Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2043 The fluttering butterfly 4 (Part 1)


April 20

"Why me again!"

Leona looked at the order on the light and shadow screen with slight distress. It was directly issued by Michelle, the girl. Leona was so angry that she was ordered to finish the business examination.

It was just after 6 o'clock. Leona was lying on the bed. She was supposed to be on vacation today, but the secretary-general's order came down, so she had no choice but to do it. Leona participated in the work of setting the questions, and Leo was involved in the invigilation of the exam. Leona participated, and now even the finishing touches have to be done by Leona herself.

Leona couldn't stand it anymore, and now the only way was to endure until Keying retired. After she succeeded the section chief, her position was half a level higher than Michelle's, so she no longer needed to be ordered by Michelle.

Leona was very unhappy recently with such a little girl who was nearly 20 years younger than her riding on her head. She directly pressed Ivy's number.

"It's strange. Why did you get up so early?"

"She's not that girl Michelle, really."

Leona said as she began to tell Ivy how tired she had been recently, but Ivy soon interrupted Leona's words.

"Okay, okay, if it were me, it would only take me half a day to finish such a small amount of work. You are too lazy."

"Who said that? You don't know."

Before Leona finished speaking, Ivy said she would start morning exercises.

"Wait, aren't you getting married? What's going on, that guy at the end of the season?"

There was a slight sigh on the phone.

"it's nothing."

The phone was hung up, and Leona could tell that Ivy was powerless when it came to bringing up marriage. It seemed that the guy didn't get closer to Ivy after he came back at the end of the season.

Although Leona thought about persuading Ivy to give up or at least resist, she gave up in the end because Ivy would definitely marry Ji Mo, which was determined at birth.

Leona knows family matters better than anyone else. Now the two families are too closely integrated. Marriage is the only way to go. In the future, Ivy and Ji Mo's children will inherit everything in the family.

After being stunned for a while, Leona could only get up quickly. After quickly completing her daily exercise, Leona put on her uniform and planned to go directly to Section 5.

Today is also the day when the results of the week-long exam are announced. Tens of thousands of candidates are already waiting to see their results. This year is the same as last year. The exam questions are more difficult than in the past.

Although Leona wanted to make it easier when setting the questions, Michelle couldn't pass it. Leona turned on a light and shadow screen, and the results were already out. This year's passing line was 93 points, and those who passed There were less than 500 people.

Leona took a casual look at the various data. There were more than 2,000 people who had retaken the exam twice, and more than 500 people who had retaken the exam three times. At this time, Leona was a little surprised, looking at a person who had retaken the exam for 4 A woman named Yincai.

"It must be that guy."

Leona took a look at the score. It was 89 points. The gap was quite large. After Leona came to the office, she called up the test paper for Yincai. After looking at it for a while, she smiled helplessly. She even failed the three previous exams. Leona also read the test papers and made some progress each time, but the progress was too slow.

There was nothing outstanding on the test paper, it looked very solid, and many of the questions seemed to be very thoughtful. Leona sighed helplessly.

"This should be the last time."

After 2 hours of work in Section 6, just after 8 o'clock, Leona took the simple bread sent by her subordinates and drove a lift directly towards Section 5.

Within a few minutes, Leona arrived above the headquarters of Section 5. The venue was already crowded with people. Everyone was waiting for their results. People lined up outside each booth.

The scores are collected in real time at the booth through the candidates' examination number, and will not be announced directly, because this has been done in the past and can easily be exploited by some interested parties, especially in the past, the gambling industry often used the results announced by the professional examinations to make profits.

The most critical point is that only the secretary and section chief know the scores of the candidates, not even the governing officers.

The final work of the exam is mainly the practical arrangements for candidates who have passed the exam, while other candidates who have not passed the exam and have slightly better scores can also participate in a one-month paid internship in the field of practice.

In practice, you can get local recommendation points, and only those who have passed the professional examination normally can get extra points. These scores determine the subjects these candidates choose in the academic academy in the next six months.

For those who do not pass the exam, the scores obtained after the practice can be included in the next year's exam. If they pass, they can directly omit the practice work. As long as they agree to use last year's practice scores to guarantee the accuracy, they can start immediately. After entering the College of Business Administration to learn the corresponding knowledge, you can directly become a formal member.

Many people are still willing to practice, because during the practice period, they can live in the dormitory of the local corresponding department, and the food and accommodation are free, but there is no salary.

Leona read the information about Yincai. She participated in the practice three times before, and her scores were not very outstanding. The first time was 9 points, the second time was 10 points, and the third time was 10.5 points.

She only got half of the full 20 practical points, and Leona sighed helplessly.

After entering the conference room, Leona is waiting for the candidates who have passed the exam to enter. The directors of each subject have arrived. Leona plans to start working, mainly based on the exam content of the people who have passed the exam, arranging correspondence. The practice will be based on the subjects they filled in during the exam.

The work is assigned quickly. The subjects with the largest number of practitioners are subjects 3 and 5. These are the subjects that candidates hate first and second. They want to get the ideal subjects 1, 4, 6, and 7. , Subjects 8 and 9 require top-notch results.

Most candidates who are assigned to subjects 3 and 5 will only choose subject 5, and no one will want to take subject 3.

Next is an overall explanation of the candidates, as well as some rules and regulations in various aspects of the business department, so that the candidates can have a comprehensive and specific understanding. These things are very important. Leona naturally knows it as a person who has experienced it. In the past, Alpha Design This nearly perfect examination process can highlight each candidate's greatest abilities.

The explanation before the practical exam is very critical. It is necessary to let the candidates have the impression of the specific time in their minds before starting the actual practical exam. This will get twice the result with half the effort.

At this time, there was a noise outside. Some candidates who had learned their results had come in early. It could be heard that they were very happy. Leona thought again of the sound that she had failed to pass the test four times.


With an uneasy feeling, Yincai looked at the team in front. There were still three people left and it was his turn.

"Forget it, I can't pass the exam."

At this time, a woman in front of Yincai sighed, but the person at the front got the result and failed. The clerk in the booth said some words of encouragement. The failed man was a little helpless, so he could only leave with a wry smile. , and did not sign up for practice.

Finally it was the turn of the woman in front of Yin Cai. When she saw the results, she started crying, missing by 2 points.

Yincai patted her shoulder comfortingly, and the woman covered her mouth and left. Failure in the exam is a blow to every candidate, because many people dare to apply for the exam after two or three years of preparation.

Yincai walked over calmly, entered her exam number, and the score came out, 89 points. Yincai's head was buzzing, and everything went blank. She couldn't even hear a word the clerk in front of her said. It took a while for Yincai to calm down.

"Miss, do you want to take the practical exam?"

Yincai turned around and shook her head.


After saying that, Yincai carried her small white cloth bag and put it on her shoulder. She planned to go to the film and television area to find Selena today and become a field manager. This was the last time, but she still failed as always. The passing mark is 93 points, and the sound quality is 4 points behind.

Although these 4 points may not seem big, they are actually a huge difference. Yincai slowly walked out of the door of Section 5 headquarters in despair. Her mood at this time was very calm, and there was no huge wave like the previous three times.

"Did you fail?"

A slightly gentle voice came from the left side of Yincai. Yincai hummed, and when he looked up, it was indeed the familiar Mr. Jean.

"How about giving it another try?"

Yincai shook her head this time.

"No need, Mr. Jean. There are some things that I just can't do. I plan to go to the film and television area. An acquaintance will introduce me to the job of a field assistant."

Gene nodded slightly, and Yincai raised his hand and waved. At this time, Gene raised his head, a little helpless, but Yincai stopped, turned around and bowed deeply.

"Thank you, Mr. Jean, for these four years."

Jean shook his head and watched Yincai run quickly. Jean would not say anything this time, but he could still see that there was some unwillingness in the girl's eyes. Maybe she would come back next year.

Yincai quickly came to the subway station, bought a ticket to the film and television area with her mobile phone, and then she called the number that Selena had left for her.

No one answered the phone, but within a few minutes the subway came, and Yincai got in. As the subway went by at high speed, Yincai closed her eyes, and tears overflowed from the corners of her eyes. It would be a lie to say she wasn't sad, after all, she was Yincai worked hard on the exam, but her hard work did not bring her good luck.

The subway was very fast, and it arrived at the station in less than 20 minutes. After getting off the train, Yincai was shocked by what he saw as soon as he walked out of the stands. In front of him was a large block of different styles. As soon as he came up, there was a square, and there were everywhere in the square. They are all people.

Although I had seen the film and television area from the light and shadow screen in the past, after actually setting foot in it, I found that it was really beautiful and full of colorful things. However, there were many people queuing outside the square.

You need to purchase tickets to enter the film and television area. Tickets cost 10 yuan each, which is really expensive for audio and video.

I spent 10 yuan to buy a ticket and went in. I looked at all the novelties around me, as well as the fact that a movie was being filmed somewhere, and the movie scenes were being generated bit by bit using large light and shadow generating equipment. The scene in front of me Let Yincai be shocked.

After watching for a while, Yincai took out her phone and dialed Selena's number again. This time someone picked up the phone.

"Miss Selina, I am Yincai."

Yincai spoke in a panic. After a while of murmuring, laughter and a man's voice came from the phone.

"Sorry, I drank a little too much last night. Where are you? I'll come directly to pick you up."

Yincai explained that in the square, Selina asked Yincai to wait by a pool in the middle of the square. After Yincai walked over, she happily watched the sprayed water changing colors, and stretched out her hand to splash on her fingertips. The water returned to its normal color.

The music also changes rhythmically with the spraying water, and the sound color is completely immersed in this atmosphere.

More than 10 minutes later, Yincai saw Selena running over in a red dress not far away.

"Miss Selina."

Seeing Selena wearing sunglasses and covering her face with a scarf, it seems she doesn't want to be recognized.

"Have you brought your changing supplies?"

Yincai shook her head.

Selina smiled helplessly and said.

"The quality of the things here is very good, but the price is more expensive than other districts. You shouldn't be able to afford it now. You can only wait until tomorrow to buy it. You still need to buy a ticket next time you come in. Only people who live in this district Or only those who have obtained a temporary residence permit do not need to buy a ticket."

Yincai listened to Serena talking about all kinds of things. In front of her eyes was a gorgeous world that Yincai could not imagine. All kinds of novel things could be seen on the streets, as well as buildings with different styles. Some were grand, some were grand. It was quiet and full of people. Yincai also saw some people taking photos.

Soon Selena came to an alley with Yincai. After turning in, she passed several shooting locations. An apartment complex located to the north of the film and television area appeared. Selena went upstairs with Yincai and was in Building 6. The door to room 1103 stopped.

After opening the door, Yincai took a gulp. This is Selena's apartment, covering an area of ​​150 square meters. It has everything. At this time, a man was sitting on the sofa smoking a cigarette and watching the news. Selena gave a brief introduction. Next, this man is his agent Glenn.

Yincai cautiously said hello, and Glenn nodded.

"Tomorrow morning I will take you to the set for internship. Selena, just take this little girl for a walk."

Seeing that Glenn's attitude was a little cold, especially his tone towards Selina, which seemed a bit arrogant, Selina hummed and said.

"Glenn, how was the result of last night's negotiation?"

Glenn said with a casual yawn.

"I don't know if it can work. Okay, Selena, you keep working hard. I have to go to the next partner."

After Glenn left with a smile, Selena's expression was obviously angry.

"Are you okay Miss Selena?"

Selina's smile returned.

"Let's go, I'll take you to get familiar with everything nearby. Did you pass the exam?"

Yincai hesitated for a while and then shook her head. Selina smiled and pulled Yincai.

"Come in with me. I have some clothes here, and I have to help you dress up. After all, with such a good face, you might become a star."

Yin Cai was a little surprised, but was still pulled into the room by Selina.

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