Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2046 The fluttering butterfly 5 (Part 1)

The temperature in the afternoon is a bit high. Although cars have been banned, the temperature in the city continues to rise. This is related to the various construction projects currently underway, as well as the number of new factories.

Ji Mo sat quietly in the garden of his home. He was dressed very formally today and had just combed his hair in the morning. He didn't know what the next afternoon date would be like. He hadn't seen Ivy for several years. He and Ivy are getting married in a few months.

Even though there were a hundred reluctances in Ji Mo's heart, he could only marry Ivy, and there were always too many things in Ji Mo's heart that he couldn't let go of.

Ji Mo raised his head, a painful expression emerged, and tears immediately flowed out. The shadow of Zhang Lin could not be removed from his mind. Ji Mo kept wiping his tears. He blamed himself very much. If he didn't do that, Zhang Lin and his son would not die if they acted out of impulse and directly used the power of the family.

"Hey, it's true."

On the long corridor in the distance, Ji Yun came over and saw that her son had burst into tears. She sat aside comfortingly, not knowing what to say. After all, in the past incident, as a mother, she Ji Yun should have thought carefully about her son's future, but in the end she obeyed her husband.

Regarding this matter, Ji Mo has completely broken with his family. Now he is still living at home just to complete the wedding. After the wedding is completed, he will leave.


Ji Yun said something, but Ji Mo didn't answer. He just kept wiping his tears. Ji Mo still can't get over the dark and unbearable past. Even though the murderers have all been punished, everything that has passed away will never be forgotten. came back.

The years with Zhang Lin were the happiest time in Ji Mo's life. Zhang Lin also persuaded Ji Mo to return home and said some things. Ji Mo originally thought that he could rely on himself even if he did not rely on his family. Zhang Lin's efforts at the bottom finally became Zhang Lin's support, but it was all too far away and was ruthlessly shattered by reality.

This incident was very sensational at the time, and all the major media in the city were reporting crazily. In the end, Ji Mo's family and Ivy's family used all their resources to gradually suppress the matter. The combined financial resources of the two families were comparable to Ai Wei's. The Bolen family is one of the largest families in the city.

These two big families will soon merge into one with Ivy's marriage at the end of the season, and their children will become the successors of the two big families. This is what most families do today in order to ensure that the family continues to be strong. Methods, but will not force the children. After all, the family has been included in the law and has no privileges.

Ji Yun wanted to say something, but the housekeeper came over in a hurry.

"Miss Ivy is already here."

Ji Yun looked at her current son and couldn't utter a word. Over the years, he had almost locked himself in his room and lived in a hazy state. He didn't have many waking hours every day. It was only recently that he, under Jean's persuasion, started to leave. Walked out of the room and decided to marry Ivy.

Ji Yun stood up in a hurry, and soon she came to the living room, where Ivy was already standing.

"Hello, aunt."

Ji Yun smiled awkwardly and nodded. Ivy was dressed beautifully today. She wore a light pink waistless off-shoulder skirt. She put her hands in front of her and carried a cute bright silver bag. Her hair was draped over her shoulders, looking elegant and elegant. Fresh.

"What about the end of the season?"

Ivy asked, she could see the embarrassment on Ji Yun's face, and then Ji Yun sighed helplessly.

"The child has been in a bad mood recently. He is in the backyard."

Ivy bowed slightly and said.

"I'll go there by myself, Auntie."

The two of them are getting married, but it doesn't make sense to stay away from each other for such a long time. The so-called Ivy came over on her own initiative. In the past few times, the Ji family used the excuse that Ji Mo was sick or something happened, but Ivy knew that was not the case. , she also heard about the incident a few years ago.

After passing through a walkway, Ivy came to the backyard. Sure enough, she saw Ji Mo in the corridor. She walked over slowly, but after a first glance, Ivy stopped and stood at the corner, away from Ji Mo. Mo was more than ten meters away, but she didn't pass because Ji Mo was crying.

Ivy doesn't know the whole story. She has read some reports about this matter. The case of Zhang Lin, a woman with children who lived with her at the end of the season, was killed. This woman was engaged in the special services industry and was with her children. He was brutally killed because of a money dispute.

After a while, Ivy saw that Ji Mo had stopped crying and walked over.

"Sorry for coming here when you were in a bad mood."

Looking at the state of Ji Mo at this time, Ivy knew that maybe she could only wait for the two to get married before going on such a trivial matter as dating. Ji Mo seemed very hasty, he said sorry, Ivy pursed her lips and smiled, now She had no choice but to leave, but when Ivy turned around, she hesitated.

"Can you tell me? What happened."

Ivy sat across from Ji Mo, who always lowered his head, seeming to be thinking about something.

"At least as a marriage partner, I have the right to know."

Ivy said, Ji Mo wiped away tears, his expression still sad.

"I originally didn't want to come back."

Ji Mo spoke and Ivy nodded. They both felt the same about each other. Marrying someone you didn't love and then giving birth to a child was very common in the family. What they needed to experience Everything has been decided from the moment they were born. It is great for them to do something they are willing to do within this established framework.

"What kind of person is she? You love her very much, right?"

Ji Mo looked at Ivy's serious look and did not avoid it, but nodded.

"Her husband died in an accident in her early years. After that, she took on everything on her husband's side and her own home alone. She worked during the day and had to work in a special service industry at night."

Ivy hummed.

"It's really not easy."

Ji Mo smiled bitterly.

"Sorry, Miss Ivy, we'd better go out for a walk today. I hope you can forgive me for being rude."

At this time, Ji Mo put away his bitterness. Ivy nodded and followed Ji Mo. The two left through the back door. Soon they were back on the First Avenue. Directly out of here was Di Te Station, but towards the end Just walking past is Area 1.

Both of them seemed taciturn along the way, and the weather was a bit hot. After leaving First Avenue, the two walked onto the streets of District 1. Although it was a date, they didn't know where they were going. They were on the street in front of the General Affairs Department. Wandered up and down.

After Ivy approached a clothing store, Ji Mo also followed her in. The shopping guide immediately greeted her warmly because she could see the family crests they wore on their chests.

"What do you think of this?"

Ivy asked while holding a piece of lavender clothes. Ji Mo nodded. Then Ivy went to the fitting room. Several shopping guide ladies immediately came over diligently. Ji Mo just dealt with it casually, and the other party was praising her. Ivy.

Soon Ivy picked out a few pieces of clothing that she liked, paid directly at the end of the season, and the two left the clothing store.

"The streets have really changed."

Ivy muttered, and Ji Mo snorted. Although he had seen the news before and the 5 subjects had changed, Ji Mo, who hadn't been out for a long time, now really believed what was reported.

People from Section 5 are really serious about patrolling the streets. They will not just find a place to rest like in the past, and then wait for the day to get off work, watching the members of Section 5 walking around on the streets and passing through boxes. , the end of the season laughed.

"The crime rate in the city has dropped a lot now. Niya has done a really good job."

When Niya was mentioned, Ji Mo started laughing. Indeed, during this period of time, the only thing that aroused Ji Mo's interest was some of the things Niya had done. These things were major events that shocked the whole city, and the most important thing was The family and businessmen are all talking about Niya. When mentioning Niya, everyone is disgusted but also afraid.

These people often called Niya a lunatic behind her back. At the end of the season, there was some sadness in her heart. The change in the operational department came too late. If the 5th department could patrol as well as it does now, a few years ago, Maybe what happened to Zhang Lin wouldn't happen.

At this time, at the end of the season, I saw a construction company debugging and monitoring on the street, and it was not just one or two people, but many people.

"You haven't seen the news these days, right? Niya plans to cover the city with surveillance, not just the middle and upper levels. It will start from the bottom first, while the upper levels will be overhauled first."

Ji Mo was a little surprised, Ivy said with a smile.

"Our family donated 50 million for this matter, and your family also donated 50 million."

This incident was a bit shocking at the end of the season. It is true that installing so many surveillance cameras would require too much money, but as long as there are surveillance cameras, crime will be curbed to a large extent.

"By the way, I want some dessert."

Ji Mo hummed, glanced at several famous dessert shops on the street, and planned to go there, but Ivy stopped him.

"The best dessert shop in the city is over there, on a back street."

Ji Mo hummed and followed Ivy. After the two of them passed through several streets, Ji Mo saw a long line of people waiting in the street as soon as he left the alley. The person holding his own dessert was from a shop called Li Fu Dessert Shop. In the small shop, there was only one middle-aged man who looked to be in his seventies or eighties.

"Mr. Jean took me here once before, but the queue always took a long time."

Ji Mo ran over and got directly behind the queue, and Ivy followed.

After waiting for an hour, it was finally their turn. All the desserts on the shelves had been sold out, and there was a long list on the light and shadow screen next to it. Ivy asked about several things, and Li Fu all said they should. Unable to wait any longer, she could only order a small rainbow cake.

A small cake only costs 5 yuan, which surprised me at the end of the season. It's such a low price, and it looks delicious.

Watching the customers who were satisfied with their desserts and leaving one after another, Ji Mo and Ivy sat down on a street bench nearby. Then Ji Mo got up and went to a milk tea shop to buy two cups of milk tea.

The two of them just sat here, waiting quietly without much verbal communication.

"By the way, Miss Ivy, after I get married, I want to participate in the election of a member of Parliament."

Ivy hummed.

"Are you going to change anything?"

Ji Mo nodded. This is what Ji Mo plans to devote himself to now. There are too many unreasonable things in the city. If you want to change these things, it is a good choice to start with the council members. It is too difficult to enter the administrative department. , because it is very difficult to climb up.

The two of them waited until 5:30 before finally getting the rainbow cake, which was already close to dinner time.

"What do you want to eat?"

Ji Mo asked, and Ivy said after thinking for a moment.

"Let's go eat barbecue."

Ji Mo hummed, and the two went to a well-known barbecue restaurant in District 1. They first reserved a seat, and then they went to a beverage shop outside the General Affairs Department. After sitting down, Ivy split the cake into two.

"really tasty."

After just taking a bite, Ji Mo was full of praise. The taste was mellow, sweet but not greasy, and the texture was also very good. Ji Mo had never tasted such a good dessert.

"I heard Mr. Jean talk about that boss before."

As Ivy said, Ji Mo became interested. Ivy told Ji Mo what she heard from Gene. The two opened up the conversation and started chatting. They talked about some things in the school in the past. Nowadays, there are many things. The classmates all had their own careers and families, and time passed very quickly. At 7:30, the two of them came to the barbecue restaurant.

9 pm

The two returned to First Avenue and planned to send Ivy home at the end of the season.

"I'm a little full, let's sit down for a while."

Ji Mo hummed, and the two sat on the bench outside Angus' house. The breeze was caressing them. They both drank some wine and seemed to be sitting casually.

"I think you have a good idea and want to change this city."

Ivy said, saying thank you at the end of the season.

"Remember, many people used to talk about changing the city, but in the end no one did it."

Ji Mo snorted.

"The only one who did was Niya who was causing trouble all day long."

Ivy laughed and recalled her past school life. Ivy was still very happy. But because Niya was such a treasure, so many ridiculous things happened. The two also chatted about Niya. thing.

"Why are you two sitting outside my mother's house? Do you want to come in and sit?"

A sudden voice brought their conversation to an abrupt end. They turned their heads one after another. Niya stood on the fence and jumped directly between the two of them, holding each of them with one hand.

"How will you be here."

Ji Mo was a little surprised, Niya said with a yawn.

"If you don't have enough money, come back and ask your parents for money."

Ivy pursed her lips and smiled, and Niya said with a smile.

"By the way, congratulations first. When you get married, do you want me to be the master of ceremonies?"

"If you mess up the wedding, you'll be in trouble."

Ji Mo said, Niya stood up.

"Would you like to go have a drink? It's been a long time since I visited District 1."

After hesitating for a while, Ivy nodded, Ji Mo sighed, and Niya raised her hands and shouted to call some classmates over, just to celebrate the two of them in advance.

After Ji Mo and Ivy looked at each other, they got up and followed.

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