Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1980 The monster without a name (Part 1)

The wind is howling

Debris can be seen flying in the wind from time to time. During this period, the wind in the city is a bit strong because the temperature difference between day and night is relatively large, and the wind is the strongest in the afternoon.

Wu Qun was still at the small balcony, and the noise of the businessmen behind him seemed to overturn everything. Wu Qun was holding the wine glass quietly, and the warm and not too strong light shone on his body, which made him feel very comfortable.

So many years have passed in the blink of an eye. His child was born last year. He is a boy. Wu Qun gave him the group name Wu Lei, hoping that his child would have qualities as strong as a rock.

Wu Qun never thought that one day it would become like this. Everything today is extremely painful for Wu Qun.

"We don't want to do this either, Freya!"

Wu Qun was holding the wine glass with a slightly sad look in his eyes. Wu Qun had never forgotten everything in the past, and it was still vivid in his mind when he thought about it now.

Over the years, Wu Qun and the other six guys have always quarreled over many issues. The city has not gotten better as they thought, but is still as bad as ever.

This is not what everyone wants to see. After countless endless debates and before the big riots in the city this year, the seven people reached an agreement.

Food, industry, clothing, construction, education, film and television entertainment, and lawyers are divided into seven industries. Businessmen in the association are not allowed to get involved in things outside their own business scope.

The middle and upper class businessmen have already joined the association and voluntarily obeyed the association's supervision, forming a relatively solid group. As long as the middle and upper class businessmen are controlled, other businessmen, large and small, will also have to join the association and abide by the association's regulations. Rules, don't cross the line.

Wu Qun has never quite recognized this method, but at the same time he respects it very much, because this is the conclusion they finally reached after repeated discussions for several years.

Such a conclusion is despairing and exciting at the same time. Wu Qun smiled slightly, and the wind kept flapping his cheeks. This may be the most satisfying result, but at the same time it is the most disappointing. Heartbreaking results.

Wu Qun knew very well that huge problems would arise again in the city in the future, and the next collapse might be the time to test the entire city. If the city cannot respond effectively at that time, the city will be doomed, even if Even the gods have no choice.

The power of capital has always been worrying. Splitting the seven major industries is equivalent to splitting the city. Capital can move more efficiently because the stability is far higher than in any previous era.

Businessmen know very well what this means. Cooperation with associations will become more seamless, and they will be able to monopolize everything in the industry, and there will be no interference from other capitals. Such interests are untouchable for any businessman. But now such an era has arrived. It can be seen from the businessmen in the banquet hall singing songs with forgetfulness that they are extremely excited today.

After countless discussions and considerations, Wu Qun and six other people finally decided to do this. Only in this way can the city's chaotic economy be completely rectified. There is no need for businessmen to squeeze their heads for profit, which will eventually lead to vicious competition, and vicious competition. Too many problems will arise.

This will also have the advantage of facilitating the management of the business department. When thinking about the business department, Wu Qun feels helpless. The geniuses in the past have come to an end, and their era is over.

Wu Qun can still clearly remember that night on the lawn of the Angus family. Opposite him was a group of young people who were as bright as stars. They had unique insights and a keen sense of smell. They were truly a group of young people. genius, and it is this group of young people who have created the city today.

Putting aside the problems of the Hillman family, the Xingke Branch had already begun to come to an end in the Alpha Era. The gods originally wanted to make the Shix Branch a whole, like an efficient machine. However, things went against their wishes and they failed. .

Today's administrative departments are like a mess, and the heads of each department are powerless. Perhaps their enthusiasm has cooled down. Even now, Niya has become the chief of the 5th department, bringing a fresh storm, but this way A flash in the pan cannot solve any problems.

The precursor to urban problems must be economic problems first. All kinds of problems over the years are ultimately related to the economy. Various means of stimulating the economy are only temporary, but in the long run, these means of stimulating the economy are all without exception. It will make the future more difficult.

In the past, an economist named Hu Youran had proposed countless times that such stimulus would damage the originally healthy market, but no one believed it. Now most businessmen and ordinary people have tasted the bad consequences.

In the past era, cities relied on one new technology after another to stimulate the economy. This approach allowed the city to develop, but the result was that drawbacks appeared. Some people paid a heavy price for such rapid development and shouldered the responsibility. The results have been tragic, and the gap between the bottom class and the middle and upper class has become wider and wider.

Poor stocks have been born one after another, and most of the people at the bottom have fallen to the bottom in a short period of time. The administrative department has adopted strategies one after another, hoping to help these people tide over the difficulties, but nothing can be done. It is in vain, because there is no complete market economy that is enough to allow everyone in this market to taste the sweetness.

The agreement reached by Wu Qun and others now is to create a good economic environment. Each association will gradually form a benign economic chain within the association. Those at the head will eat the most, and those at the bottom will eat the least. But Everyone in this economic chain can survive.

Such an approach will intensify the solidification of the city and make the class divisions clearer, but there is nothing we can do about it. Capital can feed many people, activate all walks of life, and allow the city to continue to develop.

There is no so-called conscience capital. The existence of capital has only one meaning, which is to constantly devour everything and strengthen itself, no matter what time it is.

What Wu Qun is worried about now is what the city will look like when the monsters grow up day by day. When they are big enough to break everything, Wu Qun laughs. In fact, he does not need to consider these issues at all.

Wu Qun has also discussed some issues with many executives of the business department. The business department has no objections to the division of the city. Only by reducing the collision between capitals can we create a relatively stable economic environment. Otherwise, once the capitals collide, It is always the poor people who bear the consequences.

Once the association is completed, those who do not want to join the association and those who want to cross the bottom line will be directly excluded and pushed to the edge.

"Am I already old?"

Wu Qun looked at his hand. It was no longer soft and had become a little stiff. In the past, he would feel his blood boiling from time to time, but now he takes everything calmly, and his heart will not be too big because of many people and things.

When businessmen have problems, they will always come to Wu Qun immediately, and Wu Qun can always help them solve some practical problems.

"Perhaps the world is like this. We can't leave or retreat for the time being."

At this time, several businessmen came out. Wu Qun adjusted his expression and turned around with a smile.

"Old Wu, why are you here alone? Come in and have a drink quickly. We have to hold a banquet for three days in a row!"

Wu Qun hummed and was pulled in by several businessmen. He glanced back at the city under the sun, his eyes looking a little sad, but such sadness was fleeting.

1:31 pm

Located at the headquarters of the Bar Association, Pullman was holding a wine glass and talking and laughing with several lawyers. The place was also festive. Today was very worthy of celebration. The bosses of all the law firms were here, and the main lawyers They all came over.

The lawyer industry is a very high-income industry in the city. There are countless endless lawsuits every year. The economic benefits generated by these cases are very high. There are always new law firms established every month.

The overt and covert conflicts between major law firms are all related to the intervention of capital. In the next few days, more than 40 law firms will directly cease operations, and most of the lawyers from the law firms will come to the Lawyers Association. edge and seek new development.

Capital from other industries will not be able to enter the lawyer industry in the short term in the future. Pullman knows very well that this approach is to push the lawyer industry to the extreme commercialization. As long as you can afford it, you can hire someone. Good lawyer.

Those lawyers who used to fight for justice in their hearts will not be able to survive. Pullman is a little heartbroken. The chaos in the legal profession has been very serious in recent years, and it is inseparable from the 8 subjects.

Because of the overall problem of the practice department, the clerks and lawyers in the 8th department have become closer. What Pullman is doing now is to turn the two into an antagonistic relationship and cut off all ties with one blow. .

Privately, Pullman has discussed some issues with Heathcote. The city's laws are still being improved, but many repaired laws will cause a new round of problems. The next step is to make the city thoroughly Toward legalization.

Law, as a relatively fair thing in society, has naturally tilted in the chaos of capital again and again, and no one can stop it.

No one can predict what the next era will be like. To solve the chaos in the legal system, everything must be knitted together. This is Pullman’s idea. Although the method is a bit tough, lawyers must Industry and practice must be completely opposed to each other. Only with opposition can there be unity.

"Such a situation should come soon."

Pullman laughed happily. He found a deserted corner. What he was thinking about now was his daughter. She was already very eye-catching in the practice department. Lawyers from many law firms came over today. Speaking of Letty, many lawyers were miserable because of Letty's relationship.

Heathcote has also said this in private. This is a very good phenomenon. Letty's entry has begun to break the atmosphere of Section 8. She will become the leader of Section 8 in the new era, and Heathcote will retire. Stay on the second line, withstand all pressure, and let this opposition fully grow.

Many lawyers who came to Pullman to talk about Letty just wanted Pullman to have a good talk with his daughter so that they could be more relaxed. But Pullman would not talk to Lettie because it was impossible to talk. That's right, my daughter has had such a bad temper since she was a child.

"President Pullman, come over and have a drink together."

Several businessmen shouted, and Pullman just walked over with a smile. He felt a lot more relaxed now. Over the years, he had been dealing with a lot of problems in the legal industry all day long and had no time to care about many things.

Even the orphan support program implemented by Pullman in the past was completely finished a few years ago. As long as the legal industry can stabilize, Pullman will have more time to deal with many problems.

"In short, the future will be good!"

Pullman murmured something quietly, and quickly merged into the happy atmosphere of the businessmen.

2 o'clock in the afternoon

Wang Ying walked quietly in the back garden of the Abron family. She didn't ask the servants to follow her. She just wanted to visit Freya's grave.

Today, the Architectural Association's celebration banquet was held at Ai Bolun's house. Uncle Wang Degui summoned all businessmen in the construction industry in the city. The grand banquet will be held for more than three days.

Wang Ying couldn't stand the hustle and bustle. She just wanted to have some quiet time and see her old friends.

Soon Wang Ying reached the end of the garden, on the opposite side of a stone path, surrounded by a sea of ​​flowers. Freya was there. Wang Ying walked over step by step, her expression a little sad.

"Freya! I'm here to see you."

Wang Ying sat quietly by the flower bed, smiling bitterly.

"Once again we have made the worst possible decision, and monsters without names have begun to breed."

Wang Ying closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She felt terrible now. It was obviously something worth being happy about, but Wang Ying couldn't feel happy at all.

Wang Ying often wonders what else to do. The last gathering of seven people was at the end of last year. Everyone was silent for a long time before finally speaking. The conclusions they reached at the end were surprisingly similar.

Wang Ying never thought that the final decision would be like this. Looking at Freya's tombstone, she now felt firsthand the pain and powerlessness that Freya felt when she made the medical experiment.

These monsters will continue to grow in the future, crazily absorbing nutrients from the city, and finally stand in front of the city again.

Everything starts to repeat itself again, and everything that happened in the past will keep repeating itself.

Wang Ying stood up, closed her eyes and mourned silently. In her mind were memories of countless arguments with Freya on some issues in the past. These memories are now getting further and further away.

"Freya, Michelle has begun to step onto the stage that belongs to her, you can rest assured!"

After Wang Ying bowed slightly, she turned around and walked slowly. As soon as she reached the garden, she saw Charles, who walked over with a slightly serious expression.

"Ms. Wang Ying, thank you!"

Wang Ying shook her head, looked back again, and closed her eyes with a smile.

"Mr. Charles, let me give you a heads up, your daughter."

"I know that Michelle is very much like her mother. I have already thought about the future. She will probably stand in front of our family countless times!"

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