her phone and pressed the number 0013.

With an uneasy mood, Yincai didn't know whether the call could be answered.


Gene's gentle voice came from the phone, and the tone was somewhat stuttering.

"Mr. Jean, I am Yincai."

Yin Cai became nervous. She was speechless for a moment and didn't know what to say.

"Do you need help, ma'am?"

Yincai lowered her head and breathed rapidly. After a while, she said loudly.

"I'm going to take the fifth practical examination. I hope you can teach me Mr. Jean. I just need to spare a little time."

There was silence on the phone, and after a while Gene's hearty laughter came.

"I happen to be free now. Where are you? Miss, I'll go find you."

Yincai stared blankly at the subway station that had just arrived in front of her, and then quickly ran in.

"Thank you Mr. Jean, thank you, thank you!"

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