
A storage room originally used to store sundries has been temporarily transformed into an office. Unlike the previous office, this office can accommodate 100 people, and the sundries have been moved to other floors.

The office seemed very quiet. More than 20 directors from Section 5 were staring at the light and shadow screen. They had been tired of one thing after another over the years, and today something even more troublesome and difficult came.

From 4 o'clock in the morning to now, the director and the team leaders of various departments have been extremely busy. The only good thing is that only a few people have passed the exam this time, and the workload is much smaller than in the past.

The problem of District 29 has existed since the city was founded. Because it was closest to the eastern agricultural base, many people decided to settle in District 29, which was still being divided, in order to make a living there. Gradually, it began to prosper. , and the city was in a very difficult stage at that time, with hundreds of industries waiting to flourish.

In addition, the city is relatively chaotic. Although it has become relatively stable after the war, there are many large and small gangs, and the management is family members. There are countless problems. Many people who cannot survive have either worked in the eastern agricultural bases or committed crimes. , and as disadvantaged women, many women have become special service workers in order to survive.

District 29 has been like a cancer in the city for many years. No one is willing to mention it, and no one is willing to ask. Everyone in the city knows it well, because there is demand, and it will naturally exist. The consumption in District 29 and the upper class Compared with Qinglong District, it is at least ten times lower. The existence of such a district facilitates the needs of many people.

Alpha once vigorously rectified it once in the past, but unfortunately it ended in failure. In the end, the city had to legalize this area, but it was more difficult to apply for the relevant documents. In fact, in order to pass the legal Legalization has been used to regulate this gray area, but legalization does not solve the problem.

Gradually, the existence of District 29 has become insignificant to the city. On the contrary, it can provide employment for many women. With employment, there will naturally be income and consumption. The administrative department turns a blind eye to District 29. .

Many council officials have suggested that Michelle be treated leniently. After all, the city has just experienced a tribulation. However, Michelle seems to have no intention of being treated leniently.

It seems that Michelle is still formulating something, and many orders have been issued. The first one is a direct closed investigation, which is very uncomfortable for most people in the business.

Originally, Congress wanted to turn this legalized gray area into a high-consumption area, so as to eliminate certain things to a large extent. Qinglong Street is an example, where the treatment conditions of women serving there are better than those in the 29th District. So much better.

Especially now that the citizen level has been introduced, it is very difficult for some groups of people to ensure that the citizen level is level 2 or above.

Michelle's tough attitude this time was clearly seen by the directors. They had been arguing with Niya for many days over this issue, and each argument became more intense, almost without the use of force.

The situation today is completely different from the past. The change of management is still going on. There are gradually voices in the office, but they are all busy voices. The team captains are listening to the arrangements of the governing officers.

Michelle is still thinking about how to solve this problem. She has thought about this problem countless times and has not found any solution yet.

From time to time, Michelle's mind flashed back to her former roommate from Shengde Women's College, Su Lan, crying.

To this day, Michelle can't forget that her roommate's death was caused by women who would do anything to squeeze money from men.

29 is very close to the college area. Michelle still clearly remembers that it was dusk. Su Lan never came back after leaving school. When Michelle heard the news about Su Lan, it was the morning three days later. News of the death of a roommate who was not very bright but very kind.

Su Lan was found in a small hotel in District 29. There were signs of abuse during her lifetime. The cause of her death was harmful drugs that were rampant in the city in the past.

In order to investigate everything clearly, Michelle searched everywhere in District 29 day and night. Finally, she overturned the conclusion that drug overdose caused death and found the murderer.

It all started because Su Lan helped a down-and-out woman from District 29. Because of her kindness, she was eventually killed by the woman's malice.

Anger appeared on Michelle's face when she thought of these things. She had never been so angry or sad since she was a child. Although Michelle had reminded herself countless times, she couldn't do it because of this incident. Things to evaluate a whole circle.

But over the years, bloody incidents involving the women in District 29 have continued to occur one after another, and the place has become a hidden hotbed of crime.

Michelle has already drawn up a re-employment plan. Assistant work is their only way out. The only way is to cooperate with most companies and let these women take on the logistics work. This is what Michelle has been doing these days. The only job Cher found suitable for these women.

The workload is not too heavy and the salary is reasonable and enough to support them.

Michelle soon drafted a cooperation proposal, submitted it directly to the General Affairs Department, and immediately began to issue orders. The expressions of the directors were solemn and dignified the moment they received the order.

The first thing is to collect evidence, and then interview all the women in District 29 who are performing special services without a license. There are only two options, either to work in the eastern agricultural base, or to follow the arrangement and accept the job of an auxiliary worker.

"I hope that all colleagues can seriously investigate the problems in District 29 this time, and this problem cannot continue to be left behind."

Michelle spoke passionately, and the council officers below listened attentively. Niya stood outside the office, leaning against the wall, holding a cigarette in her mouth, smiling helplessly.

"You're doomed Michelle!"

Niya put away her smile and her expression became serious. She admitted that Michelle was very smart and the only genius in the city, even better than her sister. Niya had watched her sister grow up. After comparison, Niya was very smart. It is clear that Michelle's talents have surpassed her sister's.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Michelle is born with power. She can find a solution immediately when a problem occurs. But she cannot solve the problem in District 29 because she ignores an extremely important issue. The problem.

Niya looked at Michelle's plan and could only describe it in four words: perfect. She also clearly listed the most detailed data on various industries in the city in the past. This data came from the 6th department. Michelle made It is most reasonable to judge that the best jobs these women can get are indeed logistics jobs.

Few people are willing to do this kind of work because it is hopeless and most young people will skip it at first sight.

Michelle will also make the same mistake as her sister. Regarding the issue of District 29, it is not what it seems on the surface. Just give them a job that can support themselves. Many of them have lost too many things. Those things that are essential for human beings, if there is no way to regain them, everything will return to the original point.

Niya has been working hard at the bottom over the years and has seen too many things. Gene has also said this in the past.

"New and beautiful things will always deteriorate slowly. What remains unchanged!"

During the few months that Niya stayed in Area 29, she deeply understood what Gene said. Therefore, Niya did not deal with this problem while she was in Area 29. She was unable to do it.

All of this is inseparable from the development of the city, and the problem of the city is a more complex problem. Niya sighed helplessly, exhaled the smoke, and looked at the people moving in the office. Michelle left first. come out.

"Aren't you going to follow me and have a look, section chief?"

"No need Michelle, I've already seen the results, maybe a month later, maybe a few months later, in short the results won't come too slowly."

Michelle bowed slightly, and then left with the director and team captains. Niya yawned, smiled helplessly, and then took out her mobile phone and pressed the number 0013.

"Hey, why don't you talk to Michelle properly? She should listen to you."

"Sorry, I'm too busy. This is a problem you should solve, Niya. You are no longer a child, you are the section chief of Section 5."

Niya pouted.

"I know, you bastard."

After hanging up the phone, Niya could only go back to her office and continue to read the documents and reports.

3 o'clock in the afternoon

Larry was still asking about a wanted criminal on the street. Gene stood at the entrance of an alley on the street, waiting quietly. This young man was very serious. Apart from being serious, he had no special talents. The style is also ordinary.

But one thing Jean could feel was that this young man and the girl named Yincai he was following had the same qualities, simple and kind.

Gene looked behind him, and after thinking for a while, he called Larry over.

"You will investigate independently today. I have something to do. If there are any problems, just call the nearby personnel from Section 5 for support."

Larry nodded understandingly.

"I know Lord Jean, I will definitely find the clues."

Gene smiled and patted Larry's arm, then turned and left. He planned to go to Area 29. After all, such a serious problem had occurred, and now all major media are rushing to report on Area 29.

3:18 pm

In a somewhat old apartment on the edge of District 29, many women gathered in the lobby on the first floor of the apartment. Everyone was discussing the situation. They had heard about it from the members of the business department they knew well. A matter of scale survey.

Many women thought it was just a minor problem at first, but after Section 3 sealed off the area around District 29, they realized the seriousness of the problem. Now everyone is discussing what to do.


The door of a room on the first floor opened and a middle-aged woman came out.

"Ada, I heard that you know many senior executives in the business department. Why don't you help us ask?"

A young woman immediately came over and said. Ada smiled and shook her head, carrying some garbage and walking through a group of women. She had just been released from prison not long ago, and in the end she could only settle down here temporarily, relying on the prison. With the savings from hard work, I rented a small and cheap apartment here.

Ada already knows the issues discussed by the women. She has been here for a few months. At first, many people came to visit her. Those women who wanted to get involved hoped that Ada could introduce them to them, but Ada I never introduced them to them once.

Ada rarely communicates with the women here, and just lives silently, as if she is waiting for death calmly.

The life in prison allowed Ada to see many things clearly and to understand many problems. In the first half of her life, Ada enjoyed all the scenery in the world, but now Ada has nothing.

There were women everywhere on some dirty and smelly streets. They were all discussing what happened this time. Ada walked silently to the garbage disposal, threw away the garbage, and planned to return.

On the way back, many women still came over and asked Ada to call the senior executives of the business department she was familiar with in the past. Ada just said that she did not remember, which was indeed the case. Although Ada remembered the contact information of many senior executives, Now Ada won't call anyone.

Back in the dilapidated house with only simple daily utensils, Ada could still hear the noise outside. She smiled and looked at the valuable pot of flowers placed by the window that could be exposed to the sun. This was her harvest from agriculture. Brought by Co.

This place was exactly the same as what Ada had seen in the past, without any changes. Ada got up and poured a glass of water, and sat quietly at the small round table by the window. The sun could still shine here, and it was only at this time of the day. You can enjoy some sunshine, Ada can't afford the rent for the high-rise apartment.

Ada turned on a somewhat old light-and-shadow mobile phone and looked at the news reports. It became clear to her that even such a large-scale search would not solve any problems, and in the end the problems would return to the original point.

Ada pressed her forehead with some bitterness. She was very aware of this feeling of powerlessness. Once she sinks here, this feeling of powerlessness will take away everything.

Feeling helpless and bitter, Ida could only look at the flowers on the table with a smile. Ida thought of Harrison. She did not go to find Harrison after she came out. She heard about Harrison's current situation and that he was still unmarried. , opened a handicraft watch shop.

Ada once thought about everything Harrison said in the past, as well as the sincere love. Ada rubbed the edge of the cup, and a trace of warmth passed to her fingers.

Ada knew that if she went to find Harrison, he would still accept her, but Ada would not go. Eddie only felt deeply guilty for Harrison.

dong dong dong

There was a fierce knock on the door, and Ada stood up and opened the door. Several women walked in directly, looking a little scared. They started talking, and a large-scale investigation was about to begin.

Ada didn't say a word, just listening to the women's words about the future. Looking at the anxious women, Ada looked at the phone at hand. After hesitating for a while, she pressed the number 0013.

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