Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1946 Special Chapter: People of Light and Darkness (Part 2)

Chapter 1946 Special Chapter. People of Light and Darkness (Part 2)

There were a lot of excited people shouting and cheering everywhere. Ran Zai stood quietly by the window and looked at the lights on the street, which he had not seen in the past twenty days.

But now Congress has announced that the artificial sun will come as promised tomorrow morning to light up the city at 6 o'clock. This is indeed an exciting thing.

Most people who have been bathed in this darkness for a long time have found the best release from their anxiety now.


Ran Zai couldn't help but glance at the dark areas in the distance. Those were occupied areas. It seemed that the Congress had cut off the water and electricity there and was ready to deal with this unprecedented situation. Everything in front of Ran Zai looked a little... Ridiculous, even boring.

Ran Zai realized a long time ago that when he was seven or eight years old, he already knew too many things. The reason why he found it ridiculous was that these people who also belonged to the bottom class in front of him only had nothing to do with the serious situation happening today. It's just an indifferent attitude.

Looking at those cheering people, I didn't notice at all that the bottom class, who come and go, are just like the bottom people in the occupied areas. They live a very hard life every day, always encounter misery, and the little value they have left is cheapened. Exploitation and oppression, in Ran Zai's opinion, are the consequences of long-term oppression, exploitation and squeezing.

But no one will be alert. Once this problem is successfully solved, misery will repeat itself over and over again. The bottom class has no future, because the city will not stop its development, and the bottom class will always be reduced to the backbone of urban development. The cornerstone becomes the brick and tile that builds the glory of the city.

No one has spoken, no one is willing to speak out for the current situation. Now everyone just wants to hurry up to 6 o'clock tomorrow morning and bathe in the sunshine. Other than that, there are no more requirements.

"Why take up arms? Why lament? Why cry? Why angry? Why unwilling? Because there is no equality after birth."

This inequality that has existed since birth will continue to be amplified over time, eventually leading to one tragedy after another. However, among those at the top, no one is willing to do something, or Some people are willing and some have tried hard, but they have been sucked into the huge whirlpool of the city and are unable to do anything in the end.

Ran Zai would often think of Parastan's tokusatsu drama "Hero Zero", and he would think of it every time like this.

"Anyone can be a hero, heroes exist in everyone's heart!"

Ran Zai also thought about it, but he didn't have any answers. Everything like this was too heavy and complicated for him who was only in his teens.

From Ran Zai's point of view, the city's most beautiful era from the past to the present has ended with the fall of Alpha. She should not have ended in such a tragic way, but the fact is that everything has ended with the fall of Alpha.

In the chaotic years after Alpha's death, countless tragedies occurred. In the past, these tragedies could be taken seriously and treated fairly, but now it is different.

Grandpa ignited the most vulnerable points in most people's hearts. In the end, these points were infinitely amplified and turned into anger. Anger had already taken action. Looking at the firelight that kept appearing in the night sky in the distance, Ran Zai probably knew, The war would begin soon, and Congress would grant no conditions to those in the occupied territories.

Such a breakthrough must not be opened, just like the case of Hydera. Although I don’t know the mood of the five justices who ruled at the time, Ran Zai can be sure that once Hydera is found not guilty, the situation will be different in the future. There have been countless negative consequences, and this verdict is intended to serve as a warning to all management.

In the following years, Alpha has been improving the system of managers, almost to the point of being harsh, but everything is no different now than in the past.

Alpha's problem is the same. Once she does something that pleases the law, the legal system established by countless people in Brilliant City for decades will collapse.

The same is true for previous voting. This is something that should not be decided by the majority of people, because many times the correctness is often only in the hands of a few people.

These matters were somewhat affected by the boiling public opinion, but the factual results are in line with the word correct.

The same thing happened this time. Congress will never allow any breakthrough. Although these people are numerous, it is absolutely impossible to be exempted. If they are exempted, once this issue is raised, there will be countless such problems in the future. appears.

The gods know very well that when things appear, they must be suppressed with great force, or even buried, otherwise, such a tiny flame will ignite everything.

The room was filled with bursts of laughter, and Ran Zai couldn't help but smile. During the time he lived here, Ran Zai was happy, because the couple was like the warm sun.

Only this level of sun can send warmth into people's hearts and make people feel happy and joyful.

At this time, as the door to the room was pushed open, Ran Zai turned back with a smile and saw Su Xin walking up with dinner in hand with a happy face.

"Xiao Ran, do you want to go down and eat?"

Ran Zai nodded, and then looked back at the dark night sky. As a blue light flashed instantly, the smile at the corner of his mouth softened a little.

"What are you going to do?"

Su Xin looked at this strange child in confusion, and then walked over.

"It will be fine."

Ran Zai smiled.

"Sister Su Xin, it won't get better. If the sun rises tomorrow, everyone in those areas will be doomed."

Ran Zai's expression became gloomy, Su Xin laughed disapprovingly, touched Ran Zai's head and said.

"It doesn't matter if it's over or not, after all, someone will take action, right?"

Ran Zai smiled and shook his head. It was useless no matter who he was at this time.


"What's the use of doing this? Don't you two work in vain."

A section officer from Section 7 sighed and looked at the several demolished houses in front of him. They had just completed the cleaning of the ruins and the assessment of the damage. He looked at the two sections who had been removed from Section 12 to assist. The members were still writing notes on the nearby wall. On the one hand, it was to let the members of Section 3 who would retreat later clearly realize that they could retreat from here, and on the other hand, it was to make it easier to estimate the losses later.

Li Ang looked at Ye Jiao, who was still busy next to her. Her cheeks were already red from the cold, and her fingers were like radishes. She had severe frostbite, although he was not much better.

"Master Luo, we are just making some marks for convenience later."

The section officer ignored the two men, but opened the door of a nearby restaurant and called his men in.

"So lax!"

Ye Jiao murmured softly, and Li Ang smiled and patted her back.

"I can't help it, Xiaoye, but why did you come to Section 11? I'm really a little surprised. Isn't your grandfather the section chief of Section 12! How could you be assigned to Section 11? Although the work of managing prisoners is free and well-paid , but it’s just too boring.”

Ye Jiao glanced at Li Ang and continued working.

"I came here myself."

Li Ang didn't ask any more questions. This beautiful girl was usually taciturn, but she had a stubbornness beyond ordinary people when doing things.

The two have been partners for many years. At this time, Ye Jiao glanced at Li Ang, as if she wanted to ask something, but she was a little embarrassed to say it, so Li Ang said bluntly.

"If you have anything to ask, just ask, Xiaoye!"

"You were transferred from Section 7 because you helped Miss Niya! You know why you helped her."

Li Ang laughed loudly, then looked at Ye Jiao seriously and said.

"Who said we are best friends? I have known that savage and crude young lady since I was very young."

The corner of Ye Jiao's mouth raised slightly. The two had been working together for quite some time, and they cooperated very well with each other. They often dealt with some problems together.

"Go to the next place."

Ye Jiao said, and Li Ang snorted. They had already made suggestions to the senior management, but the senior management did not adopt their opinions because there were simply not enough manpower. The two of them glanced at the dozens of people still in the restaurant and started to We took a break for tea, but we still started walking.

Along the way, many people could be seen on the streets. Li Ang helplessly looked back at the dark occupied area behind him from time to time, because there were always bursts of gunfire.

Li Ang also thought about what the future would be like, but in the end he didn't dare to think about it anymore, because it was unnecessary for grassroots personnel in their position.

Time passed by, and at 6:03, a bunch of people were waiting to eat in the cafeteria of the General Affairs Department, and the atmosphere was filled with joy. However, at this time, there was a girl from Section 8 holding her hands. Standing quietly in the cafeteria, next to the elevator, as if waiting for someone.

Everyone who saw the girl sighed without exception. This beautiful girl was Pullman's daughter Letty. In the past few years, everyone had known it. Many people stayed away from her, especially her. The previous incident of sending many people from interest groups to prison made her even more famous.

Because Letty always contradicted many people, especially when she assisted Niya, the second young lady of the Angus family, it gave many people in the General Affairs Department a headache. During that time, she basically worked every day for three days. Having to come to the General Affairs Department once made many people in the department miserable.

"Miss Charles, may I ask your Excellency the steward, have they finished their meeting?"

Letty saw a female director who had just stepped out of the elevator and immediately approached her and asked. The female director named Ciel laughed awkwardly.

"Take care of them"

Before Charles could finish speaking, Locke and his wife Yu Wanrou came out of the elevator with a tired look on their faces. The couple planned to eat first, but Lady immediately ran over and brought up a light and shadow screen.

"Your Excellency, General Manager, please take a look at this legal document. I have compiled in detail the identification opinions on the criminal determination of people in the rebel area, as well as the handling opinions that may be more appropriate based on the current situation."

Letty bowed respectfully, Locke looked embarrassed, he swallowed, his head had been about to explode for the whole day, and he no longer wanted to read the document.

"I understand, Letty, please submit it to the corresponding department first, and I will take care of it later."

"Please take a look at the Governor now. This is very important. Isn't Congress going to solve the problems in the occupied areas at 0 o'clock tonight? There are only a few hours left."

Locke Jiahui swallowed a mouthful. The smell of rice in the cafeteria already made him hungry, and Yu Wanrou sighed.

"Let's watch while we eat. Your name is Letty. She's the daughter of that guy Pullman!"

Yu Wanrou asked and Letty nodded.

"We'll get food first, and you can get one for yourself. Just come up later when you're done eating."

Letty nodded and ran over quickly. Then Yu Wanrou pulled Locke and quickly took the food that had been prepared before turning and entering the elevator.

"They want to tire me out."

Locke said, and Yu Wanrou chuckled.

"I do think it would be a good thing for our business department to have a few more serious people like that kid."

Locke sighed. When he saw Letty, he thought of Michelle. She was also a little girl who gave him a lot of headaches. Thinking about what Michelle would be like when she climbed up in the future, Locke felt anxious. He I'm not used to this endless work attitude.

"I think it's better to transfer Michelle to the General Affairs Department."

Yu Wanrou muttered, and Locke looked at her in horror and said.

"Don't, it's not to tire me out."

"Such a good talent, if placed in other subjects, I think it would be overqualified."

Locke laughed. As soon as he returned to the private rest area, he saw on a light and shadow screen that a report on the new round of relief food distribution had been prepared. Locke hurried over, signed it immediately and sent it to Section 12.

This report was made by Leona. It would be sent three times a day, in the morning, noon and evening. Almost every detail had been considered and perfected. Locke had hardly read it in the past few days. He would sign it and send it directly to Section 12. However, 12 The department will distribute relief food for the next day based on this report.

After Yu Wanrou took a casual look, she laughed.

"This girl is pretty good. She's even better than Keying. She's really a humanoid computer."

Locke sighed. He was promoted to the position of secretary at such a young age. He was indeed very capable. However, there were rumors that this little girl was too lazy in life.


Located at a blockade in the east, a large number of Section 3 personnel were queuing up to receive food. After Tianhen led the team members to receive the food, they came to a place with few people. Many people were discussing It’s about retreating after eating later.

"This is the best decision I have ever made, the decision of the senior management."

Owen said with a smile. Xima next to Tianhen had serious eyes, as did Tianhen. The two of them were slightly away from some team members.

"Captain Tianhen, do you think this is really an order issued by the higher-ups?"

Tianhen shook his head.

"Based on past circumstances, such an order would not have been possible."

Tianhen and Xima already felt something strange the moment they saw the order. This order was most likely issued by Osman. After all, most of the matters in Section 3 have been handled by secretary Zijuan in these years, and she cannot issue them. Such an order.

"Even this order was not issued by the section chief."

Seema gnawed on the bread and read the order.

The wording and sentences of this order appear to be more accurate, and the details are very strict. It does not seem to be issued by Zijuan. Possible situations that may occur during the retreat are listed in detail. The order requires them to be on time at 7:30. Evacuate 2 kilometers back. Once people in the occupied area begin to attack, retreat directly to 5 kilometers away.

Carry out reverse encirclement according to the encirclement plan listed previously. The document also mentioned that click bullets should be used as much as possible. Today at noon, each of them was equipped with a click pistol with automatic aiming function and 30 rounds. Click on the bullet.

"Someone is planning something."

Tianhen looked into the distance. In the past few days, he often saw the crazy woman running around. Tianhen smiled helplessly.

"With such a large number of troops, it only takes three hours to completely wipe out the rebels in the occupied area."

Xima shifted her gaze slightly, looked at Owen, and then shook her head.

"This is too cruel."


Tianhen laughed disapprovingly.

"This can no longer be measured by cruelty. Broken things can be destroyed directly. And isn't this problem the time to highlight the role of our three departments?"

Xima doesn't agree with Tianhen's statement.

"Captain Tianhen, I think it is better to consider some things based on human life."

Tianhen does not intend to gather Xima to argue, and he does not object to Xima's statement. After all, like Owen, she is very kind at heart. Tianhen does not hate this kind of kindness, but feels it is very valuable. It is a pity that Such a small kindness cannot solve most problems.

After eating, the people in Section 3 began to pack up, and then under the orders of the respective section officers, they began to withdraw with weapons and equipment. At this time, most of the people waiting in the houses in the neighborhood also noticed. Section 3 moves.

"They don't want to use any weapons of mass destruction, right?"

A man holding a gun muttered. For a moment, many people in the room who were still eating looked over in horror, and immediately a man laughed.

"It's impossible. Once weapons of mass destruction are used, there will be no way for people to live here. They will definitely agree to our request."

At this time, an old man in the corner of the room looked at the young people with a slightly bitter look and couldn't help but sigh.

The time is approaching minute by minute, 8:41

Niya tiredly took the dry food in her hand, stuffed it into her mouth randomly, chewed it, and took a sip of water. Many people in the special management team around her looked nervous, because once the people in the area started to If attacking, they need to shoulder the work of segmentation and arrest.

"What's wrong, don't you have confidence? I've already told you that one person can arrest 50 people. Isn't it so simple?"

Many mutants from the special management team laughed awkwardly.

"Don't be ridiculous, Lady Niya, we are not as strong as you."

Niya lit a cigarette, bit it in her mouth, exhaled a puff of smoke, stood up and looked at the neighborhood outside.

"With a special management team of close to 2,000 people, if one person arrests 50 people, that is 100,000 people, it can instantly relieve a lot of pressure, and not all people will participate in the fighting. Many people may stay at home. Those who participate in the fighting, at most There won’t be more than 200,000 people.”

"By the way, Lady Niya, how many people do you plan to arrest?"

Niya smiled mysteriously.

"I'll leave the arrest to you. I have to do something very important."

In the past few days, Niya has told the people of the special task force to arrest as many people as possible who rush out. They only need to knock them out and subdue them. It is strictly forbidden to kill them directly.

"It's almost time. Remember what I said and just strictly carry out your tasks. I'm about to pass."

Niya said, and many members of the special team looked at her in confusion. Niya jumped directly to the roof. She clenched her fists. Now there was only one thing she could do, which was to stop Jean from cleaning. Once Jean starts attacking, Nia will enter the occupied area and knock down those with weapons. This is the only thing she can do at the moment.

This is also the best method that Niya can think of now, to reduce as many casualties as possible, because in Niya's opinion, this incident is nothing but bullshit.

Niya jumped to the top of the tallest building, smoking a cigarette and quietly overlooking the dark place in the distance, where many people were still moving.

Now that Congress has spoken out, most of them will not lay down their weapons. After all, if this thing fails, they will all be criminals and need to be punished or even deported. Many people who have been suppressed for a long time have already decided Give it a try.

Niya grinned helplessly, looking at the dark moving people. They might launch an attack at any time, especially the retreat of Section 3, which made many people look even more excited.


Along with a crisp sound of gunfire, someone opened fire. About 200 meters away from Niya, the people walking at the forefront opened fire towards the blockade.

The crowd began to move faster, and Niya stood up. After taking a puff of cigarette, red particles surged on the surface of her body, and she smiled slightly.

"Really, I wanted to take a rest, you bastards!"


Niya was ejected into the distance in an instant. With a loud bang and flashing red thunder and lightning, Niya instantly landed in front of a group of terrified people holding weapons.

"Either you put your head in your hands and lie down, or you get beaten by me and lie down!"

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