Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1887 Wings Niya is cheap! (middle)

Chapter 1887 Wings. Niya. Cheap! (middle)

5 days ago

January 4, 2230

Early morning 9

Niya yawned and completed the last round of construction site patrol. A large run-down area in the lively area of ​​District 111 was bought by a businessman from the upper level and was to be demolished and rebuilt. But the petty theft incident in District 111 Too many, and there was an incident in which the company's bodyguard was almost beaten to death.

So this construction company sent an application to Lightning Skull, hoping that they could send some powerful mutants to help guard the construction site. Finally, Nia, Eric, Chen An and Sissy came over, and the company was a little dissatisfied. .

However, the doubts about the working ability of the four people were quickly dispelled. Niya and the four of them were patrolling 24 hours a day. Except for the construction during the day, there was no need to watch. At night, basically four people were responsible for the construction of nearly 2 square kilometers. Everything on earth is safe.

When this project first started, this upper-level construction company was constantly harassed by gangs of all sizes, and construction workers were often beaten.

Niya and the others have been here for almost three months, and these things have completely disappeared. Not long ago, Niya and the others beat up a large local gang and sent more than 100 people to the hospital.

Now no one dares to cause trouble at this construction site. Niya yawned. Although she was a little sleepy, she was hungry now. She still planned to go out to get something to eat, have a drink and then come back to sleep.

Niya had just walked into the work shed, and Sissi had just gotten up at this time.

"You lazy idiot, you should have gotten up at 7 o'clock."

Sissi was wiping her cheeks, and Niya sat casually on the bed.

"Doing this and that all day long, you want to get married in a hurry?"

Niya smiled and took out a cigarette, lit it and leaned on the bed comfortably.

"I want you to take care of it. Also, look at your skin. It's already so rough and dry. You have such a beautiful face. If you don't protect it now, it will be too late later."

Sissi said and walked to Niya's side, took the cigarette butt from Niya's mouth, and directly pulled Niya over.

"What are you doing."

Sissi took a towel and wiped it directly on Niya's cheek, and then brought over a bottle of hydrating liquid.

"I don't do these things, get out of the way, I'm going out to drink."

"I'll accompany you when it's done. Eric and Chen An will be in charge today. Let's have a leisurely day."

Under Sissi's half-hearted push, Niya performed a full set of facial care. Her originally dry skin looked much more hydrated. Then the two of them left the work shed and planned to eat barbecue.

Although it was a little inappropriate to eat barbecue at this time, as long as there was wine and meat, the two of them could eat all afternoon.

After the two left the construction site, they headed towards a barbecue restaurant that the four of them frequented. The street on the ground floor was still as chaotic as ever. Pedestrians on the road did not obey any traffic rules at all and often crossed the road. And because most cars are equipped with AI and have emergency braking systems, many people are not afraid of being hit by a car at all.

Early in the morning, I heard some drivers angrily lowering their car windows and sticking their heads out, angrily cursing those who crossed in front of their cars, including adults and children.

Shoe shine boys carrying small wooden boxes on their backs on the streets are a sight to behold at the bottom of the street. This primitive shoe shine industry was only seen in the past, and is almost invisible to the middle and upper classes, because almost all the people in the middle and upper classes wear They are clothes, shoes and pants made of light and shadow materials. You only need to find a place to put them into the light and shadow bracelet, and all the dirt on them will naturally fall off.

Most of the clothes now do not need to be washed. Only on the ground floor can you still see clothes hanging out on the balconies or rooftops of every household. The ground floor is still the same as in the past. The only change is that the security has become much worse.

Niya has basically been at the bottom these years. The only advantage of being here is that she doesn't have to care about other people's eyes. It's more free and warm here.

The relationship between neighbors is usually better on the ground floor. Along the way, you can see people from many shops gathering together to chat from time to time when there is no business.

"Damn it! You're looking for death, little bastard."

At this time, accompanied by a burst of curses and the sound of broken objects, a man with a tattoo on the back of his hand violently kicked a shoe shine boy away, trampling on his shoe shine box. For a moment, this only The 10-year-old boy was so frightened that he was at a loss. The man stretched out his leather shoes.

"My shoes are light brown. If you use brown shoe polish on me, are you tired of living?"

The man wiped it with paper angrily, but the shoes were already worn. There were people around who wanted to persuade him, but after noticing the jagged tattoo on the man's hand, they did not dare to do so. Everyone knew that this man was Gao Jin's subordinate. , I didn’t dare to dissuade him at all, for fear of causing trouble.

"Forget it, he's still a child."

An old man couldn't stand it. As soon as he walked over, the man roughly grabbed his collar and pushed him away.

"I bought this pair of shoes for 200 yuan. You are looking for death."

The man walked over angrily. The teenage boy was so frightened that he didn't dare to move at all.


The man who was about to take action yelled, and a cigarette butt hit his cheek directly. Sparks flew everywhere, and the man covered his mouth.

"Damn it, who's not afraid of death!"

Niya stared fiercely at the man in front of her.

"Get out of the way, blocking my way."

The man immediately raised his fists and planned to take action, but at this time, several men around him hurriedly grabbed the man. After one of them said something in the man's ear, the man broke away angrily and rushed directly towards Niya.

"Fuck, I don't give a shit about lightning skulls!"


Niya punched the man in the nose unceremoniously. With a bang, the man hit a car on the street. No one present even saw how Niya punched the man. He pinched his nose and howled in pain.

Niya walked over step by step and kicked the man on the side of the head. The man looked at him in horror.

"Aren't you convinced?"

The man shook his head in horror, and Niya took out 200 yuan from her pocket and threw it to the man.

"Don't cause trouble for that kid, or I'll let you know how to use your fists."

Niya said, turning around and looking at the subordinates, and then glanced at the trampled shoeshine box on the ground.

"Pay it to him!"

Niya said and several people looked at each other, and Niya walked over step by step.

"Don't you understand what I'm saying?"

Niya roughly pulled a man over. Immediately, several other people hurriedly took out their money, handed it to the child on the ground, and then pulled the man who was holding his nose by the car.

"It's broken, my nose is broken, you"

Under Niya's glare, the other party left in despair.

"It's too harsh."

Sissi smiled awkwardly, and Niya glanced at the boy on the ground, then walked over and pulled him up.

"what's your name?"


The boy came back to his senses at this time. Niya patted the dust on his body, then patted his head and said.

"If you don't want to be bullied, just exercise."

The boy stared at Niya who was leaving. At this time, several friends came over to help the boy clean up the shoe shine box that was trampled to pieces.

"Wu Nan, why don't you ask that sister to help you."

The boy named Wu Nan lowered his head, but in the end he nodded and followed quickly.

"Getting into trouble."

Sissi said as she glanced at the boy following her, and Niya smiled.

"It's none of my business, hurry up, I'm already so hungry that I can't stand it anymore."

The two ran directly into the barbecue restaurant, and the boss immediately greeted them politely.

Sissi glanced at the boy leaning outside the store, and occasionally looked in. There were too many such children on the ground floor, and he wanted Niya to help.

Niya didn't plan to take care of it. He knew very well that if she helped the child now, it would indeed make him feel better, but it might be hell for the child next. She didn't plan to take care of it just now, but she finally took action. .

"You really shouldn't care."

Niya scratched her head, not knowing what to do. The child named Wu Nan outside looked at her expectantly from time to time.

"Don't worry about him, let's drink and eat meat."

Niya knows very well that she is not strong enough to solve everything, and even if she reaches that point, she cannot touch everything.

Many people at the bottom need help, and there are many such people. Niya cannot control them one by one. If she does, it will be endless. She can only lend a hand to help when she sees her, but this is not the best way to accept help. For readers, sometimes it is not good.

Niya and the others will be able to go back in a few days. The construction site has basically completed the first phase of construction, and there is no need to spend too much energy on care. If the guy Niya beat up today comes back to cause trouble for the child, Niya There is no way to be there.

A similar thing happened before. Niya helped a person who was bullied by gang members. At that time, Olivia had already told Niya to leave it alone. Niya didn't listen. But by chance, Niya saw it. There was news that the man saved by Niya was beaten to death by gang members. The angry Niya rushed over immediately.

However, no matter how Niya beat the group, the fact was that the man was dead. After this incident, Niya realized how powerless and insignificant she was.

Half-hearted kindness will kill others. Niya beat the gang almost to death. This incident caused a big fuss at the time, but it was calmed down. This is what Gene said at the time. Niya has been since that incident. After the incident passed, I thought about many things. I couldn't be like a child who would never grow up. I had to recognize the reality clearly.

Sissi could see that Niya was caught up in the memories of last year's incident again. She knew that the incident had a great impact on Niya. Although it was not Niya's fault, the man was indeed saved by Niya. After that, he was later killed by the gang members in retaliation.

If everyone hadn't pulled Niya that night, he would have killed someone. Niya's incident also served as a warning to the entire guild. Helping others at will may bring about bad consequences. If you cannot effectively manage some events at the moment, the results may be very bad.

By 11 o'clock, the two of them were already a little drunk. They planned to go back to the dormitory directly and sleep until night.

The boy named Wu Nan was still at the door of the store. Niya didn't want to pay attention to him. As soon as the two of them walked out of the store, Wu Nan came over.

"Thank you, sister."

Wu Nan said awkwardly, and Niya smiled.

"Go home quickly."

Niya was just about to leave when Wu Nan suddenly ran over and still stood in front of Niya.

"Sister, can you help me?"

Niya took out a cigarette, looked at Wu Nan drunkenly, lit it and bit it in her mouth.

"I'm not free, go away kid."

Wu Nan did not step aside, but insisted on standing in front of Niya. Sissi smiled and took out some money from her pocket and handed it over.

"Little brother, take this money and buy some delicious food for your family."

Wu Nan did not get out of the way or take the money in Qian Qian's hand, but continued to stand in front of Niya.

"Sister, you are very powerful, can you help me?"

Wu Nan lowered his head sincerely, but Niya walked past him and pressed Wu Nan's head with one hand.

"Kid, I helped you today? What about tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow?"

Wu Nan seemed to understand what Niya meant, but he still stood reservedly in front of Niya.

"Help my sister, we really can't hold on anymore, we really can't hold on anymore."

Niya smiled bitterly, and then exhaled a puff of smoke. Sissi kept winking at Niya, hoping that Niya would leave quickly. It was easy to get rid of this child. If the two of them speed up, this child would definitely chase her. Not available.

Niya quietly bit her cigarette and kept puffing out. The child in front of her still lowered her head and prayed for help. Niya didn't know what to do for a while. Sissi grabbed Niya's arm. She wanted to pull Niya away, but Niya didn't move at all. Sissi sighed helplessly.

"Sister, I really can't help it. If I were a little older and had some strength to do some work, it would be no problem, but now I'm still too young and don't have much strength."

Niya closed her eyes silently, and then said with a smile.

"Come on, kid, what do you want from me?"

Wu Nan hurriedly thanked Wu Nan, and then Niya and Qian Qian followed Wu Nan. The three of them kept walking towards the edge area. A somewhat unpleasant smell hit their nostrils, and Niya realized that Wu Nan was Living in a smelly area.

Along the way, Niya saw many children and old people. Their somewhat indifferent eyes and some hostility in their eyes made Niya uncomfortable.

Niya didn't know what exactly this kid named Wu Nan planned to ask her to help him. It didn't seem to be a simple matter of money.

The narrow, dirty and dilapidated streets, the stench in the air, Niya has been to the stinking area more than once. For some reason, the number of people in the stinking area seems to have increased a lot, and some people seem to be sick, and they can be seen from time to time. Coughing could be heard.

Niya only remembered that there were only some homeless people living in the stench area in the past, but for some reason, there were a lot more people in the stench area now.

After entering a narrow alley with domestic garbage piled everywhere, Niya saw the door of a dilapidated old house with a small yard not far away open.

At this time, children's voices sounded, and some children seemed to be shouting something. More and more people came closer at this time. Niya and Sissi looked at it unclearly, and Wu Nan led Niya into the yard.

"Dad, Dad is saved."

Wu Nan shouted as soon as he entered the yard, and many people followed him. Niya looked at these people with eyes filled with expectation for some reason, and some middle-aged and old people walked in, including some children. .

At this time, Niya saw a pale man lying on a shabby bed in a room inside. He looked like he had some disease. Next to him was a woman with dry and yellow skin. She helped her She looked at the man and asked him to get up from the bed. The moment she lifted the quilt, Niya looked at the man's two legs in shock. They were bent to varying degrees, but they had already been shaped. It was obvious that they had been interrupted. , did not receive treatment and is now completely disabled.

The woman supporting the man next to her looked pretty, but she looked very haggard.

More and more people entered the yard. At this time, with the sound of discussion, many people recognized Niya. They were the people from the Lightning Skeleton Mutant Guild who had beaten up Bonan's group before.

"Sister, just help us and help us get our land deeds back."

Niya became confused, and then an old man stood up.

"You two, sit down first and we'll talk slowly."

After Niya and Sissi sat down, they looked at the people in the yard with confusion. Some people even climbed to the wall, and some climbed to the roof. Hundreds of people surrounded them.

The old man slowly narrated that the people who lived here temporarily were all residents of the construction site where Niya and the others were currently stationed. Starting more than a year ago, some local officials and councilors came to lobby the residents to let them We need to hand over the houses for the time being, and the area needs to coordinate the planning and construction, and promise to compensate some residents, and they need to move out temporarily.

At that time, Wu Nan’s father firmly disagreed. In the end, even though most people agreed, Wu Nan’s father still disagreed because he felt that everyone would definitely be cheated. Wu Nan’s father was an ordinary worker, and he tried his best to dissuade some People who had already received money and received some wonderful promises, however, everyone did not listen to Wu Nan's father.

As a result, most of the people moved away, but Wunan's family still did not move out. Then one night, a group of people broke into Wunan's home and directly broke Wunan's father's legs. At that time, Wunan's father would rather die. Refusing to hand over the contract, the three of them were eventually taken to a place. After much torture, Wu Nan's father finally handed over the land deed and signed the contract, and they were released.

After that, they reported the case, but the case is still under investigation. It has been delayed for eight or nine months, and there has been no result. But everyone knows that it was done by Bonan's group, but the business department doesn't care at all, and Bonan's group has now taken everyone's land deeds and is cooperating with upper-level businessmen. A guy named Wise Man has given them some advice. The best way now is to hire mutants to get the land deeds back.

Because the contract they signed with those lobbying gang members did not exist at all. That kind of contract was just for them to hand over the land deed honestly. With some operations, the contract they signed would become a land sale contract, and It is not a cooperation contract.

The residents who realized all this were crying without tears. They once went to ask for an explanation, but the result they got was the same as the wise man said. Their houses had been sold to businessmen and it was impossible to get them back.

The reason why the construction site is being harassed is because another gang wants a share of the pie. Both gangs are targeting this place. Not everyone's land deeds are in the hands of Bonan's gang, and some The land deed is in the hands of Gao Jin and his gang.

Once it is newly built, that area will be the most economically prosperous area in District 111, and it will be a place where endless money can be made, which is why the two gangs have been having so much friction recently.

Looking at the pleading eyes, Niya smoked silently, and the old man who spoke had already started crying. They had gone to the administrative department and the councilors many times, but the other party promised every time that they would investigate and deal with it. , but the result is far away. Now the first phase of the construction period has ended. Once it is officially put into operation, the land title will be changed to the businessmen's, and then the area will really not be back.

Niya didn't know what to say. Sissi laughed awkwardly and pulled Niya hard, hoping that Niya would refuse because this was not a small problem. Besides, it was the residents who took the initiative to sign the contract in the first place. The title deed is issued.

"None of us have much money. We know that hiring you mutants to do such dangerous things requires a lot of money."

At this time, Wu Nan hurriedly took a box from his father's side, and then brought it to Niya and Sissi. After opening the box, there was a lot of money in it, just a few cents. There were a lot of them, and there were many things to see. They were all wrinkled, with only a few denominations of a few yuan, tens of yuan, or a hundred yuan.

"There are more than 4,000 yuan here, you two. I hope you can help. Just help us steal the land deed. We really have no choice."

Wu Nan's father started coughing and wheezing as he spoke, while his wife wiped her tears aside.

Niya looked at the banknotes and was a little dazed for a moment. Many people were waiting for Niya's answer. Niya also knew that the land deeds were in paper form in the past. They should have logged into the parliamentary system, but as long as they took the paper The land deed, coupled with the fact that the fake contract that most people were deceived into signing does not exist, as long as they get the land deed back, the people here can negotiate terms with the businessmen.

Niya now finally understands why some workers in this construction site have never been attacked, while some workers have been attacked. It turns out that the place has been completely taken over by those two groups, and the land deed is now in their hands. Here, they are naturally qualified to negotiate some conditions with businessmen.

At this time, Wu Nan came over and threw the 50 yuan in his pocket that the gang members compensated him with Niya's help today into the money box.

"Sister, the reason why I came to you is because you helped me. You are a very nice person. We have found many mutants, but they all thought the price was too low and refused to help us at all. You are so powerful, you can definitely steal Arrived."

Seeing Niya unmoved, some people started to come over one after another, took out some money and threw it in. Gradually, more and more people took money or some valuable things and threw them into the box. inside.

Niya smiled bitterly. If she really helped them, the two gangs would be furious, and they would not have a good life at all.

Niya stood up, Wu Nan immediately pulled Niya and said.

"Sister, although we have very little money, you can help us. When I grow up and make money, I will definitely return the rest to you."

"Me too."

"Me too, sister, please help us."

Niya watched the children come over one after another, and some old people were also saying nice things, but she still didn't move, just stared at everything around her quietly, and suddenly Niya made a gesture towards Sissi. With a glance, the two people suddenly hunched over, jumped directly to the roof with two whooshing sounds, and then quickly ran away into the distance, leaving only a bunch of people in a daze.

"I thought you were going to help them. Really, this matter is not a trivial matter. For their own good, it would be better if we don't do anything. At most, you can go to some higher-ups to help them respond to this matter. Someone from the business department will investigate."

Niya laughed and shook her head.

"It's such a cheap job, just don't accept it."

Sissi could tell that Nia was feeling a little uncomfortable. After the two returned to the street, Sissi patted Nia on the shoulder.

"Hurry up and call the senior management of that department. Don't you know a lot of people?"

Niya lit a cigarette and smiled helplessly.

"There's no point even calling them."

Niya thought of Jean, but immediately dismissed such thoughts from her mind, because Niya knew very well that if the fundamental problem was not solved, after this time, such a thing would still happen in this place next time, even if Two gangs have been taken down, and there are other new gangs waiting to come up.

"Let's go back and have a good sleep."

At 9 o'clock in the morning on January 14, 2230, Niya just got up from the bed in a hotel, looking at the moving figure in front of her in a daze, and the aroma of food wafted towards her.

"Olivia, why did you come here?"

Niya looked with some surprise at Olivia who was sitting on the sofa not far away, looking at the light and shadow screen, and the breakfast on the table, which was a bowl of hot porridge and two eggs.

"Why can't I come over? If such a big thing happened, why don't you tell me, the vice-president? If you do this, if a big problem occurs, our entire guild will take the blame."

Nia made a sound and turned her head, and Olivia sighed.

"Do you still remember what everyone said that night when we established this guild?"

Nia hummed, and Olivia stood up and walked over.

"We will never shake our fists for cheap stuff!"

Nia tilted her head.

"I understand, how many people came here?"

Olivia giggled.

"Everyone is ready for battle!"

Nia's eyes widened in shock, looking at Olivia in disbelief.

"You idiots!"

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