Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1865 The Day of Crying (Part 1)

January 8, 2227

7 a.m.

Hydra quietly held the book in his hand and was reading. There was a bowl of vegetable soup that had not yet been finished. There was still a little bit of mashed potatoes left in the little fat man, including some pickles.

"Hydra, if you don't want to eat, give it to me."

Hydra smiled and pushed the small plate, but the soup was not given to the person next to him, but the prisoner next to him did not eat it, but carefully put some of the remaining mashed potatoes and pickles into a plastic bag.

Hydra discovered that the man had collected a large amount of leftover food. He was still collecting, but soon Hydra realized that he should be collecting it for his cousin Tony, who was next door. Prison No. 3.

Soon the prisoners who have signed deportation orders in the prison will be free. They will go to the Eastern Guard Station and then officially leave the city. Many serious prisoners who have no future have signed deportation orders. From that moment on, they were no longer citizens of Brilliant City.

Hydera knows very well what kind of era will follow. This is just the beginning. Those who are useless to the city will be gradually expelled. This is both understandable and extremely cruel.

Hydera closed the book and drank the vegetable soup in one gulp. Then he planned to go directly to the scene to have a look. The connecting door to Prison No. 1, 2, and 3 had been opened, and many prisoners ran to Prison No. 3. Planned to join in the fun.

No one thought that Congress would start enforcing the deportation law so soon, and they did not expect that tens of thousands of prisoners would sign deportation orders. Most of them were serious prisoners with sentences of more than 30 years. They would be deported at 10 o'clock. Head to the Barrier Area from the bridge deck at the Eastern Guard Station.

Hydera strolled leisurely in the exercise yard, and the prisoners around him were discussing the deportation. Many people thought that the prisoners who signed the deportation order were fools, because there was nothing in the barrier area, and they could only do Starved and cold, at least they had food and drink in prison, but nothing outside.

Hydera agreed with this point of view, but at the same time she was also very disgusted. These light-duty criminals had no idea what was going on in the heavy-duty prison, and human beings have always had a desire for freedom, and were imprisoned in such a dark place. , the longer it lasts, the more torture it will be for people.

Maybe some people can endure ten or twenty years of imprisonment, but thirty or forty years are completely different. Hydera himself knows very well what it feels like. He still has seven years before he can step out of this. A prison.

Many people are asking Hydera why she didn't apply for parole. As long as Hydera is willing to apply for parole, she can step out from here and return to society.

It's just that Hydera has never had such an idea. These 30 years are like a shame branded on her body. Hydera thinks all the time that she must wait for this shameful time to disappear naturally before stepping out of this place. The prison, and the world outside has completely changed. It is no longer the era Hydera is familiar with.

It is also different from the past era. Hydera has heard many new people entering prison tell what is going on outside. Although it is somewhat similar to the past, it is completely different. In essence, it is completely different because of the citizenship law. The future is An era in which only the mind can survive.

Gradually, Hydera came to Prison No. 3. Many people were watching. The south gate of Prison No. 3 had been opened. Trucks were ready. A large number of prisoners were carrying large and small bags. It's like I'm going to be released from prison today.

A large number of serious criminals gathered here, and many of them touched their necks. The collars would be taken off when they left.

The barrier zone in the future will only become a headache for everyone in the city, or a headache for the 3 subjects, and the goal has been achieved. The barrier zone may seem like a threat in the future, but in fact it is just for the sake of making the entire society more stable. It’s just a strategy for rapid development.

This is a commonly used method in human society in the past. When domestic demand was weak and the economy deteriorated, war was created through threat theory, which effectively stimulated domestic demand. Factories could fully operate, and factories could feed most people, and most people had money. Then it can be consumed, and only when there is consumption will there be market demand. When there is market demand, supply will begin, and the entire economic market will come alive. This cycle is the smartest method that human society has followed to this day, but it is also the most Cruel means.

This method is also the most effective method that humans have found to boost the economy. The effect of this method before was very obvious, because a large amount of food, water, and medicine were delivered to the criminals wandering in the barrier area. These three industries have reached It's still stable now.

Hydera also once thought about whether there was any answer that could solve these problems, but in the end there was no answer. The extent of the problem's outbreak was determined by its size. The larger the size, the longer it could withstand the problem. Smaller volumes can withstand problems for a shorter period of time.

No system can solve the problems of human society, and the system of the mechanized era conceived by the gods can indeed solve many problems. At least human society will not collapse again and again.

Because everything will be fixed, stupid people will do what belongs to stupid people, and smart people will do what belongs to smart people. The controllers will transform from the top elites in the past to the regulation of big data and become a process. Things like human nature may Completely disappear, because the uncertainty of human nature creates social uncertainty. In the end, society will collapse after all points are unable to withstand the pressure.

Hydera found a deserted corner and quietly observed the heavy-duty criminals getting on the bus. They all looked happy, but some of them still had serious expressions. Hydera knew several of the heavy-duty criminals. Their sentences are long with little hope or end in sight.

Hydera had also talked with them in the past, and they had regretted the crimes they had committed countless times, but the laws of Brilliant City were strict, and once a serious crime was committed, there would be no chance.

Hydera looked back at the sky behind the high wall. Today's deportations are not only for these criminals, but also for other deportations. There should be no people who have fallen to level 0 after the implementation of the citizenship level. Hydera has been deported from some I got some clues from the recently admitted petty criminals, and all districts are searching for criminals.

As well as those who have participated in the riots in the past few months, this number is a large group. The number of people in the barrier area will begin to grow in the next few years, and the same is true in the city, because taxes are biased towards newborn subsidies. The proportion is very high, which can determine the city’s next general direction, which is to cultivate the younger generation.

The city's next strategic direction has been set, and no one can shake it. Hydra laughed. He walked slowly to the gate of Prison No. 3 and looked at the people who were chatting and laughing and had already started to form a team. Heavy criminals.

Weak heavy-duty criminals will definitely move closer to the stronger heavy-duty criminals. Many prisoners have formed their own small groups. This is the only way to survive in the barrier area.

Some trucks carrying heavy-duty prisoners had already begun to move. Hydera saw the light-duty criminal who had just asked for food from him. He was holding a big bag with a lot of food in it. He handed it over to a man who looked a little thin. In a man's hand.

"Brother, why do you choose to go out? You will definitely not be able to live outside."

The man who took the food shook his head.

"I'm different from you brother. You have at most three to five years before you can go out, but I still have thirty to fifty years."

The man collected the food sent by his brother, put it into his big backpack, and followed quickly. The younger brother stood quietly, looking at his brother with some sadness.

"By the way, never come back here again!"

The elder brother turned around and reminded him. The younger brother grunted and wiped away his tears. Then he nodded and waved goodbye to his elder brother who got into the truck. In Hydera's eyes, such a farewell was a farewell. The thin man thought It is too difficult to survive in the barrier zone.

Some light-duty criminals kept sending things, most of them were relatives of some heavy-duty criminals, as well as some people with whom they had good relationships in the past. The truck that first sent away the heavy-duty criminals had returned.

It was almost 8 o'clock, and Hydera was waiting quietly, because all this seemed very sad to Hydera. She had the right to choose, but the way of choosing was fixed.

At this time, in the distance, Latis came with the directors of Section 11. Hydera looked over. Their expressions looked very serious. Latis seemed to be explaining something, and his expression looked very serious. Xinjian The prison tower is already beginning to take shape.

Hydra has known something about these managers over the years. They are a group of managers with enthusiasm and hope. Hydra can be sure of this. Maybe it would be better without the Hillman family, but even without the Hillman family, it would be better. Maybe the result will be the same for the Mann family, it's just a matter of sooner or later.

Hydera was also quite shocked by what happened to Alpha, but more than that, she felt regretful. Various factors finally contributed to Alpha's inhumane behavior.

This is also the only chance for the city to get on the right track, but it was determined from the beginning that this opportunity would inevitably disappear at some point in time, because the right to lie has always been the main tone of the right, and today's results are just the seeds of the past. Countless lies finally came to fruition.

And the imprint of this era will be deeply imprinted on everyone who has experienced the baptism of this era, and will eventually extend to the next era until the end of the next era.

"It's a pity! Not everyone can do this kind of thing!"

Hydra looked at Latis who was walking slowly over.

"Lord Latis."

Hydera said hello, Latis nodded slightly and walked out with a cigarette in his mouth, yelling at some noisy prisoners to obey the rules.

8:13 am

Accompanied by a burst of crying, in a public security office on the ground floor, some handcuffed people slowly entered a large lift. They were all gangsters, including some who participated in the riots a few months ago.

Many people were still pleading, but the escorting Section 3 officers ignored their appeals and just remained silent.

"I really don't dare anymore. I will definitely not be so impulsive next time. Give me a chance."

A middle-aged man said, but was quickly pushed directly into the lift by a person from Section 3. He whimpered and kept praying. Some people started making a fuss, but he was quickly pushed into the lift by a person from Section 3 nearby. The officers subdued him and threw him into the elevator.

Ma Tao looked at these people quietly, feeling a little helpless, but that was all he could do. Those who participated in the riots and caused actual harm to the city would be expelled directly. This time, 100 black households will also be expelled. They They are those who have not paid taxes for a long time and do not want to register their identity.

They have been given enough time, but many black households are still the same as before and do not intend to register their identities in Section 5. The result now is that they will be ruthlessly expelled.

The perimeter of the Public Security Management Office has been surrounded by many reporters, but Ma Tao has asked his men to guard it and not let the reporters in. However, the shouting on the street is getting stronger and stronger, and some people object to it being done so easily. Expelling some citizens, I think these people are not wrong, why should they be expelled.

Such arguments have been appearing since the list of deportees was announced yesterday, but the orders issued by above are fatal orders, and this deportation order must be strictly implemented.

"Boss, you'd better go out and take a look. The situation is not good. More and more people are gathering."

Ma Tao hummed and walked out quickly. At this time, a large number of people gathered on the street. Reporters were interviewing on the street. As soon as Ma Tao went out, a large number of people came up, and soon there was overwhelming opposition. Then it spread.

Reminiscent of last year's vote, there was only an incredible one vote difference between opponents and supporters. Most people in the city were opposed to such an eviction. Ma Tao immediately signaled that his men should form a human wall and evacuate the people first. Ma Tao didn't want some riots to happen again, and he would have to take responsibility when the time came.

At this time, Ma Tao caught a glimpse of a dirty little girl in the crowd, with tangled hair and a lot of dirt on her face. Her original white clothes had turned dark. Ma Tao often You will see this little girl.

Looking at the crowded crowd, Ma Tao walked over anyway, then pulled the little girl over from the crowd and squatted in front of her with a smile. The little girl looked like a wanderer and was very thin.

"Little sister, you come here often. Are your parents in there?"

Ma Tao asked. The little girl shook her head and opened her mouth but couldn't speak. Ma Tao pulled the little girl helplessly.

"I'll take you to a nearby orphanage later."

The little girl shook her head. She opened her mouth but still couldn't make a sound in her throat. She was making gestures and saying something.

It took Ma Tao a long time to understand that it was brother.

"Is your brother in there?"

The little girl nodded, and Ma Tao led him into the management office. The little girl started to look around. Ma Tao quickly brought up the light and shadow panel and after facial recognition, he quickly found the identity of the little girl. After browsing the information quickly for a while, Ma Tao helplessly held the hat and pressed it down.

This little girl's name is Tian Ai, the previous victim in the murder case of the rich man. His brother Tian Hen was arrested a month ago and has been included in the target of deportation because he is a fugitive.

During the prison riots last year, many prisoners escaped from the prison. After that, the administrative department was in a hurry to track down these prisoners. Some escaped prisoners fled to commit crimes. In the end, the administrative department issued an ultimatum, asking these fugitives to surrender themselves. As a result, very few of them surrendered. However, the deadline was in June last year. Anyone who passes the deadline will be dealt with according to the expulsion law.

Ma Tao walked over with Tian Ai, and after talking to several team leaders, they entered the lift.

"Tianhen, come out!"

Tianhen, who was sitting among a group of people, raised his head. There were obvious scars on his face, which were the scars left when he resisted arrest.

Tian Hen lived a life of confusion throughout last year. He only dared to go out at night, help some gang members do some shameful things, and then get some money, buy some food, and then secretly return to where he lived. My sister is much older now, very sensible and well-behaved, waiting for me to come back every day.

It's a pity that after being arrested last month, Tian Hen knew that he would be deported if he didn't surrender. His pleading after his arrest had no effect. The business department ignored him at all. Tian Hen continued to work every day He was saying that he had a younger sister outside who needed someone to take care of him, but no one paid any attention to him.

The torture in the past few days has made Tianhen almost collapse. He is not afraid of being expelled. The only thing he is afraid of is that his sister has no one to take care of him.

The moment Tianhen stepped out of the lift, Tianhen's eyes widened and his eyes suddenly became moist. He looked at his sister Tianai who was running towards him in the distance.

Tian Ai hugged Tian Hen and showed a happy smile. Ma Tao signaled and asked several staff members to take the brother and sister to a nearby place. Then he walked over in person and watched the pair about to part ways. brother and sister.

Ma Tao knew very well that Tian Hen, who was already on the deportation list, would be deported. No matter how tragic and pitiful his past was, the final result would not change.

Ma Tao just hopes that the two brothers and sisters can stay for a while. The people who are expelled here will be sent to the Western Guard Station later. Ma Tao doesn’t know what to say. At this moment, Ma Tao misses the place where Alpha is. era.

In the past, Section 5 had a plan to clean up gangsters. They would arrest these gangsters and find out their identities and residences. Then they would be forced to work in the Agriculture Section for two years and finally obtain their identities. But this plan had not yet started. Due to such a major change, this plan has now been put on hold.

The newly appointed section chief, Tamai, has been busy working on the economy. There is nothing he can do about it, because the public security in various parts of the city is getting worse and worse, because the economy is getting worse and worse.

"Boss, it's almost done. We need to send these people as soon as possible. They still have to receive supplies. When the time comes."

Ma Tao walked over slowly.

"time to go."

As he spoke, the two clerks next to him pulled Tian Hen up, but at this time Tian Hen hugged Tian Hen's waist tightly and refused to let go at all. Tian Hen looked at the ground in a daze, watching what was being done to him. Separated sister, he didn't know what he had done in these years and why it ended up like this.

Seeing his sister crying and dragging him desperately, she didn't want to be separated from him. The same was true for Tian Hen. He sobbed quietly and shed tears silently.

"Can I. Can I bring my sister?"

Tianhen raised his head, his face already wet with tears. Ma Tao was a little surprised, but he didn't know what to say at this time.

"You can't feed such a young child. I will send him to a good orphanage."

Ma Tao said, Tianhen laughed.

"If you leave her here, she will die!"

Tianhen gritted his teeth angrily and roared.

"It's the same no matter where you go. In this city, in the barrier zone, there won't be any difference at all."

Ma Tao looked at Tian Hen in a daze. He didn't know what to do, but the little girl was holding her brother tightly and sobbing, unable to make a sound from her throat.

"This can only go so far!"

Finally Ma Tao nodded.

"Good luck to you boy!"

Ma Tao felt uncomfortable looking at the two brothers and sisters being taken away, but he couldn't say anything or do anything. Just like what this young man said, it was the same no matter where he was.

Ma Tao pressed the brim of his hat and pressed down. At this time, Tianhen stopped and turned around.

"thanks, thanks!"

Tianhen bowed, turned around and walked away. Ma Tao hummed and smiled bitterly.

"You are very courageous young man. You may not change in the future, but at least you will give some chances to those who are brave! I hope so!"

9 a.m.

Located on the city wall of the eastern guard station, Osman quietly looked at the criminals below who were about to be expelled. Most of the criminals who had received supplies for a month were already standing at the gate.

"No matter how you look at the result, it won't change. It's windy here, so you'd better go down and rest."

A gentle female voice came, and Osman looked over. It was his wife Zijuan holding her 2-year-old daughter.

Osman coughed a few times and nodded. Osman's injuries have not healed yet, and it is no longer possible to recover. It is a miracle that Osman can survive. With his already strong mutant body, he can still continue to support him, but not Know how long it can last and how long it will last.

"Take your daughter down and don't let Zi Yu'er see this."

Zijuan smiled and shook her head.

"There's nothing you shouldn't look at. If you want the city's economy to improve, you have to hit it hard."

Osman smiled bitterly. He didn't know what to say. He opened this breakthrough by himself and provided supplies to the criminals in the barrier area without considering any consequences.

"Do you regret it?"

Osman neither nodded nor shook his head.

"Because of your decision, now the three subjects as a whole have a meaning of existence. There is nothing you can do about it. That's it. There is no need to trace the root cause or right or wrong, because it is meaningless! "

Zijuan said, dragging Osman and planning to take him back to the room. His health was very poor, but he still insisted on working every day, but she didn't know how long this situation would last. Zijuan had already persuaded Osman to go home and recuperate. But Osman did not agree.

Zijuan knew that Osman had been blaming himself, not just Osman, but everyone was blaming themselves. Obviously everyone saw many problems, but in the end, Alpha independently completed them and bore all the consequences.

"The problems we can't solve can be left to the next generation, Osman."

As Zijuan said, Osman finally turned around. He walked to the city wall on the other side, and white particles floated in his eyes. Soon Osman saw Ling Hong standing on the edge of the bridge in the distance. She was alone. Standing by the bridge, smoking silently.

More and more prisoners lined up in a row after receiving supplies, waiting for the gate to open at 10 o'clock. Many prisoners looked very happy, but some prisoners were a little sad.

These prisoners even had the idea of ​​repenting, and some prisoners also talked to the members of Section 3 next to them.

"Sir, can you regret it? I don't want to go out, so let me go back to prison."

"You've signed everything, and it's impossible to go back."

Most prisoners who asked if they could repent received cold answers.

Some reporters who were allowed in were already filming and conducting interviews, and multiple channels across the city would broadcast the entire process of the eviction.

Osman returned to his office. He no longer thought about the expulsion. He sat at the desk, coughed and started to process some documents, but Osman found that most of the documents had been processed by Zijuan. , all that is left are some insignificant documents.

"I don't need your help, I..."

Seeing his wife happily playing with their daughter, Osman didn't say anything, just watched silently. This era has come to an end. Today's expulsion will completely end the era. The previous era only exists among those who still remember it. in people's minds.

Osman still remembers that when he first went to God's College, his parents were both workers. Originally, his parents planned to let Osman work with them, but during the selection for God's College, Osman seized the opportunity and committed himself. This fate was changed.

"No matter what era, there is no chance for Osman. You just need to know this."

Zijuan muttered, but Osman didn't answer. He turned around and came to the window, quietly looking at the situation below. Ling Hong was standing at the door. She would open the door herself later.

This is very important to Ling Hong. Recently, the special inspection team system of Section 3's barrier area has been implemented. Ling Hong has brought out a large number of special inspectors to carry out supervision activities in the barrier area. She will notify Section 3 in advance. Dangerous armed forces, and Division 3 will deal with them based on the level of the threat.

"By the way, hubby, when Zi Yu'er turns 5 years old, I will send him to the All-Field Academy. I have already made an agreement with King Xue."

"That fast?"

Zijuan laughed.

"After all, we have to let her grow up quickly, so that you and I can relax and help mom and dad solve problems. How about it, Xiao Yu'er?"

Zi Yuer smiled and nodded, and Zi Juan stroked her daughter's head happily.

"It's going to be okay, Future!"

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