Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2013 The Curtain of a New Era (Part 1)

December 31, 2246

6 o'clock

A cluster of flames ignited in the sky, and the city was instantly enveloped in blood. In just a few seconds, the warm sunlight shone on the square of the General Affairs Department. Next to the pots of flowers that had been placed, there were General Affairs Offices one by one. The staff of the department are taking care of it carefully. These flowers are all borrowed from the agricultural base.

The refreshing fragrance of flowers filled the air in the early morning, and bursts of busy footsteps floated across the square. This was a very rare sight in the past. It was just after 6 o'clock in the general affairs department's cafeteria, and some staff were in a hurry. After taking the food from the food table, he found a place to sit down and started eating.

This is the last day of this year. This year is called a year of suffering by most people. Various changes have taken place in the city. There is nothing to be happy about throughout the year.

Some reporters have already come to the square. They are interviewing some people from the General Affairs Section. Tomorrow Michelle will hold a formal inauguration ceremony for the Secretary-General of the General Affairs Section. The business community, families, parliamentarians and a large number of celebrities will gather here. .

Many celebrities from the film and television industry, as well as some heavyweight singers, will come to sing. This is an inauguration ceremony that will be broadcast live to the whole city. After Michelle's inauguration ceremony was announced just a week ago, there was a stir in the city. There was a huge commotion.

From bottom to top, almost everyone's eyes are focused on the General Affairs Department. Reporters come here every day to interview him. This genius who has been promoted the fastest in the history of the General Affairs Department has attracted the attention of the whole city.

Everything Michelle has done in Section 5 in the past year has been recognized by many people. Everyone hopes that she can achieve better results after entering the General Affairs Section.

Everything Michelle did seemed fair to many citizens, which reminded many people of Alpha's era, an era when life was difficult but hope could always be seen.

What the entire 5 departments have done over the past year has given many people confidence in the department again. The detailed subsidy details for newborns introduced by Congress this month have given many people hope, but there is only one thing that is convenient. It is necessary to conduct a practical assessment of the economy of each district. It is not a comprehensive opening of all districts, but a gradual opening year by year, starting from the upper levels and then to the lower levels.

Various tax-free measures that are beneficial to self-employment will also be gradually implemented, and subsidies for water and electricity bills will be increased in some areas. Most people are full of hope for next year.

6:25 am

Michelle was already standing in the conference hall. Yesterday she had handed over things with the new secretary of Section 5. The new secretary was named Zou Rui. He was a director who was about to retire. He had been serving as the secretary since the establishment of the Section. Serves as the director of Section 5.

Michelle got up early in the morning and packed everything. Today she will move directly into the dormitory of the General Affairs Department. Tomorrow, after the inauguration ceremony, she will officially become the Secretary-General of the General Affairs Department.

Niya sat aside silently, waiting for everyone to come in and finish the last piece of work. This was also the last thing Michelle did in Section 5.

Soon the directors and some regional officers came in. After everyone was done, Michelle quickly issued some task documents, and discussions began. Everyone was particularly cautious about the last task of the day. Niya was smoking a cigarette and Michelle was pointing at some documents and talking about related matters.

"Section Chief, I have personally reviewed these cases."

Niya looked at some economic crime case processing documents, which were detailed and accurate to the year, month, day and every detail of the scene. Niya nodded and signed her name.

In just one hour, all the things Michelle was doing were dealt with. Niya got up and started walking. Next was the handover work between the section chief and the secretary. After the two left, most of the people in the conference room Completely relieved, many officers laughed.

Most of the directors breathed a sigh of relief. Michelle is leaving Section 5, which will make everyone's work easier. It's not that there is anything unpleasant about working with Michelle, but that her requirements are too strict. , also requires efficiency, and the work pressure is very high every day. Once Michelle issues an order, the people below must take action quickly.

Many people have been out of breath under the high-pressure working conditions in the past few months. Niya also reminded Michelle, but the two have had countless quarrels due to some work issues.

"Lord Niya, I hope you can be the same as before after I leave."

"Michelle, it's not your turn to interrupt. Today you are leaving Section 5. I didn't want to tell you this, but there is one thing I think you should consider. Everyone's work ability is different. "

Nia said and gave up, but Michelle immediately spoke.

"It is true that everyone's work ability is different, but the daily work content is not difficult to complete. I hope that you, Niya, can continue to supervise them in the future."

"Okay, okay, stop talking, I know what to do."

Niya said with a smile. After the two returned to the office, Michelle opened the light and shadow screen and handed some of the secretary's permission documents to Niya. After Niya received it, she signed and it was over.

However, Michelle's face showed some helplessness. Niya took a look at a proposal on dealing with the problems in District 29. Although she failed, Michelle did not give up her plan to deal with the problems in District 29. She is gradually improving the bill on the issue of District 29 and intends to submit it to Congress after completion, but now this matter is no longer under her control.

"I'll find a way."

Niya said, and Michelle nodded slightly. She still couldn't let go of this matter. Such a failure was unacceptable to Michelle. A path was clearly planned for the women in District 29, but they didn't. Back in Area 29 again.

Nowadays, District 29 has regained its vitality. A large number of people have returned to District 29 again, and most of the women who worked in District 29 have returned to District 29.

"I've worked hard on you these days, Michelle."

Niya said and Michelle bowed slightly.

"Lady Niya, thank you!"

Niya stood up and stretched out her hand, Michelle shook it, then Michelle turned around, took off the secretary's hat, and walked out of the office.

Niya scratched her head. It is undeniable that with Michelle in Section 5, Niya is really relaxed and can handle things easily. Michelle told Niya in detail many things. , but I’m afraid the days ahead may be a little uncomfortable, Niya smiled helplessly.

"In the future, it will not only be uncomfortable for the five subjects, but I am afraid that the entire business department will not be too comfortable."

Niya looked out the window. She was in a good mood today. Before, Niya was still thinking about whether she could do something and whether she could do well in this position. But after seeing the public's current evaluation of the 5 subjects Finally, Niya was completely relieved.

"You used to say, Alpha, that the public is like a mirror. No matter what you do, you will clearly know whether it is good or bad!"

Niya retrieved a document. Next, Niya plans to install surveillance equipment throughout the city. She has not touched any of the money that Niya received after becoming the section chief. Next, Niya plans to submit a document directly to Congress. An application document for AI monitoring is required, and then the AI ​​system is connected to the monitoring.

This approach can curb the occurrence of crimes to a great extent and quickly lock inmates after a crime occurs.

But this bill is very difficult to pass, because there are some shameful things happening in many places in the city, and many businessmen and congressmen will stand up to oppose it immediately.

"It doesn't matter, I have to do it anyway."

Niya stood up and stretched her body facing the sun. She yawned and took out a cigarette. After lighting it, she exhaled a puff of smoke happily. Niya looked towards the east.

"Today should be the day that old guy comes over!"

Niya smiled. Sure enough, after a while, Niya saw a helicopter coming over. Niya jumped directly to the window edge, and soon jumped directly to the rooftop, looking at 11 Ke's helicopter descended slowly.

"Long time no see, Sister Latis."

Niya walked over and handed Latis a cigarette. There were tens of thousands of documents that the wise man needed to confirm personally, as well as some confessions in the crime. In the next half month, the wise man would spend the next half month in Section 5, and he would go over the past All the unclear points in a large number of cases involved were revealed.

At this time, Niya looked over, and Gene walked out with the wise man. Niya walked over, took out a cigarette and handed one to each of them. Ran Zhi nodded and bowed with a smile and said thank you.

"Damn old man, you have tricked me into misery before."

Niya pressed Ran Zhi's head, and he immediately grinned. Gene leaned on the lift, and Ran Zhi smiled awkwardly.

"That's all in the past, Lady Niya. I've already received the punishment I deserve!"

Niya looked at Ran Zhi, whose face and body were all covered with traces of surgery. She had also heard that he almost died, but miraculously survived, and his body recovered after half a year of rehabilitation.

"Ms. Niya hasn't sunbathed for a long time. Can you let me bask in the sun for a while?"

Ran Zhi said, and Niya nodded. He sat on the ground and smoked comfortably. He looked very comfortable. If you didn't know that he was a wise man, to Niya, he looked like an ordinary little old man. An ordinary person who doesn't smell dangerous at all and can be killed with just one finger.

But it was such an "ordinary person" who planned a large number of crimes, triggered unprecedented large-scale riots in the city, and even threatened the gods.

There is only one person who can achieve such a feat. Even the problems caused by the Hillman family in the past were not as serious as those caused by the Wise Men. At least 80% of the criminals who fled to the barrier area today are related to the Wise Men. association.

"How on earth did you do it, old man? Did you use any magic!"

Niya teased, Ran Zhi immediately looked at Jean with a smile, Jean nodded and Ran Zhi said.

"Actually, there is nothing difficult. I just noticed the places that no one knows about. Crimes are often born in those places that no one knows about."

Niya squatted over and slapped Ran Zhi on the shoulder.

"Okay, even if a scum like you is cut to pieces a hundred times, it won't be enough to offset the crime you committed."

Ran Zhi nodded.

"Yes, I am guilty, but do you really think so?"

Jean's expression changed slightly and he looked at Ran Zhi.

"Of course I wouldn't be so naive to think that you were just a fuse. You ignited bombs in many people's bodies, and Hydera was the same."

Ran Zhi shook his head.

"Unfortunately, I did not bewitch Hydera, nor did I guide him. He accomplished everything by relying on his own will. He and I only have a cooperative relationship."

Niya laughed with interest.

"I would like to hear how you and Hydra planned some bombings. After all, these bombings have tortured me to death."

Niya clenched her fists, anger showing on her face.

"It is right and inevitable that you hate me. I will not find any unfair or social reasons."

Niya sighed and stood up, Ran Zhi stood up after finishing smoking.

"It's okay, Nia-sama, you can start from anywhere."

Niya smiled.

"Where do you think it's better to start?"

"How about starting from the first time Eddie Hillman and I met."

The expressions of the three people present became serious, and Gene raised his head and smiled helplessly.

"You're looking for trouble, right old man."

Niya pinched Ran Zhi's head, and he immediately grinned in pain.

"When I get down, I will communicate with Alpha properly."

Latis's expression instantly became angry.

"Then I'll kill you now."

Ran Zhi immediately raised his hands.

"Don't get me wrong. I probably know the location of Alpha's heart better than any of you. I won't do anything. If you don't believe it, you can install all the monitoring equipment on me. I will never incite others to commit crimes. , and my bewitchment is of no use to Alpha, right Mr. Jean!"

Gene didn't answer, just smiled and said.

"it's up to you."

Latis became a little worried. Niya stood up and dragged Ran Zhi away. At this time, the governing officers came up.

"Long time no see, everyone!"

The faces of all the directors showed the anger of wanting to kill the wise man. In the past, when Tamai was still in power, the wise man would often come to Section 5 as a businessman and plan a lot of things with Tamai. Everything, including the complete collapse of the Phoebus family, was planned by the wise man.

During the subsequent investigation, many people were arrested, some directors retired early, and other large and small cases and problems are still recorded today.

"It's time to get to work."

Niya said as she carried the wise man and walked away. Jean and Latis also followed. They had many doubts about many things because the wise man was involved in too many things.

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