Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1888 Wings Niya is cheap! (Down)

Chapter 1888: Wings. Niya. Cheap! (Down)


Xiong Dabiao put a bone into his mouth and started chewing it, making a clicking sound. The others stared at him with slightly frowned brows. This was a remote small restaurant filled with Lightning Skeleton people. After receiving Chen An's notice, I came here early this morning.

"Niya, that idiot, doesn't use his brain every time he does things."

Xiong Dabiao laughed loudly, and the person next to him immediately said.

"You are the same, Guild Master. You two are the two most idiots in the guild. You just wear the same pair of pants."

Several planners in the guild have already begun to discuss plans. Niya will go to Bonan at 7 o'clock tonight, and now they have no idea where those land deeds were placed by these two groups, and who they are. According to the fake contract signed with the residents before, there were only about 10 people in the restaurant and more than 20 people in the guild went out to find out the news.

Once some information is collected, a plan will begin to be drawn up. Niya, Chen An, Sissi and Eric will arrive as scheduled to negotiate with Bonan and the others, while the others will be responsible for getting the contract and this This is the most direct method to obtain criminal evidence from the two groups, and it must also avoid the local law enforcement agencies.

Judging from the current situation, it is certain that the relationship between the two gangs, the executive branch and the parliamentarians is very close. If there is only a slight disturbance, their plan will not only fail, but may even be blamed. crime.

Many people in the guild have suffered such losses. They obviously did good things, but were arrested in the end. In the past, everyone was not used to thinking about the causes and consequences and acted wantonly. As a result, they suffered a lot of losses. In addition, As for the vicious incident that happened to Niya last year, everyone knew that either we didn't do it or we had to uproot it.

Now Niya will not use the surname Angus no matter where she goes. She only uses her first name. Coupled with the constant exposure to wind and sun, and her rough and masculine personality, most people who don’t know Niya don’t know Niya. Will recognize Niya.

Niya has also been arrested several times, and was released on bail each time. Because of some of the things Niya did, the local law enforcement department does not intend to pursue them, because if they are pursued, they will also be in trouble.


The door of the restaurant was pushed open, and Nia and Olivia walked in.

"Niya, you idiot, luckily Chen An notified us, otherwise it would have been on the news when we found out."

A female member said as soon as she entered the door. Nia scratched her head, and Olivia behind her pushed Nia.

"Sorry, I asked you all to come over. When it's over, I'll buy you a drink."

Everyone present laughed. Niya sat in front of Xiong Dabiao. Xiong Dabiao took out a bottle of wine from the box at his feet and handed it to Niya. After Niya took it, she took a big sip and wiped it off. Wipe the corners of your mouth.

"By the way, Niya, you are going to contact Bonan. You must have thought about what you want to do early in the morning. Let's talk about what you want to do first!"

Niya looked at the friends at the table next to her and nodded with a smile. She would take the initiative to contact Bonan because she knew that Bonan would usually be in that pub.

"Actually, at first I wanted to take the opportunity to attack, kidnap the guy and beat him up so he would hand over the contract. But then I didn't expect that guy to take the initiative to find me. I just wanted to wait until tonight when they negotiate, How about I kidnap two of their groups and make them hand over the land deeds, it’s a very simple method!”

For a moment, everyone in the restaurant stared at Niya dumbfounded, Xiong Dabiao laughed, and Olivia pressed her forehead.

"You figured it out with your toes, right? If it's so simple, it will cause uproar in the city and eventually involve the Angus family."

Niya smiled, and she also knew that such a simple method, although risky, was feasible. As long as the leaders on both sides were restrained in an instant, and then kidnapped, they would have a chance to hand over the land deeds.

"Such a plan won't work. You idiot, think more about the current situation. If we have a conflict with the business department, it will be us who will be unfavorable. Think carefully with your stone head. Since they can deceive those When residents sign a contract, there must be a contract that is both tempting and legally binding for them to sign. However, this contract is fake, and there is another land sale contract hidden in it, and they Don’t you think the amount of compensation is suspicious?”

Niya scratched her head.

"I didn't ask."

Olivia looked at Nia in disbelief. At this time, Nia noticed a cardboard box placed in the restaurant. She immediately got up and walked over. After opening it, it turned out that it was the money that the previous residents had collected for Nia.

"I went to investigate early this morning, around 6 o'clock."

Olivia said, pointing to the box.

"Although we won't shake our fists for cheap things, at least they have to pay the money."

Nia hummed. She couldn't plan a plan as carefully as Olivia. The only way she could think of was to beat those guys up and get the land deed back.

"After I inquired in detail about the compensation situation in the area under construction, I found that they all compensated the residents based on the average land sales price in District 111, which is 100 yuan per square meter. And the land price in that place, if based on the surrounding area, Considering the business environment, at least one square meter costs 1,000 yuan, and most residents only received less than 10,000 yuan. The reason why they signed the contract readily is because in the contract, if this place generates value in the future, every A household can receive dividends based on their head count, and most of the residents who believed in them have not yet seen the receipt of the contract, because they are saying that it is still being reviewed and approved. It is these simple things that have delayed the time until now. , what do you think this is for?”

Nia scratched her head. She was not good at things that were too detailed. Olivia brought up a light and shadow screen with a legal regulation on it.

"Can you just say it? You're not playing a guessing game."

Nia muttered, and Olivia gave her a vicious look.

"We'll wait until everyone in the guild comes back. You guys come with me. I have to look at the map of this area accurately. You guys are responsible for memorizing it."

A few people with better memories followed. If we don't make all preparations in advance, if something goes wrong then, everyone will be in trouble.

It was past 11 o'clock when all 37 people from the Lightning Skull Guild gathered together. The restaurant had been directly rented by Xiong Dabiao. After everyone entered the restaurant, Olivia sent a few people to stare around. Others gathered together, some cooking and others helping.

"Okay, now I'll explain things clearly to everyone!"

On a large light and shadow screen, Olivia has listed many points that everyone needs to pay attention to, as well as some relevant legal regulations.

"Sometimes the law can be our weapon, but sometimes it can become our enemy. Everyone should remember it clearly. Before taking action, you must at least have a specific impression in your mind. Don't touch the law then. We are the ones asking for the problems."

Olivia posted a formal employment contract, and the amount of employment was confidential. The contract was that the original residents of that area hired the Lightning Skeleton Guild to help them investigate the incident, and after finding the evidence, they took back the Fraudulent title deeds.

The client is Wu Huan, and the city allows the Mutant Guild to help the client investigate these crime-related matters, as long as reasonable and legal evidence is provided when the time comes.

"Use your heads to remember it clearly. During the investigation, you must have an image recorder. Keep these things on me."

Olivia said as she took out a small thing that was only about the size of a fingernail and looked like a brooch. This was the image recorder.

"When taking action, you can only take action when you are attacked by others. Never take action rashly."

Olivia explained each detail as she spoke, and the members who were cooking and the members who were on guard outside had already known these things, but many people present still had only a partial understanding.

"There is only one thing we need to do tonight. Helping them get the land deed is the key, but while getting the land deed, we must also find criminal evidence of them and the businessmen. These two organizations are very cunning and want to It is difficult to find evidence, but as long as everyone pays attention, there is no problem. When Niya and you arrive at the negotiation site, you must find a way to hold back the leaders on both sides. Usually, it is difficult to reach a consensus in such negotiations at one time. It takes at least two people. times or even more negotiations.”

Seeing Niya and Xiong Dabiao's playful faces, Olivia shouted angrily.

"Niya, do you hear me clearly?"

Niya raised her hands and Xiong Dabiao smiled awkwardly.

"Actually, I don't think it's necessary to make it so troublesome. We have a large number of people now. We just need to catch the key figures of the two gangs and beat them up."

Olivia gritted her teeth and smiled, clapped her hand on the table, and continued talking.

"This is the first time that our union has solved such a big problem. We need to rely on this incident to make our name in the city. This is also the key point. If we just continue to make such a small fuss, then we What is the purpose and original intention of its establishment? Please think carefully about what we are shaking our fists for. It is not for things like money and rights! We only shake our fists for those who are powerless. In the chaotic underground, there is no such thing as Any order, and we want to be the underground order.”

Everyone's expressions became serious. Everyone had already reached a consensus on this point. Everyone was serious. No one thought that building an underground order was a joke.

It must at least have a certain deterrent effect on some gang members, because the acting department is no longer reliable.

Olivia continued to talk, and everyone listened attentively to all the details of tonight's action.

3:29 pm

Gao Jin was looking at the list of members of the group emblem, choosing the people to negotiate with him tonight. He was a little distressed. Although he thought about killing Bonan tonight, he started to retreat again. This morning the local 5 Officer Ke Ke has already called and asked him not to cause trouble, because the construction in that area has just ended. If Bonan dies tonight, there will be trouble.

There are only more than 10 mutants in the gang, but their standards are not very good. For safety reasons, Gao Jin has hired two S-class mutants as his bodyguards this morning.

At this time, Gao Jin was a little upset. He was still waiting for the wise man to come over, hoping that the wise man could continue to give him some advice.

Finally, the door to the room was pushed open, and Ran Zhi walked in with a smile, took off his hat, handed it to Gao Jin's subordinates, and sat on the sofa after walking in.

"It was Bonan who told the local officer what you are going to negotiate tonight!"

Ran Zhi's words made Gao Jin stand up angrily. He had obviously agreed with Bonan to negotiate in private.

"That bastard!"

Ran Zhi laughed.

"This plan can only be cancelled, so I think if we can't reach an agreement, we can only resolve it through a one-on-one fight. The loser has nothing to say. Under the witness of both of you, you and Bonan will have a one-on-one fight. "

Gao Jin swallowed. Although he was tall and powerful, he was just an ordinary person, and Bonan was a mutant. There was no way he could defeat him.

"Of course, you can discuss with the other party that you can choose mutants in the organization to fight with him, or he can choose ordinary people in the organization to fight with you. After all, this is more fair, and the other party will most likely agree."

Gao Jin hummed, but still felt a little uneasy.

"Master Wise Man, you probably went to Bonan's side too, right?"

Ran Zhi shook his head.

"The method I taught you two at the beginning, and the number of land deeds you got in the end, it was obvious that you had more than 100 more land deeds than him, so you won, and I will only stand on the side of the winner."

Gao Jin nodded repeatedly.

Then he stood up and said.

"Put some of your men on standby for me tonight. If any problems arise, I will help you correct them."

Gao Jin nodded in belief, and then called a confidant in and asked him to find a few smarter people to follow Ran Zhi's instructions.

"Next time is the time to take action, but you must make an agreement with him. It must be a private duel, and it must be in front of the subordinates of both sides."

Ran Zhi then stood up and walked out of the room, and Gao Jin's confidants followed.

Now all he had to do was wait for things to start. Gao Jin began to patiently choose his men.

6:58 pm

Niya finished her meal and put down her plate. At this time, the door of the tavern was pushed open, and Bonan came in with a few men. He walked towards Niya and the four of them with a smile, and gave Niya and the others 2,000 yuan, Niya put down the plate after accepting it.

"I'll spare your trouble tonight."

Bonan said with a smile, and Niya hummed, and after making eye contact with the other three people, they followed out. However, Bonan still sent people to search the bodies of the four of them, and checked with electronic equipment to ensure that they were not filmed. After installing the equipment, he took the four people into the car.

"It's four of them. If a fight breaks out tonight, then..."

"As agreed, we are only responsible for protecting your safety and nothing else."

Bonan was embarrassed for a moment. There was a reason why he asked the Lightning Skeletons to follow him. It was not only because of their skills, but also because the Lightning Skeletons were a regular mutant guild. In this underground world, They were outsiders, and he had received a tip. Gao Jin was looking for people from a thug mutant guild in the underground world.

Bonan has always been very careful. If there is a problem tonight, Gao Jin will not dare to do anything rashly. After all, there are outsiders present, and there are rumors that the Lightning Skeleton Guild has a good relationship with the Business Department, because they have many times He made trouble, but in the end it was all over, and he was easily released.

After the car wandered on the street for a while, it immediately approached the dark and dilapidated original quarry at the edge. Niya smiled.

"Can't you make an appointment to talk in a brighter place?"

The car stopped before it even approached the quarry.

"You have to walk next time."

After Bonan got out of the car, the men in the car behind him also got out. There were nearly 50 of them, most of whom had weapons such as sticks hidden deep inside. No one had a gun, because using a gun is a very serious crime in Bright City. Expelled.

Waves of whimpering sounded, and Niya kept staring at Bonan in front of her with a look of disgust. At this time, the lights lit up in an abandoned factory in the distance, and Bonan walked over with a smile.

"Why are you here so late? I've already played several games of cards with my men."

Gao Jin, who was sitting at a dilapidated table, stood up. The people on both sides stood farther away, looking at each other nervously. Only the bodyguards of both sides were present. At this time, Gao Jin was a little surprised. The four bodyguards brought by Bonan arrived and said with a sneer.

"It's really cheap. Why are you looking for D-class mutants?"

Niya gritted her teeth and stared at Gao Jin opposite, while the two bodyguards behind Gao Jin smiled contemptuously.

"The level of a mutant can only represent the degree of awakening of the mutant's alienated genes, not the actual combat effectiveness."

"Yeah, I heard before that a group of you were beaten up severely, right? Why are you starting to eat shit again now?"

Bonan chuckled.

"No one has trouble with money. Money can buy skill."

Sissi and Chen An kept pressing Niya because they knew that Niya would not be able to listen anymore.

The two of them went back and forth without any intention of talking about business.

"Are you here to mock each other or are you here to talk things over?"

Niya leaned over and asked.

"If we don't talk about it, I'll go back to sleep."

Bonan felt a little embarrassed, while Gao Jin smiled and shook his head.

"Some of the properties on South Street were originally mine, but what do you mean by doing this now?"

"The road faces the sky on each side. Do I still need your approval for what I want to do?"

The two began to argue again, and Eric breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the two would not end the negotiations in the short term. Xiong Dabiao and the others should have already started to take action.


Bang bang

Following two noises, the two attackers were knocked down by Xiong Dabiao. There were sounds of fighting outside, but the sound of fighting soon disappeared. Everyone in the room was knocked down. Xiong Dabiao and the others were knocked down. He was rummaging through some things at Gao Jin's house, but no matter what, he even broke open several safes. Except for money and some normal contracts, he still couldn't find the land deed.

"No, what should I do?"

Xiong Dabiao contacted Olivia who was in Bonan.

"Don't be anxious, look for it slowly."

Everyone in the huge house was desperately searching upstairs and downstairs, but found nothing. Olivia put down the phone and looked at a man on the ground holding his stomach in pain.

"Tell me, where is the thing?"

"Sister, I really don't know. What land deed are you talking about? We have never seen that thing. The boss and the others sent their henchmen to deal with it."

Several of Bonan's men who were beaten said this. They seemed to really have no idea where Bonan and the others hid the land deeds, and nothing related to the crime was found anywhere.

All those who entered were veiled, and Olivia knew very well that if no evidence could be found, their situation would be dire.

"I hope idiot Niya won't be impulsive and retreat temporarily."

At this moment, in a house located near Gao Jin's residence and company, Ran Zhi smiled slightly.

"Hurry up and give the residents the contracts I told you before, and then give them a sum of money to shut their mouths. At the same time, notify the guys over in Bonan that this problem must be solved first, otherwise You're all screwed."

Gao Jin's confidants realized the seriousness of the problem. He turned around and took out his phone, asking his subordinates who had been waiting to take action.

Ran Zhi shook his head helplessly.

"It's right to be prepared. Andur, Thom, you two, move quickly, find the right moment to notify the people in the business department directly, follow these guys, then report the crime, and arrest them in one fell swoop."

Andur and Tom appeared in the darkness, and Andur looked solemn.

"Nia Angus!"

Whenever this name is mentioned, Andur will always feel inexplicable discomfort, and a sense of fear rises from the bottom of his heart. The tragic scene that night will emerge. They are all combat troops of the Hillman family, and they have been together. It has been more than twenty years, and some of Andur's friends are also there, as well as people he has trained by himself, including his own son.

"Don't do anything impulsively, Andur. After all, if you really plan to go find that little girl, my plan will definitely fail."

The two left quickly. Ran Zhi smiled helplessly, picked up the tea on the table and took a sip.

"You are really cute when you are young."

8:03 pm


Along with a violent collision, Gao Jin's eyes widened as he watched the S-class mutant he hired being easily knocked to the ground by a guy named Eric from the opposite side, unable to get up again.

Bonan whimpered and shook his head.

"I really don't know where the land deed is. I don't know what you are talking about. Stop hitting me. If you hit me again, I will die. Niya, I will give you how much you want."

Gao Jin kept swallowing. Most of the men next to him had fallen down, and the others did not dare to take action. These four people suddenly took action, and within a few minutes they had been subdued.

"Haha, big brother, me"


Eric directly pressed Gao Jin's head and hit it on the table. Gao Jin immediately cried out with blood flowing out. Sissi and Chen An felt uneasy at this time.

"Then just go die."

Niya grabbed Bonan's hair angrily and dragged him out. Bonan screamed in horror, followed by Gao Jin who was dragged by Eric's arm. Both of them were dragged On the edge of the ravine.

"Tell me where the land deed is. If you don't tell me, I will push you down."

Eric threatened, and now he can only use this simple and crude method.

However, at this time, a lot of lights suddenly lit up in the outer area, and there was even a lift approaching here. Niya scratched her head irritably.

"It's over now."

Sissi almost cried.

After a while, hundreds of people from Section 5 came over, and soon Niya and the other three were lying on the ground with their heads in their hands and were arrested.


After Niya and the other three people recorded their confessions, they were taken to the underground detention room. Niya laughed out loud as soon as she entered. Everyone in the Lightning Skeleton was sitting or lying down in a large cell. He looked at Niya and the others being brought in with a solemn expression.

"It seems that the plan failed. If I had listened to my plan, it would have succeeded long ago."

Olivia was puzzled. How could such a careful plan fail, and nothing could be found? This made Olivia very strange. The two gangs were obviously guilty of crimes, but there was no trace of their location. No clues can be found.

"Okay, just say a few words."

As Xiong Dabiao said, everyone fell silent. Olivia felt extremely ashamed and lowered her head.

"I'm sorry everyone, because of my relationship, we may be charged with illegal investigation, violent injury, and breaking into private homes. Niya, you are more likely to be charged with violent threats to personal safety."

Niya scratched her head angrily.

"Why were you caught so easily? Why didn't you run away?"

Olivia laughed.

"If we run away, we will be charged with escaping after committing a crime."

At this time, everyone involuntarily looked at Niya. Everyone knew very well that this time they could only rely on Niya's relationship, otherwise they would all go to jail.

"I know. I will call my old man and my old man. My family can still afford the bail. Anyway, I am thick-skinned."

A bunch of people laughed helplessly, and at this moment Olivia felt that something was wrong. It was like a trap that had been prepared in advance. As long as someone investigated these things, the investigating person would fall into it. In this pit.

"Who is the wise man?"

When Olivia went to ask the residents before, she also heard them say that it was the wise men who told them that they had been cheated. Olivia keenly felt that some things at the bottom may have something to do with the wise men. These gangs The gang members are also a bit too smart, but this does not exist among the gang members Olivia has seen over the years.

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