Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1945 Special Chapter: People of Light and Darkness (Part 1)

Chapter 1945 Special Chapter. People of Light and Darkness (Part 1)

"Failed! Failed! Wrong parameter 037.0069.00258.01010111010101010101010"

In a room with bookshelves on all four walls, the furnishings looked very retro. Eddie sat quietly at the table holding a book in his hand, with the words "Destroyer of Worlds" clearly printed on it.

In front of me is a humanoid figure composed of numbers and characters that is constantly repeating some digital language. This guy has an AI1 logo on his head.

"It has expired, terminate the agreement exchange!"

Eddie stood up as he spoke, with numbers and symbols flashing in his eyes. The AI1 in front of him was collapsing little by little, and his body turned into countless strange-colored blocks. On the ceiling of the room, time was flashing little by little.

January 30, 2246 23:48 pm

Gradually, the heterochromatic cubes that AI1 decomposed into were inhaled towards the green opening in the wall behind him. He sat back on the chair and smiled leisurely, but the smile seemed a bit stiff.

At this moment when AI1 was about to disappear, Eddie saw a pair of scarlet eyes slowly disappearing in a black shadow, and a bright white Ouroboros aperture appeared in the air, gradually turning into particles. The state drifted away bit by bit and disappeared.

Eddie showed a cold and cruel smile. He walked slowly near the green light, then stretched his head over,

In front of him was a large digital space intertwined with black, green and white. Each AI was decomposing itself bit by bit. Eddie just watched quietly and coldly.

At this moment, in the darkness, a veiled man slowly walked over.

"Failed Prometheus!"

Eddie nodded.

"What are you going to do?"

"Go back underground and continue to bide your time."

Eddie nodded, then turned and walked back to the small round table in the room. After sitting down, he raised the quilt on the table. The green gap slowly disappeared.

X stared at Eddie in the room, and then a smile appeared in his eyes.

In a trance, , X glanced at the shimmering city in the distance, he slowly turned around and started walking.

"The Wise Ones are over. From the moment they take back control of the AIs, you will have no hope. The cooperation is over."

X said and walked out of the room quickly. He knew very well what would happen to the 11 people in the occupied area.

3 o'clock in the afternoon

With a crunching sound, Tamai gasped and watched as the nearly 3-meter-tall combat robot in front of him suddenly stopped attacking. He sat on the ground exhausted, surrounded by robots who were still standing. They all stopped moving.

"It's over! Thank you for your hard work. You can go to the Congress Hall to rest and wait for this matter to be over!"

All the section chiefs, secretaries, and directors all looked back, and Tang Rao walked over slowly.

"Is it over, Teacher Tang Rao!"

Zijuan was so tired that she could hardly stand up. Everyone seemed to have experienced a nightmare. These tireless robots kept pouring out of several channels, and they could only resist it again and again. The gods were solving the AI ​​problem, but now it's all over.

"The sun will rise as usual tomorrow morning."

As Li Chu said, several gods came over at this time, followed closely by Deguna, Gu Yi and Weite. Everyone looked a little solemn.

"Where's that bastard Gene? If he doesn't want to go, I'll go, albeit a little slower."

"Forget it, Deguna, if you go there, the scene will be extremely tragic!"

With a voice, everyone looked over. Gene walked out with his uniform in his left hand, holding a cigarette in his mouth with a relaxed expression, but with cold eyes.

"Everything has been ensured."

Rose, who was following Jean, gave an OK gesture, and the other five gods felt a little more at ease.

"At 0 o'clock tonight, this is the deadline, if you don't surrender."

Gene lowered his head and closed his eyes. Everyone's eyes were focused on Gene, and he exhaled a puff of smoke calmly.

"Kill without mercy!"

There were no words, and all expressions were solemn. Such a thing was too heavy, but it was absolutely impossible for Congress to agree to the conditions of those in the occupied areas, and it would never compromise.

"I'll let Xiaopang make the announcement directly!"

Tang Rao said, and Gene nodded. After walking over, he put on the uniform of Section 13, and then gently exhaled a puff of smoke.

"There are less than 9 hours left. Please go back and have a good rest. I will handle the rest of the matter myself!"

Jean said and walked quickly. After the wormhole opened, he turned into a beam of blue light and flew out.

Deguna breathed a sigh of relief and called everyone involved together.

"Please go to the Congress Hall to rest for 6 hours, and then prepare how to deal with the incident after it is over."

Many people started to move, but they still glanced at the robots from time to time.

3:08 pm

Frye is still seeing some patients. This is a medical facility near Frye Mental Hospital. A large amount of medicine is still being delivered. Frye has not had much rest for several days and is treating some people who come to see the doctor. After the diagnosis, the doctor's manpower was seriously insufficient, and Frye had to come out of the hospital to help.

Fry would look at the sky outside from time to time. It was still as dark as ever. Today was the thirtieth day without the sun. Many people looked extremely depressed. Although Congress announced some things through the Internet and radio every day, it would also Explain the current situation, but these are not what the people want to hear.

Even the occupation of the bottom area no longer matters to many people. What most people are most concerned about is when the sun will rise.

This kind of day with only darkness is an extremely painful torture and suffering for most people. Many people have psychological problems of varying degrees. Recently, Frye not only has to see a doctor but also provides psychological counseling to many people. .

"Good afternoon, dear citizens!"

As a familiar voice sounded from the broadcast on the light and video poles on the street, many people immediately showed disgusted looks. Most of the people who came to see the doctor couldn't help but curse, because what Locke said every day was basically the same thing. A lot of nonsense is innocuous to most people. On the contrary, such words increase the pressure of many people, because they don’t know anything, and there is no way to know where things have reached.

"After many days of hard work by personnel from Section 10, the faulty artificial solar system has been restored. The sun will rise normally at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. Please don't worry, citizens!"

The people who were still chattering suddenly stopped talking. For a while, many people looked to the east sky in unison. Although Locke was still talking about the occupied areas, her voice was already heard by The sea of ​​boiling voices was drowned.

Fry couldn't help but smile. The patient in front of him stood up excitedly, pulled his arm in excitement and exclaimed, his voice getting louder and louder.

Some people who were hiding from the cold in their houses rushed to the streets, hugging each other and crying with joy. The whole city began to be immersed in the boiling ocean. Everyone rushed into the streets like crazy, shouting that the sun would rise.

The long-suppressed emotions were released in an instant. Frye breathed a sigh of relief, but the next second Frye looked at the ground floor. In those occupied areas, the lights that were originally on suddenly suddenly The moment went out, and a large number of takeoffs and landings flashed across the sky, as well as some red light spots, speeding towards the occupied area.

"What will happen!"

Frye murmured to himself, then his expression looked a little sad, and then began to become serious, he knew what was going to happen.


Most of the people in Section 3 outside the blockade hugged each other happily, and many people couldn't help shouting. These 30 days were too torturous for them. They had just received the order, and they didn't need it. To take the initiative to attack, you only need to be on guard at the periphery.

For most people, this is more joyful news than anything else, and the sun is about to rise tomorrow. This kind of darkness will soon pass, and the order also said that there will be a dedicated person responsible for solving the problem. this incident.

At this time, in a temporary headquarters, Niya was chewing a cigarette and looking at the jubilant regional officers in front of her. She grinned slightly and also showed a smile. The rise of the sun was a blessing to everyone in Bright City. are extremely important things.

However, the rise of the sun also means the death of some things. At this time, there was a buzzing sound outside. Niya and other officers ran out one after another, and soon saw a large number of robots heading towards the people. He flew into the occupied area.

"Fellow citizens, based on your current behavior, you have seriously violated the laws of Bright City and caused great harm to Bright City. Please surrender before 0 o'clock tonight. If you are willing to surrender, Congress will conduct a meeting based on the scene. Investigate the situation and reduce the punishment to a certain extent! Citizens, please consider this issue carefully. You still have 8 hours to think about it. If you still refuse to surrender, Congress will take action!"

Locke's voice floated clearly over the occupied area. He was still talking about surrender and proactively confessed his illegal activities during the occupation.


At this moment, there was a gunshot, followed by intensive gunshots. Immediately, Niya rushed out quickly, with red particles floating around her eyes. The personnel of Section 3 outside the defense line had already picked up the gun. weapons, squatting behind the bunker.

Several people on the roof took weapons and directly attacked the robots that flew in to deliver messages. With a whoosh, a sharp and harsh sound broke through the air, and as a flame spread in the night sky, a broadcasting robot was directly shot down. .

Gunshots rang out one after another in the occupied area. Niya bit her cigarette butt and looked angrily at the people who were still shooting in front of her. Just as she was about to walk over, she was stopped by several regional officers.

"Niya, it's useless what you do now."

Ma Tao muttered, pressed the brim of his hat, Niya closed her eyes and exhaled a puff of smoke.

Everyone knows what such behavior means. Nowadays, almost everyone in the occupied area holds a weapon. This is what makes Niya feel most angry. Some people who may have been hesitant, once they take Having weapons may give you a sense of security, and you may feel that there are so many people on your side that Congress does not dare to do anything to them.

"This time is different!"

Niya muttered, and Ma Tao next to her patted Niya on the shoulder.

"We can only watch Niya, and nothing can be done. No one can solve these problems, because the conflicts have been going on for too long, and there are too many decision-making problems, which have been backlogged until now."

Niya threw away the cigarette butt irritably, took out another one and lit it. She glanced at the area behind her where most of the lights were on. It seemed that the artificial sun would definitely rise as scheduled tomorrow morning, and Jean will take action tonight at 0 o'clock.

"Old Ma, if they start to attack, we will retreat immediately. I will let the mutants from the special management team cover and support the retreat. I will go to the headquarters first."

Niya said and turned around and ran quickly. As the red particles overflowed, Niya jumped up directly. After jumping to the top of a house, she quickly shuttled between the houses.

At 3:39, Niya landed in the headquarters that was full of jubilation. She walked in quickly. Some of the directors seemed to be discussing something. Michelle stood aside respectfully. Osman looked bitter.

"what happened?"

Niya asked. At this time, a director glanced at Niya.

"Anyone who is not involved, please leave, Officer Niya."

Niya walked over quickly and furiously. Michelle immediately came over and grabbed Niya. Her eyes signaled Niya to calm down first, and then she held Niya's arm tightly and pulled her out. Headquarters.

"What do they want?"

Michelle shook her head.

"Now Section 3 has received an order from above, requiring them to support Section Chief Jean and clear the area!"


As soon as Niya heard this, she didn't care about Michelle's obstruction and rushed in directly.

"Osman, what is going on?"

At this time, a bunch of council officers looked at Niya, and Osman stood up with a wry smile.

"Everyone has a rest first. This issue will be discussed later."

Finally, the directors left, and Niya sat over, and then told Niya that this order was just issued by Deguna.

"There's nothing I can do about it Niya, I"

"Didn't we discuss it before? Once they attack, we will retreat. In this case, it's okay."

Osman lowered his head, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"There is another way!"

Michelle, who was standing at the door at this time, said.

Osman and Niya both looked over, and Michelle walked over with a serious expression.

"Although this order was issued by Lord Purple God, the person who conveyed the order was not you, Section Chief Osman!"

Nia immediately looked at Michelle in shock, and then burst into laughter.

"That's true. Don't you have the permission code?"

Niya looked at Michelle with a smile.

"The plan remains as usual!"

Osman said, and Niya's expression became a little more relaxed. Now this official order has not been officially issued, and only a few directors know about it. Then Osman immediately took out the phone.

"I will call everyone here to talk about it. After all, this is not a small problem."


Ran Zhi was still talking to the cadres about the parts they were responsible for. He smiled excitedly, pointed at some things on the 3D map in front of him, and talked about the attack plan with everyone.

At this time, many cadres looked a little embarrassed. They didn't know what happened to the Congress. Perhaps the control of optical nuclear weapons had been taken away. This was the most intuitive idea for everyone, but the wise man in front of them repeatedly emphasized , and he also holds control of optical nuclear weapons.

Tom looked at Ran Zhi quietly at this time, as if he was a madman. Tom already felt a hint of fear. They had no future. Just the moment when Congress announced that the sun would rise at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, Tom Tom is desperate. This optical nuclear weapon that can threaten Congress is no longer in their hands.

Thom, who was once a member of the Hillman family, knew very well that the launch of optical nuclear weapons relied on artificial solar launch stations, and the sun would rise tomorrow, which meant that their plan had indeed failed.

And Ran Zhi has gone crazy now and wants to drag everyone to be buried with him. However, most people in the area who don't know the truth are still thinking that if the Congress does not dare to do anything to them, the Congress will definitely agree to their request.

In Thom's eyes, this is just a train leading to destruction. There is no future at the end of their road, only destruction.

"Okay, everyone, don't worry. As long as we capture more areas as I said, we will be able to be independent. Please have confidence. Now you can go down and start preparations."

As Ran Zhi said, the cadres began to disperse, and soon only Thom and Ran Zhi were left in the office.

"Wise man, how about we hide and go underground? I also know a secret underground facility. If we run away, there will be a chance in the future and we can try again!"

Ran Zhi laughed and turned around, looked at Tom, and then shook his head.

"You don't understand anything, Tom! After all, you were born at the top, and I was born at the bottom."

Ran Zhi said and started running with a crazy smile. His eyes were filled with excitement and he kept laughing wildly.

"Are you crazy, wise man?"

Tom roared angrily, and Ran Zhi slowly turned around, his eyes filled with bright red bloodshot eyes.

"Crazy? It can be said that this is a once-in-a-lifetime event and something I want to do once in my life. No matter what the result is, it doesn't matter anymore, doesn't it? Thom, I said it at the beginning, you will never You can’t understand the bottom layer, and you can’t know what evil is!”

Ran Zhi said, turned around and walked slowly. After a while, he came to the door of a room with a half-open door. He closed his eyes, opened the door and walked in. He quickly opened his eyes and haha Laughed loudly.

"As expected, Mr. X!"

This was originally the room where X was, but now there is no trace of In prison, he will live and die with the bottom, which is what Ran Zhi wants to see.

"This city will be destroyed, in the near future!"

Ran Zhi kept making some scary laughter and kept saying some words. To Tom at the door, these words sounded like nonsense. Ran Zhi had gone completely crazy.

Thom was hesitant at this time. Even if he could escape, where to escape was another problem, because there was no place for him to stay. What was the point of living in this city?

"Are you thinking about the meaning of life, Tom?"

Ran Zhi suddenly turned around, still looking crazy. Thom nodded without avoiding Ran Zhi's eyes.

"The meaning of living is very important to each of us, especially in the last moments. Why are we alive and what is the purpose of everything we have experienced in the past? Each of us needs to find the answer. It is a pity for Thom, because You have never looked for this answer from the beginning, and when you arrive at this terminal, you will not see anything."

Thom turned around and walked slowly. He didn't want to die. This was the most real thought in his heart. Now Thom planned to take advantage of the chaos to escape from here while waiting for Congress to act, and ran to that safe facility. Hide and talk about it later.

Looking at Tom walking further and further away, Ran Zhi shook his head.

"If you can't find the answer, you're just a corpse Tom!"

Ran Zhi said, and Thom stopped. Thom's thoughts have been completely seen by Ran Zhi. He has always followed arrangements since he was a child, constantly being arranged, and constantly executing orders.

"If you want to get a glimpse of some answers, you can stay and see what the final outcome of this crazy feast is. Maybe you can see the answer that belongs to you!"

Tom stopped, turned around hesitantly, and looked at Ran Zhi, who looked crazy.

However, at this time, Ran Zhi had turned around and started walking. He quickly entered the house and closed the door.

Tom quickly chased after him, and soon opened the door of the room. At this time, Ran Zhi had disappeared. Tom's eyes widened, and he looked at the circular Ouroboros pattern in front of him in disbelief. The aperture emitted faint particles of light, and he shouted in shock.

"Where are you, wise man?"

The halo of Ouroboros in front of him was disappearing little by little, until it was all gone, and the shadow of the wise man could no longer be found.

Tom looked around with a horrified expression, then turned around and ran out, shouting loudly.

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