Chapter 1989 Torrent (Part 1)

"Hurry up, your team will be responsible for reviewing the economic problems of these companies today."

A director officer walked into the office of the 19th Economic Office of Section 7 Headquarters. A pile of information was passed over. The team leader immediately leaned over and listened to the tasks assigned by the director officer.

Everyone in the office was silent. The work pressure these days has exceeded everyone's imagination. They have never encountered such high-intensity work. Economic review documents are constantly being passed over, many of which are small. The economic report of a company suspected of tax evasion and other types of crimes requires a comprehensive review by Section 7 and then submitted to Section 8 as evidence at the Law Hall.

Soon after the director left, the team leader immediately began to sort out the documents that needed to be reviewed and distributed them directly to the team members below.

"Li Ang, come here."

As the team leader said, Li Ang stood up and walked over quickly.

"Send these reports to the wallet management offices in other districts. These need to be verified on the spot. You have to explain to them clearly what the problem is. Ye Jiao, come here too, and Jewell!"

Li Ang said with a gentle smile.

"Captain, I'm so busy today, it's better to wait until tomorrow to send it over."

"Okay, you three, move quickly. I'll only say it once, if you can't remember."

Ye Jiao, who was behind Li Ang, spoke before the captain finished speaking.

"There is no need for us to go directly to economic documents that require on-site review if there are errors. We can just pass them on to the local Section 7."

There was an unhappy look on the squad leader's face, and he looked at Ye Jiao.

"Miss Ye Jiao, please remember clearly. I am the leader of this team. If I just send the wrong documents, how long will it take to review them clearly? Many issues are related, and you must run in person. In the past, we had to communicate clearly with colleagues in the management office, and then there were problems with these documents."

Jewell crossed his hands on the back of his head, looking like he was doing nothing. Soon some files were sent to the three of them's mobile phones. Li Ang knew after just a casual glance that these files could be sent, but the captain wanted to They went over to hand it over in person.

Looking at Ye Jiao who still wanted to speak, Li Ang smiled and pulled her away.

Ye Jiao said angrily as soon as she left the house.

"He did it on purpose."

Jewell chuckled.

"Is it still unintentional? Who told you two to be so desperate when you first came here? Just keep a low profile."

Li Ang patted Jewell on the shoulder. The one who ran the most errands these days was Jewell. He would be called upon by the captain for various reasons almost all day long when he was working, and the people in the team also treated the three of them. The people are not very friendly, and they often make excuses to tease Jewell about certain things.

"What about you! Really, we are being squeezed out now, and we may be kicked somewhere else next."

Jewell laughed out loud. He had just gotten along with the most beautiful female staff member in the team just a few days ago, and he slept in the dormitory of that female staff member at night. There were many in the team. All the men chased this female section member, including the captain.

The three of them were a little helpless and had no choice but to make a trip in person. Each of them had to cover more than 6 districts. They had just finished lunch.

Li Ang knew very well that once they were squeezed out, they would be slowly pushed to the periphery even in the headquarters. If this continued, they would never have a chance to get promoted in their lifetime, and they had to find a way.

After the three of them got off the steps, they walked quickly in different directions. Li Ang looked at the two people leaving, glanced at the documents on the eyeshadow screen, and sighed helplessly. He didn't plan to go there right away, because He knew that even the past was meaningless.

All local management offices are busy and cannot spare manpower to conduct on-site inspections at the corresponding places. This means that it is impossible for them to complete this handover task today. And if they cannot complete the task, their work assessment this month will probably be affected. It will be below D.

The executive department has a work assessment and rating system from S to E. This rating system is generally evaluated by the direct superiors, which creates an unreasonable and unfair duality in the ratings.

There are three aspects to consider in the rating. Whether there are early departures and late arrivals during normal working hours. If not, the general score is D. If the work is completed within the working hours according to the work content, as long as there are no major problems, the general score can be achieved. B. The third point is whether you have performed well at work or over-fulfilled and handled some major problems to a certain extent. If so, you can easily reach A.

Li Ang once worked in the management office of the headquarters, and basically got a B every month, and never an A. The reason was very clear to Li Ang. He was not keen on building a good relationship with his superiors.

This kind of work rating system that seems a bit lazy to Li Ang has made many departments in the area very unorganized. The 7 departments have been unorganized for more than a day or two. At this time, Li Ang saw Ye Jiao running back from a distance. , he stood up helplessly and looked at Ye Jiao who looked angry.

"I'm going to go directly to the director."

Li Ang grabbed Ye Jiao.

"It will be the same if you go."

"Obviously when we are so busy, we are still assigned such insignificant tasks, these jobs."

Li Ang said with a smile.

"Jiaojiao, the only way now is for us to go and conduct an on-site inspection in person, then correct the wrong parts, and then bring the modified documents back. There is no point in you going back now."

Ye Jiao was a little angry. She hated this kind of working atmosphere very much. Ye Jiao didn't have much resistance to the content of the work. Instead, she felt very relaxed. Looking at the various corresponding values, the neat things made her feel very comfortable. .

"It's really disgusting. How could that bastard captain be such a disgusting person?"

Li Ang patted Ye Jiao on the back.

"Okay Jiaojiao, just ignore that kind of person. When you climb up one day, just use your toes to order him around."

Ye Jiao burst into laughter.

"No, I want to use my butt to command him."

Li Ang laughed loudly.

“Very unhygienic!”

The two were separated again. The only way now was to take the problematic documents in person, go directly to find the reasons, complete the review report, and bring them back.

1:39 p.m.

Located at the gate of Section 10 on the east side of the upper floor, many people from Section 2 are waiting. Large takeoffs and landings continue to fly out from within Section 10 and land on the street.

Mo Xiaolan was sitting quietly in the wheelchair, leaning back and taking a nap. Lilian behind him was smiling. They were waiting for the section chief and secretary of Section 10 to come out. After the handover work was completed, they could take away these 10 subjects in a short time. Templates for daily necessities production equipment, as well as a large number of light and shadow materials made within a short period of time.

"Why don't those two bastards come out yet?"

Mo Xiaolan opened his eyes and cursed angrily, Lilian said with a smile.

"Section Chief, Noah and Master Noah should be taking a nap!"

"Sorry, I almost forgot about this."

The door to Department 10 opened in front of him, and Noah walked out with a smile and a yawn.

"Where's Noah?"

"He also has a more important research inside. He can't come out for the time being. I will be responsible for it. Guoguo, hurry up."

Mo Xiaolan looked at Li Guoguo, Heimao and many familiar figures, and Lilian pushed her closer.

"Little lazy boy!"

Li Guoguo happily walked over. The two hadn't seen each other for a long time. They had been busy with their own affairs over the years. Mo Xiaolan glanced at Heimao, who had already begun to hand over to his director, and it was still the same as before. A disgusting and gloomy guy. Mo Xiaolan didn't like this guy very much in the past.

"But it's a shame you guys were able to get it done so quickly."

Mo Xiaolan muttered something, and Li Guoguo said with a smile.

"After all, she was the president's sister. As soon as we received the news, we put down all the work at hand and loaded all the templates that could meet all aspects of daily necessities for 120 districts into the large-scale light and shadow mechanical generator. We can use this extraordinary method. In terms of production capacity, please rest assured that the production machinery we manufacture here is more than ten times more efficient than the best machinery currently on the market!"

Li Guoguo said confidently. At this time, Heimiao smiled and adjusted his glasses.

"You can rest assured at this point, Xiaolan. It is also equipped with various AI functions. I guarantee that it will only take ten days to make businessmen shed anxious tears."

Mo Xiaolan ignored Heimao, but pointed at Noah sitting on the ground beside him.

"Get up and work you bastard."

Noah raised his head and closed his eyes in contentment.

"It's rare to come out once, so naturally I want to enjoy the sunshine. I haven't stepped out in five years."

Noah said and pointed at Mo Xiaolan.

"Your change is too obvious. It's much faster than Guoguo's. It's better for you to control your strength well."

Lilian didn't ask any questions. The only thing she knew was that after mastering this purple god's power, the body would undergo reverse growth. Mo Xiaolan was not that young in the past, but now he looks like he is in his twenties. , and this change is continuing.

"You little lazy boy, I advise you to prepare early. Lord Deguna has said that if you don't prepare, you will become a child one day."

Mo Xiaolan sighed.

"Okay, although this ability is very convenient, the side effects are too strong, I would rather not have it."

Noah said with a smile.

"It's too late, little lazy boy. Although you hate Lord Deguna, this is a matter of life and death. You'd better take the initiative to find Lord Deguna."

Lilian listened suspiciously, and Mo Xiaolan stretched out his hand and patted Lilian on the back.

"You will know everything in the future. There is no need to think about anything now."

Half an hour later, the handover work was over, and at the same time, the page of Section 5 also announced that some idle open areas in each district would be temporarily requisitioned, and production machinery would be placed directly on them. The produced daily necessities would be sold directly, and the price would be The prices are the same as the local prices, and an option has appeared. Citizens can directly fill in the daily necessities they need now. The deadline is 12 o'clock, and sales will officially start at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Such a plan makes the noise in the city gradually disappear. In addition to the sale of daily necessities, there is also recruitment information from several large companies. The machinery for manufacturing living supplies will be placed directly near the western factory area. The production process The waste generated will be discharged directly into the garbage disposal port.

For this direct sales plan of daily necessities, several super large companies have signed contracts directly with Congress. Recruitment of corresponding manpower will begin at 4 p.m., and work can begin directly at 8 a.m. tomorrow morning. Because of the special situation, wages are hourly. An additional 3 yuan was added to the original workers' wages.

Although some people are still a little uneasy, most people have to be calmed down from their anxiety throughout the day. Some TV stations have begun to report on related matters.

"It's really amazing. That Michelle is really scary. She's only 30 years old. Is she a machine in human form?"

Noah teased, and Mo Xiaolan put his hands on his chin and smiled, looking at the collaboration documents that kept appearing on the light and shadow screen. The technology and materials provided by Section 10 this time were all handled by Section 2. Section 2 The main function is to supervise the technology and materials flowing out of Section 10 due to special circumstances. At that time, strict supervision and review will be required on the issues of loss and subsequent opening to businessmen.

The three major families, the Angus family, the Su family and the Phoebes family, have all started holding relevant press conferences.

Most families and businessmen fell into collective silence, and the businessmen who gathered in the General Affairs Department Square had dispersed.

"The problem this time is very serious. If any link is not properly dispatched, big trouble will occur."

Mo Xiaolan agreed with Michelle's plan, but the relationship management was the biggest test for the person who proposed the plan.

"You're finally here. You're so busy in all subjects."

Instead of squinting at Jean who was walking slowly not far away, Noah stood up and walked over with a smile.

"You really don't care about anything!"

Gene didn't nod or shake his head, just lit a cigarette.

"Just leave it to that girl. I will help as much as possible with any imperfections."

What is happening now is something Gene did not expect. So many problems have occurred in just over a month since Niya started. The execution ability of the business department has improved much compared to the past.

This seems to be a good sign to Jean. In the past, they were worried that big problems would occur after they were released, because it had happened several times. Although it was resolved later, there would always be riots in the city, big and small, but It's different now.

“I feel like the future is starting to appear and it’s going to be different!”

Noah muttered, but Jean didn't answer, because what happened now had happened in the past, and everything started to reincarnate again. Jean stared blankly at the sun in the distance, and at this time pressed a hand on on the back of Jean's hand.

"Are you worried? Everything in the past is starting to turn around again, and it will eventually happen again!"

Gene nodded slightly, and Mo Xiaolan chuckled.

"Let's talk about it then!"

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