Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1867 The Day of Crying (Part 2)


At the gate of the Western Guard Station, there were bursts of crying and many people begging, but they were still thrown onto the bridge mercilessly. A large number of Section 3 members holding weapons urged them to leave quickly.

Some people who were unwilling to leave sat helplessly on the ground and cried. The reporters stared blankly at the scene in front of them, unable to say anything. There was also a petite figure in the team, who looked like a child, wrapped up. Yan Yan Shi Shi, a slightly older boy held the child.

The team moved very slowly, and someone was already discussing it, but it was useless to say anything now. A reporter ran over, took out a box of unopened candies from his pocket, and handed it over.

Tianhen didn't wait for the person next to him to reach out for it, so he stretched out his hand to take it and immediately gave it to his sister.


The female reporter covered her mouth and sobbed silently. At this time, a woman's exclamation appeared on the bridge. Everyone looked over. A man climbed up the guardrail, and then he threw the backpack behind him. Come down.

Tian Hen stared blankly at the man in front of him who was standing on the guardrail and took off his coat. He jumped down without any hesitation. Suddenly, there were shouts of exclamation, and several members of Section 3 who were driving these deportees stopped. In order to drive away, everyone looked at the place where the man jumped in shock.

Many people couldn't say a word, because they saw someone climbing up again, and some strong people directly picked up the supplies on the ground. Tian Hen squeezed through with all his strength, pulling his sister and walking quickly.

Everything is unknown when going out. Tianhen knows very well that he and his sister are very weak. Once they go out, they must find a place to hide and adapt to everything in the barrier area. Only then can they survive. Now they can survive more. If you get some supplies, you will have one more chance of survival.

Many people have begun to follow suit, throwing away everything they had on them, climbing onto the guardrail, and jumping into the ravine.

Tian Hen covered his sister's eyes with one hand, and ran over with quick eyes and hands, picked up the supplies of a woman who had just jumped, carried them on his back with force, and pulled his sister to walk quickly, with three people on his shoulders. The backpack was very heavy, and Tian Hen was almost at his limit, but he had to go.

Tian Hen did not look at the people who jumped down. Some people had already begun to grab those people's supplies. Tian Hen pulled his sister across the middle of the bridge. He was the first group of people to cross over. Some people had already turned back. , planning to wait for someone to jump down and then pick up supplies.

Tianhen pulled his sister into the frozen soil, and then said.

"Tian Ai, you have to walk by yourself next time. My brother can't carry you for the time being."

Tian Ai nodded sensibly. Tian Hen glanced back at the guard station behind him, and then walked quickly. The nearly 70 kilograms of supplies on his body had already made Tian Hen miserable. Fortunately, he had done it in the agricultural department in the past. several years.


All the major TV stations in the city have ended their coverage of the eviction. Many people who are still watching the program are silent. The riots on some streets have completely subsided.

Many people were silent. Only two hours had passed since the large-scale protest that started at 8 o'clock this morning went from being huge to being silent now.

There was a mess on a street on the ground floor. A small-scale riot broke out here, but it was quickly calmed down. The local regional officer did not report it because it was suppressed in just 10 minutes. .

A bar whose store had been destroyed was in a mess. The one-eyed fox was lying quietly on the ground, covered in blood. He was dying and looked at the destroyed bar and Weiss lying next to him. The people under his hands were already dead. Disappeared.

After the plan failed a few days ago, he continued to lose money and suffered vicious retaliation. The one-eyed fox smiled and took advantage of the commotion to rush into his bar. The other party had some high-level mutations. Man, the one-eyed fox had no room to fight back and was tortured severely.


There was a sound of footsteps, and the one-eyed fox wiped the blood on his forehead, turned his head and saw the wise man and his bodyguard walking in.

"Did you expect that?"

Ran Zhi nodded.

"I have anticipated this outcome since you made such a decision. I have advised your subordinates, but he still went. It seems that he is quite loyal to you."

The one-eyed fox looked at Weiss who had just fainted. He did not rush to the hospital. This small injury was not fatal. There was no anger or sadness, because the one-eyed fox knew very well that this was a very obvious result, and he would definitely be killed. Destroyed, today I have nothing.

"Master Wise, do you want to say something?"

Ran Zhi shook his head, turned around and walked slowly.

"I won't say anything more to those who don't like to be obeyed."

Ran Zhi turned around and walked away with a cold smile. The one-eyed fox gritted his teeth and lowered his head. At this time Ran Zhi stopped and said with a smile.

"Do you know the reason for your failure?"

"Someone betrayed me."

Ran Zhi nodded.

"If you are strong enough and have enough money, you will not encounter this kind of thing. No matter how loyal your subordinates are, if you are not strong enough, they will definitely leave you."

The one-eyed fox laughed sadly, and Ran Zhi walked out slowly.

"If this bar is still there in a few years, I will consider it."

The one-eyed fox clenched his fists. He knew very well what Ran Zhi said. It was indeed that he had acted too hastily. When he was still young, he began to compete for territory with gangs in the area.

After Ran Zhi left the Reservoir Dogs Bar, he was quickly led by bodyguards to the location of a small gang. As soon as Ran Zhi entered, a group of young people immediately came over and bowed respectfully.

"Master Wise, thank you."

Ran Zhi glanced at the box of money on the table, and then walked over. More than a dozen people stared at the box of money, and the leader immediately said in a pleasant tone.

"I'll give you half, wise old man."

Ran Zhi just took out a stack of money from the money box, only a few thousand yuan. He stuffed it into his pocket and turned around and started walking.

"I just need you to listen to me obediently. You will make money in the future. I remind you once again that when you are rich, you should keep a low profile instead of living and drinking. Even if you are living and drinking, you have to keep your mouth shut. Do you understand?"

The leader immediately nodded happily. After Ran Zhi left the room, a group of people cheered. Ran Zhi showed a cold smile. You can have as much money as you want, and you will never make it all. Many people don't understand this truth. When things are profitable, many people are often unable to look forward and can only stagnate in the end, but Ran Zhi does not. He has already seen very clearly what the future trend will be.

A large number of upper-class entertainment venues are in great need of reasonable tax avoidance, and finding ways to help them avoid taxes is a very good way to make money. Now Ran Zhi will go to the upper-class people from time to time, take some jobs, and then help them launder money. This is very easy and simple. Means, because now 7 subjects are determined to implement electronic currency.

The demand for money laundering has begun to increase, and a lot of black gold that used to be hidden in upper-class entertainment venues has begun to flow to the bottom, because they urgently need to turn these assets into white, so that they will not lose too much when electronic currency comes. many.

Ran Zhi has already thought of a way to let the upper-level businessmen invest in some of the lower-level neighborhoods. In the future, the lower-level areas will receive a dividend, and this is capital.

More people will be expelled in the future, and Ran Zhi knows it.

Soon Ran Zhi showed a smile, he stared sideways at the bodyguard behind him and said.

"When do you think the next eviction will come?"

"If we count the fastest citizen level drops, it should be at the end of this year."

Ran Zhi laughed.

"It won't come."

The bodyguard looked at Ran Zhi doubtfully, and Ran Zhi laughed.

"Because I won't let it come. It's very easy to keep most people as level 1 citizens, isn't it?"

In Ran Zhi's mind, the paradise for the people at the bottom that he had envisioned during those years in prison had begun to take shape.

"It will be very busy next. I remember you mentioned that Andul should still be alive. I will find a place to hide in the near future, and you have to find him."

The bodyguard looked at Ran Zhi doubtfully, because Andur was indeed not seen on the list of dead persons. Although he was not wanted, it was certain that Andul was still alive.

"By now he may not have any more ideas. I know Andur's character very well."

Ran Zhi shook his head.

"I don't have enough manpower here. Besides, only an absolute community of destiny can we go forward in the long run."

The bodyguard nodded.

"What should I do if I get caught?"

Ran Zhi stared at the bodyguard sideways.

"Just confess me."

The bodyguard was a little surprised, and Ran Zhi burst out laughing.

"Let us build this crazy era together. After all, this is the result of the choice of the people at the top."

10:48 am

Nearly an hour had passed since the expulsion. Su Li looked at the man in front of her quietly and put down the teacup in her hand.

"I disagree with Lord Tamai."

There was a trace of embarrassment on Tamai's expression, and Suli stood up.

"It is true that we have taken over the Hillman family's planting land, but it is impossible for me to sell the grain to Sanlian Company. I won't talk about it if it is much better. Please leave."

Tamai could only stand up and bow slightly.

"Miss Su Li, I hope you will consider it carefully. All this is for the future of the city!"

Sully chuckled.

"I'm afraid that's not the case. Is it really for the future of the city?"

Tamai stared at Su Li with some anger, then turned and left. Su Li asked the housekeeper to send him out. After a while, Su Li looked at Tamai at the window and walked towards the door of the Su family mansion, and smiled helplessly. .

"It's wrong to push this guy up, Alpha. Although he did make many correct decisions for the establishment of the business department, it's a pity that he is only a mortal. Mortals can be corrupted easily, and corrupted The extent will be very rapid.”

Suli knew what Tamai did, for the sake of finance? In Su Li's view, this approach is basically the same as that of past management. This is the fastest way to restore the economy. It will indeed be very effective and can make the economy get better again in a short period of time, but it is not the only way.

Wanting to make the economy better is not something that can be done in such a crude and simple way. This will make the economy better for a while, but it will be very harmful to the long-term economy.

"I am just a businessman from beginning to end!"

Su Li smiled self-deprecatingly. Tamai has been here more than once. In order to deal with this crisis and prevent the Su family's wealth from shrinking, the easiest way is to stop some industries. Su Li closed it very decisively. A lot of factories were lost because she had to be responsible for the entire Su family. She couldn't do what the Angus family did.

And now the Angus family is no longer willing to invest or open up some industries. Perhaps they have been completely disappointed with Congress, and most of the family are the same, more or less disappointed. All of this is It is caused by some policies of the Congress, especially the factions of parliamentarians, which are now obviously biased in favor of ordinary businessmen.

Because everyone wants to speed up the regional economy, after this expulsion, the economy will definitely rise in the next few months.

Most families would not agree to Tamai's conditions. After all, except for some that cannot be stored and will flow to the market in small quantities, most of the stored grain is the lifeblood of the family. Most families will use it in their own family's industry. When you are frustrated, you can use the stored food to cash out, which can make up for the loss of your property.

Su Li previously spent 2 billion to acquire the original Hillman family's planting land. The price was neither expensive nor cheap. After all, it would take at least twenty years to get back the money. No matter how high the family's food prices were, it was just It's just a little higher than what's on the market.

Didi didi

The phone rang, and Su Li picked it up. It was Chen Qiao.

"Sully, what are you thinking about?"

"What I'm thinking about has nothing to do with you."

Chen Qiao laughed.

"Our family has decided to supply food. I think you should consider it. After all, food is still very valuable now. Wouldn't it be good to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune?"

Su Li snorted coldly.

"If you like to make money, just cooperate with them. I'm not interested. Okay, I'm busy."

Su Li was about to hang up the phone, but Chen Qiao immediately became anxious.

"No, no, Su Li, think about it carefully. As long as we agree to some conditions of the business department now, we will definitely be able to do it in the future."

Su Li hung up the phone before Chen Qiao finished speaking. She sighed helplessly and then said.

"Idiot, the current administrative department is no longer the former administrative department."

11 o'clock in the morning

The wind and sand rolled violently across the ground. Under the gray-black sky, the barrier area was at the strongest time of the day. In a small town in a low area that was almost half covered by sand, a part of the sand was exposed. In a dilapidated building, Agata was holding a bottle of wine and was drinking comfortably with a few of her men.

"Boss, you don't have to run away yourself."

"My bones will be rusty if I stay here any longer."

Agata said with a smile. She took a look at this place, and it would be completely buried in a while. She rushed from the north to the west, and they could start cleaning it in more than ten hours.

After all, the people who were expelled all brought supplies, and they were all fat sheep. Agata came here just to warn some small organizations nearby that they could only take the remaining parts.

"Remember, take away all the women, keep the ones the men can use, and kill those who dare to resist."

For a moment, all the subordinates in the buildings exposed on the sand dunes cheered. Agata knew very well that if a smarter person would not go deep into the hinterland of the barrier area to find a place to live, they would instead find a place to live. Hide and wander near the Brilliant City until you are completely accustomed to this land, then you will slowly start to go deeper.

And most fools probably won't survive tonight. In such a windy and sandy day, it's best to find a place to stay nearby, and wait until you're fully adapted before starting to go to some habitable places. Those fools who start to rush may freeze to death at night. .

It is very easy to get lost in this fortress area, especially in such windy and sandy weather. Once you are away from buildings that can shelter you from the cold, you will be exhausted if you are exposed to such a wasteland for a few hours. If you sleep, you will never wake up.

Some armed forces have already started to hunt. Agata does not intend to do it now. They will not be able to harvest much if they go hunting in such wind and sand. There are more than 10 small towns in this place, which can protect them from the cold and big mountains. Some people who come from the west will go there. After all, there are many scavengers living in those places, as well as many people who do not want to be controlled by the organization. They are all closest to the guard station, waiting for the monthly food distribution.

No one in this land will sympathize with the weak. The weak will die quickly or become enslaved by the strong.

Under the Alata Ula Mountains, life has returned to life again. The northern red tide led by Agata has completely controlled most of the northern areas, while the southern red tide is still fighting with some armed forces, waiting for this time to get enough After replenishing the personnel and supplies, Agata planned to allocate some of Porter's people to support him in order to quickly capture the south.

"Someone, head!"

Agata stood up. Red particles appeared around her eyes. She soon saw some people walking through the wind and sand. It was not far from the Western Guard Station. The straight-line distance was less than 5 kilometers, but They needed to pass through a large area of ​​rugged terrain. Unexpectedly, the first group of people had already arrived. There were only a dozen of them. After thinking for a moment, Agata waved her hand and did not let her men go over and plunder. .

"Boss, I'm going to see if there are any women."

Just as one of the men was about to get up, Agata slapped him.

"I said I would catch them all in one fell swoop. Did you turn a deaf ear to my words?"

Agata doesn't want to be exposed prematurely. Launching a surprise attack and then looting is the safest way. Once these people know about it, many people will probably run around like headless flies. Then there will be trouble. After all, this is the west, and there are Many armed forces are stationed here. Agata sneaked in secretly with more than 100 men, and the vehicles were secretly parked elsewhere, more than 10 kilometers away from here.

There is no need to worry in his northern territory. The looting should have started now. Agata just wants to get more supplies.

"Let them go."

In the wind and sand, Tian Hen was struggling to carry his things. There were more than a dozen men and women around him. Although Tian Hen didn't want to go with them, it was easy to lose his way in such wind and sand, and if there were many people , it won’t be too strenuous to walk.

At this time Tianai stopped, she pulled Tianhen's arm.

"What's wrong, do you need to pee?"

Tianai nodded, and then Tianhen looked around, but the adults in front of him had already left, and Tianhen could only quickly find a lower place.

Hou Tianhen pulled Tian Ai for a while, but soon he couldn't see the person walking forward. Tian Hen was a little panicked, but at this time his sister pointed to a place in the distance.

Tianhen turned his head and saw a big rock. He couldn't walk anymore, so he could only take his sister and walked over. After passing a large area of ​​low terrain, Tianhen breathed a sigh of relief and reached the big rock. Next to it, the wind and sand here are very small.

"We can only rest for a while, we have to find a place quickly."

Tianhen said, Tianai hummed, and leaned obediently into Tianhen's arms.


There was a burst of gunshots in the wind, and Tian Hen woke up. Then there were bursts of sounds from a place not far away. Soon everything calmed down. Tian Hen swallowed a sip. He put down the supplies on his body and let While his sister stayed here, Tian Hen ran quickly. Soon he found the people who had come together in the wind and sand. They were all relatively kind people, but 9 of them had turned into corpses, and Several women in the team have disappeared, supplies and clothing have been taken away, Tianhen looked at the disappearing tire marks on the ground.

A feeling of horror rose from Tian Hen's back and went straight to his forehead. Tian Hen was still thinking that entering the barrier area must be exploited by some forces, but he did not expect that this would be the result when he entered.

Tian Hen quickly turned around and started running. Soon Tian Hen ran back to where the rock was. Looking at his sister who had fallen asleep among the three bags of supplies, Tian Hen walked over and sat in front of the supplies. He didn't know what to do next.

We can't go anywhere now. We obviously don't want to kill anyone. It's best to just ask them to hand over some food every month. But people's hearts are greedy. No one is willing to wait that long. We have lived in the barrier zone for a long time. From the perspective of young criminals, the immediate things are the most important.

"What should I do?"

Tianhen lowered his head. He couldn't go to some towns, especially his sister, and he couldn't take her there. Although he was a child, his sister was a woman.

Not far away, someone came over. Tianhen was startled, looked around, and hurriedly picked up a stone. If there was a conflict, he would not have any weapons in his hands.

But soon Tian Hen discovered that the people who came over were walking very slowly and looked very tired. After the passersby approached, Tian Hen saw clearly that they were some old people, a total of 3 people.

"You just came out today, right?"

One of the old men asked. Tian Hen nodded without putting down the stone in his hand. The three old men also glanced at Tian Hen and their eyes fell on the supplies behind Tian Hen.

"Young man, if you will give us a bag, I will take you to a safe place."

An old man said, Tianhen just wanted to shake his head, but at this time his sister woke up with a start, Tianhen protected her in front of her, but at this time a small hand stretched out, it was a box of candy, Tianai got up and took it After giving out a few candies, he gave one to Tianhen and one to each of the three old men in front.

"Looking at how alert you are, you must have seen it before. The armed forces in these barrier areas are already agitated before you come out. They have been planning to kill you fat sheep since early in the morning."

"There's no safe place at all, right?"

Tianhen asked sternly, one of the old men said with a smile after eating the candy.

"There is a small mine near here, and there are some scavengers in it. Although people from the armed forces will come, everyone will hide. The weak also have their own way of survival. If you want to go, just give us a bag of things. "

Tianhen hesitated, but finally nodded in agreement. He followed the three old men quietly. They took Tianhen and walked towards the west. Tianhen looked at them carefully, and he felt a lot more relaxed at this time. , because Tianhen gave a bag of supplies to a few old men, and they had already started eating.

But it can be seen that they are very economical. The three of them ate a can of liquid food together and were very satisfied.

Tianhen looked at the ground quietly. At this time, Tianhen felt that something was not quite right, and he stopped.

"What's wrong young man?"

Tianhen stared angrily at the three old men in front of him.

"You bastards."

The three old men panicked, and Tian Hen immediately turned around and grabbed his sister and started running, but the sister obviously couldn't walk. In desperation, Tian Hen could only pick up his sister and run wildly, because Tian Hen Many obvious tire marks were found.

At this time, the sound of the engine sounded behind him. Tianhen was almost exhausted. He was very angry at this moment, and there were bursts of shouting from behind.

The sound of the engine was getting closer and closer. Tian Hen had no choice but to stop. After putting down Tian Ai, he quickly opened a bag of supplies, and then threw some of the supplies inside on the ground. Soon the bag of supplies was After throwing it away, Tian Hen picked up his sister and ran wildly.

Sure enough, the sound of the engine behind him disappeared, and Tianhen saw that a car had stopped, and the liquid food scattered on the ground was crushed.

I don’t know how long I have been running. Tian Hen is lying on the ground. The sweat has completely wet Tian Hen’s hair. The sweat seeps into his eyes. Tian Hen keeps swallowing. Now he only has one bag of supplies on his body, but if he didn’t throw it away just now, If he dropped the supplies, he and his sister would be caught.

A small hand stretched out, Tian Ai touched Tian Hen's eyes and helped him wipe away his tears. Tian Hen sobbed feebly. He shouldn't have believed those three old men just now. Now he has no idea where he is. He and his sister have completely lost their way, and they only have enough food for each person. They have to wait for the remaining 30 days before they can collect food.

The wind was howling, and the dust was flying all over the sky. Tian Hen sat for a long time before he stood up, carried his sister on his back again, and walked slowly. Tian Ai poked Tian Hen's cheek.

Tianhen followed the place where his sister pointed with her finger, and he saw something. Then Tianhen carried his sister and walked over carefully. Soon Tianhen saw a community of small houses that had been destroyed, and a large group of houses on the ground. Part of the place has been weathered, leaving only ruins. Tianhen walked to the ruins full of gravel and rubble. As soon as he found a wall to lean on, the wall collapsed in an instant, and Tianhen fell to the ground.

Tian Ai looked at Tian Hen with a smile, and Tian Hen looked at his sister with a heavy expression, but soon his expression relaxed. He looked around, hoping to find something useful, at least a wooden board or something like that. Yes, in this case, you can go to some nearby rocky places and build a simple shelter that can block the cold.


Along with a burst of shattering sounds, Tianhen jumped. Behind the wall that he had just fallen down, a piece of the ground collapsed. Tianhen ran over unexpectedly. Below was a broken board, and underneath was exposed. A hole, Tian Hen swallowed, took out the light, turned it on and walked down, but soon Tian Hen sat down on the steps, and there were all mummies below.

Tianhen felt sick and wanted to vomit, but he quickly held back. This was a basement that looked very complete, and there were some metal objects. Although it looked like it had gone through a battle, it was more or less a capable place. To shelter a cold place, just move the mummies inside out.

"Tian Ai, go outside and watch. If anyone comes, come quickly and tell brother, okay?"

Tian Ai nodded, and then ran to the edge of the ruins. Tian Hen looked at the ferocious mummies. There was almost no smell inside. There was a long passage in the basement. After Tian Hen walked over, I felt a flow of air.

Tianhen breathed a sigh of relief, at least for the time being, he found a place to stay. Tianhen smiled. This seemingly small hope can make people happy. This seemed a bit incredible in the past, but it is different now, even if It's a mouthful of water, which makes Tianhen happy.

"As long as I survive, one day I will take my sister back to the city."

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