March 1, 2246

It is not a long month. This is how many people feel about this month. It has passed in the blink of an eye. This may have something to do with the rapid recovery of the city after major changes. Many people are so busy every day. Not open to trade.

The city has completely recovered as before. The Agriculture Department resumed food delivery and lifted the restriction order in a short period of time. However, the most popular food in the city now is liquid food.

Liquid food companies, large and small, have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. They offer a variety of fresh flavors and liquid foods with different textures, including high, medium and low prices. The prices are much cheaper than normal food. .

The most popular dish in the city nowadays is liquid food risotto. The heated liquid food is poured directly on the rice. It looks a little disgusting, but the taste is surprisingly good, plus a variety of seasonings and vegetables. Wait, it can make many people very full, and this dish is a favorite among workers.

Many workers will bring their own rice, and then go to the dining hall to buy a can of their favorite liquid food, heat it and eat it directly with the rice.

A super giant has emerged in liquid food. In just one month, Sanlian Company's liquid food has exceeded the 10 million mark in daily sales. This kind of liquid food, which ranges from 1 yuan to 2 yuan a can, has become the best-selling product in the city. Products of.

In just one month, Sanlian Company invested in the establishment of 10 liquid food factories and recruited more than 30,000 workers. Behind this, the Chen family invested and owned part of the shares of Sanlian Company, so it did not exist legally. The issue of monopoly, although in fact it is still a monopoly.

Congress can only turn a blind eye to such an approach, because the popularity of liquid food has greatly reduced the food expenses of most families at the bottom, making them full and nutritious. , although it has a slight impact on the body, it is basically negligible.

8 a.m.

Located on the middle-level Golden Street, it was already crowded with all kinds of people. As the door of Section 7 opened, a large number of businessmen poured into the stairs. There is another extremely important thing today. The closed stock market is officially closed today. It's open.

Many investors are already eager to try it. After seeing the open stock market on their mobile phones, many people are overjoyed. Many people plan to buy some stocks. The entire stock market is booming with the opening of the market. The resumption of work in the past month has been successful. , almost all stocks are rising, and there are no falling stocks.

This was unimaginable in the past. Many people have never seen such a stock market. The streets were filled with jubilant celebrations, and some people planned to sell the stocks that had risen.

"Our tasks have been divided today. Please work together and make sure there are no mistakes!"

In an office located on the second floor of Section 7 headquarters, a team leader was giving today's order to his team members to review the financial statements of some companies.

The 29 team members in the room all sat down and started working in front of their own light and shadow screens. In the last row, Li Ang sat in the middle, with Ye Jiao on the right and Jewell on the left. They were deployed three days ago. Came from Section 7 headquarters.

Their immediate superiors were quite dissatisfied with their arrival. Originally, people like them should have been assigned to wallet offices in other regions, but because of orders from above, they were assigned to the headquarters.

Most promotions in the executive department start from the headquarters. If you want to become a section officer, entering the headquarters is almost the only choice. Very few ordinary section officers in other areas can be promoted to section officers.

Most of the team captains in the area are assigned from the headquarters. Team leaders who can stay at the headquarters are very likely to become regional section officers and be directly transferred to other areas to serve as section officers. The number of people in each section headquarters is different. There are many, but the opportunities are very few. The clerks who can enter the headquarters are either elite or have relatively strong families.

"Three new people, although today is your first day at work, if you don't do well, don't blame me for not warning you beforehand."

The squad leader spoke with a mocking tone. He looked at the three people in the back row angrily. They were directly arranged to this place by the section chief. The only person who knew about their relationship was that they were classmates with the section chief of Section 5. One point, the other is Ye Chunwang's granddaughter.

What the team leader didn't understand was why they were assigned to the Audit Department, which had such a heavy workload. The Audit Department's work was mainly responsible for the financial review of all walks of life in the city, in order to supervise taxation. Such work was heavy and cumbersome. .

Once something goes wrong in the audit department, it will be in trouble. The audit department is mainly divided into external and internal. The external department is responsible for extracting various income records from some companies or local wallet management offices. After the first review, all relevant records will be collected. The problematic parts are sent directly back to the local management office, and the normal parts are sent directly to the internal department, where internal review will begin.

In the past, this kind of work process was not complicated, but now there is another complicated part. The audited financial status must be submitted to Section 2, and people from Section 2 will always come to find trouble. Dozens of times a month have become normal. .

Moreover, Section 2 is not subject to interference from Congress and can directly view the information of any section unconditionally. Some require direct communication with the section chief to view, but the authority of Section 2 is now greater than that of the 13 acting sections, especially unconditional secrets. According to the survey, this is the biggest headache for most staff.

Many department members were arrested by Section 2 without knowing it due to some problems. People in each department became dissatisfied and have issued multiple proposals to Congress, but in the end, these proposals fell to nothing. .

The team leader is very anxious now. The financial statements of several companies reviewed by his team this month have been flagged by Section 2. They will soon send people to investigate.

It was obviously this time of year, but there were three laymen in the team, which made the team leader very annoyed.

He stared at the last row from time to time, feeling that the anger he had nowhere to vent was about to burst out.

Soon the reports after reviewing the financial statements were submitted, and soon the team leader stood up angrily and walked directly to the last row.

"Miss Ye Jiao, I have briefly mentioned before how to make a report. This is the report you made."

"There is something wrong with this financial statement itself. It seems that the calculation is correct, but in fact it is just because the value brought in by the algorithm function is correct, but based on the financial statements of this small company in the past three months, Look, the constant value of their financial status will not be that low if the volume remains unchanged, so I used other algorithms to infer that this company's financial statements are suspected of fraud!"

Ye Jiao said and quickly pointed out some things that were wrong. These seemingly normal parts can be easily calculated by applying formulas. As long as the substituted values ​​are correct, basically the situation will not be the same. Becomes a place where the only variables have only constant values.

Once the constant value changes, it means that there is a problem in one of the links.

Li Ang watched quietly from the side. He knew very well what was wrong here. Section 7 was not as rigorous as it seemed. This was something Li Ang knew well after having stayed in Section 7 for so long.

Financial audit is an extremely important part of city taxation, and today's financial audit is very different from the financial audit in the past, which began to appear after the collapse of the Hillman family.

The city's economy has suffered such a severe blow. In order to ease the impact, 7 Branch has introduced many policies that are beneficial to businessmen, but it is these policies that have made 7 Branch now deeply problematic.

External reviews are generally conducted by the local Wallet Section, but there is no supervision. In the past, when Alpha was still in office, Section 5 was obliged to supervise such external reviews.

Personal taxes are calculated based on personal account records, and there is no review mechanism. Most physical cash is still circulating in the market, and the policy of completely virtualizing money has been implemented after the huge financial crisis caused by the Hillman family. , basically difficult to implement.

Because of Hillman Financial's problems, many people became paupers overnight. On the one hand, the public did not trust virtualization, and on the other hand, companies were simply unwilling to compromise and hand over their cash.

It is these strategies that are beneficial to businessmen that allow many businessmen to obtain huge benefits in taxation and avoid scrutiny through various means. In Li Ang's opinion, 90% of the financial statements here are unqualified. Yes, because there is no reasonable review mechanism.

The city's tax revenue has been declining year after year, which is in sharp contrast to the relatively good market economy in recent years.

In Li Ang's view, such a system is hopeless. It is in chaos and has frequent problems. This is the biggest problem of Section 7 today, and the section chief and secretary are still trying to find ways to boost the economy.

In Li Ang's view, in today's urban economy, offense is not as good as defense. Only in this way can the market economy become good, instead of relying on the power of capital to constantly stir up the market and create short-term momentum.

"Okay, okay, I will review the financial statements of this company. You can go and pour water for everyone. You have completed your work ahead of schedule."

Ye Jiao continued to chatter. Li Ang stood up, smiled, pulled Ye Jiao, and finally made her shut up. Jewell on the side flirted with the female clerk in the front row from time to time. His work had been done. It was almost done, but there was still a part that was not finished. His focus was entirely on women.

Seeing that Ye Jiao still looked unconvinced, Li Ang tried to persuade her.

"Okay Jiaojiao, just relax."

Looking at Ye Jiao's expression, she looked like she would not give up until the problem was clarified. Li Ang knew that such rhetoric could not persuade Ye Jiao to stop. Sure enough, Ye Jiao stood up again, and this time she went directly to the squad leader. Let’s talk about this issue again.

A pair of strange eyes looked at Ye Jiao, and Jewell next to him smiled.

"She will be just a low-level clerk all her life."

Li Ang agreed with Jewell's words. I'm afraid Ye Jiao's life will not be easy in the future. It is obvious that the financial statements of some companies reviewed by this team are basically problematic. Everyone knows it, but it is not true at all. Hui Ming said that because once the review is passed, everyone will have money to spend.

The entire 7-section core review department has a tacit understanding with each other and will not pursue too many details on such trivial issues. Naturally, the businessmen also have a tacit understanding and will take the initiative to send some money.

Subject 7 is a subject that most ordinary students want to get into. This is one of the reasons, because the hidden income in Subject 7 is much higher than the formal salary.

In Li Ang's view, this poison-like strategy will poison the entire city's economy, and tax revenue will continue to drop sharply, making it impossible to return to the local area to support some constructive industries in the area and the people in the area. Subsidies for medical education and other categories will be reduced accordingly, which will create a vicious cycle in the long run.

This kind of work was extremely easy, and soon the morning work was over. Ye Jiao was always very dissatisfied. Li Ang took her out of the office and went directly to the cafeteria. Jewell was already talking to the female co-worker whom he had known for less than a few days. We went to have dinner with all the members, but we just went to the dormitory to eat.

"I advise you to restrain yourself."

As Li Ang said, Jewell said disapprovingly.

"The women in this department are all pretty. It happened that my ex-girlfriend and I broke up."

Jewell immediately ran over with a smile. Ye Jiao looked at him with disdain. Li Ang smiled helplessly. For Jewell, wherever there are women, that is where he should set foot.

Li Ang stood in the cafeteria, looking at the talking and laughing clerks. This was the place where he should set foot, because he had been a businessman since he was a child. Although he was a failed businessman, he knew the reasons for this.

If cities are to have fewer problems in the future, a good economy is necessary.

"Okay Jiaojiao, let's eat. I think it's better for you not to ask too many questions, after all."

"It's obviously wrong, but I can't make it right."

Li Ang scratched his head and laughed helplessly.

12:19 p.m.

Chen Qiao smiled and held up his wine glass. Wu Qun on the side looked at the businessmen present with a smile. Today is the celebration banquet of the Food Association. Basically, many businessmen related to food in the city are here, and everyone is smiling happily. With.

"Okay everyone, cheers to our bright future!"

As Chen Qiao said, everyone was raised high and shouted in unison.

Wu Qun nodded with satisfaction. Just today, the seven major associations in the city have negotiated some issues. Businessmen in the association cannot interfere with the business of businessmen in other associations.

This approach is also a helpless move. In the eyes of many businessmen, they have divided the city into seven equal parts, which includes a large number of family members.

After a burst of noise, Wu Qun left the banquet hall alone and came to a balcony, looking at the city in the distance and laughing helplessly.

"It's really difficult! It's very difficult, Freya. These monsters are starting to gather again. I don't know if there will be any way to stop these monsters from running rampant next time!"

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