Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1947 Special Chapter: People of Light and Darkness (Part 2)

Chapter 1947 Special Chapter. People of Light and Darkness (Part 2)

The biting cold wind is sweeping across the city, but today is different. The cold wind has not stopped the enthusiasm of the people. This year’s festival is the most terrible festival for many people. January 1st The sun did not rise in the morning, and most people who partyed all night on New Year's Eve faced a lightless festival the next day.

However, in the next few days, the sun disappeared, leaving only an endless black sky. Anxiety and uneasiness began to appear in the city as the temperature dropped. Finally, Congress announced the reason and said that the problem would be repaired soon. .

However, as we waited day by day, anxiety and uneasiness began to turn into anger, and finally only fear was left. Tonight is a day worthy of celebration for everyone. Many people spontaneously took to the streets, and some restaurants and bars have opened their doors. Now, heating facilities have been installed, and most people gathered together to enjoy the carnival at dawn.

Seeing that the lights in the occupied area have been extinguished, although there are occasional explosions and gunshots, most of them are not worried because the area has been directly surrounded by the blockade set up by Section 3, and Congress has promised to Solve all problems.

Most people don't care about the direction in which things will develop. Most people just hope that it is enough to see the sun early tomorrow morning, and then return to the past days.

However, some people saw business opportunities in this turmoil, especially everything in the occupied areas. Some businessmen had gathered together and began to discuss how to get something as quickly as possible after the matter was resolved.

"Aren't you worried at all? If the war spreads"

"What are you worrying about, Qin Dong?"

At this time, all the shops in District 29 were open. Although it was such a cold night, as long as there were drinks, most people did not need to worry. Qin Dong stared at everything in front of him, and he felt that A little chilly, but he was treated as an errand boy as always.

Even for this extremely important task of dispatching and coordinating various regions, he could only stay in District 29 and maintain order on the scene while distributing emergency supplies.

"Why are you thinking so much? Come here and drink."

Qin Dong's boss shouted. He turned around and walked out of the bar. When he came to the street, there were people everywhere. He looked at everything in front of him helplessly.

Qin Dong felt something strange. No one cared about this problem, because such a problem only made many people feel uneasy at the beginning. But as time went by, no one cared about the problems at the bottom anymore.

Qin Dong really wanted to go to the scene to see it now. What happened this time seemed to Qin Dong very unacceptable. Qin Dong thought that if the business department had been working like it was during the Alpha era, it would not be possible. A problem like this will occur this time.

Qin Dong often feels inexplicable sadness for this era. The era is getting worse and worse. If something is not done, the next era will become even worse.

Qin Dong is also concerned about how to deal with this problem, but no matter how he handles it, it seems that he can no longer prevent this incident from developing in the worst direction.

Qin Dong quietly glanced at the dark occupied area in the distance. He started to move and ran towards it quickly. He just wanted to take a look, just take a look.

There are voices everywhere in the streets and alleys. Many people are discussing what to do after the sun rises tomorrow and how to quickly return to work and life. The discussion about the occupied areas has passed, and most people are thinking We all know that when those guys took up arms and occupied 11 areas in an attempt to be independent, the only way out was to be expelled.

The air was getting colder and colder, and many people couldn't stand the cold anymore and had no choice but to go back to their houses, but most people still gathered in some shops.

8:59 pm

King Xue quietly held a glass of wine and sat in the office of Section 1. Looking at the noisy crowd on the surveillance screen, he smiled contentedly and ordered that he be the one to notify the owners of those shops that they could open shops.

Just after the Congress announced that the sun was about to rise today, King Xue convinced other section chiefs, and the gods also agreed with the decision proposed by King Xue.

A war will break out soon. Although Jean will enter to solve everything, the rebels will definitely rush out with weapons. At this time, instead of letting the people quietly wait at home to watch the war happen, it is better to let them Going to the streets to party can actually solve a lot of problems and divert everyone's attention.

Some TV programs have started to broadcast normally. Everything on the Internet about the occupied areas has been blocked by Section 2. Mo Xiaolan did it very correctly. King Xue smiled at this time and looked to the side who was sitting watching. Mo Xiaolan was in front of the movie screen, and Lilian beside him was dealing with something.

"It's rare that we can think of going together, little lazy one."

King Xue smiled and walked over with two glasses of wine. Lillian took one with a smile and bowed slightly. Mo Xiaolan snorted coldly.

"If we want to minimize the subsequent impact of this incident, we can't do otherwise. This is the only way."

Mo Xiaolan looked at the retreating members of Section 3 with a solemn expression. Although the two of them knew who did it, they did not report it to the gods. This may be the last mercy of the Executive Section to these rebels. .

Once tonight is over, those who are still alive in the occupied areas will be expelled without leaving a single one. This is a strict order issued by the gods. They will be expelled directly tomorrow morning. Some liquid food suppliers have already started working, starting overnight. Produce some liquid food.

Everything in the occupied area has been paralyzed. Even relying on the oral accounts of the 2 Section personnel who lurked in and some videos, it is difficult to tell who is involved and who is not.

Although there had been so many days of opportunities before, less than 5,000 people had taken the initiative to come out of the area. With three hours left, they had no chance.

Firefights have begun in some places. Although it is only a small-scale firefight, there is no need to be polite now.

"The city needs a major change!"

Mo Xiaolan looked at King Xue blankly, and King Xue nodded and smiled.

"It's the same thing even at the top."

Mo Xiaolan nodded slightly, Lillian looked a little serious, and King Xue looked at her.

"You are a very good talent Lilian. When everything is over, I and several other section chiefs will jointly recommend you to become the secretary of Section 2. You just need to be prepared."

Lillian smiled and bowed.

"I will do my best, Lord Xue!"

"The section chief of Section 5 will definitely need to be replaced in a few years. I have a few good candidates. Do you want to take a look in advance?"

Mo Xiaolan glanced back at King Xue, then put her hands on her chin and laughed.

"They are all your people, right? I think there is only one candidate for Section 5 now."

King Xue pressed his glasses and said with a smile.

"She must be the girl from the Abron family."

Mo Xiaolan nodded.

The next acting section chief of Section 5 has already been appointed by a director, and the same is true for the secretary. Before the section chief of Section 5 is officially established, the acting section chief may need to be responsible for handling the affairs of Section 5 for several years.

"Indeed, that girl is excellent in every aspect. She is a very rare talent. She must be eager to win in all subjects. I think she is still suitable for subject 1."

Mo Xiaolan sighed.

"Have you already booked it? But I think it is a big problem who will be the section chief of Section 5. For the people in this position, aside from Alpha, in the past few years, no one has been fully qualified. of."

"So from the beginning, I trained students according to the qualities required to be qualified for the position of section chief of the five subjects."

Mo Xiaolan smiled and took a sip of wine before speaking.

"Do you think it's possible Niya?"

The smile on King Xue's cheeks froze. He immediately took off his glasses, took out a rag and wiped them for a while before laughing.

"Please don't make such a joke with me, lazy boy."

"That's right, that girl is not made to be a section chief in any aspect, and she needs to help her deal with a lot of trouble every year."

The two continued to watch some intelligence messages sent on the light and shadow screen, when Lillian suddenly bowed and spoke.

"I think Miss Niya may have outstanding qualities in one aspect!"

"Indeed, hahaha!"

Mo Xiaolan laughed and then added.

"The prerequisite for becoming a section chief is to have the joint recommendation of three section chiefs. I think it's better for you to win over other guys early."

King Xue nodded.

9:16 pm

Niya quietly looked at the people who fell to the ground one by one. A large number of people were lying in a mess on the street. Niya was sitting next to a fountain in the middle of the street. Some people had already fled. She took out a bottle of paper irritably. With just one cigarette, people in the area have begun to spread out. The war will break out soon. Sure enough, there is no need to wait until 0 o'clock, the situation is already out of control.

But it seemed that Jean had not taken action yet. Niya immediately took out the light and shadow screen and issued a message to everyone in the special management team. Anyone who rushed out of the occupied area would be arrested, and they must not be allowed to cross the blockade.

Now there are only a small number of ordinary people, and there are no mutants involved.

But it is only a matter of time before the more than 1,000 mutants in the occupied area will attack.

At this time, in an alley not far away, several sneaky figures approached, and Niya looked over.

"Sir, we really don't want to. We are being forced. Can we surrender now?"

"Go back home and stay there. No matter what happens outside, don't come out. This is the only way to rescue you now."

Niya yelled, and several people immediately turned around and disappeared into the alley. Niya pressed her forehead. She didn't know what Jean was thinking, but she was sure that Jean would definitely take action at 0 o'clock.

Although it was only a short fight and easily knocked down hundreds of people, Niya also felt a little tired. She had hardly had a good rest during this period, but she couldn't sleep now.

Niya seemed to have thought of something at this time. She immediately took out her mobile phone and pressed a number. It was the phone number of some of the leaders she knew in the occupied areas.

But soon Niya was holding the phone, because the signal was not working at all. She looked around and saw that most of the people were on the outside of the block. Niya quickly jumped to the roof, and then headed directly towards the nearest gang. The gathering place flew past.

Soon Niya was in a small courtyard with a faint light, and she immediately jumped in. The moment she landed, there was a bang and a gun rang out.

"You bastards, look clearly it's me!"

Niya roared, raised a hand, and a bullet was right next to her ear. She flattened the bullet with her fingers and threw it on the ground. She looked at the weapons in the yard, including light and heavy weapons, and the gang's Weapons are being distributed.

"Sister Niya!"

Only then did a few people recognize it was Niya. Niya violently pulled the person who had just fired over and slapped him several times.

Soon more than 60 people gathered in the yard. The gang leader and several cadres looked solemn at this time.

"Do you want to die?"

"Then what can we do, Sister Niya, we wanted to go out, but"

Niya took a cigarette impatiently. After someone came over to help her light it, Niya immediately said seriously.

"I'm only going to say this once, if you still want to live to see the sun tomorrow, throw away your weapons, stay at home and don't come out, even if the sky falls, don't go out. If you don't want to live, you can follow those nonsense outside. Guys go to other districts.”

A group of people looked at Niya in confusion. The question of whether to leave or stay has been tormenting everyone in the occupied areas these days. The promising independent plan has made many people excited, but the current situation It made many people feel something was wrong.

The leader has already asked the cadres under the wise man, but now the wise man has disappeared.

Most people who are in a dilemma can only choose to take up arms, maybe there is a glimmer of hope.

"Don't have any delusions, you bastards. If you can run, do me a favor. There are still three hours left. Inform everyone in the block that they can survive by staying at home. Don't have any delusions. Be independent? Don't be kidding. Okay, this is crazy talk that only people who haven’t woken up can say. Remember, if you don’t want to see the sun tomorrow, you can go as far as you want to fool around.”

The leader was also scared at this time. He looked around, and then immediately spoke.

"What are you still doing? Take out the weapon and throw it away, then notify the people nearby."

Niya left the yard and quickly jumped to the top of a house. She planned to go to the next place.

There are less than 3 hours left, and Niya plans to notify as many people as possible.

9:23 pm

Tom stood quietly in the room where the wise man disappeared. Some cadres were also looking for the wise man, but no one found him. He seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, which looked very strange.

The situation has become quite bad. Many people are discussing some things. Chaos has begun to appear in the occupied area. When it comes time to really fight, no one will rush out with weapons stupidly.

It is the wise men who have created all the current difficulties. Many people are still watching. Some people who have gone to the edge of the area and have engaged in small-scale exchanges of fire with people from the business department are only a few. Many people are still watching.

There was a sound of footsteps, and Tom looked over in confusion. The wise man appeared at the door with a smile.

"Wise man? Where did you go quietly just now?"

Ran Zhi walked in with a smile and then said.

"I just took some cadres to prepare the backup power supply. Now the area will be lit up."

As soon as the wise man finished speaking, the lights in the room turned on. Tom looked at Ran Zhi suspiciously, because he had seen all the cadres today and everyone was looking for the wise man. At this time, Ran Zhi walked to a microphone.

There were quite a few exclamations outside the house.

"Please don't worry, the power supply has been restored. Please don't be afraid. Take up weapons. If you can't take up weapons today, there will be no tomorrow. Please rest assured that the acting department will not attack rashly, because 11 There are still nearly 500,000 people in the district. Only if we continue to resist can we get a future that belongs to us at the bottom. Please fight for the future."

There were cheers outside the house, and then there were gunshots. At this time, there were sounds of going upstairs, and many cadres came over.

"No need to worry, the plan remains as usual."

At this time, the cadres breathed a sigh of relief.

Tom swallowed. Ran Zhi looked relatively normal now, completely different from the crazy state in the morning. He spoke clearly about the plan to feign attacks elsewhere and attack the main force to the east.

As long as the attack passes, you can approach the eastern agricultural base. The Congress does not want to see opening fire at the eastern agricultural base anyway, because food is related to the survival of the entire city. Although the sun has not risen for a month and many crops have died, A large number of shanty crops are still growing and harvesting, and these shanty crops are in the southeast. Ran Zhi has planned the shortest attack route.

Starting the attack from the east of District 99, there are more than 1,000 mutants who can completely tear open the blockade. Once the blockade is torn apart, there will be a melee. Ran Zhi has already made plans to negotiate with Congress again. .

"At times like this, it won't work if we don't have the attitude of sharing the same fate."

Ran Zhi said, and several young cadres nodded in agreement, because everyone knew that this was not a game, and if they did not succeed, they would die.

"By the way, wise man, how about optical nuclear weapons?"

"This is our last trump card. If the negotiations fail in the end, I will let them see our attitude."

Ran Zhi continued to encourage these young cadres, and they also began to leave separately. Ran Zhi planned to attack at 0 o'clock tonight. This time is the best and can be watched by everyone in the city. clear.

Ran Zhi had already expected it when he saw lights in other areas. Xingke wanted to divert attention. Now everyone in the city is waiting for the dawn, and they are also waiting for their own dawn.

The situation will expand again, and once the situation continues to expand, the attention of the whole city will be drawn back.

"By the way, let's start setting off fireworks when we attack!"

Ran Zhi said and laughed. For a moment, Tom felt horrified. A large number of long-range small missiles were ready. Tom didn't know how Ran Zhi could make them in such a short time. So many missiles coming.

Seeing the cadres leaving with confidence, Tom asked with a serious expression.

"What exactly are you"

"I never gave up hope, Tom, even at the last moment. If we as humans don't believe that hope will come, then hope will never come. Indeed, the control of nuclear weapons has been taken away by Congress. I'm back, but have you ever thought about it, Thom? It's not because of my long-term words that inspired people to rebel and finally took up arms, but because such seeds have already been bought, and I just put the soil Just dig it up and let the seeds sprout and grow.”

Tom looked very happy looking at Ran Zhi's appearance at this time. He turned around and started walking.

"Do you still remember the answer I said before, Tom? And the backup plan you mentioned, I prepared it early. It is unrealistic to rely on light nuclear weapons, and if we don't have this thing, we should what to do?"

Ran Zhi pointed to his head.

"Just be full of hope. Keep the word hope in your mind all the time. There are only two conditions for Congress to compromise, which is to further expand the situation and threaten food production. There is one more thing I hope you don't forget. , Thom, the people in the barrier area are already hungry!"

Ran Zhi laughed and Tom nodded. There is indeed a barrier area, but after the previous sweep, there should be no resistance in the barrier area.

Ran Zhi laughed heartily.

"Do you remember what Andur was doing before?"

"It's true that he's been to the ramparts many times."

Ranzhi walked out of the room.

"Although Agata and the others have been destroyed, there are countless Agata in the barrier area now. Should we choose to survive or pick up weapons and attack? What do you think? Tom."

Tom swallowed.

"There is only a thin line between heaven and hell. Everyone understands this truth, but for the people in the barrier area, they are already in hell, because they can never return to this warm city. There is nothing better. lost."

Ran Zhi walked to the empty corridor, holding a microphone in his hand, and suddenly spoke.

"Our dawn will come. In the future, we no longer need to swallow our anger. Why do they decide what they want, and we can only live our lives in their decisions? Have they ever asked us for our opinion? Once Have you ever seriously listened to our voices? No! They can't hear anything. Because of this, we must take up arms, pull the trigger, and take back everything that belongs to us and was taken away by them. hope!"

Tom looked at Ran Zhi blankly, he kept shouting, and walked away smiling all the way.

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