Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2014 The Curtain of a New Era (Part 2)

10 am

Outside the Bright City Medical College, a large number of reporters were waiting to enter the Medical University for interviews. The towering gate was tightly closed. On the gate was a clear diagram of the human body structure, and there were rows of spiked fences on both sides.

This is the medical core of Bright City, and it is also the only college in Bright City that is qualified to train doctors. It has maintained more than 3,000 students over the years. After graduation, students have two options, either directly enter the 4th subject, or become a doctor. An independent individual physician.

The former has a relatively large workload, but the salary is generous and stable, while the latter needs to bear certain market risks and requires a lot of start-up capital.

But whether they enter the fourth department or become an individual doctor, all students need to intern in the hospital for more than three years after graduation. They must have more than three years of medical treatment experience before they can officially join the practice department or become an individual doctor.

This time of year is when the medical school holds a press conference. The press conference of new drugs is an extremely important event for the people in the city, because Huashen brings surprises to the city every year.

The medical level in Bright City has made significant progress and breakthroughs in recent years due to the establishment of the medical school and the nationalization of the medical industry. The price of medical treatment is very cheap compared to the past.

Even if you suffer from a serious disease, the cost after treatment will not exceed 10,000. Since 4ke took over the medical system, the entire profit chain of the medical industry has been directly cut off. Without the layers of middlemen, drugs have been eliminated. The original price is maintained from production to sale, and the medical price for most people for common cold and cough is less than 10 yuan.

Seeing a doctor is no longer difficult. The only drawback is that the number of doctors is far from enough. Almost all four hospitals in various places are overcrowded, including some private medical facilities.

In the past, the most expensive medical instruments in the medical industry have become history due to the rapid development of light and shadow technology. In the next ten years, the medical equipment of 4 subjects will be gradually replaced by light and shadow materials, while external individual doctors only need to have complete With doctor qualifications and equipment usage qualifications, you can directly install light and shadow access points in medical facilities, directly generate medical equipment, and pay fees according to the length of use.

At present, the billing of such light and shadow material access points is still in the planning stage, and only some areas are open to it. Although the city has laid a comprehensive light and shadow material access pipe by the Angus family, in order to actually apply it, there are many supporting facilities on the ground. It is particularly important as these things are still being gradually improved and developed, especially many old buildings that need to be demolished and rebuilt.

Today the medical school will announce some new drugs and new treatment methods. These methods are all public. Any doctor who is willing can download the corresponding medical content and even apply to the medical school to learn new medical technologies.

Such an approach was unimaginable in the past, but after the nationalization of medical care and everyone knew about it, these measures have been very complete, and it does not seem like they were completed after a long period of change.

Especially in the middle of last month, many people learned through a sealed document officially released by the medical school that the person who laid all this out was Freya, the past president of the medical association, and the reason why the medical industry can Freya planned a lot of things behind the scenes regarding the nationalization, and some people who have been involved in the medical industry in the past have also talked about these past events.

And tomorrow, the daughter of the Illuminati who laid the foundation for everything in the medical industry will step onto the highest stage of urban rights. Most people have high expectations for Michelle, because her mother has achieved such an astonishing feat. No one can imagine that Freya had already started planning for medical reform 30 years ago.

Nowadays, the price of medical treatment has become lower than the price of food. This is all due to Freya's consulting work in the medical industry in the past.

Some people think that all this is a means for Michelle to successfully become the secretary of the General Affairs Section, but Huashen publicly announced a few days ago that this is just to commemorate a great woman who did what she did. Tell everything to the people in the city.


As the door of the medical school opened, people from Department 5 came out immediately, and reporters lined up in an orderly manner to enter the medical school.

On both sides are lawns with almost no guardrails visible. Directly opposite is the main building of the medical school, a circular 9-story building covering a large area. This is the main teaching facility, with two sides on the left and right. It is a long building with the Department of Internal Medicine on the left and the Department of Surgery on the right. Behind the medical school are the students’ dining halls and dormitories, the training ground, and two lakes and parks with different scenery.

Along with the sound of bells, a large number of doctors walked out of the semi-circular hall of the main building. The students had already had a holiday today. Hua Shen was the first to walk out, and reporters rushed over quickly.

"Sorry everyone, I have to go to a place today to announce new technologies and drugs. The vice president and other directors will announce it on my behalf. Sorry, please give way."

Huashen walked out with a smile on his face. He took off his hat, and Gu Ningning quickly followed behind him.

"Ning Ning."

"Let them go with you, doctor. Why don't you take them with you!"

Gu Ningning coquettishly grabbed Huashen's arm, and Huashen smiled helplessly. This little girl had been with him since she was eleven years old. She was very clingy most of the time. Huashen smiled helplessly.

"Then Ningning, go and drive the lift over."

Although the reporters still wanted to interview Huashen, people from Section 5 had already formed a human wall. Soon, Gu Ningning drove the elevator and landed on the lawn. Huashen got into the co-pilot position and followed the elevator into the air. , Gu Ningning asked with a smile.

"Where to go? Doctor."

"The Abron family."

Gu Ningning's eyes widened, a little surprised. Huashen had handed over all the work early this morning, and even postponed the important press conference. Gu Ningning was still a medical student, but she still needed to help Huashen on weekdays. God manages the schedule and makes some medical reports, including conducting pharmacological research.

Gu Ningning peeked at Hua Shen, who had a relaxed look on his face. He was not as nervous as usual. Today he gave people a very relaxed feeling. Gu Ningning didn't know what Hua Shen was doing at Ai Bolun's house, although he wanted to ask But she still held back.

"Doctor, the section chief has come several times, why do you always refuse to agree?"

Huashen shook his head.

"Promise what."

"Become the section chief of Section 4. In terms of qualifications and skills, you are completely qualified."

Huashen smiled.

"Let's talk about it Ning Ning."

Gu Ningning pouted. She was quite envious of the senior officials in the business department. They felt very impressive, respected and powerful.


Michelle stepped onto First Avenue in a white sportswear and immediately saw people gathering on her lawn. She habitually looked to the right and saw that Angus's house was as quiet as ever. There was no one in sight on the vast lawn.

A New Year's Eve party will be held at her home tonight, and a large number of wealthy businessmen and family members in the city have been invited. Michelle doesn't really want to go back. Instead of going to those meaningless social events, she prefers to stay in the office. Start working on some proposals.

The last time she went home was three months ago, and she had a fight with her father over some issues. Michelle walked slowly outside the fence of Angus' house. She still remembered that she had asked Alpha many questions here. The problem, and the absent-minded Niya sitting here drunkenly, are all in the past now.

This was the road that Michelle had taken all the way to and from school when she was a child. Regarding her appointment as secretary-general, Michelle didn't have much trouble in her heart. Instead, Michelle was shocked by her mother's incident.

After the medical school announced what her mother had done, Michelle read the medical sharing document in detail. This measure completely broke the medical monopoly and completely reduced the price of medical care in the city.

The creator of a medicine will disclose everything unconditionally. As long as the medical technology or drug is applied in the field, the creator will be able to obtain a valuable patent. There will no longer be cases where the technology will be invented by the company Take ownership and then monopolize medical technology.

There is no hierarchy in medical facilities, because medical drugs and technology are shared. Even in the poorest areas at the bottom, they can still enjoy the same medical care as in the best areas at the top.

Michelle has been thinking about the past when her mother was always worried and even hysterical when she got sick. This medical reform requires very tenacious perseverance, advanced courage, and the determination to withstand tremendous pressure to complete.

My mother was still actively promoting this reform at the last moment, but she did not see hope until her death. In the end, this reform was completed by Huashen and King Xue, and the dust finally settled.

At this moment, Michelle misses her mother very much. In the past, she may have had some doubts about her mother, but now Michelle can understand everything her mother has done. Her mother has been extremely strict with Michelle since she was a child. Yes, in my memory, my mother only took me out to play when I was six or seven years old.

All the bits and pieces came to mind at this moment. Michelle sat on the bench outside Angus' house, her mind filled with those somewhat bitter memories.

After all, times will only move forward, not backward, and there will be no tears. Starting tomorrow, Michelle will officially settle in the General Affairs Department, the place where she spent many happy times as a child. Michelle is familiar with General Affairs Everything about the subject.

"What's wrong, sitting here in a daze! Michelle."

A gentle voice came from behind, Michelle stood up from her memories, and she hurriedly bowed slightly.

"Good morning, Mrs. Angus!"

Accompanied by her housekeeper Micah, Violet originally just wanted to walk around, but saw Michelle sitting outside her home.

"Would you like to come and sit at home?"

Violet said, Michelle nodded slightly.

"I'd like to see where Miss Alpha used to work."

After entering the Angus family's mansion, Michelle spoke immediately. Violet nodded with a smile and took Michelle upstairs.

"Alpha used to work here when he came home."

Michelle nodded slightly, a breeze blew, and the white curtains moved slightly with the wind, throwing sunlight onto an old solid wood desk. Michelle walked over, looked at everything in front of her, stretched out her hands and gently He stroked the somewhat uneven table top.

After staring blankly for a while, Michelle turned around and bowed slightly.

"Excuse me Mrs. Angus, I have to go home now."

Violet nodded and looked at Michelle leaving. She seemed to see the shadow of Alpha, but unlike Alpha, Michelle was very strong in her heart.

After leaving Angus's mansion, Michelle clenched her fists and placed them tightly on her chest.

"I won't let everything you do go to waste!"

Michelle secretly made up her mind that today's city is in a new era, and the hard-earned results of countless generations in the past are her responsibility to continue and pass on these results to the future.

Countless generations of people have been defeated in the battle with the cruel reality. Mother and Alpha are the same. In Michelle's view, their battle has not failed. Everything they have laid has now blossomed. .

This achievement was right in front of Michelle's eyes. She could clearly see the beautiful scenery on those roads. Michelle returned home, and many guests who had already come over came to congratulate her. Her brother Miguel and sister Miluer came over happily.

"Sister, congratulations!"

Michelle nodded slightly, took Mi Luer in her arms, stretched out her nose and sniffed.

"You wear so much perfume, it smells terrible."

Looking at the younger sister who was only 16 years old, she was dressed in an unusually mature and sexy way, exuding an enchanting aura, while her younger brother Miguel hurriedly explained from the side.

"Miluer recently got a boyfriend, yes."

"Miguel, I heard that you got into a fight with someone in school and was arrested by Section 5."

Miguel immediately looked solemn, and at this time, many young people from the family came closer. Some men immediately came over to strike up a conversation. Michelle just chatted with him casually.

"Thank you all, please forgive me for my poor hospitality. I have some things that I haven't finished yet!"

As Michelle said, she pulled her brother and fanmei and started to walk away. Miguel's expression was solemn, and Milu's smile was gone.

"Where's Michelle?"

The two of them stared at each other, not daring to say a word. They had been very afraid of this scary eldest sister since they were young.

"He's still sleeping. Michelle, come up with me first. I have something to do."

Michelle's face instantly turned angry, and before her father could catch her, she ran straight away. Charles smiled helplessly.

"You two, please give me some peace of mind, okay? At least you have to take care of the family's face. If your eldest sister knows about those things, I will give you a good beating."

Miguel and Milu laughed awkwardly, and Milu held her father's arm coquettishly.

"Father, it would be better if you marry the eldest sister as soon as possible. I think the eldest sister is too focused on work now."

Charles laughed awkwardly. He also wanted to find a husband for Michelle, but it was too difficult. Michelle would not listen to him at all. Charles also arranged some business partners today, and everyone wanted them. Meeting Michelle, especially the young men of the other party, really want to invite Michelle.

"talk later!"


The door to the room was opened, and Michelle walked over and pulled off Michelle's quilt. He was shirtless, opened his eyes, and jumped up immediately.

"What are you doing, sister?"

"When exactly are you going to sleep?"

Michelle said sternly, Michelle immediately put on a smile and took Michelle's hand.

"Sister, let me tell you, I just dreamed about you."

"What did you dream about?"

Michelle immediately stood up and put her hand on Michelle's shoulders.

"Of course I dreamed that you were back, eldest sister. If not, you would be back when I opened my eyes."

Michelle's angry mood disappeared instantly. This younger brother was very naughty and could always stir up the atmosphere of the whole family. Although he had some of his own way of doing things and was a bit lazy, Michelle had been reluctant to hit him since he was very young. .

"Hurry up, there are so many guests at home."

Michelle hummed with a smile.

"Sister, congratulations."

Michelle hummed, and Michelle took out a already wrapped gift from under the bed with a smile.

"Sister, this is something I made by myself. It may not be very good. It's a water cup. You taught me how to make it when I was a kid, but I didn't pay much attention to it."

Michelle opened the gift, and inside was a slightly crooked teacup, with a gentle smile on her expression.

Michelle stuck out her tongue playfully.

"By the way, eldest sister, dad has arranged several blind dates for you. I think it's better for you to take a look."

"Don't go!"

Michelle uttered two words coldly, and Michelle did not dare to say anything more.

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