Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1844 Tears of the Age 2 (Part 1)

6:43 am

There was a sound of footsteps, and King Xue turned his head. Ling Hong walked in slowly with a cigarette in his mouth. Many members of the special operations team from Section 3 who were preparing to break into the underground facility stood up straight and bowed in salute. .

"Have you visited the president?"

King Xue asked, and Ling Hong shook her head.

"No! The president had already been transported away when I went there."

King Xue smiled and shook his head. Ling Hong walked over slowly with a solemn expression. A member of the special forces team immediately brought over a set of protective equipment. Ling Hong took a look and said.

"I don't need it!"


Ling Hong clenched her fists, and a burst of red lightning flashed on the surface of her fists.

King Xue smiled and nodded.

"There should be poisonous gas inside."

Ling Hong walked down the stairs in one step. At this moment, Ling Hong was angry inside. In the past, when she was at the Academy of God, Ling Hong often competed with Alpha. In every competition, the two of them refused to give in to each other, even if they were on the whole. Sexually inferior to Alpha, but in terms of strength and attack ability in combat, it is not inferior to Alpha.

Ling Hong was honing her strength every day, and Alpha gradually became stronger and stronger. Although Ling Hong was also getting stronger, she could never catch up with Alpha. Unknowingly, Ling Hong had already taken Alpha as her After visiting the Angus family, Ling Hong finally realized that she was indeed influenced by Alpha.

"For you trash!"

The moment the stairs collapsed, red particles scattered around Ling Hong's eyes.

Ling Hong immediately saw clearly that there were many dents in this long corridor, and she was certain that those things were weapons.

"Just follow up and clean up the battlefield!"

Ling Hong clenched her fists as she spoke.

"Listen clearly, please don't resist anymore. The Hillman family is finished. Come out and surrender immediately. If you resist, we will kill without mercy!"


Along with a mechanical sound, there was a clicking sound for a moment, and some openings were opened in the metal walls in the upper corners of the passage. Ling Hong closed her eyes, and red lightning flashed all over her body.


Accompanied by a loud noise, a red lightning flash passed through the long passage in an instant. There was a crackling sound, and the metal walls instantly became charred black. The metal in some places was slowly melting, and the metal solution flowed on the ground. , a pungent metallic smell filled the air, there was a sizzling sound, and wisps of black smoke rose.

The moment Ling Hong landed at the bottom of the passage, she immediately raised her hands. With a loud bang, the explosives that had been set on both sides of the passage exploded instantly, and the raging flames instantly engulfed Ling Hong's figure.

King Xue was still waiting at the entrance of the underground facility. Everyone put on gas masks. King Xue already knew clearly that Billy was being held in the brain science research laboratory on the third underground floor.

There are also clear records of the standing guards here. There are more than 200 people. They are all bodyguards of the Hillman family. Some are responsible for the underground and some are responsible for the aboveground. The bodyguards responsible for the underground have no identity information, but the bodyguards responsible for the aboveground They all have identity information, some of them are from the lower-level families of the Hillman family, and some of them are related by marriage to certain members of the Hillman family.

The entire Hillman family structure is clear on this criminal record, and arrests will be carried out across the city today.

The flames dissipated, and Ling Hong's figure was revealed. There were a large amount of dust floating around Ling Hong's body, and the impact of the explosion did not cause any damage to her.

Ling Hong looked quietly at the passages on both sides. There was an elevator in front of her. This underground facility extended to a depth of 100 meters underground. Ling Hong looked at the metal wall in front of her and raised one hand.

There was a loud bang, accompanied by a touch of scarlet, and the elevator door was dissolved. Ling Hong saw that it was an elevator nearly 20 square meters in size. Ling Hong opened a light and shadow screen and quickly called up the information of this underground facility. Structure diagram comes.

The entire underground passage is in the shape of a tree. This elevator is the only way to connect these research rooms. There should not be many people on the first floor. The wall in front of you is very well hidden. If you don't have this information, It is simply impossible to discover such a secret place.

The entire first floor of the basement was filled with a large amount of supplies. Ling Hong entered the elevator directly. At this time, a small opening opened in the walls around the corners of the elevator. In an instant, Ling Hong clenched her fists. In an instant, four red streaks appeared. A lightning strike struck the opening.

There was a crackling sound, and the small openings around her were dissolved in an instant. Ling Hong raised her fist and beat it directly on the ground. She fell directly, accompanied by bursts of red thunder and lightning, which were like ropes. , opened in all directions, Ling Hong's falling speed began to slow down, her falling speed began to slow down, the red lightning was like a pulling wire, Ling Hong's speed began to slow down .

The impression in Ling Hong's mind was very clear. The moment she reached a floor, a metal wall broke open with a red thunder and lightning, and Ling Hong flew in.

With a whooshing sound, rockets were launched one after another towards Ling Hong, but the moment these small rockets approached Ling Hong, they all stopped in front of Ling Hong. With one hand raised, these small rockets He was instantly ejected.

Accompanied by bursts of rumbling sounds, Ling Hong had already rushed out at the moment of the explosion. Several bodyguards of the Hillman family came forward. The next second, accompanied by violent red thunder and lightning, several Hillmans rushed out. The family's bodyguard instantly fell to the ground, covered in charred black. Ling Hong looked around and saw that there was no one in each room, only some research equipment. At this time, the members of the special team behind him also came down, and everyone began to search. got up.

"Search this floor first!"

As King Xue said, more and more members of the special team entered this floor. Ling Hong started to walk, and King Xue grabbed her.

"Wait and give them some time."

Ling Hong looked at King Xue suspiciously, but soon Ling Hong understood what King Xue wanted to do. According to the information, there are a large number of scientific research facilities here, and the gods should be very interested in the contents of this scientific research facility.

Ling Hong stood at the entrance of the passage that she had broken open. At this time, the staff who entered began to check everywhere.

"There's something I have to tell you."

King Xue said, Ling Hong nodded, and the two came to a research room. King Xue looked around.

"If Billy is found later, I hope I can tell no one."

Ling Hong looked at King Xue in confusion, and King Xue took off his square-framed glasses.

"I just hope that these things about Billy will not be published. You should understand, right?"

Ling Hong nodded, and immediately thought of one thing in her mind, the problem of brain control chips, which is something that the Hillman family has been studying for many years. I am afraid it will be of great help to the gods' plans, and the gods do not Hope this leaks out.

"I see!"

Ling Hong sat on a chair feebly. She took out a cigarette, lit it, took a puff, and exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Is it still going to be the same as before?"

King Xue looked at Ling Hong with a serious expression.

"I don't know exactly, but this era is starting to fall apart."

Ling Hong closed her eyes. She could imagine what would happen in the future. It would be very difficult to fill the vacancy of the Hillman family in a short time, even if businessmen would take advantage of this opportunity to quickly occupy the Hillman family and stay. market, but still cannot change the chaos in the city in the next five years or even more.

Such a result has become obvious after Alpha did such a thing. The era will begin to run amok uncontrollably, and then eventually collapse, and chaos will begin on a large scale.

8 o'clock in the morning

Many people took to the streets. Many people were holding phones and asking the business department because the network was still not open. At this time, some companies had urgently recalled their employees. Some of them had contracts with the Hillman family. Company, everyone is waiting for the stock market to open today. However, just half an hour ago, 7ke released a news that due to the Internet, the stock market has temporarily stopped opening.

Everyone was confused and didn't know what happened.

"What exactly do you mean?"

A shopping mall owner sitting in the office asked angrily.

"Sorry, we haven't received permission from the senior management yet, and the phone number from the senior management can't be reached."

"Didn't you agree to settle the bill today?"

This shopping mall owner is involved in a plan of the Hillman family. The lottery and charity activities held by the 39 shopping malls owned by this boss last night were all carried out in cooperation with the Hillman family, and this The Hillman family also promised to pay part of the money, and it has been agreed that the payment will be settled this morning.

Soon the call was hung up, and the boss stood up angrily. He looked at the several goods suppliers in front of him, and he had promised to pay them today.

"Boss, why don't you pay us a portion first? Our daily supply of goods is not on credit, and there are many people waiting for the goods to be supplied. We only make a small profit."

The boss looked at the supplier in front of him and nodded.

"I understand, can I pay half of it to you first? Our company doesn't have much cash at the moment."

Several suppliers looked at each other in confusion, but in the end they could only nod. Everyone knew that the network was currently unavailable, and there was an abnormal problem with Hillman Financial's system.

Then the boss asked his secretary to take them to the financial office to settle the accounts. The boss immediately took out his phone and called several business partners. Everyone had signed a long-term business plan with the Hillman family. However, After making a round of calls, everyone had the same reaction. People in the Hillman family's business department said they had not been notified by the above, and they had no way to settle their accounts.

Moreover, the phone calls to the Hillman family members have never been able to get through, which is very uncomfortable for many people, and everyone wants to know what went wrong.

At this time, some news reporters have begun to report. Almost all the media in the city have rushed to the General Affairs Section after receiving the order. At 9 o'clock, Locke Jiahui, the general manager of the General Affairs Section, will give an important televised speech. .

The news is also reporting and speculating about what is going on, but some people have already thought that there is a problem with the Hillman family, and it is not a small problem, but a big problem.

The news has begun to spread in the city, because some subsidiaries of the Hillman family were unable to contact the top executives of the Hillman family early this morning. A large number of employees of the Hillman family who needed to work today returned to the company. , even the person in charge of the company was unable to contact the top management of the Hillman family. Obviously there were many Hillman family activities to be carried out today, but the person in charge of the company did not know the specific content, because he would not know until today. Then start arranging employees to work.

Today is a very bad day for many people. Due to problems with mobile payment at Hillman Financial, a large number of people who have no habit of carrying cash are now unable to withdraw a penny, and some families do not even have a penny. , many people became anxious.

In such a grand and grand New Year, there is no way to spend this New Year with peace of mind, and today is the first day of the New Year.

Many disputes over money began to spread across the city. Some people who did not have cash to pay bills had disputes and frictions with shop owners. Such things were common on the streets.

Some people who did not stay up late and got up early went out for breakfast. After breakfast, they found that they could not pay the bill. The streets were full of people from the administrative department. The administrative department had received the order. Those who could not pay the bill did not need to pay for the time being. The boss and the customer who is unable to pay will make a written and video record in person as evidence that they have money to settle the bill in the future.

"I said what happened today?"

Several employees in the store looked at the empty store. At this time, the store would have been full of people early because everyone wanted to watch today's mutant competition. But now the store is empty. Those who originally reserved seats The guest did not come, and he had already called directly to cancel the reservation. Some people even came to refund the reservation payment.

At this time, another man came to refund the reservation payment, and the boss immediately refunded half of the money to this customer.

"What's the meaning?"

The customer immediately asked angrily, and the boss immediately retorted.

"Guests, we have prepared the things you have reserved. The dishes are also the same. The ingredients have been processed in advance. It is clearly stated in the reservation terms. If you cancel the reservation, you can only refund half of the reservation fee. Many of us I only slept for a few hours after closing last night and got up at 3 a.m. to prepare today’s dishes.”

Even though the boss explained this, the man still insisted on refunding at least 80 yuan, because the reservation fee was 100 yuan. The boss was still talking, and gradually the two of them started to quarrel. Several members of the business department on the street came in immediately and asked for clarification. After explaining the reason, the two parties started to negotiate on the spot. The boss insisted and refused to give in because the dishes had been washed and cut, and the seasonings had been prepared. He just needed to let the chef make them later, and these dishes were prepared according to the man's requirements. Okay, the actual value of the dishes is more than 100 yuan, and that's not counting the employees' salary.

Finally, after negotiation with the business department, the boss refunded an extra 10 yuan to the man. The man left angrily with 60 yuan, vowing that he would never come back to this store again in his life.

Most of the members of the administrative department who are trying to resolve disputes on the streets are also very confused, because orders from above are constantly coming down, requiring all of them to patrol the streets 24 hours a day to solve these problems. All members of the administrative department need to take to the streets, even The same goes for regional section officers.

Because there are more and more disputes in the city, and no one knows what is going on, and the most important thing is that most members of the acting department take to the streets, equipped with standard suppression suits, stun guns, tear gas, and pepper Spray, handcuffs and restraint nets, as well as other lethal weapons, shields, rubber rollers and the like.

At this time, in the square in District 29, a large number of women went to several facilities of the Hillman family in the square early in the morning and questioned the staff, because according to the staff, the interview results would be available early this morning. , and they also charged each woman for the interview last night various examination fees ranging from 10 to 50 yuan.

"Give us your money back."

A woman said that most women paid all the examination fees last night, because if some examination items are not available, the chance of being hired may be lower, so the women also paid the fees.

Although the fee is not high, it is the cost of the women's services once or twice, but the money is the hard-earned money of most women. They joined forces and started asking for the results from the employees of the Hillman family early in the morning. , because last night they claimed that the Hillman family used the latest AI technology to screen, and only needed photos and health checks. Once entered into the system, the results would be available in just one or two hours. Let the women come and get the checks this morning. result.

At this time, people from the administrative department also came in. The local regional officer directly used the loudspeaker equipment to ask the women to disperse, saying that the administrative department would handle it properly and asked the women to wait.

The same situation also happened at a casino construction site in an area under construction. A person in charge wearing a hard hat was explaining to some material vendors and workers that he had not received the order from above and did not know what to do. What can I do.

The workers are already a little angry. Most of the workers were temporarily hired at high prices. However, they were unable to start work this morning. The person in charge was still calming the workers' emotions.

The casino has begun to take shape. The most important thing is the decoration, which needs to be completed within 3 days, so the wages for the workers are very high. The material dealers delivered most of the decoration materials last night. Now we have to settle the bill. The same goes for the workers. The Hillman family has promised the workers that they will give each worker an advance payment of 100 yuan as long as they enter the construction site.

Some workers proposed to start work, but the person in charge said that they had not received any notification from above.

"Please understand, now we have not received any notification, and we have no money to pay everyone."

But immediately the noise started. Most of the workers were dissatisfied and said different things. Some workers came here early last night, while others said goodbye to their families early this morning and came directly by subway. Yes, it is impossible to do nothing now and return empty-handed. Some workers even gave up their original work because of the high-priced decoration. Some workers clamored to ask the person in charge to compensate for the loss of work.

Some people from the business department came in and started to mediate, but the workers were still dissatisfied.

"Can't we let them start work first?"

A team leader asked, and the person in charge shook his head.

"Sir, it's not like you don't know that there are problems with Hillman's financial system now, and we don't have any advanced ones. What if there are still problems with the system in the past few days after construction starts? The accounts can't be settled. It's Chinese New Year. What if What will we do if everyone gets into trouble?"

At this time, the team leader began to gather the workers and asked for their opinions. Many workers finally said that they could start work directly without advance payment. After the work was completed, they could just issue an IOU, which must be within a week. The internal settlement is clear.

In the end, the person in charge nodded his intention, and the material dealers also agreed. They would settle the bill after Hillman Financial recovered. After mediation, the two parties signed a contract, and then the material dealers left.

The person in charge of the casino decoration immediately took out the phone and called the person in charge of the Hillman family. The phone was open, but no one answered. This was the 30th call the person in charge had made. , without money, it is difficult to move forward. Most workers come here for the high price of 400 yuan for three days, and they must be completed within three days. As soon as they enter, most workers start holding light and shadow screens to receive instructions for the parts they need to do. At work, we began to move materials, and everyone was very quick with their hands and feet.

"I just hope nothing big goes wrong!"

On Golden Street at this time, a large number of people gathered at the gate of Section 7, but the door was locked, and there was no one at all. Instead, there were a large number of people from Section 3 and Section 5 on the street, and a person from Section 7 The director was still trying to calm everyone down.

The director claimed that because an extremely important event was announced today, the stock market could not be opened for the time being, and most financial transactions were temporarily suspended, allowing everyone to go back to celebrate the New Year. However, some businessmen refused to leave, and many businessmen refused to leave. We have been waiting early this morning. Most of the businessmen are waiting for the Hillman family to open the market, and then start to get the part they should get after the previous cooperation with the Hillman family.

This part of the money will be directly handed over in cash by the Hillman family to the hands of Section 7, who will then be responsible for auditing the accounts and settling the accounts to the merchants after paying taxes.

The merchants did not see anyone from the Hillman family delivering money this morning, and everyone was becoming more and more anxious.

If this continues, it will be quite bad for many people. Some people have already begun to protest, asking the Hillman family to come out and explain, because the businessmen cannot get through the phone of anyone in the Hillman family.

People in Section 5 and Section 3 have already begun to divide the flow of people, and they are all trying to persuade everyone to go back to celebrate the New Year. Many employees of company bosses are also there. They are waiting for the bonuses promised by their bosses. Most companies have already made arrangements with Hill. The Mann family has been cooperating for more than half a year, and has been losing money during this half year. But just last month, it finally started to make a profit, and it was a huge profit. Everyone wants to pay dividends and continue to invest money in Hillman On the plate newly opened by the family.

At this time, a man sitting in a drink shop on Golden Street sighed and stood up.

"I can't wait any longer. My daughter and wife are going to play today, and I promised to accompany them."

As the man spoke, he stood up and started walking, while several businessmen at the same table nodded and got up one after another. Some of the businessmen still went home.

The noise on Golden Street began to gradually subside, and many businessmen finally chose to go home for the New Year.

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