buzzing sound

Shadows kept passing by, and a large-scale investigation had begun. A large number of Section 5 personnel had entered District 29. The streets were filled with the noise of arguments, and Ada waited quietly.

Ada didn't know why she called Jean. She had never had any friendship with Jean in the past. Jean even refused her toast in front of Ada. In many places, Ada would take the initiative to lean on Jean when she saw him. She went over and wanted to have a few words, but Gene never smiled at her.

"He will come."

There was a hint of joy on Ada's face. This time she called Gene. What Ada didn't expect was that he would come over.

The door to the room was open, and the women outside were talking about how to avoid such investigations, but in fact they had no way because they did not have any legitimate industry that could support their tax payments, but every month they had to pay taxes corresponding to the citizenship level. Taxes still have to be paid, it only takes a little digging to find out, and their income and expenditure records, which is enough to prove that they are undocumented special services workers.

The arguments had already come in, and some women who resisted were pushed to the ground and handcuffed. Ada knew very well that no matter how they argued, it would be of no avail. The business department was going to take action here, and no one would be spared. .

Some guests who had not yet had time to leave the area had voluntarily surrendered on the street. Ada was a little anxious. Some women came to her to find a solution, but Ada could not answer them.

After arriving here, Ada would give some advice to some nearby women from time to time, and they would be happy to accept it, because Ada was a veteran and had seen countless people and things, so she could always give them some advice. Good advice.

At this time, some people from Section 5 came in, and the women in the apartment were asked to gather at a designated place nearby. After a person from Section 5 came in, Ada got up, and she left with the other women.

Cries were everywhere, and Ada saw many women who were unwilling to accept the investigation crying. Once they acted out, the people in the administrative department would definitely take tough measures. Those were female officers, and they treated the women here extremely roughly. .

Ada followed a large number of women under the supervision of the legal department and came to the streets closer to the inside. Several temporary interrogation sites set up directly on the street were filled with women. They were being investigated and questioned by the legal department. .

Soon Ada was placed in a small cubicle. After entering, the person responsible for the investigation and interrogation was a female section officer. She was looking at Ada's information.

"Ma'am, have you done any special service since you got out of prison?"

Ada shook her head. There was a look of disdain in the eyes of the female clerk in front of her, and Ada did not avoid her look.

"Ma'am, given your criminal record, your testimony is not credible. I hope you can tell the truth whether you have ever engaged in special services."

"Not once since I got out of prison."

Ada answered calmly, but the female clerk continued to ask some innocuous questions.

"Miss, it's true that I haven't done this kind of thing since I was released from prison. It's true that I used to be a worker in the special service industry, but that happened in the past."

"Ma'am, given your situation, you must have a trustworthy person testify for you that you have indeed not done this. Otherwise, we will make an evaluation based on your current financial situation. Okay, madam, you can leave temporarily."

Ada got up and walked out. The sounds around her were very chaotic. They were asked to wait on the street. Later, there would be more specific explanations about this incident on the light and shadow screen on the street.

Ada already knows, because the women here already know from the mouths of familiar business staff what will happen to them next.

The issue that Ada is most worried about now is that the entry of reporters will continue to amplify the problems here. Although the women here are engaged in such an industry, if the last bit of face as a human being is torn off, what will happen to their future? It's devastating for a person's life.

9:03 am

A large number of reporters gathered outside Area 29. All places entering Area 29 were blocked by people from Section 3. People from Section 1 were also present. Reporters were not allowed to enter Area 29. Regarding the results of this investigation, Section 5 An announcement will be made after the investigation is completed.

Many reporters have already asked the top executives of the administrative department they know. Xue Wang, the chief of Section 1, has issued an order not to disclose the identity information of any practitioners in this investigation, and not to allow any reporters to interview or report on their related matters.

Some reporters have already planned to go back, and many TV stations in the city have also ended their coverage of this large-scale investigation.

Discussions about this large-scale investigation have begun to appear on the streets of the city. District 29 is the main area where most middle and low-level special service workers gather. The number of employees there has exceeded the number of employees in other parts of the city. .

There are not so many special service workers even at the bottom, which seems incredible to many people. According to earlier reports by some TV stations, there are more than 100,000 special service workers in District 29.

District 29 is the most lively every night. The level of excitement is unmatched by any other district. Even Qinglong Street cannot compare with the liveliness of District 29.

Most people in the city in District 29 know about it, but rarely pay attention to the problems there, because for so many years, the administrative department has basically turned a blind eye, but in this season, District 29 is conducting such a large-scale investigation, and many people cannot understand what the Bureau is planning to do.

At this time, men who were captured in Area 29 were being brought out one after another. They were taken directly to the elevator and sent directly to the agricultural base for one month of labor punishment and a fine of 2,000 yuan.

Even at this point, the number of men arrested was staggering. Several directors from Section 5 had already arrived in advance and saw that the number of arrested people was still rising, and it was already close to 6,000 people.

More than 800 of them have families, and more and bigger problems will arise in the future. Michelle's move made many directors dissatisfied, but there is no way, as the section chief, Ni Ya has allowed Michelle to do this.

The General Affairs Section does not have any authority to prevent investigations within the scope of Section 5. Today's era is no longer like before. Some directors from the School of Gods know very well that the gods will never interfere with the Executive Section again. of internal affairs.

In the past, many issues in the internal affairs of the executive department had the shadow of the gods, but now the gods will no longer interfere.

A clear bottom line has been drawn when Jean promoted Niya to the position of section chief. If anyone crosses this bottom line, Jean will definitely take action. This is the heart of all the directors who came from the School of God. Know things well.

It's not because of the 2 billion from the Su family and the Angus family that they can only let Niya do whatever she wants. Behind Niya is Gene, and his approach has changed.

10:09 am

Gene was carrying his uniform and walking on the road to the Prison Department. He did not go directly to Area 29 to meet Ada, but planned to wait until the investigation was basically completed before going there. He had not been to the Prison Department for several days.

After entering the prison department, Jean went straight down to the bottom floor with ease.

"Principal, what are you going to feed them today?"

A council officer asked, and Gene scratched his head.

"The fresh wheat has just been harvested today, so let's make some pancakes for them."

Looking at the prisoners in the excavation site who were shouting with excitement, Gene smiled and threw down his uniform, put down his hat, unbuttoned his shirt, and jumped directly into the excavation site. He smiled happily and watched The prisoners were already gearing up, as well as Alpha, who was standing at the entrance of the tunnel, leaning against the wall, smoking, and Quasimodo sitting beside him.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a few days, it's time to start!"

As soon as Jean finished speaking, the surrounding prisoners rushed over like wolves and tigers. As long as they touched Jean, they could reach the top.

However, Gene was still as merciless as before, constantly knocking down the prisoners who came closer one after another.

half an hour later

Latis looked at Jean quietly as if he was having fun with the prisoners. There were already hundreds of prisoners lying on the ground. All the prisoners had come out. As long as Jean comes over, no matter they win or lose, they can all have a meal today. Good meal.

Alpha never moved, just watching silently, grinning from time to time with a scary smile.

Latis is always worried about Alpha. She is afraid that Alpha will take action. If Alpha takes action, she will die this time. Latis knows very well what Jean is doing.

Latis knew very well that Alpha's anger and murderous intent were at their greatest when he saw Jean. The man who single-handedly raised her up and sent her to prison was also the origin of Alpha's anger.

Jean seemed to be aware of this, so he would come every few days. Latis clenched her fists. She didn't understand why Jean and Alpha didn't say anything, not even a word.

The battle was over, and no prisoner could touch Jean at all, but most of the prisoners were happy because they had smelled the fragrance.

Looking at Jean who looked happy, Latis walked over.

"Principal, can you talk to her?"

Jean didn't nod or shake his head, he just picked up his uniform and hat and left silently. Latis looked at the entrance of the tunnel, and there was no sign of Alpha.

"By the way Latis, I hope you can transfer these three people away and directly transfer them to Section 7."

Jean turned around and said, Latis glanced at the list of personnel. Two of them were Niya's classmates, Li Ang and Jewell, and the other woman named Ye Jiao was a girl that Jean brought to Ye Chunwang's home.

“That girl Niya, why don’t you tell me in person!”

Gene smiled and shook his head, then silently took the elevator directly to the 8th floor.

As soon as they went out, they saw Huashen and Fry discussing something, and Gene walked over.

"How's the situation?"

"My life is saved, but whether I can stand up is another question."

Gene hummed, and Frye smiled helplessly.

"Principal, can you tell me why you didn't kill him?"

Gene looked at Frye in surprise, thought for a while and then said.

"Because this is an agreement with a young man. Once an agreement is made, it must be abided by."

Frye did not continue to ask. After listening to Huashen explaining the extent of the treatment for a while, Gene roughly understood Ran Zhi's current condition. He walked to the window next to the operating room and looked at Ran Zhi who was dying on the bed.

After watching for a while, Ran Zhi opened his eyes and seemed to see Jean. He wanted to turn his head, but finally closed his eyes weakly.

"Huashen, have you ever thought about taking over as the chief of Section 4?"

At this time, Gene said, Hua Shen shook his head helplessly.

"Lolita's health is getting worse and worse, and now all work is handled by secretaries."

"I have a more important research to do now!"

Jean nodded in understanding.

At this time, the elevator door opened, and a girl hurriedly ran out.

"Oh, the doctor is not good. The patient above is about to die. You should hurry up and take a look. Others can't do it."

Jean looked at the girl with a smile.

"Lord Jean, good morning!"

"Ning Ning, don't be so rash every time. How about you?"

Gu Ningning said with a smile.

"No, I can't do anything about surgery."

Gu Ningning said and returned to the elevator, Hua Shen smiled helplessly.

"That kid is just as good as her father."

Huashen muttered and then entered the elevator.

"I'm sorry, Fry, for bringing you into this."

Fry shook his head.

"Principal, I feel like you have changed a bit."

Gene smiled and nodded. He planned to go to Section 12 to talk to Ye Chunwang about Larry's situation.

Looking at Jean leaving, Frye felt hot in his heart. He wanted to talk to Jean about something, but he gave up in the end.

12 o'clock sharp

Ada returned to her home. She looked at the dim room with some uneasiness. Gene didn't say when he would come over, so Ada was a little anxious. She had a lot to say to Gene.

Things that I have been aware of since I first met Jean, but have not been able to express.

The noise outside the house continues, because the business department has announced a solution, either go to the agriculture department to receive labor punishment, or follow the arrangements of the business department and become a logistics worker.

Most women have chosen the former. Ada knows very well that such a job cannot solve the essential problem, and they will make the same mistakes again in the future. For some people, this cannot be solved by a decent job.

The starting point is different, and the result will naturally not change just because of some changes. Ada is a little worried that they may be even more uncomfortable in the future.

After sitting back by the window, Ada ate something casually, then took out a bottle of wine and drank alone. She wanted to help the women here, but she had nothing now.

Gradually Ada became a little drunk, and in a trance she saw something, what was her origin, one sunny afternoon, Ada entered Beckinsale's studio.

"Work hard. If you work harder, you will shine in the future."

Ada smiled bitterly. She still clearly remembered many things that Beckinsale once said to her, but at that time, Ada didn't listen to anything. Now think about it carefully, if she didn't take the initiative to jump in It is not impossible to survive in sewage.

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