10:26 am

Along with the light and shadow screens generated on the street, the originally noisy street temporarily fell silent. Pairs of expectant eyes cast their eyes on the light and shadow screen. There is a countdown on it. At 11 o'clock, Section 5 will hold a more formal TV show. Speech.

In just a few hours after the strike began, the lives of most people in the city were impacted, and fear swept over them again. Everything that happened after the artificial sun went out a month ago is still vivid in our minds.

Many people at work received a notice from the company to suspend work last night, and there is no boycott period. Many middle- and upper-level stores received notices from suppliers last night and will no longer supply goods starting today.

There has been a large-scale shortage of daily necessities in the city, and this situation is getting worse. Many people in the middle and upper classes now feel very uncomfortable looking at the mountains of liquid food in most of the self-employed shops that are still open.

"Is this thing harmful?"

A woman murmured, and many people around her agreed. Since the day this food appeared, various rumors about liquid food have continued to appear. It contains substances that are harmful to the human body, and the use of food residues. To manufacture and so on.

Although many manufacturers promise that it will not cause much harm, only eating 3 to 4 cans a day will cause harm. Just like excessive intake of salt and sugar every day, it does not have much impact on the human body.

But most people in the middle and upper classes simply don’t believe in this kind of thing. Today, nearly 15 million liquid foods are sold every day, 95% of which are sold at the bottom level. In the middle class, only some people who work in the middle class will buy this kind of food. , there is almost no place for selling this kind of liquid food on the upper level.

It's just different today. Many middle-class people who can't accept this kind of food have no choice but to buy it. Some people who have eaten it also expressed their opinions. Apart from the sticky and stiff texture, the taste is not bad, but it is still delicious. Many people find it hard to accept.

Most people are more concerned about the upcoming video conference of Section 5, because they don’t know what Section 5 wants to do next. In just over a month, the city recovered from the huge riot, but it was turned upside down by Section 5.

Nowadays, various opinions are filled among the public. Many people are arguing about whether the 5th Section has violated regulations and conducted unfair investigations. Although the 5th Section has indeed announced the progress of many cases, there are Some people still raise various doubts.

As time passed by, the originally quiet street became boiling again.

"Please don't mess with Section Chief Niya. Please take a good look at this manuscript. I have sorted out many points, and I also have comparative data for verification."

Michelle held Niya's sleeve and held the phone in one hand. On the light and shadow screen was the content of the TV speech that Michelle spent half an hour drafting.

"No need, I've already thought about it."

Niya had a relaxed smile on her face, leaning on the chair with her legs crossed, holding a cigarette in her mouth, looking relaxed. Michelle was already very anxious. There have been enough things in the past few days, but what happened now Mass strikes have caused very serious problems.

"You don't have to worry about it, Michelle, I will explain it carefully later."

Niya's expression became slightly serious. She straightened up and looked at the time aside. There were only 15 minutes left. She planned to go down directly, start preparing and then start speaking on the TV. Michelle stopped Niya again.

"Please take a look first, I have already listed a lot of them."

"This kind of thing cannot convince the people, Michelle, because these things are not what the people want to hear. Various numerical values, the conditions of various industries, etc., these are not what the people want to hear."

Michelle looked at Niya with a solemn expression, and Niya blew out a puff of smoke softly.

"What the public wants to hear is, what exactly is Section 5 planning to do? Why their lives have been affected, and when will it return to normal."

Michelle stared blankly at the speech she had spent half an hour writing as detailed as possible, and something in her heart was shaken.

"They don't care about how high-end technology the city will develop in the future, nor who the next person in power will be, nor whether the city's economy is good or bad. They only care about their own lives and whether their lives are going well. It's enough to tell them this. As for how to say it's my business, Michelle, don't forget it."

Nia smiled and patted Michelle's arm.

"I am the section chief of Section 5, and you are the secretary of Section 5!"

Michelle bowed slightly and walked quickly with Niya. The two arrived at the conference hall on the first floor at 10:48. Many reporters and media had already arrived, and the scene had been properly arranged. , almost none of the directors came, they were still dealing with a steady stream of cases.

Time passed by, and the entire conference hall was filled with a serious atmosphere. Locke hurried in from the door on one side, bringing with him more than a dozen directors from the General Affairs Department.

"Don't mess around later."

"I know, I'm not a child anymore, I know how to be careful."

Everyone at the scene was a little worried, because Niya always didn't do things according to common sense, and her methods were too radical. Everyone had learned this lesson in the past month.

Niya stood in front of the stage, the amplification equipment was ready, Locke sat quietly aside, Michelle stood behind Niya on the left side, her expression looked extremely serious, while Niya's expression was relaxed.

"That's almost it. Just a few minutes early."

As Niya said, Locke stood up and raised his hand to indicate that he could start. Immediately, a CBV staff member made a countdown gesture towards Niya.

"Good morning, dear citizens! I am the section chief of the 5th Public Security Management Section, Nia Angus!"

The noisy street became quiet again. Most people looked at the light and shadow screens on the street, waiting for Niya's explanation. The voice fell silent for a while.

"First of all, let me give you a brief explanation of the series of issues that have occurred in the past few days!"

Locke and Michelle relaxed a little. It seemed that Niya didn't say anything shocking and there didn't seem to be much problem.

"We first started investigating the insurance claims complaints that had been criticized before. After conducting a large-scale investigation, we found out that many of the companies behind them were suspected of illegal operations, illegal capital injections, etc. Among them, we found out that I learned about the issues related to the film and television area, as well as the investigation status of the case 20 years ago, so I started to deal with it together!"

Locke wiped his sweat, looked at Michelle standing behind Niya, and also breathed a sigh of relief.

"During the subsequent investigation in the film and television area, many cases related to Qinglong District were investigated, so we directly investigated and handled the cases on Qinglong Street. Because there were too many suspected cases, we launched a large-scale investigation. After that Many companies were found to be involved, so we naturally began to investigate. Many citizens and businessmen believe that the investigation process is unfair. I hereby seriously answer all citizens, all investigations in Section 5 They are all reasonable and legal. If you have any questions later, please submit a letter of challenge to Congress through the members of the region, so that Section 5 will disclose some information about the investigation process! Well, everyone, if you have any questions, please wait. You can watch the replays and just follow the points I mentioned before!"

After Niya finished speaking, Michelle immediately took a step forward, but the next second Michelle felt that she was blocked, it was Niya's telekinesis.

"The next thing I want to talk about is today's strike by businessmen! And the problems that have caused trouble to the lives of you people."

Niya knocked on the table, lit a cigarette casually, took a puff and exhaled slowly.

"We are not children anymore. If you have any questions, you can follow the formal procedures and submit them at the next city meeting. Section 5 will definitely give you a well-founded explanation. If you don't want to go on strike directly, you can still say you plan to Do you continue to use this method to force Section 5 to abandon the current large-scale crime investigation?"

Niya chuckled.

"I'm sorry, I can't do it. It doesn't matter whether you stop work or go on strike. This is your right as a businessman. If you think it's unfair, you can wait until the investigation is completed to list out the injustices one by one. I will be responsible to the end. , no matter what kind of doubts you have, I hope you can consider continuing business as usual. It is true that our investigation led to your protests, and finally caused the lives of most people to be affected! But I can’t give up the investigation. arrive."

After Niya finished speaking in a calm tone, she continued with a smile.

"If you don't investigate today, then wait until tomorrow? Next year, ten years or twenty years later, the rich and powerful can postpone the investigation if they have committed a crime, in the name of the stability of the city, then the one without power and money After a person commits a crime, he can be immediately arrested, tried and thrown into prison! Right?"


Niya suddenly beat the table angrily, making a loud noise.

"Originally, I planned to explain these words at the inauguration ceremony of the 5th Section Chief, but now I will explain it in advance. I want to create a relatively fair 5th Section. Anyone, as long as you violate the law , Section 5 has the right to arrest you. No matter how powerful you are, no matter how sufficient funds you have, these do not constitute the capital for you to do whatever you want! Well, everyone, this is what I want to explain. Future investigations I will not stop. No matter how much you hate me, I will continue to investigate until the problem is clarified! As for those who criticize our unfair investigation of the 5th Section, you can resist as much as you want. I will do it one by one. Checked it out!"

After Niya finished speaking, she bowed slightly.

"I'm sorry for causing trouble to everyone's lives. I'm really sorry! I don't want to wait a year, ten or even twenty years to make such an explanation. We are not children anymore. Even children know that we have made a mistake. Will be punished, but what about the adults? If you commit a crime, can you use power, money, and stability? Can you use these things to offset it? Please think about it carefully. We live together in this city, under the sun, but where are we? But it is a completely different world, and as a public security management department, if the 5th Division cannot become a department that can treat all people equally and is relatively fair, the 5th Division has no meaning in existence. Let me explain it again. "

Niya clenched her fists and said with a serious expression.

"I will not stop. I will not stop because of the impact the investigation will have on the city. Such reasons cannot constitute a reason to stop the investigation. As for the impact on the public, our 5th Section will soon come up with a solution. I will take all the measures to get everyone's life back to normal as soon as possible."

Niya bowed deeply, and after Locke signaled, the televised speech ended, and the expression of Michelle behind her also became a little more relaxed.

"Can you leave it to me?"

Michelle asked, Nia smiled and nodded.

"With my ability, I can't think of a solution. It all depends on you, Michelle."

Niya said and patted Michelle's arm. She bowed slightly and turned around and walked quickly.

After a brief silence, there was a loud sound. Many people who were still queuing up to buy liquid food now had a much quieter voice. There were only some complaints, but more people were cheering.

At this time, the expressions of the businessmen gathered in the General Affairs Section Square became serious, and some businessmen were shouting, letting everyone share the same hatred and must not give in, and must protest to the end.

'"Such a protest doesn't seem to have much meaning."

At this time, someone made a different voice, but it was immediately refuted by most of the people around.


Locke looked at Michelle who was checking the reports from various places in front of the light and shadow screen. He didn't know what Michelle was going to do.

"Is there any way, girl?"

Michelle nodded.

"This matter requires the full cooperation of the 10 departments, and several large businessmen must help."

Michelle stood up and expressed her thoughts directly. Locke looked at Michelle with a surprised expression.

"It does work!"

Then Michelle got up and walked quickly.

"I have to go home. I will convince my father. As for the others, I hope the steward can help."

Locke sighed, something like this had happened before. Although Michelle was following suit, the problem this time was not simple. There had been such large-scale strikes in the medical industry in the past. In the end, it was impossible to Section 4 and Section 10 worked together to overcome this crisis.

Michelle wants to find some wealthy businessmen and ask Section 10 to bring out large-scale light and shadow generation equipment in a short time, directly mark a place in the problem area, and create a small market. Production machines for all the materials needed by citizens need to be available, and personnel recruitment and raw material procurement are fully open to these merchants, who can manufacture goods that meet the needs of citizens and sell them at normal market prices.

Such an idea seemed a bit fanciful to Locke, because all aspects of scheduling could not be solved with a few simple sentences. Then it was time to comprehensively test the business department. Locke sighed helplessly.

"Why does this kind of thing happen over and over again?"

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