Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1866 The Day of Crying (Part 2)

The breeze was caressing, Gene was lying quietly on a rooftop full of sunlight, his hat covering his cheeks, and he always kept a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Have you thought of anything happy?"

Mo Xiaolan, who was resting his chin on his hands, asked, and Gene shook his head.

"I think you are still too childish."

Mo Xiaolan curled her lips. She and Jean had just dealt with the matter of an underground casino. It was not just about underground gambling. Some women who were trapped in it already had mental problems when they were rescued. Those who couldn't afford it were A woman with gambling debts can only become a slave in that underground casino, and according to the boss's explanation, this underground casino has just been opened less than half a year ago.

Mo Xiaolan was very angry and beat the boss so hard that he passed out and was sent directly to the hospital. Only then did Gene hold Mo Xiaolan back.

The two of them are still handling some cases in the city, and there seem to be too many cases to handle every day, and they always keep popping up like weeds that grow wildly after the rain.

"Aren't you going to take a look?"

Mo Xiaolan asked, and Gene asked in return.

"What are you looking at!"

Mo Xiaolan didn't say anything anymore. She knew that Jean felt uncomfortable too. Nearly 30,000 people will be expelled today. This is just the beginning. A large number of citizen levels are still dropping. When they drop to 0 , basically just waiting to be evicted.

Having the constraints of citizen class is a great benefit for many businessmen and bosses, because they can always lower wages when recruiting workers. After all, most people can't find jobs now.

"When will it end?"

Mo Xiaolan asked, and Gene stood up and opened a light and shadow panel.

"I think this case can be concluded. Let's go. Now is a good time."

As Jean said, Mo Xiaolan reluctantly walked over and lay on Jean's back. Jean carried her and quickly jumped towards the distance.

"Aren't you bored Gene?"

Gene didn't nod or shake his head.

"Hurry up and start working, stop talking nonsense!"

Mo Xiaolan slapped Gene on the cheek, and then he could only bring up a light and shadow screen, started to check, and began to mobilize nearby department personnel to assist in the arrest.

Mo Xiaolan glanced back at the Western Guard Station behind him. The eviction was about to begin there soon. The situation in the city was quite chaotic now, and many people were opposed to the eviction.

But the objection was invalid, because among those who were expelled, they had violated the law, so the expulsion law could take effect.

The deportation law is not without any room for discussion. There is a buffer period. The first rioters will not be deported as long as the riot does not cause too serious damage or commits crimes during the riot. This is Those who were expelled the first time were those captured in the second riot.

The chain reaction triggered by what Alpha did early last year involved those who participated in the riots, including those arrested for participating in the riots during the voting. Many of those expelled this time participated in the riots for the third time.

Regardless of whether this is rational or irrational, it is an established fact that they participated in the riots. Most of the demonstrators on the streets were reminding each other that some people who started to behave excessively, Congress has not done anything until now. response.

Normally Locke would have given a televised speech at this time, but it was already 9:20, but Locke said nothing. There was nothing on the Congress page except the deportation list announced yesterday and the instructions for execution at 10 this morning. .

Many television programs are still carrying out various explanations and debates. Many people want to wait and see whether Congress will issue a statement, but all this seems to many people to be in vain.

Xingyuan sat quietly on the balcony on the second floor of his home. In front of him, Peristan was watching the news with a serious expression. Xingyuan walked over and patted his shoulder comfortingly, then shook his head.

"It's too hasty."

Peristan said, looking at the news footage of the people who were about to be deported who had gathered at the guard station. Except for the heavy-duty criminals who were deported at the eastern guard station, who looked happier, the pictures in the other three guard stations You can see some poor people crying.

Xingyuan hummed. Peristan did not become the last person to vote. He did not withstand the pressure. The pressure in his heart finally cast his vote.

"Killing the chicken to scare the monkey will only continue to expand the disgust, instead of..."

Xingyuan turned around and walked away, and Peristan stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to go and take a good look. When I go to the scene, I have asked a friend in the field to pick me up by helicopter. Can you come with me, Mr. Perestan?"

Peristan shook his head and sat down angrily.

"Mr. Perestan, I feel like you've been complaining a lot lately!"

"Have it?"

As Peristan said, Xingyuan smiled and bowed slightly before standing up and walking. At this time, a burst of laughter came, and a beautiful woman carrying snacks came over. She was Peristan's wife and also the director of "Special Warfare". The heroine of "Zero".

"Oh, great writer, why are you leaving? Please stay a little longer!"

Xingyuan smiled and bowed and walked quickly. Xingyuan looked back when he was going downstairs. Both of them had expressions of disgust on their faces, but they didn't know it, and Peristan had been here too many times in the past few years. It's too heavy, and no one wants to support or listen to his seemingly ridiculous things.

Every time Xingyuan came over, he would listen carefully to Peristan's exposition of some of his ideas. However, just listening, too heavy an ideal, would one day crush him.

Xingyuan wanted to remind him, but gave up in the end. He also had lofty ideals like Peristan, but these ideals were just illusions and could not be realized. In such a realistic and unreasonable society, , one person's power can't do anything.

Because there is nothing that can shake the current system, Xingyuan has considered this problem countless times. Only when Alpha was there, he saw some hope, but it is a pity that everything is over now.

Xingyuan planned to watch all of this carefully. As a witness, the only thing Xingyuan could do was to put it all into words.

Soon Xingyuan arrived at the designated place. In a deserted alley, a lift had already been parked. Xingyuan walked over quickly. After the co-pilot's seat opened, a slender hand stretched out out.

"Move quickly."

"Thank you, Sister Wanrou."

Xingyuan sat in gratefully. Yu Wanrou smiled and nodded. She and Xingyuan had known each other a long time ago. They were very good friends. Yu Wanrou often invited Xingyuan to her home for dinner. Every time Locke was a bit arrogant, but Xingyuan soon became friends with Locke.

Xingyuan once asked Locke many questions, and Locke would answer them one by one seriously, but he never had any answers.

"Which guard station do you want to go to?"

"Go west!"

Xingyuan did not plan to go to the nearest eastern guard station. Those who were deported there were all serious criminals. They had no choice. The two western and southern guard stations were the places that best represented the city. Those who were deported were People are originally those who live on the fringes and at the bottom of the city.

"Why are you running all the way here? Your nerves are so delicate. You will probably feel uncomfortable for a while after seeing this!"

Yu Wanrou started the lift as she spoke, and Xingyuan shook her head.

"Although it will be uncomfortable, I want to see it with my own eyes."

"Just watch the TV show. There's no need to run all the way there."

Xingyuan smiled and closed his eyes. He didn't want to watch those programs with a strong argumentative nature, because there was nothing to argue about.

"By the way, Sister Wanrou, what do you think?"

"There's nothing to think about. Since there's no way to change this, I can only accept it!"

Xingyuan hummed, and Yu Wanrou sped up the speed of the lift. Soon, the lift was glowing with a red halo and sailed into the distance in an instant.


After Locke finished handing over the work, he turned around and started walking. Yin Xianglin would lead the directors to work, and she quickly chased them out.

"Do you want to take a break, Chief?"

Yin Xianglin asked. Locke shook his head. Looking at Locke's retreating back, Yin Xianglin bowed. She has changed recently and has become more serious about her work than before, whether it is black, white or gray. She can do all kinds of things, and she is no longer as repelled by them as she used to be, and she becomes more comfortable doing them.

Looking at the directors in the room who were discussing some things, Yin Xianglin leaned against the wall next to the door and looked at the ceiling tiredly.

"I have changed too! Maybe!"

Yin Xianglin no longer thinks about right and wrong. This may be the reason why she feels that she has changed. It will evolve into this just because of Alpha's letter to herself. Yin Xianglin has wanted to ask Alpha countless times why he gave it to her. Such a letter, but Yin Xianglin knew that she would not tell her, and she might not be able to know Alpha's true thoughts for the rest of her life.

Locke walked out of the elevator and walked slowly to his private rest area. After returning to the room, Locke sat at the office desk feeling a little lost and confused. He covered his face with his hands tiredly.

"When can I retire?"

Locke said distressedly, but soon he laughed and took out a letter from his pocket. Locke put the letter on the table. It was a paper letter and it was about being arrested in Alpha. Later, it was handed over by Tamai personally. Locke had read this letter countless times.

"It's true!"

Locke carefully put away the letter, and then brought up a light and shadow panel. Opinion polls from all over the country were clearly displayed on the panel. This time, they were almost unanimously opposed to this large-scale deportation. This was because the majority of Some people are aware of the danger, and maybe it will be their turn next.

The expulsion law has taken effect and no one can reverse it. Locke meditated quietly. If he was given another chance, he would never sit in this seat.

It's not because I can no longer bear the pressure, but because I haven't been able to do anything in these years. From the management of the previous era to now, I am still doing the same things as before.

There were obviously countless opportunities to turn everything around, but in the end everyone chose lies to cover up everything.

Locke opened four light and shadow screens, which were images from the four guard stations. He clasped his hands and looked at the situation in the guard station with his chin. Except for the eastern guard station, the other three guard stations seemed a bit chaotic. Those who did not want to be expelled were still crying to the administrative staff and visiting reporters.

"What on earth did we do!"

Locke pressed his forehead in annoyance. The expulsion was finally decided after several major riots after the vote last year.

The buffer implementation period lasted for eight months. Unfortunately, many people still turned a deaf ear to the decision issued by Congress. Locke returned to his original seriousness. He heard footsteps and the door to the room was opened.


Yin Xianglin hurried in and Locke looked over.

"There's a problem at the mine!"

Locke frowned slightly. After Yin Xianglin ran over, he quickly adjusted a light and shadow panel. The situation had been reported back. Due to dissatisfaction with wages, the person in charge of the Seymour Mine had a conflict with the workers, which ended in bloodshed. , and the person in charge was also kidnapped. Currently, people from Section 3 and Section 5 have been sent to deal with it, and the situation is not optimistic.

The workers who kidnapped the person in charge were mutants. Locke lowered his head. Today was obviously chaotic enough, but something like this happened.


"Tama'i has passed."

Locke Jiahui hummed, and then Yin Xianglin turned off the light and shadow screen, walked to Locke Jiahui, pointed to some documents on the screen and said.

"Manager, just leave these to me."

Locke Jiahui stood up and looked at Yin Xianglin's serious look. He thought for a moment and then nodded.

"Please, Xiang Rin."

Yin Xianglin hummed, and after Locke handed the documents to her, she turned and left the room. Locke looked at the closed door quietly, thoughtfully.

"What on earth are you doing, Mr. Jean!"

Jean has rarely come to the General Affairs Department recently. Locke had heard some recent rumors about Jean. He was running around the city, conducting some criminal investigations. Locke originally thought that Jean would come over today, but he has already I haven't talked to Gene in a long time.

Locke really wants to have a good talk with Jean. Regarding some of the current issues, he plans to find an opportunity for the section chiefs to come over for a meeting to discuss the current issues together. These issues that have been extended by the fall of the Hillman family are needed. It can only be solved with the cooperation of all departments.

"Are you really planning to let go, Mr. Jean?"

Locke asked again, then he leaned back tiredly and closed his eyes.

9:49 am

Tamai looked at the mine in front of him. A large number of workers gathered around the facilities in the mine. Workers all covered in black gathered together, and chaotic sounds came to his face.

Surrounded by people from Section 3 and Section 5, Tamai stared quietly, and then he walked slowly, followed by several team captains and director officers.

Tamai sat on the elevator and slowly entered the mine. As soon as he got down, he was greeted by an overwhelming roar. Tamai already knew the situation. The workers in this mine have been tortured for three consecutive months in the past three months. Some wages were deducted under various pretexts, and eventually the workers' dissatisfaction broke out, triggering riots.

"What do you want?"

Tamai did not let the special operations team of Section 3 carry out the attack, but planned to come down to negotiate in person.

All kinds of voices came out, but Tamai had already heard it. They only had one demand, which was to make up for the deduction of wages and increase wages.

The salary of 600 yuan a month is indeed very low. Even mutants can only get a salary of 800 yuan. This has made many people dissatisfied. The salary here was originally in the thousands, but now it has been reduced by almost half. Here The boss also deducted some workers' wages under various pretexts.

"On behalf of the company's boss, I can agree to your demands, make up for the salary deductions, and increase everyone's salary by 200 yuan."

The shouts gradually became quieter, and Tamai approached step by step. Then he immediately brought up a light and shadow panel with a contract on it. Then Tamai enlarged the light and shadow screen, and the workers watched quietly. The content in the contract is the same as Tamai said.

"I have already negotiated with the boss of the company. As long as everyone signs this contract, you can get the money immediately, and you can get a salary increase starting from this month."

At this time, the eyes of some workers softened, and many even laughed.

"Please release the hostages immediately."

As Tamai spoke, many workers stepped aside. The team leaders behind him immediately opened their own light and shadow screens, found some places, and called the workers to sign the contract. Tamai walked into the residential area, and soon Soon, a large number of members of Section 3 and Section 5 came down. In less than 5 minutes, the matter was resolved. They found the person in charge who had been beaten and the other mine managers.

Tamai knew exactly what was going on. The salary approved by the company was more than 1,000, but after it was rolled into their hands and distributed to the workers, it was nearly half less.

"Lord Tamai, I"

Just as the dying factory manager was about to speak, Tamai said with a look of disgust.

"There has to be a limit. If this happens again next time, I will definitely send you to prison."

The person in charge looked at Tamai in horror, and soon Tamai determined which workers were taking the lead in making trouble.

"Catch them all and expel them all today."

"Sir, what crime have we committed?"

More than a dozen workers had been arrested, including several mutants. Tamai glanced at the time and it was exactly 9:55.

"You have violated the deportation law and are suspected of leading large-scale riots. You will be deported immediately without trial!"

For a moment, the expressions of the workers who were still queuing around showed fear. Tamai did not listen to the shouts of the workers behind him, but turned around and walked slowly.

The situation in the mine is still not optimistic. Once the production capacity of this mine stops, it will have an impact on many industries in the city. Now everything must be stabilized. If workers compromise every time they make trouble, the situation will only be As things get worse, Tamai plans to interview everyone in charge of the mine.

A female director looked at the workers who were being taken away. She felt a little uneasy, but when she saw the indifferent and joyful looks of other workers who participated in the riot, the female director put away the helplessness on her face and walked quickly walked over.

More than a dozen workers cried, but they were still taken up. Tamai returned to the top of the mine and watched as the workers entered the mine one after another. It would not take a few hours for the place to start operating again. .

Although making such a decision makes Tamai feel a little uncomfortable, now the economy must be restored as soon as possible. Only a stable economy can create a stable society.

If everyone has no food to eat, the situation will only get worse. Tamayi has seen too many things in the past year. He even saw a lot when he was a grassroots officer. As long as everyone has a hard time, there will definitely be problems if there is a backlog of things for a long time.

And Tamai also knows what this will cause. The crime rate, which has been almost suppressed, has begun to rise, and a hotbed of crime has begun to brew. However, if the economy is not improved, the situation will only get worse.

Crimes can be dealt with later, and with the deportation law in place, the prison will not be too overcrowded.

Tamai, who returned to the lift, stared blankly at the dark sky in the distance. He didn't know whether this was right or wrong, but now there was only this way. In the past few months of interacting with the businessmen, The economy of many middle-level areas has begun to improve, and businessmen are also willing to follow Tamai's suggestions and carry out economic activities in some areas.

In three to five years at most, the city's economy will improve again. This is what Tamai has conceived and has also talked with other section chiefs.

But during this period, something must be abandoned. Tamai knew very well that if this step could not be achieved and the city continued to decline, the consequences would be very serious. The gods also personally discussed some things with Tamai. That's why Tamai can do it freely.

In addition, the most fatal point is that the current production capacity of 12 subjects is no longer available. It will take some time to recover. Although Tamayi suggested Ye Chunwang to use mechanization, which can effectively increase production capacity. But this will result in 100,000 people unable to find any jobs and increase the burden on 11 subjects.

Tamai plans to talk to the family next. After all, the family has hoarded a lot of food over the years. Tamai plans to let the family sell the food at a price higher than the market price. To Sanlian Company.

Now Sanlian Company has signed a contract with Congress to increase the production of liquid food, supply liquid food to the barrier area and provide liquid food to the citizens.

Tamai has been actively doing everything he can in the past few months, and now other departments are assisting Section 7 in implementing the electronic currency policy, but it is not fully implemented, but waiting for an opportunity when Tamayi After Ma Yi solves most of the problems, he will fully implement electronic currency, and then a lot of refrigerated black gold will be exposed.

The policy in the next 5 to 10 years will basically not change much, and more newborns will be born. However, at this stage, it is necessary to ensure that newborns can grow up normally and healthily, which requires a large amount of funds. .

If the city wants to usher in a more glorious era, it must start from now on to open up childbirth, because a new round of aging society is coming.

Tamai started the take-off and flew towards the northwest. He planned to return directly to the headquarters of Section 5. Riots in various parts of the city are still continuing. Today Tamai has issued a strict order and has issued it. Anyone who dares to cause a riot will be expelled.

This strict order seemed to have had a certain effect. The riots in many places had ended. Tamai looked at the dark place in the distance, glanced at the time, and the evictions had already begun.

10 o'clock sharp

The sounds in the city had begun to subside, and as the gates of the four guard stations opened, the first batch of deportees began to walk through the gates.

At the gate of the Eastern Guard Station, the heavy-duty criminals who were lining up to go out were carrying large and small bags, walked up to the members of Section 11 on both sides, and removed their collars.

Immediately, many heavy-duty criminals cheered and rushed to the bridge. Many of them had very obvious marks on their necks. The light only reached the middle part of the bridge. A heavy-duty criminal ran ecstatically, and he headed towards He ran past where the light faded.

"I am free!"

The heavy criminal crossed the place where the light disappeared, raised his hands in joy and cheered. He was the first heavy criminal to step into the darkness, but at this time the heavy criminal started to cry, and there was a trace of blood on his cheeks. With tears streaming down her face, she cried and laughed and cheered and ran.

More and more heavy-duty criminals crossed the light and entered the dark barrier area. The biting cold wind came to face them. Many heavy-duty criminals pulled up their hoods and masks, wrapping themselves tightly. strict.

"I said, what are you doing?"

A man looked at the first serious criminal who ran to the bridge. He turned his back to everyone, but at this time everyone saw that he was crying silently, and the excitement just now had disappeared.

"There's nothing here!"

All the heavy-duty criminals who originally had joyful expressions on their faces fell silent at this time.

"We can't go back."

one of the criminals muttered.

The man standing at the front pulled his backpack, and then stepped into the frozen soil. He silently lowered his head and walked into the wind. Many people followed him one after another, but not many people. They would unconsciously look back at the guard station under the sun behind them, as well as the bright sun in the distance.

There were bursts of crying on the bridge, but it was only a small sound. It was quickly drowned in the howling of the wind, but gradually the crying became more and more loud, as if the bridge was crying, and people kept crossing it. The light disappears into the darkness.

The people who entered the frozen soil soon dispersed in different directions. This land, which is relatively unfamiliar to many people, will always only have darkness and cold wind, and nothing else.

There are just some dilapidated buildings left over from past humans, one dilapidated town after another, and garbage flying all over the sky. There is always a pungent metallic smell in the wind.

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