"A farce!"

Tianhen yawned and looked at the sun that was about to go out.


Today was another busy day. Tian Hen was so tired that he wanted to go to sleep, but there was still a lot of work to be done. They had to complete the investigation of the residents of the previously occupied area within a very short period of one month.

At this point, news about District 29 began to appear again. Some TV stations still started reporting. Although there was no way to enter the interview, some TV stations have launched special programs in order to receive ratings, and they will be broadcast soon.

Tianhen has seen countless such special service workers since he was a child. There are many such workers in the neighborhood where he grew up. Many of them are the same. Once they start doing it, they will get into deep trouble. , I will never be able to leave this industry for the rest of my life.

The reason is that they can no longer escape. Tianhen knows this better than anyone else. There is nothing left where they can set foot.

Tianhen has also seen many women who originally saved enough money and left the industry, but finally returned to the industry. When they left, they were only old and beautiful, and at that time they had nothing. There won't be anything left.

Such an inventory would have no effect at all. Tian Hen yawned and stood up. He really couldn't stand it anymore. He planned to adjust his chair and sleep for an hour, and then continue working after eating.

At this time Xima came over and Tianhen asked with a smile.

"How's that guy doing?"

Xima shook her head and Tianhen said with a relaxed smile.

"You're still having trouble."

Xima hummed and sat down tiredly.

"I'm really exhausted. I haven't rested for more than a month."

Xima looked at the guard station in the distance. They have been busy since the problems occurred in the city at the beginning of the year. The past few days were the busiest time because they had to distribute food and water to people in the barrier area.

"By the way, Captain, I think you'd better go."

Tianhen stood up helplessly.

"I know, I will go see that idiot. I really don't know how you got along with him since you were a child. Are you boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Xima shook her head seriously.

"I was joking, sorry Hima, the barrier zone will be our opportunity to get ahead in the future."

Looking at Tianhen leaving, Xima felt inexplicably uneasy, because when she mentioned the barrier area, she felt a chill. Maybe she was born there. Xima started to understand the world, and before her eyes Only Owen, who was a few years older than her, and the director of the orphanage who managed them.

It's a pity that the orphanage closed down in the end, and they had no choice but to leave each other and make a hard living in the city. If you think about it carefully, although they would be hungry at that time, they lived very happily every day, because being by Irving's side was really wonderful. Reassuring.

It was a coincidence that she came to Section 3. Originally, Xima and Owen planned to make a living selling street snacks and save enough money to open a larger store. However, due to a series of changes in the city, she and Owen had no choice but to make a living. I didn't go to the agricultural department and worked as a coolie for a while.

Due to several city changes, Hima and Irving have been living in some areas at the middle and lower levels. They just happened to catch up with the unconditional recruitment of the 3rd Division.

A few years ago, the aging problem within the 3rd Department came ahead of schedule. There were so many retired members, and there was a huge staff gap in the 3rd Department. They happened to enter the 3rd Department at that time.

I studied and practiced in Section 3 again, and it was not until the year before last that I passed the official examination for members of the Acting Section, and I officially entered Section 3.

Over the years in the 3rd Department, Xima has always felt good, because compared to other subjects in the Acting Department, the 3rd Department is really relatively easy, but I heard their boss said that it may not be so easy starting this year. Now, the march plan for the barrier area has been put on the agenda.

This is what Tianhen just said. Xima is a little unfamiliar with the barrier area. Xima once thought about one thing. Maybe one day he can find his parents in the barrier area, but Xima soon abandoned them. Such thoughts.

After seeing the tragic sweep in the past, Hima didn't think her parents could survive.

At this time, Tianhen came outside a house. Owen was resting, holding a can of liquid food in his hand and eating less than half of it.

"Why can't you eat it?"

Tianhen sat next to Owen, and Owen ignored Tianhen. He always felt angry.

"There's no need to sulk over an insignificant person."

"It's innocuous?"

Owen smiled.

"It does seem innocuous in your eyes and even in the eyes of most people. Expulsion is the simplest way to solve some problem people. Why does society exist?"

Tianhen didn't want to discuss these issues with Owen. He planned to get up, but was pulled by Owen.

"Society only exists because of people. Are you going to watch this wrong system stage tragedies again and again?"

"You can't change anything if you don't go up there, can you?"

Owen did not refute Tianhen's words. He knew that what Tianhen said was true.

"Soon the march to the ramparts will begin, and this is our chance to climb up."

Tianhen said, raising a hand, and a touch of brown particles overflowed from his fingers.

"As a C-level mutant, this is my chance. I will try my best to climb up, Owen. If I don't climb up, I will have to worry about trivial problems."

Owen looked at Tianhen blankly.

"The march in the barrier area is probably just because the city's economy needs external demand to drive it. Such a march is meaningless. Who is our enemy?"

"It doesn't matter. If there are no enemies, we will create enemies. This is the meaning of our three departments' survival."

Owen laughed bitterly.

"Utilizing that land is the brightest path to the future, if we don't start now."

Tianhen stood up and smiled seriously.

"Get rid of your naive thoughts early, Owen. Once you get to that land, it is most correct to use everything that can lift yourself up. I have lived in the barrier zone for many years, and I know that land better than you. land."

Tianhen said and walked slowly. The sun's light had weakened a lot, and the artificial sun would soon go out.

"The Barrier Zone is my origin, and it is also your origin. Owen, think carefully about what that place is like, and think carefully about the parts you still remember. Those things are the origin of everything."

Owen's face sank. He knew that no matter how he explained it to Tianhen, Tianhen would not understand. Owen raised his head and enjoyed the last afterglow that was about to go out. He showed a bright smile.

"It's fine!"

Owen stood up, and his expression seemed to become relaxed again, because Owen always firmly believed that as long as you have something like light, it will never disappear at any time, because it exists in your body. The starting point in Henkou's mouth is just to let himself recognize the reality, but Tianhen knows very well that even if he still remembers the suffocating air, biting cold, and deafening gunfire in the barrier area, those rough and bad things thing.

It's just that Owen has seen the most intense light in the world, and that was his starting point. Soon Owen finished eating the food and became energetic again. He planned to continue working until night.

At this time, Tianhen, who was not complaining, quietly looked at Owen, who had regained his energy again, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"This guy is not bad, but I don't like him very much!"

7:09 p.m.

Although the lights are brightly lit and people are coming and going in District 29, it is silent. There is no more noise in the past. The investigation is still going on. In just one day, there is no laughter here, and most people have only bitterness on their faces.

From time to time there were sounds of footsteps outside the house. Ada had just woken up and had already drank a whole bottle of wine. She opened another bottle of wine and wanted to continue drinking. Her stomach was empty, but Ada couldn't eat anything.

Although the plan given by the logistics department seems complete, in fact, in order to become a qualified logistics worker, the company needs to spend manpower, financial and material resources. Whether they can adapt is a question, and whether the company is willing to take the long-term Recruit them.

This matter cannot be hidden, and the shrill and harsh voices in society are also a big problem. Various problems continue to appear. Ada felt extremely irritated, and she drank a glass of wine.

After a while, the drunkenness came back again, and Ada smiled bitterly. She didn't know what she was worried about. She obviously had nothing and couldn't do anything, but there was a warm current in her heart. She wanted to help people here. girls.

Because of the urban citizenship system, what kind of cruel society will it be in the future? Useless people will definitely be forced to leave the city and be thrown away like garbage. Ada doesn’t understand why the vigorous voting that year evolved. Like this.

It was meaningless to think about this now. Ada stood up and felt dizzy. Ada fell to the ground, smiling sadly.

Looking at everything in this neighborhood is like looking at myself in the past. I have never felt as powerless as I do now.


The window opened automatically, and a gust of cold wind blew in. Ada looked over in a daze, and a touch of light blue particles floated in front of Ada.

"Sorry ma'am, I'm a little late!"

Gene jumped in directly from the window and closed the window. Ada shook her head and covered her mouth and kept crying.

"It's not too late, it's not too late, Mr. Jean, you are still the same as before."

Gene walked over and helped Ada up on the ground with a smile. He glanced at some cold dishes left on the small round table by the window, and took off his uniform with a smile.

"You haven't eaten yet, ma'am. I can use the kitchen temporarily."

Ada kept wiping her tears, smiling and nodding.

More than ten minutes later, Ada smelled the aroma. She never thought that one day this man would smile to her, and now this man was still cooking for herself in the kitchen.

Half an hour later, some simple dishes were brought over. Ada shed tears again. She kept saying thank you. Gene stood aside and picked up the wine and poured a glass.

"Let's have a nice drink tonight ma'am!"

Ada choked and nodded, and Gene sat over with a smile. Ada could no longer suppress her emotions, threw herself into Gene's arms, and burst into tears.

Looking at this woman who was shouting hoarsely, Gene just patted her back quietly and comforted her.

After a while, Ada stopped crying, and Gene smiled and pointed to the dishes on the table.

"It's almost cold. Let's eat first and then we can talk slowly."

Jean has been here since the first day Ada was released from prison. He has seen this woman from a distance. Jean has also seen everything he has experienced in the past six months after being released from prison. Now Jean is willing to sit down and take a good care of herself. Have a drink with this woman, because she has definitely changed.

Ada's probation appeals officer is also Gene, but in name he is another director. What Gene has done most over the years is to regularly check the complaints of some prisoners.

Gene would visit many prisoners who had started a new life after being released from prison and have a drink with them.

"Mr. Jean, I want to help them, but I don't know what to do. I have nothing left."

As Ada spoke, tears fell out of her eyes uncontrollably. Gene smiled and wiped Ada's tears with a handkerchief.

"Have nothing? No, right? You have a lot now because you have picked up what you lost in the past."

Ada covered her mouth, choked with sobs and couldn't say a word. She regretted many things in the past, but the past was like a mark. It stayed on her body for the rest of her life and could not be removed. Although she wanted to do something for the people here. The girls do something, but there's nothing they can do about it.

"Just do it step by step, I'll help you."

Gene said, Ada lowered her head, and Gene said easily.

"This is not charity, it is just mutual help between friends. I help you, and you need to help the women in this district!"

Ada nodded happily.

"Here is 1 million, which I borrowed from you without interest. When you do it in the future, you don't have to pay it back to me. If you can't do it, I will get it back a hundred times!"

Ada laughed and Gene held the glass.

"You look really pretty now Miss!"

Ada showed a bright smile and shook her head. Gene drank the wine in the glass. Looking at Ada now, he felt relieved, very at ease.

"Want to meet Harrison? He's still waiting for you."

The smile on Ada's face faded, and then she shook her head.

"No need, Mr. Jean. I'm not worthy of him, and it's even more impossible for me to meet him. I will do it, Mr. Jean, and change everything in this district little by little."

"Eat quickly, the food is cold!"

8:29 pm

Niya stood quietly in front of a group of members of Section 3. There were many directors of Section 3 standing around. Niya looked at the metal plate in front of her that used to be the area mark. Although it had been scrawled on it, , but you can still see the three words "Beauty Area" she wrote in the past.

Michelle is currently negotiating with some companies. In order to solve the re-employment problem of these women, she will come later.

Niya took out a cigarette, lit it, smiled helplessly, and blew out a puff of smoke.

"You are not, and I am not Michelle, neither of us can solve the problem here!"

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