Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1886 Winged Niya is cheap (Part 1)

Chapter 1886 Wings. Niya. Cheap! (Part 1)

"Hahaha! I'm very unhappy today. It won't be that simple tonight."

A fierce-looking man looked angrily at a frightened man who was pinned down on the bar. Several of his men had already beaten the man up, and there were a lot of broken glass on the ground.

The man was the leader of a small gang, holding a sexy and voluptuous woman in his arms. The woman leaned against him with a smile, and at a large table in the tavern in the distance, a businessman with a look of fear was sitting.

"You guys, if you want to make a fuss outside, let's discuss business here."

A man opposite the businessman immediately yelled, and the fierce-looking man opposite him immediately nodded and looked this way.

"I got it, Boss Bonan."

"Mr. Zhou, please rest assured. The situation here is very good. If you do business here, as long as you have our help, we guarantee that you can do business safely throughout the year."

The businessman surnamed Zhou immediately laughed, nodded, and then planned to sign a contract with this group of people. However, at this moment, the door of the tavern was pushed open.

"Boss, bring some wine and some food. I'm hungry."

A loud voice sounded, and many people in the tavern looked at the door for a while. Three people walked in. The eye-catching skull and tattoos surrounding lightning on the arm of the leading woman made many people immediately look away, especially It was the leader who had just beaten the man in the tavern. He seemed to be stunned immediately and did not dare to look at the woman opposite.

"Hey, Niya! I heard recently that you have received a good job. It has been completed. Let's leave tomorrow!"

"When I leave is none of your business!"

Bonan smiled awkwardly. At this time, the middle-level businessman opposite also noticed that after this woman and two other men walked in, the atmosphere in the store changed in an instant. These gang members became like kittens. , I didn’t dare to say a word, and I felt cautious when I spoke.

"Boss Bonan, who is that woman?"

Bonan smiled and shook his head.

"it's nothing!"

The businessman looked at this strong and beautiful woman with some confusion. She seemed to behave quite boldly. The businessman had heard about the Lightning Skull Mutant Guild, but it was obvious that these gang members were quite afraid of this group. people.

At this time, the beaten man also stood up and planned to run away. The little boss grabbed the man angrily, but soon he let go of his hand and opened the wine bottle. Gai crossed the little leader's hand accurately.

"You have to be merciful and merciful, otherwise I will be punished tonight. You know what a fist is!"


Niya's fists clenched loudly. The little boss could only laugh and leave with his men. The man also thanked him profusely and left the tavern.

January 9, 2230 at 9:13 pm

Most people who have just celebrated the New Year have already started to get involved in work, and Niya and the Lightning Skull are no exception. Before the New Year, they received a construction site caretaker job, led by Niya, Eric, Sissi and Chen An and the other two were in charge, while Sissi was guarding the construction site alone. Niya and the other three went out to buy food and wine.

"I will make an agreement with you later. You have to come back after drinking for a while. Don't let me drink until midnight."

Eric said and Nia nodded in disgust.

"Hurry up and give me something to eat. After you finish eating, bring food to Sissi first. Chen An and I will come over after having a drink. You can come out to drink by then. It won't be past 0 o'clock."

Eric looked at Niya suspiciously. Next to him, the taller and fairer Chen An laughed.

"Eric, this is a chance to be alone with Sissy, or..."

Eric became anxious for a moment and shouted urgently.

After Niya took a sip of wine, she held up a finger, and a light red particle appeared on the tip of her finger. She still couldn't break through to S level. Niya was very upset. The alienated gene is different from other people in the guild, and it grows slowly. However, in terms of actual combat, Niya has become stronger and stronger, and can at least rank 10th among the Lightning Skeletons.

Currently, none of the members of the Lightning Skull have taken the mutant grading exam. All members are still D-level. This is a task given to all of them by Rose. If all members cannot meet Rose's requirements, no one will Qualified to take the mutant grading exam.

Only less than 5 people in the entire Lightning Skull have met Rose's requirements, and Nia herself has not met it. There is just one thing that Nia does better than others. Nia's reaction speed is the best in the entire guild.

Soon after the food was served, Eric started eating with big mouthfuls, while Niya and Chen An drank wine leisurely. In less than 10 minutes, Eric finished eating and ran to the bar to ask the boss to hurry up. Takeaway food is brought out.

In less than 20 minutes, Eric left with Sissy's food. Niya burst out laughing. Chen An shook her head helplessly. After the two took another sip, they talked and laughed while drinking. At this time, Bonan, who was still discussing business with the businessman at the big table, glanced at Niya with a vague look.

As the negotiation with the businessman was over, Bonan immediately ordered his men to entertain the businessman well, and he stood up, then walked to the bar, brought a bunch of wine and came next to Niya and the others.

"How about a drink Nya."

Niya glanced at Bonan, and then nodded. After Bonan sat down, he gave it to Niya and Chen An with a smile, and then had a drink with the two of them. Bonan and Chen An had just come here to work. Niya and the others had a dispute, and Niya and the others beat up their men. Bonan was so angry that he led his men to beat Niya and the others.

However, in the end, Bonan was punched by Niya, causing him to roll and slide on the street for more than ten meters and enter the hospital. Only then did Bonan realize that these people were untouchable.

"Niya, I have a business here, how about you help me?"

Bonan said, Niya exhaled a puff of smoke, looked at Bonan and asked.

"We don't want to do any of your bad things and we don't want to do them."

Bonan said with a smile.

"It's not a big deal, it's just that we have to discuss business with some guys in the next few days, and we'll ask you to act as bodyguards then, okay?"

Nia thought for a moment and then laughed.

"How about 1,000 yuan per person!"

Bonan continued, just when Chen An wanted to refuse, Niya agreed.

"Okay, except for guarding, I won't do anything else."

Bonan immediately thanked her profusely, took out the cash from his pocket, gave Niya 2,000 yuan as a deposit, and agreed to meet at the tavern at 7 pm five days later. After speaking, he left with his men. .

"What are you doing with those people? Don't you know what they do?"

Chen An said dissatisfiedly, and Niya laughed.

"I don't care what they do, but if we know what they do by then, we can take action, right?"

For a moment, Chen An seemed to understand what Niya wanted to do, nodded immediately, and then picked up the phone.

"I'd better inform Dabiao and the others in case the time comes."

Niya put out the cigarette butt and held Chen An's hand.

"For such a small matter, there is no need to notify those idiots. I can handle it by myself."

Niya probably knows what Bonan and the others want to do. District 111 has not been peaceful recently. Bonan and the others have been in constant conflict with another organization. The two sides are competing for many industries in this district, especially the street cleaning work. The two groups have made a lot of money, including the repair and maintenance of some street facilities, as well as some gambling, special service industries, loan sharking and other industries. The two groups have also begun to have disputes because of their interests.

Niya has seen too much in the past few years. The situation at the bottom has become chaotic. The administrative department has no ability to solve it all. Not only does it not solve it, but it also colludes with the local gang members.

The incident that happened at the bottom last year gave many people a brief glimpse of hope. Most of the gang members were arrested and convicted, and some members of the administrative department were dismissed and convicted on the spot. However, the good times did not last long and had just passed. In less than two months, something at the bottom began to revive again. Some of the arrested gang members and some important figures were gradually released, while some unimportant people resisted some charges.

Niya even saw some clerks and some vendors charging so-called management fees on the street. In the past, it might have been more subtle, but now it has become blatant.

Niya also realized recently that leaving the 5 subjects in Tamai's hands when her sister left was perhaps the most failed decision in her life. The city's economy has indeed improved, but the city's public security is in chaos. All kinds of weeds are growing wildly all over the city, and Xingke has lost the control it once had.

In this chaotic situation, many young people with a little ability will go to the middle and upper classes and escape from the bottom. What is left at the bottom are only those who cannot leave, and these people who cannot leave have become the life of the gang members. Money tools, as well as local councilors and clerks to climb the ladder.

The situation at the middle level is much better than that at the bottom. What Niya doesn't understand is that the only thing Tamay did well is that he didn't let the 5th branch become one after another different factions or small groups. The candidates will be quickly assigned to some executive positions at the middle level, so the current situation at the middle level is very good.

Many of those incompetent clerks were assigned to the lower levels. In Niya's view, this was unreasonable. At the same time, it was tantamount to abandoning the lower levels. In order to ensure the overall economy of the city, all bad things were pushed away. Come to the ground floor.

In fact, all departments do this. In Niya's opinion, all this is very unreasonable. In today's administrative departments, many people are unwilling to go to the bottom. Everyone calls the bottom floor a garbage dump. Once they fall into the garbage dump, , it is difficult to climb back. You can only take turns switching back and forth in the garbage dump on the bottom floor, but you cannot return to the middle floor.

Other subjects are fine, but the situation in subjects 5 is particularly serious. However, nowadays, all departments are pursuing meritocracy as a whole. Those with ability will go up, and those without ability will fall behind.

In Niya's opinion, most of the officers at the bottom are just idlers. Apart from eating and drinking every day, and telling gang members not to cause trouble, they basically do nothing.

The same goes for most of the lower-level congressmen. They only think about money and using money to consolidate their status as congressmen. However, in this era of chaos and corruption, the economy has begun to grow rapidly. In just two years, the economy has begun to grow rapidly. In the past year, a series of economic chain reactions triggered by the collapse of the Hillman family have been almost eliminated.

Niya is not the stupid person who couldn't think in the past. Now Niya has become able to think about things. This is what Niya discovered recently. She can easily figure out a problem when she thinks about it. In the past, she just thought about economic rights. When waiting for complex problems, my head feels like it's in knots, and I don't know how to think about some of these things at all.

But now Niya realizes that she has been looking at the peak of money and power in the past, and what she has seen has penetrated deep into her bones. Niya only needs to use her brain a little, and she can see it very clearly, from childhood to the next. .

The knowledge has been effectively transformed into the raw material for Niya's thinking. This change also caught other people in the Lightning Skull Guild a little off guard. When Niya clearly stated some of the connections between the bottom, middle and upper levels, everyone was shocked.

However, although Niya can already think, she can only do what she can for everything in front of her, but cannot do more.

At this time, several men walked into the tavern. They looked helpless, as if they had encountered some major changes.

"Hey, if I had known earlier, I wouldn't have borrowed money. Now I'm in trouble. I have to pay off the debt in a few days. What should I do?"

"You said you would definitely win something tonight. Hey, now it's better."

Niya stared at these people sideways and understood immediately. They borrowed loan sharks and then went to the casino to win money. In the end, they lost everything. Niya had seen this kind of thing countless times, but she would never go there. No matter, because these people asked for it.

As long as you don't touch these things, it's not difficult to live at the bottom. Although gang members will bully ordinary people, they have a certain standard. This standard is not to make ordinary people's lives difficult. Those who change the law want to make life difficult. Gang members who can't live a good life for ordinary people are already sitting in jail.

At this time, with the sound of footsteps, a few men had just sat down, and a group of people rushed in from the tavern. Immediately, the four men looked at the group of people who came in in horror.

"Damn it, you bastards, I told you from the beginning that the money I lent you can only be used for business. It's good for you. You lost it all right away. Are you going to pay with your life?"

The owner of the tavern frowned slightly and pointed outside.

"If you go out and break something, you'll have to pay for it."

However, the leader of the gang seemed to be furious. He went over to grab a man and slapped him several times. His subordinates went directly to grab the other three men and pushed them to the ground and beat them. The four men begged for mercy again and again until The leader stopped after being beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was bleeding.

"You must pay back the money within a week, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."


The leader angrily smashed a bottle of wine on the ground, causing broken glass to fly.

Chen An looked solemnly at Niya who was pressing her head. A piece of glass hit the back of Niya's head. She looked angrily at the group of laughing gang members behind her. Chen An wanted to stop her, but was quickly Quickly sighed.

"Did you hear that clearly?"

As soon as the leader finished speaking, a hand was placed on his head.

"Fuck, who the hell dares?"

The leader's head was twisted and turned by a huge force, as if his head was caught in an iron vise.

"I don't care what you do. You just broke something and the glass hit my head."

The leader furiously smashed the place with his fists, and people all around him came up for a while. However, soon a bunch of people screamed and were beaten out of the tavern one after another. In less than two minutes, Niya could only He held the leader's head in his hands and lifted him in the air.

"Spare your life, spare your life"

"Apologise, bastard, huh? Apologize."

The leader immediately said sorry again and again, and Niya let go of his hand. At this time, the four men who were beaten by the gang members looked at Niya gratefully. Niya took out a cigarette, bit it, lit it, and exhaled a puff of smoke. .

"You brought it upon yourself. You don't need to thank me. If you want to thank me, just thank this idiot for smashing the bottle. The glass hit my mother! That's all."

Niya said as she walked over, picked up the wine, drank it, and left the pub with Chen An.

"What on earth are you planning to do Nya!"

Niya let out a long puff of smoke. Their negotiations will not be easy in the next few days. It depends on their attitude. If their attitude is not good, I will give them a good beating.

Chen An realized that Niya did it on purpose. The reason why he took over Bonan's job was just to go to the negotiation site and find a reason to give the opposite group a lesson.

The people from another big gang in this area intentionally or unintentionally avoided Niya and the others, trying not to conflict with Niya and the others.

"You are really a genius at causing trouble."

Chen An knew that things would not be peaceful in a few days, and Niya would definitely make a big fuss. Niya was now very thick-skinned and would not care about anything at all. No one could stop her from doing what she wanted to do. live.

11:09 pm

A strong man sat quietly at the table, and some of his subordinates were counting some banknotes. Many of the ultrasound films looked very dirty, some had damage, and some even had blood stains.


Ran Zhi smiled and took a sip of water pipe, and the tall leader sitting on the table opposite smiled and stood up and said.

"Master Wise, thank you for your help, but I have to negotiate with that bastard Bonan in a few days. Can you please give us some advice?"

The man's name is Gao Jin, and he is the leader of one of the two major gangs in District 111. Unknowingly, Gao Jin seized the opportunity to win in the competition between large and small gangs in just three years, and the same The winner was Bonan. The two gangs quickly took control of most of the business in the area and became prosperous. However, both gangs wanted more.

Frictions and collisions often occur on some business issues. I don’t know how many times there have been small conflicts, but it has never caused a big problem, because people on both sides know that if a big problem arises, it will There is big trouble, so this time Gao Jin hopes to have a good talk with Bonan about business planning issues.

"Either eat others or be eaten by others. Once you give in, you will lose every step of the way."

As soon as Ran Zhi finished speaking, Gao Jin understood. He stood up and sat over.

"So, wise man, what do you think we should do?"

"Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared! What do you think the local officials want?"

Gao Jin thought for a while and then said.

"Of course it's money."

Ran Zhi shook his head with a smile, coughed a few times, and exhaled a puff of thick smoke.


Gao Jin vaguely understood what Ran Zhi meant, but he hesitated.

"It's not good to do this!"

"You have caused a lot of disputes in the past few months. MPs and guest officials should have talked to you frequently, but the problem still exists."

Gao Jin hummed.

"Arrange everything, all you need is money. If you just want to negotiate peacefully with the other party, then it means there is no negotiation, because the other party will not give in, but will you give in?"

Gao Jin's expression became a little solemn, and then he waved his hand, and the men in the room temporarily stopped what they were doing and left the room.

"Master Wise, what you mean is that you will not stop doing anything until you do it!"

Gao Jin showed a fierce look, and Ran Zhi nodded.

"Only those who are determined can achieve things. If you hesitate, you will not achieve anything."

"Then we have to ask the wise man to give us an idea."

As Gao Jin spoke, he stood up and walked to the table, brought a stack of money over and placed it in front of the wise man. The wise man picked up the banknotes, took a look at them, put them on the table, and pushed them in front of Gao Jin.

"Isn't that too little, wise man?"

Ran Zhi shook his head.

"It's just a pile of paper, to me."

Gao Jin swallowed a sip and looked at Ran Zhi, who had excited eyes and bloodshot eyes, and felt extremely terrifying. Every time he talked to this guy, Gao Jin always felt a sense of fear.

The rumors about the wise man at the bottom are also very strange. He has no interest in money, women and rights at all. He only helps many people with suggestions and solves some problems.

Such a person seems a little out of place in a world like the bottom.

"Let's get things done tonight and negotiate with the key people. They should be very happy. Then we just need to hide the incident of internal gang fighting."

Gao Jin hummed and was about to get up when he thought of something.

"By the way, Mr. Wise, there is a little thing. I hope you can help us with our plan. There have been a few thorn-headed and lightning-skeleton gangs coming to the area recently."

Ran Zhi looked at Gao Jin with a solemn expression.

"They beat up Bonan's group before. They are indeed very powerful. They provoked me a while ago. I was wondering, Master Wise, do you know any powerful mutants there? Introduce a few to me. I want to teach you a lesson."

"It's better not to get involved with that group of people!"

Ran Zhi didn't say anything, turned around and walked away. Now the guys from the Lightning Skeleton were a thorn in Ran Zhi's side, and he didn't dare to do anything, especially to Niya who dared to act recklessly, knowing her situation. People dare not do anything, because if something happens to her, the business department will turn the entire city upside down.

Regarding Niya's problem, Ran Zhi has also considered it. It is not the time yet. He must wait until the time is right before using this chess piece to achieve his own goals.

After leaving the gang's location, Ran Zhi walked into an alley, and Andur and Thom came over.

"Let's go to the next district. Our kingdom is still 10 to 20 years away. Another kingdom's founder is about to be released from prison!"

Ran Zhi grinned slightly and walked slowly.


Eric and Sissi looked at Nia in disbelief. Nia was lying on the bed in the work shed, chewing a cigarette and looking at the astonished two people with a smile.

"You idiot, we will finish work the day after tomorrow, and you are causing us big trouble again."

Eric looked at Chen An dissatisfied, and Chen An waved his hand helplessly.

"I persuaded her."

Niya got up from the bed, and then looked at the three of them.

"If you want to do it, do it thoroughly. Didn't I say that from the beginning!"

Niya said, clenching her fists and raising them.

"In this chaotic era, fists are the most powerful. Those bastards from the Business Department don't care about the life and death of the people here. What have you seen in the past few months here!"

Niya said as she walked towards the three of them and looked at them blankly.

"What did we see in the past?"

Eric sighed and smiled helplessly.

"We get it, you idiot!"

Niya smiled, biting her cigarette butt, and walked towards the door of the shed, and the three of them followed.

"Niya, we can't mess around this time. After all, we may be arrested."

Niya laughed.

"Of course, I am no longer the person I used to be, and neither are you."

Eric quickly walked out of the work shed, then scratched his head.

"I'll be running around in the next few days, so you guys should watch carefully."

Sissi hummed, "I will take advantage of the break to check out the place where they are negotiating in advance." Chen An sighed.

"Let this become big news. After all, it is difficult to change anything with our own strength."

Niya exhaled a puff of smoke.

"That's fine, but don't notify other people. After all, this is a matter between the four of us. Don't involve other guys."

Niya has been in this area for almost three months. Many things in the area are very familiar, and many chaos are not noticed at all. If they just come to work, Niya and others can go back after the work is over. But the situation here will only remain chaotic, and many people will only become poorer and poorer due to the influence of these gang members.

"The reason why you did that is because of that family!"

Eric asked and Nia nodded.

"Idiot, I'm not shaking my fist for cheap stuff!"

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