"It's okay everyone!"

In a spacious hall, Chen Qiao held a wine glass in his hand. It was almost dusk. Many family members and upper-class businessmen in the city gathered together. Nearly 200 people sat in the hall.

The atmosphere in the entire hall was a bit dull, and many middle- and lower-class businessmen were already starting to back down. The boycott only started for a short half-day, and some people already wanted to back out.

Wang Degui looked at the businessmen around him who were talking in low voices with some annoyance. Due to the problems in the upper Qinglong Street, many companies in their construction association have already experienced capital chain crises, and several of his own companies are also in the same situation.

"If it weren't for those guys."

Field was a little drunk. He clenched his fists and slammed the wine glass in his hand on the table. Jiang Hao on the side shook his head with a wry smile.

No one knows whether the crisis mitigation strategy launched by the Executive Branch tomorrow will effectively solve the problems of people's lives, but everyone present will lose hundreds of millions of money for one more day.

This kind of boycott seems to be quite effective at present. Even if the administrative department promulgates countermeasures, it still cannot alleviate the employment gap. For businessmen, the employees in the company are unemployed because they have labor contracts. Therefore, wages must still be paid as usual and cannot be less than 70% of normal wages.

"Let me tell you, I think this kind of boycott is meaningless, or..."

A businessman stood up and stopped before he finished speaking. There were many angry looks from all around. He could hardly bear it anymore. After a little calculation, if the company was not running, he would lose more than 300,000 yuan a day. You will lose millions in a few days.

Profit is at the heart of businessmen. Many businessmen on the scene seemed a little anxious at this moment. Almost all the major businessmen from the seven major associations gathered here. This is Wang Degui's home, and they will gather here in recent days.

Seeing that some people were beginning to waver, McCullin couldn't sit still.

"What? Aren't everyone in high spirits at the beginning?"

Following McCullin's voice, the discussion stopped for a moment. Some businessmen looked at her with bitter expressions, and McCullin laughed.

"Didn't everyone agree from the beginning that we must stand together this time, or are some people planning to retreat on the first day? If we remain silent this time, the future will only become more difficult. We must Just grit your teeth and hold on, everyone! Have you forgotten that you all had many medical companies in the past, but what happened? How is the situation? Or are you saying that your scars have healed and you have forgotten the pain? "

McCullin's words changed the expressions of many businessmen and family members. Indeed, what McCullin said was true. When the medical industry was taken over in the past, the business department used almost the same method.

At that time, everyone in the medical association carried out the same strike resistance, and the medical department adopted the same strategy as this time. In just more than ten days, the entire medical industry was devastated. It was originally thought that the medical department would give up and take over the medical industry. After returning to the National Assembly, many businessmen relented due to the tough attitude of the Executive Branch.

In the end, the businessmen had to sell the medical industry after negotiating with Congress for a period of time. In the end, the 4th Section directly and successfully took over the medical industry, allowing only individual doctors to exist.

Originally, the medical industry was the most profitable among the eight major industries in the city. Since then, no businessmen have been able to set foot in it. But this time it is different. The large-scale investigation by the Business Department has affected seven major industries, and the stock market has been closed.

Although the Business Bureau has no intention of banning these industries, if the investigation continues like this, the market that was finally obtained will be turned upside down.

"Okay, you guys have to think clearly. If you can't tighten your belt this time, all the fat you got will be gone."

McCullin once again reminded that this comprehensive boycott must continue, no matter how difficult it is, it must be overcome. If unification cannot be achieved at this time, once the major associations fall apart, they will return to the past era of fierce competition. .

Especially those businessmen who want to climb up, if they cannot obtain the corresponding resource supply from the seven major associations, it is simply a dream to climb up. Now, as long as everyone does not move, the market is still theirs, and once someone cannot sit still If you live there and start operating, there will be gaps in the market, and businessmen who want to get in will immediately crowd in.

Nowadays, the businessmen here control 85% of the market in the corresponding industry. The actions of the Su family, Angus family, Phoebes family and Ablon family this time were expected by everyone. There wasn't much of a conflict.

The Su family controls 90% of the city's clothing market. Because it has a cross-shareholding structure with companies large and small, as long as the Su family gives an order, the entire clothing industry will obey its orders, so this time only the clothing industry is not affected. , but due to the impact of the other seven major industries, the supply chains between each other were broken, and the apparel industry would close down.

The Phoebus family has been in dire straits since the automobile industry was completely abolished. Only the Phoebus Resort Hotel and some insignificant properties are still hanging on.

Needless to say, the Angus family controls the city's transportation and logistics. Although these are special industries under the supervision of Congress, their family is still the richest family in the city, and their two daughters are both engaged in business. The people of Co., they have been siding with Congress a long time ago and have never stood with businessmen or families.

As for the new eighth largest family, the Aibelun family, the current situation is the same. Their daughter Michelle has entered the business department and has become a high-level team. There are many businessmen in the venue who have good relations with the Aibelun family. I also talked to Charles, but it was basically hopeless. Their family's business situation would be like the Su family's. The supply chain was broken and they could only temporarily close down.

As long as the merchants present today continue to fight and the supply chain cannot be restored, the city's market can only be in a state of shutdown. It is impossible to rely on those mini factories or some scattered small and medium-sized factories at the bottom to satisfy the huge supply chain. of.

So as long as they continue to be patient, the market will be in their hands sooner or later. But if they can't be patient anymore, the market will be eroded by the remaining 15%. For the businessmen present, a 1% loss will , will far exceed the losses of this strike.

"The losses are only temporary. If we open the market rashly at this time, we will collapse as the investigation of the business department deepens. Now we only need to pay part of the fines and bear part of the labor costs. Once the market has been divided, If we are disrupted, I think you all should understand what will happen to us, right!"

Chen Qiao's words made many people feel more relaxed. At this time, some economic calculators began to explain. Based on the current situation, a chart has been made. They only need to bring some of the company's situation values. Once you enter, you will probably know how much you will lose every day if you don’t start work.

One by one, the businessmen were making calculations, and after a while, many businessmen had smiles on their faces.

"I only lost more than 500,000 yuan in one day. I can bear it if nothing happens. It's only 15 million yuan in a month."

A businessman smiled and picked up the wine glass. Wang Degui breathed a sigh of relief. The situation on Qinglong Street was only temporary. Although their real estate project now has at least 2 billion in debt, the house is actually still in their hands. They just need to wait for the opportunity. Just sell it when it's mature. The houses on the upper floors are most in need of buyers.

This time many businessmen at the bottom should make a lot of money. After all, taking advantage of this opportunity, they will work day and night and then escape from the bottom. By then they will be able to take over these houses, and the real estate industry will naturally You can turn losses into profits.

Jiang Hao laughed and had a drink with Chen Qiao next to him. For him, the film and television area was the same, except that a group of people had been replaced. The future would still be the same, because the city needs entertainment and film and television, so If there is no demand for a long time, the frustrated people will contribute a huge amount of demand.

This strike was originally intended to get the Business Bureau to stop its investigation. However, after discovering that the Business Bureau did not intend to stop the investigation, the merchants also understood that they must not rush to open the market, but had to wait until the Business Bureau's investigation was completed. , and then open the market.

This is like a storage tank. The water is constantly filling up. When a certain amount is reached, the gate valve is opened, and the water will gather and rush out violently.

"Everyone, please rest assured. In the future, just enjoy it at my house. The future belongs to us."

As Wang Degui spoke, all the businessmen raised their glasses, and the dull banquet became joyful again.

7:09 p.m.

Su Li wiped the corners of her mouth. She had just eaten.

"It tastes pretty good."

Violet on the opposite side was a little drunk. Tomorrow will be the busiest time for the two families. Avano has already taken the other members of the family to the bottom floor.

"You invited me over for more than just a meal, Su Li!"

Su Li stood up and poured Violet a glass of wine, then walked behind her, pressed her shoulders, and squeezed them gently.

"Relax, I invited you here tonight just to chat to relieve boredom and talk about some things in the future. You can stay here tonight and we can have a drink."

Violet smiled helplessly.

"Actually, I used to hate your Su Li."

Su Li nodded.

"Indeed, although I am the patriarch of the Su family, I am also a businessman. The wealth that belongs to your family now is what you deserve. Your entire Angus family has paid too much for this city since its establishment. , and the two daughters gave their blood, sweat and tears to the city."

"What exactly do you want to say?"

Violet's expression became more serious, and Suli said sorry.

"Alfa won't stay in prison her whole life, she still has a lot of unfinished business, doesn't she?"

Violet's face was full of complex and sad expressions, and she pressed her forehead with one hand.

"I once asked Mr. Jean to confirm something, but didn't I find that Mr. Jean has changed?"

Violet nodded.

"It has indeed changed a lot, and I no longer interfere in some business decisions."

"I'm not referring to these, but the change in mentality. Mr. Jean was still the same in the past as he is now, but his methods have begun to change. I can't say it clearly, but I can feel it. It's better not to By the way, how long do you think those guys can last?"

Violet said with a smile.

"They will not open the market until Niya's investigation is completed."

"My opinion is the same, so I have only one purpose for coming to you today. Let's work together to control everything!"

Violet looked at Suli in shock. Her expression was serious and she didn't look like she was joking.

"Are you serious Sully?"

Violet stood up and Suli nodded.

"Of course I'm serious. I'm not joking with you. The reason why they gather together and not open the market now is just to firmly control the market. Have you ever thought about one day in the future? What happened countless times in the past has caused the city to almost Will the big problem of collapse still happen?”

Violet didn't answer, and Sully continued.

"Now is a very good time. As long as we join forces, capital can cover all walks of life in the city in an instant, and we can get at least 50% of the city's market. That's all!"

Violet laughed.

"Do you know why I hate you, Su Li?"

Su Li nodded.

"Instead of leaving these things in the hands of those bloodthirsty businessmen, it is better for us to take them ourselves. We will not become the same as them, and"

"It's not that I won't, but it's definitely Su Li. Maybe you are confident that you can control everything, but too much capital will bring higher risks. If we really do this, we will set off a bloody storm." Yes, we don’t need to bear anything in the future battles, because we have enough capital to fight them, but have you ever thought about the more than 20 million people in Brilliant City, Su Li!"

Su Li sighed helplessly and pulled Violet to sit on the sofa aside.

"Just pretend I didn't say it, it's just my whim, but one day in the future, they will definitely reach out to the bottom. I hope you can stop it with me, otherwise, the city will be completely Occupied by them."

Olivia nodded and Sully laughed.

"By the way, Su Li, you bought a lot of liquid food production technology and machinery before. What exactly are you planning to do?"

Su Li said with a smile.

"If there is a food crisis someday in the future, I can make some money."

Violet was a little helpless, but showed a relaxed smile.

"Su Li, you are really different from when you were young. You have a sharp mouth and a soft heart."

Su Li took a comfortable sip of wine and nodded.

"Indeed, I will stand up to support Niya. You are a little surprised."

Violet hummed, she was indeed surprised, because Suli gave Niya comprehensive support, not only superficial financial support, but also in the name of aiding the 5th Section, she would do it for free in the future. Provide replacement of 500,000 uniforms.

"I actually regret it, about Alpha."

Violet shook her head.

"That child has grown up, and she must bear the consequences of everything she does. No matter what she is doing, as long as she has no regrets!"

8pm sharp

Jean was smoking quietly, looking at the prisoners around him, happily eating hot glutinous rice balls. Several prisoners came over and talked to Jean about some things with a smile. By the way, they asked Jean for some money. A cigarette.

"It would be nice if you came here every day Gene."

Jean replied easily.

"Then it's like a holiday here! You bastards."

Jean said as he squinted at Alpha, who was sitting on a huge rock and eating something, with Quasimodo standing beside him.

"By the way, has Alpha beaten you hard recently?"

Jean muttered, and the expressions of several prisoners suddenly changed.

"It's been fine recently. Mr. Jean, you'd better send Alpha somewhere else. We're really afraid of her. She's moody and always..."

Jean waved his hand, stood up and walked slowly, and walked up the stairs without looking back. Latis sighed.

"How about going and having a word with her?"

Gene just smiled and walked over, waving back.

At this moment, Alpha, who was sitting on the rock, looked over, her mouth slightly curled up, and her smile looked a bit scary and ferocious. The empty bowl in her hand was instantly accompanied by a black aura, completely shattered, and turned into powder.

Quasimodo raised his head slightly, feeling an unusually strong force. He stretched out his thick hand, pressed it on Alpha's knee, patted it gently, and shook his head.

Alpha jumped from the rock.

"One day I will go out, and what will everything be like outside then?"

The two entered the dark tunnel one after another. At this time, the prisoners in the excavation site began to talk and laugh with relief.

Latis lit a cigarette. The world outside was changing with each passing day, but everything here remained unchanged. She smiled helplessly and looked at her dang arms.

"One day you'll get out there Alpha!"

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