Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2012 The curtain rises (Part 2)

December 4, 2246

"Lillian, I'll leave this matter to you."

8 o'clock in the morning

Lillian stood next to Mo Xiaolan. This was the office on the second floor of Section 2. Lillian looked at an investigation report handed over from Section 5. The picture showed some data from Pit 13 of a company called JR Mining in the mining area. The bodies of the mining manager and the bodies of other long-dead women and men were carried out.

"What should we do, section chief?"

Lilian asked. She could tell at a glance that it was not a normal death. Judging from some of the conditions of the body, it should have been beaten before death. This case was investigated by a person named C, a mining company. Managers and miners are suspected of murder and illegal smuggling.

Section 5 only conducted a preliminary on-site investigation and judgment. On the surface, it seemed to be an accident caused by the collapse of a private mining tunnel, but in fact it was probably not the case. After preliminary investigation of all the evidence, the case was handed over to Section 2 because It also involved more secretive issues, and Mo Xiaolan naturally knew the issues behind this matter.

Mo Xiaolan heard this matter mentioned by Latis in the past. The mining company has been permanently sealed and mining is not allowed. The mine of this mining company is located in front of the Black Mountain Research Base. These guys who do not know how to live or die are mining privately. After digging, I saw the secret inside.

"Close the accident case directly."

Mo Xiaolan said, and Lilian bowed slightly. After receiving the information, she planned to go directly. She had to inform the local Section 5 and close the case in person.

"You don't ask anything, Lillian?"

Mo Xiaolan saw Lilian planning to leave and stopped her. Lilian shook her head with a smile.

"Section Chief, didn't you say before that I will know about it in the future!"

Mo Xiaolan nodded. After watching Lilian leave, she looked out the window at the lawn. Some new members of Section 2 were training. Looking at the cases on the light and shadow screen, it was obvious that they were done by people from Section 3. , and it was done when the mining area was under large-scale investigation, but Mo Xiaolan didn’t know who did it.

Mo Xiaolan didn't particularly care about the few scumbags who died. She was a little annoyed that the gods quietly handled the matter through Section C and Section 3. While that case was happening, There was a strange and unusual accident.

A manager of a chemical materials channel slipped and hit his head on a nearby pipe while walking through an alley to a TV station. After Mo Xiaolan analyzed and investigated some things, he found that he and the manager named Chen An who died in the mining area were the same. They were old acquaintances, and the deceased was suspected of being obsessed with black market transactions.

There was only one guy who could solve these things so secretly and quietly, and Mo Xiaolan could even think with his fingers that it was that bastard Li Chu who did it.

Over the years, Li Chu authorized Section 3 to deal with certain incidents in the darkness behind his back. Mo Xiaolan knew very well what the secrets in the Black Mountain meant. Everything inside could not be seen in the light, and the only secrets inside were the gods. Only some people in the academy know about it.

Especially the people in Section 4 are very aware of what kind of cruel and desperate things happened inside. The biggest secret life-span vaccine in Bright City is hidden in the research base of Black Mountain.

The gods want to completely cover up everything, so these things can only be reduced to history, turned into dust, and cannot be exposed to the sun. This is the result of the pain and misery of countless criminals.

In particular, the next step is for the city to start a large-scale population liberalization and gradually open up at least 5 to 8 million newborns in the next 20 years. Many people no longer need to wait in line to have children, and newborns will continue to appear in the next few years.

A newborn welfare fund that has been accumulated for nearly 10 years has been launched. At this month's city meeting, this measure excited many people in the city the most.

A newborn subsidy of up to 10,000 yuan will be given to each family with a newborn, which is a huge benefit to many families at the bottom whose monthly income is less than 500 yuan.

In order to prevent parents from using the newborn subsidy to do other businesses or other activities in the past, this time the subsidy is directly given to all newborn families with a money card issued by the 7th Section, which can only be purchased as prescribed by Congress. Various supplies for newborns come out.

These supplies will have strict quantum codes. If they appear on the black market and are discovered, they will be treated as urban endangerment crimes and will either be expelled or jailed for 30 years.

The processing system this time is very strict, because not only is the initial subsidy of 10,000 yuan, but also various subsidies, water, electricity, education fees, etc. will be provided until the newborn is 12 years old.

The most gratifying thing recently is that the city's tax revenue has increased explosively. Niya has been tinkering like this for a whole year. Although it has destroyed the economy of many parts of the city, the tax revenue has increased instead. Even the most serious problem is 7 Everyone in Section 2 is now in danger. In the past month, Section 2 secretly arrested nearly 1,000 people.

The black gold recovered was as high as 200 million. On average, each of the 1,000 people arrested made at least 200,000 illegally. Without investigation, you would not know. The inside of the investigation department was extremely shocked.

These people who have been dealt with by the Internal Punishment Regulations of the Acting Section have been transferred to the General Affairs Section for processing. According to the internal handling regulations of the Acting Section, the principle of criminal exchange is that as long as they explain clearly and have made outstanding contributions or have outstanding talents in the past, they will be punished. You can still stay on, but you will need to accept a demotion or salary cut.

The problems in Section 7 are only part of the internal problems in the Operations Section. No one from Section 9 has been arrested so far. The problem is even more serious in Section 9. The next step is that Mo Xiaolan plans to thoroughly investigate the problems in Section 9. Now, Section 5 has become a big problem. Things have changed. In just nine months, the five departments that used to be said to be the most corrupt have unexpectedly gained a lot of positive comments from the public.

In Mo Xiaolan's view, even an ordinary clerk in the administrative department, as long as he works diligently and devotedly for 20 years, is fully capable of buying a house of 120 to 150 square meters in a better upper-class area.

The basic salary is 24,000 per year, which is 480,000 in 20 years. In addition to some welfare benefits and free food, accommodation and commuting, the house prices in better upper-class areas are between 2,000 and 3,000 per square meter. According to the simplest logical algorithm, it is completely enough. Bought an apartment of 150 square meters.

If the funds issued by many departments cannot be used up, the section chiefs and secretaries will generally be included in the welfare funds of the department members, as well as some businessmen's assistance funds. The welfare benefits of the administrative department are second to none in the city. Alpha is establishing the administrative department. When formulating internal punishment regulations, all aspects have been taken into consideration, but it is a pity that it is always people who implement these.

The bad habit of everyone wanting to get a little more within their scope of authority has been developed for so many years. It is very difficult to eradicate, but it is not completely impossible to eradicate, because the framework set by Alpha from the beginning is to eliminate all corruption. system, every detail has been considered by Alpha.

As long as everything is strictly implemented, everything can be achieved to be almost perfect, but the problems it brings are also helpless. Such an operation department will become as cold and ruthless as an efficient machine.

Such standards should be strictly implemented in the future. Mo Xiaolan knew very well that there was one person who had clearly seen everything in the management regulations of the business department, and this person was now about to implement such management, and she should be coming soon.

Mo Xiaolan showed a happy smile, and sure enough, R walked in soon.

"Michelle Michelle is already here."

Mo Xiao smiled lazily and nodded.

Soon a room director came up with Michelle. Michelle bowed slightly after entering the door.

"Lord Mo Xiaolan, good morning!"

Mo Xiaolan waved his hand.

"Tea or coffee?"

Michelle nodded.

"Just give me a cup of hot water, please."

Mo Xiaolan hummed and ordered someone to bring some desserts.

"The plan you proposed before is very interesting, but is it too harsh?"

“If we don’t do this, cross-regulation will remain superficial.”

Mo Xiaolan looked at Michelle with his hands clasped together and motioned for her to sit down. Michelle sat upright at the desk.

"There are currently more than 6,500 teams in Bright City. In order to supervise them, you need at least 6,500 special officers. And there is no way to guarantee the impartiality of each person and whether they will collude with the local people. "

"This is just a preliminary concept, but I will improve the supervision system. These people can be directly responsible for the section chiefs, secretaries and directors of each department. As for the training, I hope that the 2nd Department will do it."

Mo Xiaolan nodded slightly. She agreed with Michelle's proposal. Each team has a local section officer team leader and a special section officer who is unknown to the section officers. His mission is only one. In addition to completing the section's own tasks, Mo Xiaolan nodded slightly. In addition to normal things, superiors also need to be supervised, and they enjoy team leader-level treatment.

The team leader's supervision report will be sent directly to the director of other departments, and the supervision of the department officer will be sent directly to the secretary or section chief of other departments.

Michelle made an overall analysis of some situations of department officials in the past 30 years and came to the conclusion that the phenomenon of squad leaders and department officers lining their own pockets and forming gangs is the most serious. This problem has been continuously eroded in the past 30 years. In the field of business, this phenomenon still exists until now, and problems of some capable people taking the blame or being squeezed out often occur.

"The future is an era that focuses on personal abilities, but the prerequisite is that you must uphold a fair heart."

As Michelle said, Mo Xiaolan snorted. Mo Xiaolan had completely read the submitted plan. Indeed, the current work evaluation system for the team leaders and officers of each department is very unreasonable. Some capable people It is also normal for people to be excluded.

"I have discussed this issue with Sir Jean. Sir Jean is very supportive of my approach. I also told the manager a few days ago."

Mo Xiaolan snorted, this is equivalent to placing an impartial undercover in each department, which will serve as a warning to each department. Such a warning effect will gradually form a deterrent force from bottom to top, within the scope of authority. You have to think carefully before lining your own pockets.

"I know, I'll start preparing."

A room manager came over with water and desserts. Michelle just drank a little water, but even though she glanced at the desserts, she didn't eat them.

"What, don't you like it?"

"No, Lord Mo Xiaolan, this goes against my eating time! I have already had breakfast."

Mo Xiaolan nodded.

"I would like to ask you, Michelle, what are you going to do next after becoming the secretary of the General Affairs Section?"

Michelle answered without covering up.

"Create a brand new business discipline."

Mo Xiaolan chuckled.

"As long as you are happy Michelle, I used to discuss many issues with your mother."

Michelle bowed slightly.

"What kind of problem is it?"

Mo Xiaolan laughed after noticing Michelle's slightly moved expression.

"If you want, have lunch here and we can talk."

Michelle shook her head.

"No need, Lord Mo Xiaolan, I have a lot of things to do when I get back."

"How about just relaxing a little for a morning? Isn't that idiot Niya here? Could it be that she can't even handle the simplest tasks and has to rely on you as a secretary?"

Michelle seemed to be still hesitating, and Mo Xiaolan pushed the wheelchair to her side.

"There is no child in this world who doesn't want to know something about their parents. I can tell you Michelle, everything about your parents. After all, I am more or less a member of the family. Have you asked your father about many things?"

Michelle shook her head.

Mo Xiaolan sighed.

"Really, you are just as awkward as your mother!"

With that said, Mo Xiaolan made a phone call.

"Ah? Do you have anything important to discuss? I'm almost busy here."

"Idiot, can't you even handle the simplest internal affairs? That's it, Michelle is here with me, we have more important things to discuss."

After hanging up the phone, Michelle was hesitant to speak, and Mo Xiaolan took Michelle's hand.

"Let's go for a walk outside. I think after you know some things, the doubts in your heart will be eliminated, because you have always doubted, does your father really love your mother? And your mother is really happy. ? That’s how you made me feel on the day of the funeral.”

Michelle looked at Mo Xiaolan blankly, and she patted Michelle's arm.

"These are things that a normal person would think about. I heard that you have been taking care of your younger brothers and sisters since you were a child."

Michelle nodded.

"This is what my mother told me before she died."

Mo Xiaolan snorted.

"How should I put it? Mr. Charles and Miss Freya, their generation cannot disobey the family. Indeed, they were combined for the benefit of the family at the beginning. There is no doubt about this, including the Angus family, and Your mother always said that she would not let you embark on the path she did."

Michelle pushed Mo Xiaolan downstairs, and many people in the yard looked over.

"Everything probably started when your mother's original family began to decline. The half-dead industry and your crazy grandmother. Your mother grew up in a family that was about to decline. When she was 16 years old, At that time, the family could no longer bear it because no family was willing to help.”

The breeze gently stirred the flowers around, and Michelle's expression softened a lot.

"Your mother was young and beautiful at the time, and Charles took a liking to her at a glance during the banquet. One thing I can be sure of is that your father loved your mother very much, because in so many years, you have never seen your father except I talk to some women in my career, other times? Not even remarried."

Michelle stopped, a hint of sadness appeared on her expression, and Mo Xiaolan smiled.

"When you have doubts in your heart, just start from the starting point and look back at everything. Many things cannot be confirmed with words and eyes. The only thing that can be confirmed is here."

Mo Xiaolan pressed his chest and then laughed.

"Okay, let me tell you some things about your parents when they were young. It's just something that seems to me as an outsider."

Michelle hummed and pushed Mo Xiaolan to continue walking.

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