Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1948 Special Chapter The Vigilant 1 (Part 1)

Chapter 1948 Special Chapter. The Vigilant 1 (Part 1)

We need to be alert at all times!

In the future, there will be countless disasters waiting for us. These disasters are not caused by nature, but caused by humans.

To be precise, it is the final result of thousands of years of human technology accumulation.

The ultimate of the material world will definitely be glimpsed by human pursuits. This world from small to large and from large to small is the result of human exploration in the micro and macro worlds.

Unfortunately, human beings may not have a future, because the fruits of destruction have already been laid in the course of human society for thousands of years. The closer we get to the future, the more we need to be vigilant. While technology brings changes, it will also make human beings into a desperate situation.

Every era needs vigilants who can objectively and clearly understand the murderous intentions hidden in the era. Unfortunately, mankind will always be in such an era in the future.

Making good use of everything you control is something that a vigilant needs to consider all the time, because there is no time machine that can take you back to the past or the future.

Those who are in control of everything, please be vigilant at all times about the contradiction between technology and society. It is difficult for you to give up those technologies that can bring about huge changes to mankind, but these things will make The originally peaceful society has experienced huge turbulence.

Each of us has different experiences from birth to death. Your decision will change the lives of many people, and even take away the lives of those who cannot walk too fast.

If you don’t have countermeasures when this technology has drawbacks, please don’t try it easily. Even if you can think of the worst result, this result will be borne by thousands of ordinary people. life will change as a result.

What we need is not powerful technology or long-term strategies. What more people need is a quiet and warm life, with occasional excitement. Please don’t ruin the lives of these ordinary people, because once they bear the consequences, There will be nothing left!

Finally, I implore you to think more about other people's lives before making every decision! Because this is the responsibility that you, who hold the power, should bear, precisely because you hold everything in your hands.

When all this is powerless and there is no alternative, perhaps there is only one way, to leave everything to a kind person. Every decision in the hands of these people may lead to the right result, and you only need to be a qualified person. Just be a vigilant person.

If there is any power in this world that can break through all obstacles, then it can only gather those kind people.

I am here to bless you! People in the future, goodwill can warm everything, just like the rising sun.

BY—Destroyer of Worlds

April 1, 2062

Just after 6 a.m.

In an empty underground space, Gene was smoking a cigarette, holding a wrench in his hand, and many tools hanging on his waist. There were some mechanical equipment scattered around, and a machine composed of a large number of parts was placed on the ground. Right in the middle of the room.

Gene was checking the exposed lines of different colors one by one. He looked quite tired, and his skin was shiny.

In a corner not far away, on a bed surrounded by a large number of medical equipment, an old man was lying. He was wearing a breathing bread, staring at Gene seriously, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and the old man nodded silently.

"How about you sleep a little longer, old man, it's still very early now."

Gene said as he threw away the cigarette butt in his hand and put down the wrench. This machine, which is one meter high and more than two meters long, is made up of a large number of tubular and arc-shaped metals. The front end is made of regular metal pieces. The stick has 8 circular bell mouths surrounding each other at the back.

"The world's first quantum thruster is almost successful!"

Jean took out another cigarette and lit it, then sat comfortably on a chair beside him. His whole body was covered with oil. Jean had been manufacturing this thruster for a whole year, doing a lot of data calculations. , massive composition plans, countless tests from small to large, day and night, finally gave birth to this thruster.

On some workbench not far away, there are many mini small experimental thrusters, all of which are experimental supplies made by Jean.

“It only took 6 years from scratch to manufacturing!”

The old man on the hospital bed is named Wiener. He is Gene's neighbor and the first person in the scientific community to develop quantum propulsion technology. Because of a certain incident 6 years ago, Gene finally agreed to Wiener's conditions and accepted Wiener. Quantum technology in hand, become a scientist.

At this time, Gene's eyes drifted to the corner of the wall. Lying in a metal freezing cabin was a beautiful woman named Ellie. She had been dead for three years.

"I'll be there in a few days, old man."

Gene said, Weiner nodded, and relying on the operating system on his fingertips, he let the robotic arm in the medical equipment around him stretch out, help him take off the mask, and pull him up.

Gene walked slowly towards Weiner and sat in front of his hospital bed.

"It's okay, you and Ellie will meet one day."

Jean nodded. As a half-departed scientist, it was impossible for him to be recognized by the scientific community. But with quantum propulsion technology as a stepping stone, Jean would soon be able to go to a professional astronaut academy jointly established by various countries. The cosmic worm discovered on the asteroid called Hope, which is about to arrive on Earth, holds the secret of life.

This is the most important thing in all countries. They all want to get it. It is very possible to even resurrect the dead. Jean is not really interested in science. It is just because of the death of his lover and the serious illness of his teacher. , he can only move forward without hesitation, and only by moving forward can there be hope.

Didi didi

Following a beep, Gene turned around and walked towards a console and accessed the communication.

"Good morning Mr. Jean, how's the situation?"

"The thing has been made, but I just don't know."

Before Jean finished speaking, the other party spoke excitedly.

"We will send someone to pick you up immediately, Mr. Jean."

The call ended, and Jean smiled helplessly. The guy he was talking to was called X, and he was the chairman of a huge technology organization called the Science and Technology Seminar. Countries reached a consensus and established a space academy two years ago, recruiting top scientists from around the world to learn all the knowledge needed in space.

Everything is to enable human technology to continue to move and enter the next era.

Gene quietly looked at Ellie in the cryogenic chamber, with 14 years left, he smiled and raised his head.

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